
Pokemon: A New Path

Naoki, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the vibrant Pokémon world. Inheriting a charming, yet modest ranch, he dreams of a tranquil life surrounded by adorable and fluffy Pokémon. Despite the challenges, Naoki's heart is set on crafting a life filled with simple joys and magical meals that bring him and his Pokémon closer together. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cover image. If you are the rightful owner and would like it removed, I will take it down promptly. ------- This is a Translation ------- Raw Name: 这次不当训练家了 Original Author: 骑车的风 If you want early access join my Patreon :- patreon.com/Keepsmiling818

keep_smiling29 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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227 Chs

Geeta Recruitment

The firelight flickered in the room as the little Tinkatuff lay on a square pillow. The dancing flames in the fireplace cast long shadows on the walls, making them flicker in rhythm with the flames.

The little Tinkatuff felt like it was dreaming.

In the dream, a fire had broken out in the forest, and the snarling flames were like the claws of a monster, constantly approaching.

The raging fire burned everything, turning its home into a nightmarish purgatory in an instant.

It saw other Pokémon being consumed by the flames, and more and more began to flee.

Tinkatuff joined the stampede of Pokémon, running with the wind howling in its ears and the heat of the flames chasing from behind.

The temperature around it rose higher and higher, as if the flames were about to engulf it entirely.

Tinkatuff let out a cry of fear and suddenly jolted awake.

The all-consuming fire was gone, and so were the fleeing Pokémon.

Instead, Tinkatuff found itself in an unfamiliar place.

There was still a trace of fear on its face as it gasped for breath, like someone who had narrowly escaped drowning.

Just then, a voice came from beside it.

"You're awake?"

Tinkatuff turned to see a human.

The memories came flooding back, and Tinkatuff recalled everything.

They had escaped the fire and been saved by the human standing before it.

But what about the other Pokémon that had escaped with it?

Panic set in as Tinkatuff looked around the room, searching for its companions.

Seeing its movements, Naoki understood what it was worried about.

"If you're looking for Minccino, you can find them outside in the orchard," Naoki said with a gentle smile.

Hearing this, Tinkatuff tried to get up and go outside. It remembered how Minccino had stopped to save it from the flames, and how the poor Pokémon's tail had been burned in the process.

Naoki didn't stop Tinkatuff. After its rest, it had regained much of its strength and no longer appeared as weak as before.

He followed Tinkatuff outside, and together they found Minccino hiding safely in the orchard.

Tinkatuff breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're much better now," Naoki said, "but you still need to rest. Stay here at my ranch for the time being. After winter, I'll help rebuild your home, and you can return to the mountains and forests."

Naoki explained that the Paldea League would also send people to help restore the area's ecology. Once the forest recovered, the rescued Pokémon would be released back into the wild to live in their homes again.

Hearing this, Tinkatuff seemed to relax a little more.

It turned to Naoki and quietly murmured, "Woo-woo.."

Naoki smiled. "I even made a little nest for you. Would you like to try it? You can stay with the others."

Though safe, Tinkatuff's heart hadn't fully recovered from the ordeal. It hung its head and whispered softly, "Woo-wah."

Seeing the fragile little Tinkatuff, Naoki found it hard to connect this timid Pokémon with the fearsome "Paldea's Forge Master" described in the Pokédex.

The Forge Master refers to it's final evolution, Tinkaton, a Pokémon known not only for its intelligence but also for its bravery. Despite its small and cute appearance, Tinkaton is said to wield a giant hammer strong enough to crush Steelix.

Naoki gently guided Tinkatuff to the wooden hut he had prepared for it.

The little Tinktuff glanced back at Naoki, then walked into the cozy hut under his encouraging gaze.

Naoki smiled as he watched.

Finally, all the injured Pokémon had found a safe place to rest.

It was not yet dark, and the Pokémon didn't stay in their nests. They were scattered throughout the orchard, all in a somber mood.

Naoki understood this. After all, what had happened recently was traumatic, and it was normal for them to take some time to adjust.

He gathered the Pokémon and said gently, "You can pick any fruit from the trees in this orchard and eat it. If you want to wander around, feel free to find Pawmot or Alcremie."

The ripening period for the berries on the trees was much shorter than for regular fruit. These berries would be more than enough to sustain the Pokémon through the winter.

The group of Pokémon nodded in agreement, indicating they understood.

Before Naoki knew it, it was already five o'clock in the evening.

Zack arrived in his truck to collect the day's goods.

He had clearly heard about the forest fire in the back hills.

"This is so tragic," Zack sighed heavily.

"Yes," Naoki replied, thinking about the Pokémon that had lost their lives in the fire. "It's going to take a long time for the ecosystem to recover, and these Pokémon have been deeply hurt, both physically and emotionally."

"All we can do is help them through this tough time," Zack added, equally saddened by the situation.

"Everything will be okay," Naoki said, trying to offer a glimmer of hope.

Zack smiled at his optimism. "You're right! If we all work together, we'll definitely overcome this."

He handed Naoki the payment for the day's milk, waved goodbye, and drove off from the ranch.

After seeing Zack off, Naoki felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him.

From early morning until now, he hadn't taken a moment to rest. After helping put out the fire, he had immediately taken the ranch's Pokémon to check the back mountain, then returned to build the wooden huts for the rescued Pokémon.

Naoki yawned. Though he was incredibly tired, he pushed through and started preparing dinner with the help of the younger Indeede sibling.

After dinner, Naoki went to fill the troughs for the Gogoats and Miltank, then herded the hens back into their coop for the night.

The Indeede siblings were visibly tired too. Seeing how exhausted everyone was, Naoki decided to hang a "Closed" sign at the tavern, so the siblings could get some well-deserved rest.

That night, the lights at the ranch were turned off early, and Naoki, along with all the Pokémon, quickly fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning, a brand-new day began.

The weather was pleasant, and the temperature, which had dropped the previous day, had risen slightly.

Early in the morning, Naoki began mowing the grass with a lawnmower, preparing to collect fresh grass to make new grass dishes for the Gogoats.

It's worth mentioning that, to ensure his Gogoats could enjoy fresh grass dumplings during winter, Naoki had filled an entire storage shed with fresh grass. 

All of this grass had been carefully preserved by sealing it in crystal-clear ice and storing it in Glaceon's ice cellar. This way, whenever needed, Naoki could take out a block, let it thaw, and prepare green grass dumplings. 

While Naoki was busy working in the pasture, a new visitor arrived at the ranch. 

Geeta, the chief champion of the Paldea League, stood on the road, gazing at the bustling ranch before her. 

"Is this the champion-level trainer Jenny mentioned?" Geeta murmured to herself. 

Just as she stepped through the ranch's entrance, three Dragonites soared overhead, each carrying a small delivery bag. 

Geeta looked up, her expression filled with surprise. 'Could this rancher be a champion-level trainer specializing in Dragon-types? 

She followed the flight path of the Dragonites, noticing they were heading toward the town. 

Jenny had mentioned some rumors about this ranch the previous evening. Seeing the Dragonites now, Geeta thought they must be the delivery Pokémon Jenny had referred to. 

"Quite the luxury," Geeta remarked softly. "But Dragonite is certainly well-suited for the job." 

She assumed these Dragonites were among the main Pokémon of the ranch's owner. 

However, as Geeta turned her gaze, she spotted another Pokémon stretching lazily on the grass not far away. 

It was a tall, majestic creature with a scarlet-scaled body, a mane of vibrant feathers, and striking golden eyes. 

Sensing her presence, the Pokémon opened its eyelids, locking eyes with Geeta. 

For a moment, Geeta stood frozen in place. 

'Is that… the Paradox Pokémon that Professors Sada and Turo had been studying? '

'The one known as the Winged King, recorded in the Scarlet Tome? '

As the leader of the Paldea League, Geeta was well aware of the existence of Area Zero and the enigmatic Paradox Pokémon within. 

Access to Area Zero was restricted—anyone wishing to enter had to apply through the League and receive approval from Geeta herself. 

"No… Koraidon shouldn't be here," she whispered, instinctively denying the sight before her. 

She knew that only two of these powerful and unpredictable Paradox Pokémon had ever been summoned outside of Area Zero. 

If Koraidon was here, then what was left at the heart of Area Zero's deepest lab? 

But the look Koraidon gave her was impossible to dismiss. 

Even if she found it hard to believe, the creature standing before her wasn't an illusion—it was real. 

So who was this mysterious rancher? 

How had he managed to befriend and train such an unpredictable and untamed Pokémon as Koraidon? 

At that moment, Naoki received a message from Butterfree, alerting him that someone had entered the ranch. 

He set down his tools and made his way over. From a distance, he saw Geeta, dressed in her distinctive black-and-blue champion's uniform, staring at Koraidon with a look of amazement. 

Naoki raised his eyebrows and stepped forward to greet her. "Champion Geeta?" 

Geeta snapped out of her thoughts and turned toward Naoki, studying his face. 

"Have we met somewhere before?" she asked politely, frowning slightly. 

Naoki paused, thinking carefully. With his darker complexion, stronger physique, and new hairstyle, it was no wonder she didn't recognize him at first. 

"Yes," he explained. "During the time the giant Dragonite visited the Paldea region." 

Geeta's eyes widened in recognition. "It's you?" 

Naoki gave a small nod. "It's me." 

"No wonder…" Geeta murmured, her voice filled with realization. "No wonder you were able to command that giant Dragonite. It makes sense now—you must be a champion-level trainer." 

Naoki blinked, stunned. "Champion? What champion?" 

Geeta looked puzzled. "Aren't you the one who helped put out the fire yesterday? The Dragonite's trainer?" 

Naoki scratched his head in confusion. "I mean, yes, I helped, but... I'm just a rancher." 

For a moment, Geeta seemed taken aback, but then she smiled as if everything suddenly made sense. 

Naoki: "...What exactly do you understand?" 

Geeta straightened, getting back to business. 

"Mr. Naoki, regardless of your title, I want to express the Paldea League's gratitude. On behalf of the League, I'd like to offer you a favor. Whether it's money, a Pokémon, or even a position within the League, we'll do our best to accommodate your request." 

She added with a touch of excitement, "I'd personally love to recruit you—perhaps as a Gym Leader." 

Naoki chuckled, feeling both flattered and a little exasperated. "A Gym Leader? Really?" 

He couldn't help but shake his head. "I think I'll pass. I enjoy running the ranch too much to become a 'corporate slave,' like some of my friends." 

Geeta gave a regretful sigh but pressed on, hopeful. "Are you sure? The League offers generous compensation, and you could still manage the ranch alongside your duties. Many trainers have dual roles—it's not as complicated as it sounds." 

Naoki gave her a polite smile. "I really appreciate the offer, but these Pokémon depend on me. I couldn't leave them." 

Geeta glanced at the group of Pokémon gathered around Naoki, looking both scruffy and content in his presence. She sighed. "I understand. But if you ever change your mind, don't hesitate to contact me." 

She smiled warmly. "That said, the first two offers still stand. Please, consider it a small token of our appreciation—and well-earned, too." 

Naoki hesitated. He wasn't sure what to say. 

Money wasn't something he desperately needed at the moment. But the mention of Pokémon made him think—his mind wandered to the affectionate Eevee family and the loyal Growlithe he'd always admired. 

He began to fall into deep thought. What should he choose?

Seeing that Naoki was still hesitant, Geeta smiled warmly. "You can take your time to think about it. Our gratitude isn't going anywhere. When you've made up your mind, just let me know."

Naoki nodded, appreciating the time to consider his options.

In his mind, he thought about possibly finding an Eevee from a nearby town or even taking his chances with a Growlithe in the wild. The thought of finally having one of these Pokémon made him feel a bit giddy inside.

With the formalities out of the way, Geeta's gaze drifted back to Koraidon. Curiosity flickered in her eyes as she asked, "Is that your Pokémon?"

Naoki looked at Koraidon, who gave him a curious glance, then back at Geeta. Thoughts swirled in his mind.

He knew that access to Area Zero—the mysterious crater managed by the Paldea League—was heavily restricted. Any outsider wishing to explore it had to obtain permission from the League. Professors Sada and Turo had established observatories and research institutes within the crater, only possible through the League's support.

'As the chief champion of the Paldea League, Geeta must already be aware of the Paradox Pokémon,' Naoki thought.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Naoki decided to tell the truth. "Yes, this is Koraidon. Dr. Sada named it. It appeared at my ranch about eight months ago. Dr. Sada entrusted me with its care, hoping I could uncover more ecological information through my observations."


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