

In the previous chapter we see how our heroes go directly to the MT. Moon, but along the way they meet a Nidoran injured by Team Rocket, who after defeating him joined Nancy's team, this being his second Pokémon, in addition to a passionate confession by Ash that made Nancy Ash's first partner.

With Ash.

Since we became an official couple and until the Pokémon Center, Nancy did not let go of my arm for a moment while smiling from ear to ear, I must admit that there were some kisses from time to time along the way, which made Pikachu smile with a troll face, I do not like that look.

After arriving at the Pokémon Center it was already night, so after curing our Pokémon, the 6 enjoyed a generous dinner, today's dinner was a noodle soup, with a steak of what seemed to be chicken, better not to ask what it was really, soda was a cola, obviously there was no famous brand that we all know, but even so I must admit that it was just as good, and for dessert I ordered a cheesecake while Nancy a chocolate one, the problem is that every couple that begins to date drowns in love for a while, and that was precisely what happened to Nancy.

It became sticky to the point of feeding me in food, it's not that I complain, in fact, I like it and it's not a complaint either, it's more of an observation, I just wanted you to know how our relationship evolved from friends to couple.

After a nice dinner, we went to our room courtesy of the Pokémon Center, but then put on our pajamas, and surprisingly, Nancy slept with me.

"Aren't you going to sleep in your bed?" – I asked in surprise.

"No, now we are a couple, and couples sleep together, that's a fact" – that's what he answered.

Well, it's not that I complain, in fact, before sleeping there was an intense session of kissing and a little touching, luckily Pikachu was super tired and fell asleep right away.

What else are we going to have sex? Obviously yes, but not here, for god's sake, we are in the middle of nowhere, in a Pokémon Center, in addition Nancy confessed to me that she was a virgin, so this is not the right place for her first time, in addition I also discovered something very curious, apparently in this world there was no what we call "Roll of a night", no, here if you dated someone you had to be serious, no casual sex and then everyone to their things, in the Pokémon world if you became a couple and had sex, that partner would be your partner for life.

Obviously there were exceptions such as if a man hit a woman or vice versa, but those were exceptions, normal was as I mentioned, what if I like? I love it since they do not understand the fact of cheating on your partner, unless the exceptions mentioned above are given, but normally apparently the deception is seen as taboo and the one who commits it is rejected by society, whether man or woman.

In the aspect of equality, there is no difference, in this world either men or women have the same rights, there is absolutely no difference between men and women except for the biological ones, so, as an advocate of equality I love that this situation occurs.

That said, my goal is to have sex with Nancy when we get to Cerulean City, I want to rent a hotel and make it nice, nothing to have our first time in a Pokémon Center in the middle of nowhere.

The next morning.

We woke up when the sunlight broke through the curtains, got dressed quickly and went downstairs for breakfast, and no, we didn't sleep naked or anything like that.

After having a nice breakfast with our Pokémon, we left the Pokémon Center towards the MT. Moon, unfortunately the GPS of the Rotom Dex did not work in the cave, luckily, there was a map that I memorized while having breakfast.

To summarize, it was not like the video game where you had to go down stairs, no, you actually had to pass through the cave, that is, without stairs or anything, Cerulean City was not far from our destination, but according to the Rotom Dex, it would take about 1 one to cross the cave and 2 more to reach Cerulean City, because there was a route in between, now that I remember, in the Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee the Charmander appeared inside the Rock Tunnel, I know that there is enough to get there and neither the Rotom Dex seems to know the location of the initials although they are indeed in the wild, something strange to tell the truth.

That said, we entered the cave and, despite what it might seem, it was not completely dark, it is true that as a cave it was dark, but you did not need the MO Flash as in the anime, it could be seen perfectly, although apparently Nancy had a Flashlight in her backpack that she prepared in advance, but for now, As it looked I said to keep it just in case we need it later.

Little by little we went deeper into the depths of the cave, the truth is that it is quite gloomy, but there were numerous rock Pokémon, I would swear I saw some Rolycoly, Roggenrola, Geodude, Woobat, Zubat and even some Golbat, among other Pokémon that I will not mention, it sounds very boring to mention all the Pokémon I see all the time, don't you think?

Nothing of the other world happened, we simply continued our way in a normal way, the path that I memorized and that I checked with nurse Joy that they had not changed it as it happened in the Green Forest, but soon something curious happened and we would not have noticed if it were not for Pikachu.

"Pikapi" – Pikachu said pointing to something in particular.

When we both looked, we saw a lot of Clefairy running to a specific place, it seemed hurried, as if they were going to be late somewhere.

"What do you say, we follow them?" – I asked Nancy and Pikachu.

"Sure, I'm also intrigued by where all those Clefairy/Pika pi" – they both nodded almost immediately, so we followed.

Obviously we were stealthy enough that they wouldn't see us, god knows if they would have escaped or something.

Soon, we arrived at what seemed to be a staircase, really?

"I thought that in the Rotom Dex there were no stairs in the cave," -vNancy said.

"And they don't, it's weird, no doubt," - I nodded.

Stealthily, we went downstairs only to be amazed at what we saw, it was beautiful, how to describe it? It was like a giant crystal that covered the entire ceiling and provided a blue light, in the distance you could see a lake, where the Clefairys seemed to be preparing for something.

"What do you think they're doing?" - asked Nancy.

But before he could answer, a voice did so from behind.

"Oh, it's the Moon Dance of the Clefairys," - said the voice.

I almost screamed like Nancy, thank goodness I covered her mouth in time.

"Who are you?" – I asked curiously after calming down.

"My name is Verity, a challenger of the Kanto League" – Verity introduced herself.

Verity was the girl who appeared in the Pokémon movie, "I Choose You!", and who had as a companion a Piplup, who by the way was by her side at this time.

"Pip!" - greeted Piplup.

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry, this is my partner, Piplup, as you can see we come from the Shinnoh region," - Verity smiled.

"Wow, Shinnoh is quite far from here, what are you doing in Kanto?" – Nancy asked after calming down.

"I basically love Kanto and I wanted to start my adventure from here, but before I tell you the story of my life, I would like to know how to address both of them," - Verity smiled.

"Right, I'm Ash, from Pallet Town and this is my partner and best friend, Pikachu" – I introduced myself.

"My name is Nancy and I come from Unnova" – Nancy introduced herself.

"Wow, Unnova is not exactly next to Kanto, what are you doing around here in Kanto?" – Verity said quite curious.

"Just like you, I love Kanto and that's why I started here," Nancy replied.

"Funny, this year is going to be a lot of fun, but that's not what intrigues me the most..." – he said while looking at me.

"Is something wrong?" – I asked.

"No, I'm surprised to see such a handsome guy here, are you also a challenger?" – he said suddenly.

"This... Yes" – I said somewhat embarrassedly.

God is the first time I've been told something like that, I went blank.

"Do you want to go out with me?" – he asked suddenly.

"What?!" – we both shouted.

"I fell in love with you at first sight, why don't you date me?" – said Verity.

Is this girl really okay? It's not that I don't like it, but it's too sudden, and I didn't discuss that issue with Nancy either, I don't know what she thinks of the harem and the truth was waiting for the right moment to deal with that issue.

"No, absolutely not!" - said Nancy as she grabbed my arm.

"Is something wrong, are you his girlfriend or something?" - asked Verity curiously.

"You're right" - Nancy nodded heavily.

"Bah, I don't care, I'm not jealous, I can share, what do you say?" – said Verity.

Holy God, what's wrong with this girl, seriously, how can she be so direct? There is a limit to being shameless and this girl surpassed them all.

"Listen, although I am not opposed to the idea of a harem, if you want to date him first you have to know each other deeply, I will not accept someone randomly," Nancy said.

What the heck, did I wake up in the wrong world or i didn't wake up? Yes, that must be, I must still be dreaming and I didn't wake up, that would explain everything.

"What are you saying Nancy, how can you agree with something like that?" – I asked in surprise.

"Don't play dumb, I know what you want, we are both destined to be great people and I know firsthand that strong men like to have many women, and before you fool me I prefer that you form your harem, mind you, the main wife I will still be me and there is no argument," Nancy said.

It is very sudden, but thanks to this girl I was able to deal with a subject that I would not have known how to address.

"Nancy, I would never cheat on you," I said firmly.

"I know, but I still won't change my opinion, I already thought about it " - Nancy said.

"Problem solved, take care of me" – Verity said with a smile.

"As Nancy said, let's get to know each other first and if it happens because it happened, let's start as friends first" – I said holding her hand.

But she took my face and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"We will start as friends, but as friends who want to become lovers shaking hands is very dull, better a kiss on the cheek" – smiled Verity.

This girl...

"Changing the subject, as I said before, this is the Clefairy Moon Dance, they come here on full moon days to perform their dance" – explained Verity.

*Note: Please note that all waifus are 16 years old unless i said another thing.

"But it's not night, this is a cave," - Nancy said.

"It's like a practice, tonight will be a full moon and before doing the Dance, they practice, I had a hard time finding out where they do this, but it was worth it, look, they already start" – said Verity.

We all looked towards the Clefairy who had started dancing around the Lake, it was beautiful, a landscape that cannot be seen every day, too bad it came to an end in 10 minutes.

"Do I know it's over?" asked Nancy sadly.

"Yes, the truth is that I wanted to see more too" – I nodded.

"Well, you can always come on full moon days, by the way, are you going to Cerulean City too?" asked Verity.

"You too?" – I asked curiously.

"Actually I was already there but since today was a full moon day I preferred to leave the gym for later, but we can go together, I know the way by heart" – Verity smiled.

This was our first meeting with Verity who in the future would become my wife.

Ok, here the harem members:

From Kanto:

- Nancy

- Verity (From Pokemon film "I choose you")

- Leaf

From Alola:

- Lillie

- Lulú

- Nereida

From Hoenn:

- May

- Ariana

From Shinnoh:

- Dawn

From Kalos:

- Serena

From Paldea:

- Paldea will be the last region because i need to know more of Liko.

Legendary and Singular Pokémon for the characters:

- For Ash: Mew, Latias and Jirachi

- For Nancy: Shaymin, ???

- For Verity: Latios, ???

- For Leaf: ???, ???

The other girls will have legendary too, but i need to think which ones.

Another advice: This is a Early Romance story, please understand this.

Bloodnightcreators' thoughts