
Pokémon are scary

There are a lot of people out there that when asked if they could choose a world to live in, a fantasy world that they could start all over in there is no doubt that the world of Pokémon would be one of the top of the list, and why not its full of breathtaking landscapes, its safe enough for 10 years old's to wander the woods and of course it has Pokémon... but what if the world of Pokémon isn't as bright and gentle as we think it is. Meet Robert Leone and how he chose to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon and discovered it's not a PG-rated world. my first novel so any feedback is appreciated. I don't own the rights to Pokémon or any characters other than the ones I make cover art is not mine so if you don't want it there let me know

DoctorDraco · Jeux vidéo
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20. The big names

After all the kids were done registering, they were all given free rein in the camp. They could go anywhere in the camp beside an already occupied tent. Robert wasted no time and excitedly ran out to find some Kanto trainers. In his excitement, he left Joel and Kris behind who just shook their heads as they watched Roberts back disappear into the crowd.

The first place Robert headed towards was a big board set up in the middle of the camp. This is where all the trainers with the highest-level Pokémon were posted. Robert had decided to release Eevee and Vulpix data but kept Gyrados out for now. He was worried Gyrados would scare everyone away like the Johto kids.

After reaching the board Robert looked straight to the top. Immediately he felt a little disappointed, he didn't recognise any in the top ten besides his own, and the 'big 4' from his boat. Robert sighed a little in disappointment. Robert refocused on the list again and as he did his excitement and anticipation grew.

1. Emelia Joi

Nuzleaf Lv40

Chansey Lv33

Togepi Lv20

2. Shigeru Oak

Pidgeotto Lv40

Abra Lv30

3. Satoshi Ketchum

Pikachu Lv40

Lapras Lv23

4. Gin Silver

Sneasal Lv39

Golbat Lv23

Gastly Lv18

5. Kris Crystal

Smoochum Lv38

6. Cryptic Dusk

Absol lv38

7. Robert Leone

Eevee Lv36

Vulpix Lv34

8. Joel Junsar

Growlithe lv36

9. Ethan Gold

Poliwhirl Lv34

Aipom Lv31

10. Richard Caishen

Rhyhorn Lv30

Because of how the board was laid out the last names were smaller and not noticeable, Robert didn't see them when he first glanced through. After reading more carefully and seeing their last names and the Pokémon they had did he realise that all the people he was hoping for were there.

What excited him most right now was that he didn't even make it into the top five. After his travel on the yacht, he was starting to think that there would be few trainers in his year that could put up a challenge. Now he did not doubt that anyone from the top three he stood no chance against. All this board compared was the levels of everyone's Pokémon and not their ability in battle, Robert doubted any of the people on this list would be poor in battle.

There was also the level difference, he knew all too well that if the gap in level was too big you could just crush the opponent with no need for strategy. All of this only got Robert more excited. "My grandad was right, this year group is full of amazing trainers."

Robert turned and saw that Joel and Kris had caught up at some point and also looking at the board. Robert looked at Joel in surprise and asked, "you never mentioned your grandad before, and how is this year different to others."

"I never mentioned before because you were always causing trouble or dragging us around for a battle." Joel glared at Robert as he replied while Robert turned his head back to the board like he couldn't hear him. "Sigh, anyway. You remember where I come from right. It might be difficult getting info from in the Junior league itself but not so much on those that get in." Robert rolled his eyes at how 'easy' that info would be to get for a family that controls the law enforcement for several regions at once.

"Normally the people who make up the top 10 have Pokémon at lv30, maybe one or two at most have one Pokémon over lv30 but that was rare and it was never by much." Joel then looked at the list again with a helpless look. "This was also part of the reason why I wanted to prove I could do this without my family's help. They also agreed with my decision. As I got older news of certain talented people started to spread, especially her."

As Joel said the last part, he looked at the name at the top, Emelia Joi. Joel had a complicated look as he stared at that name. "You heard about her from nurse Joy back in Olivine. Unlike me, she used the backing of the Joi family as much as they allowed it. that combined with her craving for battles, it didn't take long before she started getting a reputation. Some people in the Junsar family tried insisting that I do the same, but I was stubborn and refused any help from the family. I don't regret that decision but seeing this board feels like a slap to the face."

Robert studied Joel's face as he said all this and although he looked a little depressed and upset it wasn't much, more importantly, there was a burning fighting spirit hidden in his eyes. Robert grinned a little then thought out loud, "I guess I'm not strong enough to battle anyone from the top three yet, at least not their main Pokémon."

"And you think that a nobody like you can challenge someone if they're not in the top three." The three frowned as they turned around and saw a boy with a cold face but irritation also clear on his face. He had long dark red hair and inky black eyes that flashed with a cold gleam. hidden under his cold and callous aura was a fierceness that threatened to break out at any moment.

Robert recognised him the moment he laid eyes on him, Gin Silver. The moment Robert spotted him he felt like he was back in that room with blood all over the floor and a member of Team Rocket bearing down on him. Unlike then, however, instead of cowering a beast-like fierceness that even he didn't know he had seemed to slowly ooze out of him.

Joel and Kris by his side suddenly felt a dangerous aura start to radiate from Robert. Gin stared carefully at the boy who seemed to suddenly change. Originally he was just tired of hearing people comparing him to Satoshi and Shigeru like he was inferior just because he was number four on this stupid list. He didn't think he was any worse than either of them, the only person in this entire camp he was wary of was that freak from the Joi family.

He soon forgot all about that after the boy seemed to change after seeing him. His own fierceness was kindled awake a little, "I take that back, you're not a nobody are you."

"Robert Leone." Robert only said his name, but his voice was cold and emotionless, far from his usual carefree and joyful attitude. Joel and Kris kept silent and watched, they could tell something was wrong, but they didn't know what exactly was going on. They decided to keep silent and watch for now.

Gin was a little surprised to hear the name. "I've heard a little about you from the other Johto entrees, the farm boy battle maniac who likes to cause trouble." Gin then looked at the Pokémon listed under his name and grinned a little. "I also heard you have a third Pokémon that is quite impressive."

Robert narrowed his eyes a little at the comment. He didn't think word of him or his Gyrados would spread so fast, perhaps it may have been some other way he got the info besides the Johto kids who just got here. Gin let a smirk rest on his face seeing that Robert remained stone-faced. "interesting, I look forward to our future meetings in the Junior league."

Gin then turned and left. As he disappeared into the crowd Robert slowly returned to normal. Joel and Kris didn't know what happened, while Kris was too awkward to know how to ask Joel wasn't. "I'm not sure what happened there but it seemed like you recognised Gin but he didn't seem to know you."

"No, that was our first meeting. He just reminded me of something." Robert then shook his head a little and said, "We should find a tent to stay in. I'm feeling tired and tomorrow we leave for the Junior league."

Robert looked out at the horizon and took a deep breath. Reminding himself that he needed to calm down, there were five whole years he was going to spend there.

Sorry about the Delay

DoctorDracocreators' thoughts