
Pokemon: Aichi Sendou

Aichi Sendou a guy chosen by the gods not because of his circumstances but because of him meeting the gods so called “requirements". Has now been to the world of Pokemon in the humble area known to him as Twinleaf town. A new adventure for a person given another a chance in life, how will he grasp his fate? Let’s find out! ()()() No harem! Sinnoh Region! Dawn Supremacy! This will have no Update schedule as this is a fanfic I will be typing when I’m bored or when I can’t use my pc to make a Naruto chapter. I can’t write on my other fanfic without using a pc to search stuff up as I don’t want to get stuff wrong. But for a Pokemon fanfic I should be fine as I’ve been playing Pokemon since I was five. ()()()

Ruos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

Another One (48)

-Teleport me to the Teleport Centre Slowbro- I say through my telepathic link. Looking back at the long hallway that leads towards the Oreburgh gym's battlefield, I smile.

I'm still gonna be meeting with the gang a couple of times before the league starts but they will be very scarce as I'll be busy.

When grinding the only thing that should be processed is training. Thats unless I'm doing something important like joining a movies plot and yoinking a Pokemon.

While I'm at it I should buy Dawn some gifts before I meet her on these occasions.

'I'll put this in my notes real quick.' I say to myself as I pull my phone out.

I have a rough idea on when I'm going to see the gang again but I will make some major progress before then.

There's a lot to do so I won't delay some of my plans any longer, the more I procrastinate the less time I get to train.

Which means less power and progress for my Pokemon. Talking about progress I should join some major battle institutes around the world and probably lose, but the experience is worth it.

'It's time to visit Scovil, a place famous for its flying type battle tournaments.' I think to myself as a hue of pink starts to engulf me.

After a few seconds, my body vanished as I reappear in an empty spot in front of the Teleport centre.

-Thanks buddy- I tell my companion as my dizzy mess starts to rub off. Taking a treat from my spatial ring, I give it to the proud looking Pokemon. Slowbro with its chest puffed up, gladly takes the food with an infectious lazy face.

-Thanks Master!- Slowbro replies while he happily chows down on the treat.

Now in front of the Teleport centre, I make my way inside and book a teleport. It shouldn't take too long to get to my destination.

"So this is Scovil." I mumbled out. Walking around the lively place, I started to make my way towards a certain mountain cliff.

This town is a place that's being caved in, in almost every direction which creates the illusion of it being stuck inside the earth. Because of this the town can generate a lot of wind currents which can make a flying type Pokemon flourish.

Even then the town still thrives under all of the barren lands and sand because of the support and revenue it gets from visitors who teleport to this place.

A tournament is gonna start in a few weeks time, which will attract heaps of tourists.

The tournament is kind of entertaining though, I've seen it on the TV over the years and thought it would be a good past time while on the journey, but I don't have a few weeks to waste.

This isn't the reason I'm here.

Something I am interested in is a Pokemon near this area. It should be causing a ruckus around this time but nothing is guaranteed so I shouldn't expect too much.

Now getting closer to the outside of Scovil town, I hear several people talking about a specific incident about a Pokemon.

Getting a little interested, I started to snoop around and listen in to some conversations.

"Damn did you hear that the metal menace has been causing a ruckus again?" A civilian says. Hearing this my ears start to perk up as I slow down my movements.

"Yeah he's back at it again beating Magnezone in its own territory!" The other guy replies in excitement. "The video is everywhere, I wish I could catch it." He adds at the end.

"We should head towards the tour-" after listening to everything I "needed", I slowly make my way towards district 5 which leads me to a Rocky Mountain range.

Looking up at all the cliffs, I start to frown.

'This will take a little bit.'

With this I called out Gram (Aegislash) from my shadow to fly me upwards.

-Master I sense multiple Pokemon fighting- Gram mentions in our telepathic link. Nodding at his words, I pull out an Ultra ball from my ring and just hold onto it.

"Take us to the fighting Gram." I say. This "Metal Menace" seems to like fighting so this would increase my odds of finding him.

Gram hearing me, makes his way towards the fighting. We visited a few battles but didn't find many interesting things, but after a few hours of searching I felt a strong psychic presence.

Looking on ahead, I could see two Pokemon fighting inside a dust cloud.

"Golem!" The now identified Golem shouts as it uses [Rock Throw]. Its opponent who is a shiny white colour, gets hit by the rocks which sends it flying.


Seeing this scene I grin. Golem is a pretty good and underrated Pokemon, any Pokemon can become strong as long as it's trained and committed. But a beast like him who has lived in the wild is even better than a bred starter at times.

It surviving and becoming an apex predator not only confirms it monstrous talents, but also shows it potential and instincts.

Even though Golem isn't who I'm looking for, I won't shy away from catching loads of Pokemon as the average trainer has over 20+ Pokemon.

[A/N: A trainer having 20+ Pokemon as the average amount is a fact in the anime]

Before I could admire the Golem more though, a huge white glow starts to emanate from where the Golem's opponents impacted.

"Golem?" The wild Pokemon says in confusion as its stuck in place due to the strong power being reflected from the evolving Pokemon.

With the dust cloud dissipating, I squint my eyes as I engrain my current view into my mind.

"Woah." I say in shock

"Gross, METAGROSS!" The Pokemon roars out. Looking at the gold and white iron leg Pokemon, I start to feel a shiver go down my body.

"Now this is what I've been looking for!" I shout with a wide smile. The two fighting Pokemon still not noticing Gram and I because of the tunnel vision of battle, start to engage again.