
Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Suddenly, a peculiar little shop called "Mystery Hatchery House" appeared on the seas. Inside were all sorts of eggs, along with magical creatures that seemed as if they had eaten Devil Fruits. They were called... Pokémon? As time passed, this shop gradually became famous worldwide. The world's strongest man, Whitebeard, was constantly sending children to "Pokémon Academy" for schooling. Garp, not only beat up his grandson all the time but also became one of the Elite Four. The Pirate Empress became one of the eight Gym Leaders of the "Pokémon League". The aloof Mihawk was driven to the brink of collapse by his own Pokémon every day. The Navy established a special operations unit called the "Trainer Corps" to eradicate pirates across the seas. The Beasts Pirates, green with envy, transformed into a Rocket Team, snatching Pokémon wherever they went. The ripples caused by these magical little fellows in the great seas didn't matter to Dak at all, because he was just an ordinary breeder. "Alright, it's about time to start the first Pokémon Tournament. Everyone, please head to the eight Pokémon Gyms around the world to collect badges first." "Everyone, the times have changed. The Pirate King is a thing of the past. Please strive towards the goal of becoming a 'Pokémon Master'." www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!]

Zaelum · Anime et bandes dessinées
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216 Chs

Chapter 201

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"Admiral Zephyr, look at Garp's grandson; he's already formed a crew and set out on adventures. You're still all alone here. Why not take Naruto as your grandson?" Dak didn't give Zephyr much time to think, voicing his suggestion quickly.

If he pondered too long, Zephyr might just lead an attack on Konoha Village.


Zephyr's face stiffened. He knew Dak was up to no good. First, it was forcing Growlithe on him, and now he wanted to stick him with a child?

If this had happened in the past, Zephyr would have turned and walked away, but considering Naruto's living conditions and what Dak said about Garp's situation, Zephyr hesitated.

Zephyr wasn't as emotionally closed off as he used to be. Growlithe's playful antics had gradually helped him come to terms with his past.

Moreover, nothing like what happened to Zephyr's wife and child would happen on Pokémon Island.

These reasons kept Zephyr from immediately refusing.

"Naruto, call him Grandpa," Dak saw an opportunity and encouraged Naruto to speak up.

"...Grandpa," Naruto said timidly, filled with hope. Would he finally have a family?


Zephyr didn't respond, possibly because he felt too awkward.

"Arcanine!" The large dog happily accepted Naruto, lifting him onto its back and running circles around Zephyr.

"Wow! So cool!" Naruto shouted excitedly, clinging to Arcanine's mane.

Watching this scene, Zephyr felt a pang of nostalgia, remembering his son riding his dog decades ago. If his son were alive, his grandson would be about Naruto's age.

Zephyr sighed.

Seeing this, Dak knew it was settled. Zephyr had decided to take Naruto in.

"I still need to take Naruto back to his world to get some things. Want to come along? See for yourself if what I said is true." Dak grinned, trying to persuade Zephyr further.

Dak knew forcing Naruto on Zephyr wouldn't help them bond quickly. He needed another way to foster their relationship.

Zephyr, known for his kindness and empathy, would surely be moved if he saw Naruto's suffering firsthand, leading him to feel a stronger obligation to care for the boy.

Moreover, Konoha's leadership wouldn't easily let Naruto go. A confrontation between Zephyr and Konoha's leaders was inevitable. Dak wasn't worried; ordinary shadow-level ninjas couldn't compete with top-tier marines like an admiral.

Figures like Hiruzen, at best, were equivalent to vice admirals. To challenge Zephyr, they needed someone on the level of Might Guy or Hashirama.

Once Zephyr thrashed Konoha's leaders and Naruto witnessed his strength, the boy would idolize Zephyr, strengthening their bond.

"Hold on, I need to prepare," Zephyr agreed but turned away to get ready, leaving Dak puzzled.

What's there to prepare? Just go, he thought.

Dak stayed behind, watching Arcanine and Naruto play. They looked so alike, with Arcanine's golden fur and Naruto's blond hair.

After about fifteen minutes, Zephyr returned, followed by a group of marines in white uniforms. Leading them was the famous trainer "White Hunter" Smoker.

Is he bringing reinforcements? Dak thought, surprised. This might escalate into a full-scale battle with Konoha.

"So cool!" Naruto exclaimed again, amazed by the marines' disciplined formation. This increased Zephyr's stature in Naruto's eyes.

"If you're ready, let's go," Dak decided. If a fight broke out, he could intervene and stop it.

"Big brother, are we going back?" Naruto asked, his tone mixed with reluctance and attachment to both Pokémon Island and Konoha.

Naruto had made friends at the ninja academy. The Ino-Shika-Cho trio, Kiba, and Akamaru didn't ostracize him, possibly because their elders hadn't told them about Naruto's secret.

Not all ninja clans were power-hungry schemers. Many were decent, like the Ino-Shika-Cho trio, who avoided trouble and supported each other.

"Yes, you need to attend school obediently."

"Oh," Naruto lowered his head, disappointed. He thought he might stay with Zephyr and Arcanine forever.

"Don't you want to play with your friends?" Dak asked.

"I do," Naruto admitted.

"That's right. So, you need to go to school. But your grandpa will pick you up afterward, and you'll come back to Pokémon Island. You can even invite your friends over."

Dak's eyes twinkled mischievously. If he could get the heirs of various clans to visit Pokémon Island, they'd witness the power of Pokémon firsthand. The clans wouldn't be able to resist.

The concept of summoning beasts was widespread, but how many ninjas actually had them? Not many. Strong summoning beasts, like those of the Legendary Sannin, played crucial roles even in later battles.

However, most ninjas with summoning beasts had mundane creatures compared to the Legendary Sannin's. Few could access the three great sacred places where the most powerful beasts resided.

Now, with the emergence of stronger, faster-growing, more trustworthy partners in Pokémon, these clans wouldn't be able to resist.

"Really? I'll be living with Grandpa?" Naruto's eyes sparkled with excitement as he hugged Zephyr's leg. "Please take care of me, Grandpa."

Zephyr nodded stoically, but Dak and Arcanine knew he was deeply moved. Zephyr was just too proud to show it openly.

If Whitebeard were in Zephyr's place, he'd have already launched an attack on Konoha for hurting his "son."

"Poor Konoha almost faced destruction," Dak thought, shaking his head.

Despite being in an era of peace, Konoha was weak compared to its early days or future strength, lacking the power to stand against the One Piece world's top forces.

Unless Hiruzen and others used every forbidden technique and resurrected all the past Kages, they stood no chance against an admiral-level force.

"Let's go," Dak said, grinning at the sight of the determined marines.

"Don't sweat too much, Konoha leaders," he thought.

(End of Chapter)