
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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129 Chs

S3E16: Sailing Home

In the end Officer Jenny arrested three of the sailors and forced the fourth one to take Foxx and his companions to Pallet Town in exchange of them having to pay a huge fine each and stay in jail for the holidays. As for Joy she was badly hurt but nothing that a restful trip home couldn't cure. Well that and a daily potion application.

Thus Foxx was doing just that in their cabin on the small boat while Dawn leaned on the boat railing looking out on the water with Jessie next to her in a lawn chair soaking up some sun and actually relaxing for a change. As for James he was keeping a close eye on the captain of the ship as well as admiring his view of Jessie. Then there was Meowlth who was just in the cabin sleeping.

"So Dawn you've traveled with us for a little while now do you think we still can't be trusted?" asked Jessie from her chair not even looking over at her.

"Yes, but you have proven that you're tying to change." replied Dawn, "Honestly it's mostly the faith and trust that Foxx has in you that makes me want to see things workout for you and James. I'm not sure if I can trust you nor if Ash and the others will but I know if anyone can convince them otherwise it Foxx."

"Oh. I see." sighed Jessie as she tried to not cry as she asked, "Then you think it's most likely a bad idea for us to go home with him for Christmas?"

"I know it means a lot to him that you are, and to be honest if I was him I'd love to have my parents around for the holidays even if no one else did." replied Dawn with a smile as she turned to face Jessie and lean against the railing.

"Really?" asked Jessie as she sat up and looked over at Dawn.

"Especially if I'd just met them and this would be the first my first Christmas I was spending with them." replied Dawn "Foxx wants this to be special and he wants everyone to feel like they belong that's why he's been set on making everyone understand that you've change and are trying to be better."

"I see" sighed Jessie.

"With that said there will be fighting and complications upon our arrival. That's why I took the liberty of reaching out to two mutual friends of Ash and Foxx as well as have witnessed your change to join us for Christmas." encouragingly added Dawn with a smile.

"So we need to get more gifts?" asked Jessie worried that they accidentally left someone out.

"No. They know that their not expected and thus wont have any gifts waiting for them." explained Dawn with a smile. "I figured it would help some of the others see things the way Foxx does."

"I still think it's a bad idea for us to be there if it's going to cause an issue." sighed Jessie as she looked at the deck of the ship in shame.

"Ash will most likely overreact but I think in the end everything will workout. Either that or Foxx will just walk out with you guys if you are kicked out." replied Dawn.

"I know he would and that has me worried. He's talked so much about how he was looking forward to Christmas this year. Swapping presents with his real parents as well as his dad who raised him. He really wants his whole family together and I only see it ending badly." sighed Jessie trying not to cry as she added, "I just want to give my son the best Christmas possible."

"And he knows that." encouragingly replied Dawn as she knelt next to Jessie and place a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"Thanks Dawn you're a real friend." replied Jessie with a smile as she looked up at he and smiled, "I sure hope Foxx has some kind of feelings for you because you'd make a great girlfriend for him."

"You really think so?" asked Dawn as her cheeks began to turn red as she started blushing.

Meanwhile, in the cabin Joy weakly looked up at Foxx as he applied her daily dose of healing spray before she softly rubbed her nose against Foxx's arm which made him smile a bit before saying, "Sorry girl but your collar was damaged by the water and i haven't had a chance to fix it yet. Sorry."

"Vul Vul Pix Vulpix?" asked Joy as she laid her chin on his arm as a tears also began to form in her eyes.

"Please don't cry Joy I should be able to have it fixed before we reach Pallet Town." replied Foxx as he began to whip away her tears. He then leaned do and kissed her forehead before adding, "Thank you for protecting Dawn and mom. It means a lot to me but I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

With that Joy slowly and painfully snuggled into Foxx's open arms as he climbed into the cot to rest some and think. He knew he had a lot of work to get done if he was to fix Joy's collar by the time they got to Pallet Town but he just needed to be alone with Joy and to think while holding her. It wasn't until later in the night once she was fast asleep before he slipped out of the bed and started to working on fixing her collar while everyone slept.

Well that is except for Meowlth who walked up to him and asked, "So that thing makes it so you're able to talk with your Pokémon?"

"Yes, why you worried they might tell me the secret name you have for each and everyone of us trainers?" half teasingly asked Foxx with a grin. "Because I already know them. I also know that you've got the biggest mouth of all the Pokémon in the whole party."

To Be Continued...