
Pokemon: Adventures

Surprisingly, Ash has a big brother.

justimagine · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Pewter City

Viridian city, Poke center

The scene of the poke center wasn't too good, it was in ruins and construction was going on.

But since it was Emergency, they directly went to talk to nurse Joy.

"Nurse Joy, my Ivysaur please help him," Quinn nearly cried in front of Nurse Joy.

Two Chansey accompanied nurse and the treatment started immediately.

After the situation was under control, Vidal saw Office Jenny coming towards him.

"You look new here. Show me you ID."

Vidal took out his Pokedex and handed it to Officer Jenny.

"It looks like team Rocket has already done its deeds," Vidal mumbled looking around the Pokecenter.

"Another trainer from Pallet town, but you look older than other trainer. You look a little familiar though."

"Yes, I started a little late. My brother should have already met you."

"Your brother."

"Yes, a boy wearing a cap and with a Pikachu should have passed from here."

"Oh him, yeah I remember."

They chatted for a time and finally Quinn returned with fully healed Ivysaur.

"How come your Staryu is so powerful," Quinn asked.

"We just train a lot." Vidal told the truth, Quinn left Vidal with Ivysaur.

"If you want to fight in Gym, currently Viridian city gym is closed so you have to wait some time. Or you can go to other gym," Jenny said.

Looks like Giovanni is still experimenting, let's not disturb him for now otherwise I won't be able to see Mewtwo.

Since he was already here, Vidal made a call to Professor Oak.

"Professor, so are you receiving the Pokémon through transport system."

"Yes, you are faster than I have thought," Professor was smiling.

"I have other five with me. I will be sending them to you now," putting the five poke ball in the transport system they were safely transported to Professor Oak lab.

"Professor, it is taking me quite a long time to travel from one place to another which is decreasing my speed of catching Pokémon. So if you can me get a way of transportation."

"I cannot do anything big but can send you a voucher to get a bike from the nearest pokemarket."

"Thank you, professor. You are the best. And you could attach a little bit of money with the voucher my speed might increase even more. You know, running around makes people hungry."

"I see." Professor Oak went silent afterward and the call ended.

Vidal spent rest of the day walking around the city, looking at new type of Pokémon and eating some delicious food along with Staryu.

His bag was filled with Pokeblocks, Staryu didn't want to leave the shop after tasting them. Vidal emptied his pocket.

Vidal also got new bike and fishing rod; he was going to catch some water Pokémon for Professor Oak; he sent quite a lot of money after all.

Because of the Gym being closed in Viridian city the number of trainer were very low in the area.

Vidal has pretty good idea of which Pokémon to include on his team, and for that he was patience to encounter them during the journey.

But his journey was not fast, stopping by Viridian forest to catch Pidger, Nidoran, Nidorano, Pikachu, and many more, his just wanted to reach Pewter city first at this moment.

Pewter city,

Vidal was having second thought whether he should stop catching Pokémon for Professor Oak, but he didn't want to work to get money in the middle of adventure.

"I will finally able to see Brock and win first Gym badge," Vidal thought, than again another thought appeared.

'I am late to reach here. Means Ash has already come to this City and Brock already left with him.' He ran towards the Gym.

A group of happy kids were coming out with a shiny Badge in hand.

"The Gym battles are too easy."

"I thought gym battles are going to be hard but it was piece of cake."

"I was right. His father should have returned to the Gym," Vidal face sunk.

Entering the Gym, Flint was carrying a baby in his arm feeding milk and others were surrounding him.

"Another Challenger," a child pointed at Vidal.

"Good, the rules are simple. One Pokémon, one match, if you win you get the boulder badge."

"Go Geodude." Flint took his Pokémon out, still feeding his child on arms.

'I thought I would be able to test Staryu, but the situation has changed.'

"I will return back at late night when they are all asleep. And I want to fight the Flint who wanted to became Pokémon master," thinking it should be enough to push him, Vidal left.

Flint expression became solemn; he hadn't faced such situation after Brock left. Someone came to have a serious Pokémon battle, a fire ignited in his heart.

Flint hasn't felt such fighting spirit after failing to become a Pokémon master.

Vidal has challenged Flint so boldly, but he cannot be carefree just yet. After all a person who has rich experience in Pokémon battles and has walked on the path to become a Pokémon trainer is not easy opponent.

And it hasn't even been one month he has started to train with Pokémon. So being cautious wouldn't harm him.

Vidal called out Staryu and took out the water stone putting it in front of Staryu, "It is your decision whether to evolve or not."

Without hesitation, Staryu touched the stone and evolved into Starmie.

If we were to talk on paper data, Starmie is powerful than Staryu and with the training the boost isn't just simple.

On the forest back of Pewter Museum of Science, Vidal and Starmie were ready to test on how much the boost was in the power.

Pointing at different tree and branches water gun was tested. And just this test was enough for him to get the jest of how powerful Starmie has gotten.

"Try to use psychic moves, any you can try."



"It needs more training in the future."

"Let's go back we will rest and get ready for the gym battle."

It wasn't necessary for him try out any other high power moves like hydro pump and surf as they were powerful on themselves.

For Starmie the moves that were needed were now hidden attribute moves and training to make the already learned moves more powerful.

At this moment both water and psychic moves were very effective against rock type Pokémon. It will be different case if Flint used different type Pokemon.

But losing wouldn't hurt him, it will be more clear what level Starmie has reached.