
Pokemon AU : A Dangerous World

The world is a dangerous, deadly place, and mankind vies for its very existence on a planet prowled by terrifying monsters and powerful creatures. Ash of Pallet Town, a talented trainer who knows this all too well sets out to change everything. Along the way he meets colorful characters, makes potent allies and wicked enemies, and crashes into a plot spanning all Kanto.

Imu_D_Boss · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

Chapter no.8

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Misty commented to Ash as they strolled along, "It sounds as though you were quite fortunate to get out of there at all." Have you encountered any fascinating Pokémon, or have you been too preoccupied with trying to remain alive to notice them?

"The primary objective was to maintain our viability," stated Ash. "Unfortunately, most Diglett are quite docile, so we only saw a couple of them," said the trainer. They won't trouble you if you don't disturb them first, so don't bother them. Although that wasn't the case, the Zubat caused us some trouble. Ash paused and held out his forearm, pointing out the semi-circular and now barely visible remnants of a bite mark. "Those flying leeches almost killed us more than once," Ash said as he pointed out the mark. "It's been a whole year since Pikachu and I emerged from that cave, and these still haven't vanished completely to my knowledge."

Misty gave the scar a cursory look before turning around and looking back down the path. She pointed out, in a noncondescending manner, that "at least you got to get out of there at all."

Ash responded, "I'm not complaining about anything." "I simply wanted to stress the importance of the fact that if it weren't for Pikachu, I'd be a dead body back in that cave."

Misty smiled and nodded as Ash continued to speak, focusing on the events he remembered, namely the fieldwork he had done with Professor Oak, and openly answering when she questioned him on some aspect of the stories or a specific detail related to those stories. They were sure to keep a steady pace the entire time they were walking, thus more than an hour went with no incidents. Pikachu, who was perched atop Ash's head, made the most of the additional light as the moon continued to climb higher into the sky. She maintained a vigilant watch over the fields that were located in the area. Growlithe, who was walking a short distance away from Ash, would routinely stop for a split second to take a whiff of the air. However, it would never pick up an unsettling odour, so it would continue walking while occasionally glancing over at Ash in an almost expectant manner. Ash would not be able to grab Growlithe.

After a period of stillness that lasted for twenty minutes, Ash broke it with a wry smile by saying, "So now you know the abridged version of the narrative of my life." "What's the deal with you? You've seen my Pokémon, but all I know about yours is that they favour water-based moves the majority of the time."

Before answering, Misty puckered up one of the corners of her lips. "There's not much to tell," she said. "There's not much to tell." "Ever since I was a tiny kid, I've been a Pokémon trainer, and the first Pokémon I ever had was a Squirtle. I like Water Pokémon." Then she gave a shrug. "Just what is it that you're curious about?"

After raising one shoulder, Ash allowed it to drop. "But, what about things going on at home? When you first started living on your own, where did you call home?

"Well," the trainer with orange hair remarked, attempting to speak in a manner that was neither unpleasant nor shady. When I was seven years old, both of my parents were killed when a wild Snorlax attacked the town where we lived. Since then, I've been living on my own.

Oh, murmured Ash in surprise. He backpedalled and said, "I'm sorry."

Misty remarked in a nonchalant manner, "It's not your fault." "No one really expects any dangerous Pokémon, especially not a wild Snorlax, to come lumbering into a town with a taste for blood in its mouth," said the trainer. "No one really expects any other wild Pokémon, either." There was a momentary pause on her part. "Everyone believes Snorlax are nothing more than huge oafs who spend their days doing nothing but sleeping, eating, and then sleeping some more."

"I wouldn't say that," Ash remarked while shaking his head. "At one point, Professor Oak cautioned me about Snorlax. He claimed that if they actually fully wake up, they are among of the most dangerous creatures that are still living.

Misty stated, "They do not wake up all that frequently." "And we need to be glad to our lucky stars that they don't. The one that attacked my town and killed ninety people, ten of whom were trainers who had just set up the city's gym, so of course they didn't know what they were doing," Misty began to wander off and comment on her own story as she continued to stare off. "None of them were aware that the fat on a Snorlax is dense enough to soak up pretty much everything you can hurl at it..." Her voice became less clear. She forced a grin on her face before saying, "I'm sorry." "Pardon me if I go off on a tangent."

Ash extended his hand to pet Pikachu on the head and responded, "That didn't bother me in the least." "You were patient during my tale. "But, you mentioned that you like water Pokémon. You wouldn't happen to be from Cerulean City, would you?" he asked. "But anyway, you mentioned that you like water Pokémon."

In spite of his best efforts, Ash was unable to capture the little shake that occurred when Misty was being filmed. She spoke with an even tone and declared, "I've been there once or twice." "Why? Have you ever travelled out to that point before?"

"No way," replied Ash. "I've never been passed Mt Moon.

Misty and Ash resumed their light talk and allowed Pikachu and Growlithe to handle the responsibility of monitoring their surroundings as they returned to their conversation. Even though the wind was coming from the north and was blowing the scents of any wild Pokémon away from the group, both trainers knew that the Pokémon would pick up on a nearby threat long before human senses would detect anything dangerous. This was especially true now that the wind was coming from the north. It seemed to Ash that a very short amount of time had passed as he and Misty made their way up the slope of the hill that, once they reached the summit, would provide a panoramic view of Pallet Town.

When Ash and Misty climbed closer to the peak of the hill, he lamented to his companion, "It's a shame you won't be able to view the town in the sunlight." "The way it sits between the three hills on the North, East, and West, and the sea to the South can be beaut-" Ash stopped speaking silently as a flickering beam of prismatic energy blasted into the sky from the opposite side of the hill. "The way it sits between the three hills on the North, East, and West, and the sea to the South can be beautiful." Pikachu and Growlithe froze in place at the same time. Pikachu's fur needled out once more as his cheeks sparkled, signalling that he was getting ready to launch an attack at the first sign of potential danger. The orange canine started growling and hunkering down while at the same time taking an instinctive step closer to Ash. A loud explosion shook the earth, and Ash and Misty came dangerously close to falling to their knees just as a flare of red fire shot into the sky, lighting up the darkness.

After regaining his balance, Ash remarked, "That was a Hyperbeam."

Misty deduced that it was a Fire Blast based on the appearance of the attack. "Whatever is going on, it's a big deal."

Ash made an effort to growl as he launched himself forward and began his ascent of the hill in a sprint.