

I jumped back twice as a torrent of Rattata gushed from the burrow with an odd Raticate here and there.

"Come on, Can't I be arrogant for a second, what's with these reality checks," I yelled at the sky.

Acting like a madman didn't stop me from releasing Nia though as I noticed yellow tokens attached to multiple Raticate.

"Water gun, focus on one Rattata before using powered-up Brine to sweep most of them."

"Spam Gust, Cet. Keep them away from me," I yelled climbing onto a rock away from the Rat Pokemon.

Two water guns hit a Rattata before a pressurised water beam crashed into the horde, knocking many out.

"Easy peasy!" I shouted, showing a victory sign with my hands.

"OH! Come on!" I yelled before wisely suppressing my words mid-shout.

The Rattata formed multiple hordes, with a Raticate as the centre of each horde.

If before they got divided Nia could have finished all of them with 2 or 3 shots, now she will need to double the amount, and they are trying to surround me from all sides.

Seeing this I just smirked and threw some food on my left side, as Cet was busy with the horde from the right and Nia was focusing on the middle ones.

At first, they just ignored it but after a single Rattata started eating the berry mix, every Rattata tried to eat some following the example laid by their brethren.

I calmly threw the food in the direction of their burrow hoping to group them up.

Only the Raticate appeared conflicted between choosing to gnaw my bones or the berries.

But before it could make its decision, I decided for it, ordering Nia to finish the hesitant Ratticate.

Nia left a barrier of bubbles around the remaining Rattata horde before flying to finish the lone Raticate.

'Hoo! Why is this hard to get these yellow tokens? If my Pokemon were land-based, then the Rattata would have swarmed them with Quick Attacks. Then they would have swarmed the poor me,' I grumbled as Nia finished the Raticate before joining Cet.

I slowly backed away from my position when the battle started not to let them concentrate on me due to my sudden movement, even though I was only partially successful in not drawing the aggro but with the help of the berry mix I was at a safe distance now.

I was crouching behind a solid boulder far away from the burrow and was observing my Pokemon manhandle or monhandle- in this case- the Rattata horde.

Cet and Nia were herding the Rattata near to each other.

'Now as long as there aren't any surprises, we will get those yellow tokens.' I grinned before the small rock the near boulder I was hiding behind grew eyes.

Four eyes stared at each other; each pair as surprised as the other.

I snapped out of my shock and slowly backed away tossing the berry mix near the Geodude.

It rumbled at me as I moved before sniffing and settling on eating the food.

Not waiting to see if it had its friends nearby I walked towards the burrow where the battle was reaching its peak.

Bubbles cornered the remaining Rattata, bursting and inflicting pain whenever a foolish rat tried to bite them.

Cet burned with an azure glow making all the Rattata concentrate on him with their whiskers raised.

He then dived into the horde on top of two huddled Raticate, knocking them out.

Just when another Raticate was going to jump on Cet with its fangs glowing, a pressurized beam of water smacked it onto the ground knocking the remaining Pokemon unconscious.

'Awesome teamwork as always,' I thought as my Pokemon defeated nearly 15 Rattata and 4 Raticate.

The Rattata's not having any ranged attacks helped tremendously but I believe my Pokemon could have taken care of them even if they had ranged moves.

I am serious, don't look at me like I am delusional.

Hey, I am warning you. Come here, I will show you the power of friendship. *cough**cough* Anyhoo!

I had Cet collect the tokens, before asking him to go into the burrow acting on a hunch.

 He came back and dropped an orange token in front of me.

'Awesome,' I exclaimed.

After Cet and Nia finished their treats, we moved on.

I wanted to go into caves to search for the orange tokens, and with Cet helping me it won't take long.

It took me the whole day to reach the mountain's top, checking every cave we came across.

I just waited outside the cave and had Cet search for the orange tokens.

We didn't find any. Though we battled some odd Geodude and paras gaining some green tokens. 

Now there was only one cave left which was at the top of the mountain.

I sent Cet into the cave after hitting every rock or boulder in my sight to check for the Geodude.

Getting close to being sucker punched by a Pokemon with a literal rock for the fist one time was enough for me.

After double-checking, I sat down to have dinner while Nia acted as a lookout.

Countless stars glinted in the sky around a giant moon, the freezing air on the top of the mountain did nothing to stop me from enjoying my dinner under the sea of countless stars.

I finished my dinner and arranged Nia's in her bowl.

As she was halfway through her dinner, I heard some sounds like something heavy was moving.

The dull and grating sound of some heavy Pokemon's legs hitting the rocky surface was unmistakable.

Just when I was considering hiding in the cave a Graveler walked out of the said cave, making sweat accumulate on my forehead for the near miss.

I slowly retreated away from the Graveler, towards an uneven surface littered with rocks as it surveyed its surroundings.

Hoping they will deter the Graveler from thinking that I am an easy roadkill.

And its tiny legs- when compared to the rest of its body- will make it difficult to transverse through the uneven ground to just walk up to me, I was hoping the terrain would make it reconsider at least.

The Wild Graveler would have towered over Trainer Lucas's Graveler, it was nearly 7 feet if I have to wager a guess.

 It lumbered towards Nia who stopped her meal to stare at the giant rock Pokemon.

As the Graveler walked towards Nia, she fired a warning shot in front of the Pokemon, just like she does when Cet tries to eat her food. 

Generally, the warning shot is enough for Cet to not mess with her, but this time her opponent was not the puppy bat.

"Nia! Fly back," I ordered.

She reluctantly flapped her wings and took to the air.

The Graveler took Nia's bowl and started to stuff the food into its mouth.

A pulse of water smashed into the eating Graveler.

"Nia, stop," I called out. I would have recalled her, but I was out of the luxury ball's range to do it.

The Graveler ignored the water pulse and continued eating.

After finishing the food, it tossed the bowl into its mouth before spitting it.

The bowl was crushed.

"Duc..Lett," Nia angrily called out its name, before firing multiple water guns at it.

The Graveler rumbled before using its four arms to bat the water guns away.

Peeking from behind a rock under the cover of darkness, I shouted for Nia to stop.

'This Graveler looked like it needed one last push to become an Apex, I should have recalled Nia as I made my retreat. I underestimated it and now am going to pay for it,' I thought as the Graveler lumbered towards Nia with slow but heavy steps.

 Nia either ignored me or couldn't hear me over the noise the Graveler was making as it moved, shaking the ground whenever it took a step.

Nia for her part looped around the Graveler before shooting multiple water guns.

The Graveler didn't even flinch from the continuous barrage of super-effective moves.

It slowly turned around weathering the hail of water guns.

The four hands of the Graveler batted away the incoming water guns after it faced Nia.

Nia tried to loop around the rock Pokemon to target its back.

The Graveler just rolled and righted itself this time.

'It is becoming serious,' I noticed.

Unconvinced, Nia looped around it again.

Only to see the Graveler right itself from its roll, facing the Ducklett. 

"Nia enough! Retreat-2T," I shouted as we even trained for situations like this.

This time it seemed she heard me, but it was too late.

As Graveler's lower hands threw the rocks two chunks of rock at the bird Pokemon.

Nia dived to escape the barrage but was clipped in its wing.

My Ducklett crashed onto the ground like a wingless plane.

"Her wing is broken," I mumbled shocked.

The Graveler started moving towards the fallen form of the Ducklett, snapping me out of my shock.


Sorry for the delay guys! I was out with some friends and didn't notice the time.

This and the next chapter weren't checked for grammar mistakes. I will do it tomorrow!