
21. The Head Instructors

The night passed quickly and in the morning the people from Kanto and Johto got back on their individual yachts. This time the inspectors were left behind, this was as far as they could come. Robert was a little disappointed that Gin was the only "old acquaintance" he met but he didn't dwell on it.

It took another week of travel before arriving and when they did everyone was left breathless. It became fairly obvious that the Junior league was going to be on an island somewhere since they were going further out to sea. The Junior League was indeed on an island but at the same time, it was so much more.

To the left of the two yachts was an island with a huge mountain that's peak disappeared into the clouds. Most of the island was covered by this one mountain and the whole thing was covered in snow and ice with little vegetation. There were even some Spheal and Sealeo seen resting on chunks of ice floating around the island.

To the left was another vastly different island. Harsh winds and sandy dunes with the occasional rocky crag breaking the sand-covered landscape. Far in the distance, another mountain could be seen but this one had smoke billowing from the top.

All the kids were on the open deck looking out and all of them had no words to describe the scenery. Margret was even on the deck looking at the kid's stunned faces. She always loved seeing the way they reacted the first time seeing this place. This place was indeed a marvel of nature, but it wasn't just nature that made it like this…

Soon they passed these islands and found another much larger looking island. Unlike the islands with the strange weather, this one looked mostly normal. various differently shaped buildings could be seen on it. currently, they were heading towards a harbour on this island.

Robert didn't even register when they docked at the harbour. He was still reeling at what he had just seen. He didn't know what he was expecting to see when they finally arrived but it wasn't this, it just didn't seem possible. Robert could only sigh and think that he really had underestimated the Pokémon world.

It didn't take long before everyone was off the yachts and herded towards what looked like a big colosseum. After walking in Robert was a little surprised to see it was a colosseum. All the kids were told to sit wherever they liked in the stands. Naturally, Robert, Joel and Kris decided to sit together.

Robert looked down into the arena and saw that 18 people were standing down there in a row with one standing in front of them. Robert recognised two of them, Arthur Volcanis was standing with the other 16 and standing in front of them all was Margret Chromium.

As Robert looked around, he also noticed more adults standing with the ones that helped them all off the yachts. They didn't seem to have any uniform, but they all looked in their late 20's at most. as he looked closer, he noticed they all wore a badge on their chest. Robert counted 18 different designs with some having more than others.

Before he could think more on it Margret's voice could be heard echoing through the speakers spread around the building. "now that you are all here at the Junior League we can start to explain to you some of the rules here and what you will need to do."

All chatter was instantly silenced, and everyone focused on Margret. "First I would like to congratulate you all on making it here. I'm sure all of you worked hard to get here and making it here is proof that your hard work paid off." Margret paused a little and let all the entrees be excited about their accomplishment for a moment before she poured cold water on them all.

"But be warned if you think that just because you made it here you get to stay, then you will be the first to leave. You all worked hard to get here and you will have to keep doing so if you want to stay. The Junior League is no place for those who are happy to coast through after their first bit of success."

Margret paused to let what she said sink in. As Robert looked around, he did indeed see a few kids who went a bit pale and broke out in a sweat. Robert turned to his friends beside him and asked a little confused, "didn't they know all that before coming." Kris and Joel looked at Robert surprised, Joel then remembered Margret was the one that brought Robert here.

"I guess Margret must have told you. As you can see no, most people don't know how harsh the competition is here. It's not like anyone stops people from spreading it but the ones who are kicked out don't exactly like to brag about it." Robert then understood what was going on, he couldn't help but chuckle a little at the kids that thought they could coast through.

Margret then went on to explain some rules about the Junior League. Inside the league, the only form of currency that was worth anything was it's own. The league worked with something called league credits. These credits could be earned in various ways from turning over Pokémon they caught to performing tasks for the league itself.

These credits could then be used to buy items that the trainer needed from the league's storage. Margret also mentioned that some of the items that could be traded would be almost impossible to get outside of it.

She also mentioned that members of the league were strictly forbidden from battling each other outside of the designated arena's, doing so would result in severe consequences and possibly be immediately kicked out. Margret seemed especially severe when mentioning this, Robert had little doubt she was exaggerating about being kicked out.

"I won't go into more detail than that. Your class instructors will give more specifics. The adult's that I'm sure you noticed behind you are your instructors, you will get to know them in time. Now I will introduce the people behind me."

Margret then stepped aside and gestured towards the 17 people behind her. "These are your head instructors, each one specialising in a different type. You probably won't have much to do with them anytime soon, but it is important you know them. These people are also the strongest trainers on the island and even in the whole Kanto, Johto region few would claim to be stronger."

Many of the kids present become excited when they heard Margret mention they were strong trainers. The first to step forward was Arthur, "I'm sure you all recognise me from the camp you all just came from, this time let me introduce myself properly." As he said that Arthur pulled out a Pokéball and threw it in the air.

"MORRRTARRR" beside Arthur appeared an impressive Magmortar, with its bellow a wave of heat blasted out across the entire Colosseum. As Robert looked at it his eyes shined a little. Of all the Pokémon Robert had seen so far only three were Dark Gold. The first was Margret's Skarmory, his Gyrados and now this Magmortar.

Unlike his Gyrados however, this Magmortar had the same overwhelming presence as Margaret's Skarmory. "I am Arthur Volcanis, I am the head instructor of fire." That was all Arthur said but his presence felt no less than his Magmortar. Most of the kids were too overwhelmed to know how to respond. Arthur simply smiled returned his Pokémon and stepped back.

Slowly the head instructors introduced themselves. The water instructor was a burly straight forward seeming sailor named Sinbad Hydgren, he sent out a Gyrados that was smaller Then Roberts but had a far more intimidating presence. The grass head instructor was a gentle middle-aged lady named Sophy Meadow, she seemed to radiate a soothing aura. She sent out a Victreebel that was far from soothing.

Next up was the electric head instructor, Zeke Surge. Robert thought he looked more like a wannabe rockstar, Leather jacket and flashy sunglasses to complete the look. The Electivire he sent out however was the real deal. The flying instructor was an energetic looking man named Flint Aviair. He sent out a Honchkrow to match his peers.

Bill Nomad was the Normal type instructor and all Robert could think of to describe him was normal looking. He seemed like the most average person there was. The Snorlax he sent out even asleep was far above average. The Ice instructor was a cold middle-aged woman who almost seemed to radiate frost. The Mamoswine she sent out did just that.

The fighting type instructor looked like a refined scholar named Doug Trento, but there seemed to be an odd sharpness to his movements. His Machamp, unlike its trainer, looked more than ready to battle at any time. The poison instructor looked like someone who belonged in a lab, white coat and all. His Muk started corroding the ground as soon as it appeared.

Denice Quake was the Ground type instructor and even though she insisted she was just as old as the others she didn't look much older than the kids… her Rhyperior however more than made up for her small stature.

Robert was particularly excited when he saw Dwayne Harrison's Kabutops, the head Rock type instructor. Robert was always a fan of Kabutops as well as other ancient Pokémon. Robert made a mental note to ask where to get them before listening to the next instructor. Vincent Psyvon was a gloomy middle-aged gentleman who sent out an Espeon as the psychic type instructor.

Cindy Haunt looked like an old fortune teller. She was the ghost type instructor and sent out a Mismagius. Maree Arthroid looked a bit younger than the other head instructors, she was a perky energetic lady and sent out a Yanmega, announcing herself as the head Bug type instructor.

Quinn Shade was an older lady in her 40's and as the dark type head instructor. She sent out a Houndoom that sent chills down Roberts's spine. Samuel Shimmer was odd… he reminded Robert of a character from an anime in his past life that had magic books with clovers on them named Kirsch.

Walter Drako was the last to introduce himself. Robert didn't know what it was but as soon as this guy stepped forward he felt like he was frozen and couldn't move under the pressure. He had never felt anything like this before and as he looked around he knew he wasn't the only one. He stood there silently and slowly surveyed the stands. Even the other instructors seemed a little more subdued when Walter stepped forward.

He tossed a ball behind him and soon a Dragonite appeared. Unlike the other Pokémon and like its trainer, it just silently stood there with no roars, bravado or any attempt to show off. Also like its trainer the pressure it gave off was on another level.

Robert was shocked for reasons very different to everyone else when he saw the Dragonite. Robert had checked the talent of all the head instructor's Pokémon so far and all of them were Dark Gold. This Dragonite however was a colour he had never seen before. It was a heavy silver like colour, almost like mercury, although the colour seemed a bit pale. Robert soon realised what he was looking at. This Dragonite was Light Platinum, the first Platinum phase Robert had ever seen.

"Walter Drako, Head Dragon type instructor." That was all he said. He then returned his Pokémon and stepped back. A collective sigh was heard from all the kids after he did, and the pressure was lifted. Robert was no exception.

He soon shrugged it off and started to feel excited. Walter seemed to be stronger than the other instructors and yet he knew the strongest trainer here was Margret. Robert couldn't wait to see what Pokémon Margret Would use for her introduction.

Sorry for the release being a bit late. Took longer than I thought to decide all their names and their Pokémon.

DoctorDracocreators' thoughts
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