
Chapter no.9

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"Ash!" Misty yelled, and she appeared to be reaching out to grasp him and keep him back. She hurried after him, catching up with the younger trainer in a matter of strides as she yelled after him, "What do you think you're doing?" They both reached the peak of the hill at precisely the same time, and just in time to see another massive explosion of fire leap out from the heart of Pallet Town. As the column of flame rose into the air, it showered the city with fiery embers, which were carried by the wind to ignite a great number of the town's wooden-framed structures.

Ash wasn't very interested in the fire at the time. He stammered something about "what the hell is that," practically unable to speak due to his shock. At the southernmost tip of the town stood a gigantic serpentine figure that was encircled in flames. It let out a roaring sound and appeared to glow red in the fires that were spinning around it like dervishes. The monster reared back, opened its gaping mouth, and belched out a torrent of fire that washed through the streets and ignited very nearly an entire city block. The fire washed through the streets and nearly an entire city block was ignited. At this point, acrid black smoke was already rising into the air and gathering over the town. It was hanging low enough to reflect much of the bloody light from the fires that were now spreading through the town back down, bathing the entire scene in a glow that could only be described as hellish.

Misty cocked her head to the side and remarked, "That's a Gyarados." "But, I've never seen one that colour before, let alone one that was that enormous." The enormous, crimson-colored Pokémon continued to rampage through the streets, blasting flames at anything that moved. By this point, Ash and Misty were able to make out figures racing through the streets seemingly at random, seeking safety in any building that was not on fire. The young lady guessed that it was at least a hundred and twenty feet long.

When Ash saw a Gyarados barrel through a house, shattering the building into shards, he clinched one of his fists in fury. How long has it been sitting in this spot? Ash wondered, a wave of rage and a sense of helplessness sweeping over him at the same time. The Gyarados executed a twist, which caused its tail to be raised into the air and then brought crashing down on top of another home. When he surveyed the entirety of Pallet Town from his perch atop the hill, he bemoaned the fact that the entire town was about to be destroyed by fire. Now, there wasn't a home or building in the entire town that wasn't already on fire or quickly threatening to ignite in the firestorm. The blaze had spread from one side of the town to the other.

As the fire expanded to a size where it could generate hurricane-force winds, Ash could feel the wind blowing past him and into the city. Now, he could see dead bodies all over the streets. Ash said, "I just can't." "I simply cannot allow this to continue..."

A bolt of lightning, crackling with electricity as it travelled through the air from the ground up, struck into the flank of the Gyarados, nearly knocking it over and causing it to roar in pain. Ash and the monstrous Pokémon both whirled around and followed the route of the bolt as it made a smoking arc back to its origin, which was revealed to be a Raichu. Next to the orange Raichu, Ash could make out the silhouettes of other Pokémon as well as a solitary human being.

"Professor!" he said out loud as soon as he recognised Oak as the person standing there. Ash rushed down the slope of the hill towards the conflict without sparing a second thought for his words, which could not be heard over the blazing conflagration that was occurring.

"Ash!" Misty yelled once more and then hesitated for a second before beginning to chase after him. As she moved, she reached for one of the pokeballs that she wore on her belt.

Ash, accompanied by Pikachu and Growlithe, dashed through the burning streets of Pallet Town, oblivious to the burned and, in many cases, still ablaze remains of the people he saw along the way. Pikachu began to glow and flicker with yellow light as it obeyed an unspoken command. In doing so, it was able to store a significant amount of power in the red patches that were located on its cheeks in preparation for the battle. Growlithe barely managed to keep up with the trainer and Pikachu despite the fact that it was laboriously panting and struggling against the bandages that impeded its respiration.

As Ash turned the corner, he discovered that he was less than fifty metres away from the Gyarados' and that he was immediately behind the monster, which was directing all of its concentration towards Professor Oak. The Professor was hit with yet another crystalline barrage of Gyarados's Hyperbeam as the Pokémon roared in anger. Oak trembled but continued to bark the order, "Light Shield!"

A red and white Pokémon about the size of a child leaped in front of Oak without showing the slightest sign of hesitance, extending its hands in front of it in a manner that was abnormally enormous. A yellow barrier of energy came to life between Mr. Mime's hands and then shot outwards to form a wall that was five metres tall and five metres wide. This wall was placed in the path of the Gyarados and the forces led by Oak. Once the Hyperbeam collided with the wall, Mr. Mime lost his balance and fell to one knee as the energy surge detonated and shook the earth underneath him. Mr. Mime immediately stood back up as a flurry of green leafs whirled in long arcs around the barrier, flying like missiles in the direction of Gyarados. The barrier flickered but continued to hold its ground throughout all of this.

Oak's Venasaur shook the plant on its back once more, causing another volley of Razorleafs to fly towards the monstrous Pokémon. These Razorleafs slashed into the Pokémon like shuriken and drew thin lines of blood across its body. Oak clenched one of his fists as Gyarados began to struggle, but he maintained his expressionless stoniness because he was aware that the tide of the battle may turn at any moment.

Ash said the name "Pikachu" in a voice that was shaking with both rage and fear. "Put every ounce of effort you have into it. If at all possible, finish this off with a single blow."

Pikachu gave a soft squeak of acknowledgment while blazing brightly like a light bulb. Pikachu unleashed a bolt of lightning with a hissing crackle that blasted forward from its cheeks and lanced into the back of the distracted Gyarados, shattering into a hundred arcs of electricity that raced over the Pokémon's carapace. The ground around Pikachu turned black as a result of the lightning's intense heat. The pain caused Gyarados to shudder and screech, and it came dangerously close to falling over.

Ash yelled, "Gotcha!" while pumping one arm and gritting his teeth, completely oblivious to the fact that Pikachu had swooned to one side and was on the verge of collapsing.

The trainer heard Oak yell "Ash!" as the Gyarados turned and refocused its attention on Ash, with pure rage and the intent to kill burning in its eyes. "Ash!" "Run away from this place!"

As the Gyarados reared back, getting ready to launch yet another assault, Ash and Pikachu jumped to the side and hid behind the debris that was left behind from a nearby building that had partially collapsed. "Growlithe!" After noticing that the dog was not moving and was instead lying in a heap in the middle of the road, panting and sweating, Ash growled at the animal.

Ash hurled himself back into the middle of the street and grabbed Growlithe in his arms, oblivious to both the searing heat that was draining his power and the imminent assault that was coming from the Gyarados. "Run!" As the Gyarados charged forward and opened its mouth, Oak let forth a roar. A ferocious volley of smoky fire was sent out from between the huge jaws of the creature and directed right at Ash. Pikachu was by Ash's side in a heartbeat, adamant that it would not allow its trainer to pass away alone.