
Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

A man from an Earth gets the choice to start over in any Universe and chooses an Alternate Pokemon Universe. Let us see if his journey to the top is succesful and the impact he will have on his new world. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. I just use their sandbox for the plot of my MC and my OCs. This will be a "slow" paced story, in fact it's "super slow paced", so please don't expect the MC to directly start his journey in 20 chapters or so, actually multiply that by like 15. A lot is going to happen before that happens. The first 10-20 chapters or so are information heavy, depending on what kind of reader you are. I try to keep my chapter length between 2000 and 3000 words per chapter. My release rate is 4 chapter/week for now. I have a patre*n for those that want to support me with access to some advance chapters as a thank you. patre*n.com/Azrail93 This is an alternate pokemon universe so there will be differences to the games, manga and anime. So if something in the story is different it is most likely on purpose. The original sources are seen as suggestions not laws. Differences can be: Type variants, evolution conditions, strength mechanics, world building and more. If I am at some point asking for reader input I will do so but otherwise I will ignore most suggestions. So please don't spam things like catch this pokemon or do that next. I have my plot planned and external input will be considered when asked for. If I see a suggestion that I believe fit my plot flow I will use it and will credit the commentor. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome. I will try to correct said mistakes with time. Constructive criticism will be read and considered. Insult and hate comments will be ignored or deleted depending on severity. Readers naturally can comment their dislike but one worders will be ignored. If the reason for the dislike is explained I will read it. Like previously mentioned pure insults and hate comments will be ignored or deleted. The same is true for simple hate reviews or insulting ones. Reviews conplaining about something I warned about, such as the slow pace, will be deleted as well.

Azrail93 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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776 Chs

CH72 (202), Going Around Visiting Friends (4)

POV Rose

"See you on Kyoday, Mika!" I said before hanging up, and turning to my mama. She had been waiting beside me, while I was talking to Mika.

"Mama, Mika's coming on Kyoday. He said he'll be here after breakfast." I told her and she gave me an indulgent smile.

"I know honey. He told me about his visit before I handed the phone over to you. He asked if we were at home that day and only decided to visit after I told him we were at home. Isn't he such a considerate boy?" Mama replied and I nodded happily.

Mika was always thinking about everything. Even though he was two years younger than me, he was behaving like a perfect little adult. Seriously, sometimes I felt like he was more adulty than his or my parents.

He has always seemed more mature than he should be, but everyone said that was because of his cheating aura and psychic abilities. Hmpf, those were also why he was bigger than her despite being younger.

She wants to grow up as well, then he couldn't tease her about her height anymore, even if the head pats were nice. She turned 11 in a few months, then she would only have to wait for two or so more years before she started growing again.

"Why are you pouting honey?" Mama asked in amusement and I quickly shook my head.

"Nothing, I'm not pouting," I denied before changing the topic. "I'm going to my room. I still have to revise some old material for the final exams. There's still a lot I have to go through if I want to get a full score."

"You don't need a perfect score, honey. You can go to any school you want with less. I don't want you to overwork yourself," Mama hugged me while she said that, and like always, a warm hug made me smile.

"I want to try my best," I replied but mama kept staring into my eyes until I faltered, "but I'll make sure to rest if I feel tired."

Mama smiled when I said that, and I gave her a quick hug before going to my room. Mama and papa had been telling me to take it easier more than once, but I wanted to make them proud.

Mika had awesome abilities, and he was so smart and mature. I knew mom and dad were really impressed by him, and I had none of those things, so I wanted to try my best to make them proud of me.

Acing the finals and entering the best tertiary school was not my only plan. Training my Pokemon was another one. My parents and Mika were helping with that one, and I was going to get strong enough to protect them.

Seeing the stack of exercise books I had to go through I felt a bit jealous of Mika's ability to quickly memorize stuff, but I swiftly got rid of that thought. Because I did not have that ability, acing the exams was going to be even more impressive than Mika doing it, so I was sure mom and dad would be delighted.

I spent the next two hours going over my math notes. Ugh, I really disliked those the most, and I'm sure no one liked them. After putting the notebook back on the stack, I turned to Princess/Vulpix, Ivy/Eevee, and Boom/Whismur.

Spending time with my Pokemon was always relaxing, especially petting the tails of Princess and Ivy. That always calmed me down. After my little break, I went back to my stack and pulled out the history notebook, before trying to remember a lot of dates and events.

Most of those were pretty boring, why couldn't history be full of action tales or love stories, then it would be much easier to memorize everything.

Anyway, I heard mama calling me for lunch, so I placed the history book back on the stack and made my way to the kitchen together with Princess, Ivy, and Boom.

After lunch, I went to the park we always train in together with mama. I wanted everyone to brush up on their moves so that we could impress Mika when he showed up.

He had given us some useful tips the last time we saw each other and I wanted to show him that his help had not gone to waste. Mika was taking that trainer stuff really, really seriously, so I was sure he would be happy with our progress.

He had told us to focus on only two moves for now, and mama and papa had agreed with him. So, we had talked about which ones to focus on and settled on Flamethrower and Fire Spin for Princess, Swift and Copycat for Ivy, as well as Echoed Voice and Howl for Boom.

They had all gotten really good with their two moves over the months, and I could not wait to see Mika's face when he saw how awesome Princess and the others had become. Mama and papa had already praised us, so we knew that we had done a good job.

The days until Mika's visit mostly went by like that, with the two meet-ups with some classmates happening in between, and then it was Kyoday. I excitedly waited for Mika's arrival after finishing breakfast. I was planning to throw him over with a flying hug.

"Calm down, princess. Mikail said he would arrive after breakfast, but that does not mean he's going to show up straight after you're done eating." Papa said teasingly and mama chuckled at his side.

"I know that, but I'm sure he's going to show up really soon. He knows we eat breakfast around 9, so he should be here at about 10," I retorted.

"Exactly, and there are still 20 minutes till 10, so no need to get worked up," Mama spoke up, not giving me a chance to retort.

What she said was true after all. Dad pinched my cheek when he saw that I had conceded and I pouted at him. We went to the living room and papa opened the news channel.

My parents became a bit serious when it was mentioned that some Dragon Master Drake stopped a sea tide in Hoenn, but they relaxed when the anchor said that Drake guy managed to dissolve the tide. I did not understand why they got more worried than normal.

Instead of keeping the question to myself, I decided to directly ask them. "Ne, mama, papa, why were you so worried when that mister Drake was mentioned?"

"Dragon Master Drake is one of the strongest Master-class trainers that we have, so him interfering in the situation means that it had been a really severe crisis. A tide like that could not only be catastrophic to Hoenn but also spill over to the mainland and to Kanto as well as Johto." Dad explained and I understood why they were so worried for a moment.

"That would have been bad!" I expressed my thoughts out loud.

"Yeah, it would have been, but as you've seen we have trainers that can shoulder the danger. These trainers are the cornerstones that keep all of humanity safe, and that's why trainers are so respected." Mama added and I nodded in understanding.

I was sure Mika would become someone like that in the future, and I wanted to help him when that happened. I believe that I could at least become strong enough to help him a little.

I did not want to be left behind. Mika was great with Pokemon training, and I should be able to get strong enough with his help. After that, we returned to watching TV, however, I was starting to get a bit impatient after waiting for half an hour.

Just as I was thinking about calling Mika the doorbell rang. Mama went up and opened the door. I ran towards Mika as soon as he stepped inside and jumped at him in a flying hug.

"Mika! Welcome!" I shouted midflight before crashing into him.

However, besides leaning back a bit, nothing else happened. Buuu, Mika was too strong to get bowled over. I heard Mika chuckle. "Hello, Rose. What an impactful greeting." He said in amusement before he patted my head.

"It's nice to see you," he added after letting me down, then he turned to mama and greeted her as well. We moved towards the living room and Mika and papa greeted each other as well before we sat down.

We were talking about some of the things we were doing since our last meeting when I saw some news regarding a concert/performance that was going to be held by the "Tuff-Puff Sisters" in Amber City today at 5 p.m. The others noticed my distraction and caught the end of the news.

"Rose, do you want to go to that performance? I'm sure I can get us some tickets if you do." Mika asked me and I took a look at my parents before answering. I saw them having encouraging looks, so I nodded.

"Yeah, I heard they were really great, so I've been wanting to go to one of their performances for some time," I admitted and Mika just smiled in return.

"Alright, let me search for some tickets real quick," he said before turning to my parents and asking if they wanted to come along as well.

Papa said that he would stay at home, but mama was going to come along. They argued a bit about the tickets. Papa was trying to pay for them, but Mika directly paid for all three tickets and did not accept papa's offer to pay.

After the tickets were bought we went to a park and I had Princess, Ivy, and Boom show Mika the moves they trained. He praised all three before he began advising them on how to improve their moves even more.

Afterward, he gave each one of them a massage. He started with Princess, and Ivy as well as Boom crowded him in anticipation of their turn. They apparently had not forgotten his last massage.

All three loved his massaging skills and I saw that they were really relaxed after Mika was done, so I recalled them to let them rest inside their Pokeballs. Once I did that Mika turned to me.

"After we return from the concert, I'll show you how to do some more massage moves that will help your Pokemon relax some more. It will help them recover faster after training."

"Really, that's great!" I blurted out due to excitement and rushed up to him to hug him.

Mika had shown me some massage movements before and they had been really useful, so more of them were always welcome. I let him go and we went to eat lunch.

Mama, papa, and I watched in fascination as Mika ate as much as all three of us together. This was not the first time we saw Mika eat such large amounts, but it was still impressive each time we saw it.

I used to wonder how he did not get fat, but I was told it was because he was training so much that his body needed large amounts of energy. So, he either had to eat so much food or some energy-rich food.

I had to laugh when he tilted his head at our stares and mama and papa joined me as well. After lunch we went back home, papa began watching TV while mama and I got ready for the concert. Mika joined papa while he was waiting for us.

I quickly washed up and changed before going to mama to look if she was done as well. I saw that she was finished, so we went to the living room together.

Papa gave us compliments telling us we looked great. Mika quickly joined him when mama turned her gaze to him. I followed her example and stared at him as well. Then we left our house and went to the Teleportation Hub.

POV Mikail

We teleported to Amber City and made our way to the Performance Hall. I showed our tickets at the entrance and we made our way to our seats. The performance started right on time and I had to admit the performance was great.

The three women with their Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff put on a great concert. They combined singing with dancing and moves that focused on visuals. I saw that Rose was really enjoying the concert she was practically glowing in excitement.

The performance went on for 2 hours with two short breaks in between. Once the performance was over Rose wanted to see if she could get an autograph, so we decided to try our luck and went up to the "Tuff-Puff Sisters".

Luckily, the sisters were amiable enough and the security let us close enough. In the end, Rose got her autographs and we returned to their home, this time via Horus Express. Rose excitedly began to tell her dad about the concert/performance.

We ordered some pizza for dinner, and afterward Rose and I went to her room. I showed her 9 relatively easy massage motions, 3 for each of her Pokemon. I used the plushies she had of her Pokemon to make sure she had the moves somewhat down before I put on a serious face.

I got a promise from her to keep a secret from her and using my aura as well as psychic senses I made sure she meant her promise. Once she did I gave her a pretty good recipe for Vulpix, Eevee, and Whismur each that were not too demanding ingredients-wise and easy to prepare.

I took out the ingredients and showed her how to prepare the food. Afterward, I supervised her twice while making the food herself. She did a passable job, so I praised her and gave her some ingredients as stock. I told her she could ask her parents for more if she ran out.

She thanked me happily and I decided that it was time for me to go home since it has become quite late. So, after saying farewell to Rose, Uncle Thorn, and Aunt Lily I went back home.


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The drawing(s) of Azuraid can now be found on patre'on.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 1/6 for this week.

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on. Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on.

If my second patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate will be increased to 7 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


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