
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime et bandes dessinées
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484 Chs

Chapter no.360 Giovanni's Headache

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[ Pallet Town ]

The night had blanketed Pallet Town in a cloak of darkness, punctuated only by the flickering streetlights and the occasional passing car. A gentle breeze carried the scent of freshly cut grass, while crickets chirped in the background. A lone figure walked down the quiet street, the tap-tap of their footsteps echoing in the stillness.

As they approached the edge of town, the figure caught sight of a small, cozy house nestled among the trees. The windows were aglow with warm light, and the sound of laughter drifted out into the night.

Inside the house, Delia Ketchum was helping Daisy Oak set up her podcast studio. Daisy was fussing over a tangle of wires and microphones, while Delia patiently walked her through the setup process.

"Okay, so this cable goes into the mixer, and then this one goes into the laptop," Delia explained, pointing to each component in turn. "And then you just hit record and you're good to go!"

Daisy nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Okay, got it. And what about the headphones? Do I need to wear them?"

Delia smiled. "No, those are just for me. I'll be monitoring the audio to make sure everything sounds good."

As the two women chatted, Professor Oak sat on the couch, his eyes fixed on the TV which showed quite the footage from Celadon City.


The police barricade loomed before the intrepid reporter, Jack Thompson, its grimy metal surface gleaming in the harsh fluorescent light. Beyond it, the figures of Austin and Yellow in their superhero costumes loomed, flanked by Giovanni and Looker. The wind whipped around them, sending newspapers and debris swirling through the air.

Jack's heart raced as he raised his microphone and called out to them. "Excuse me, Thunderbolt, Lightningstrike, can I ask you a few questions?" he shouted, his voice echoing through the empty street. The sound of his own voice seemed to hang in the air, as though even the wind had paused to listen.

Austin turned his head and narrowed his eyes, while Yellow flinched at the sudden noise. Giovanni and Looker exchanged a glance but said nothing. The atmosphere was tense, and Jack could feel the weight of their gazes on him.

The reporter took a step closer, his hand outstretched through the metal bars. "I'm Jack Thompson from the Daily Bugle. We've been following your exploits for weeks," he said, his voice wavering slightly under the pressure.

Yellow turned to Austin as she whispered, "Were there superheroes before us in Celadon? Did we steal someone else's superhero identity? Am I going to get an arch nemesis?"

"No, for all and I don't think we have any worries about being sued for copyright," Austin replied.

"Awe, I wanted an arch nemesis and what's copyright?" Yellow asked, curiosity piqued.

"Pretty sure, you have an arch nemesis."

"I have ?"

"Yes, it's called not Bologna."

"Why ?"

"Try to speak the word."


" No."


" No."

" Oh my Mew, you are right. Bologna is my arch nemesis."

"Wow, you actually spoke it correctly this time and as for the copyright, I'll explain later," Austin said, his focus returning to the reporter.

"Can you give us a comment on the recent attacks?" Jack asked, trying to maintain his professionalism despite the nerves threatening to overwhelm him.

Austin scowled, his arms crossed over his chest. "No comment," he growled.

"Maybe we should at least hear what he has to say," Yellow said, her voice soft and hesitant.

Austin snorted dismissively. "No."

The reporter shook his head, a look of frustration crossing his face. "I'm just trying to get the truth out there. The public has a right to know what's going on."

Giovanni stepped forward, his eyes cold and calculating. "There is a time and place for journalism, but is it appropriate when it obstructs the authorities from taking action?"

Jack's hand tightened around his microphone, his knuckles turning white. "I'm not leaving until I get a statement from them," he said, his voice rising.

Looker stepped forward, his hand on his hip. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice. This is a restricted area, and we can't allow you to interfere with an ongoing investigation."

The reporter glared at them, his eyes blazing with defiance. "Fine," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'll leave. But mark my words, the truth will come out one way or another."

Austin, in his Lightningstrike costume, scowl deepened, and he took a step forward. "You want a comment? Here's your damn comment." With lightning-fast reflexes, he snatched the camera out of the reporter's hand and crushed it in his palm.

As the TV screen went black, Daisy Oak's jaw dropped. "Grandpa, did you see that?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes," Professor Oak replied, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I think I found my first guest on my podcast!" Daisy exclaimed with a smile, her enthusiasm undimmed by the tense confrontation she had just witnessed. Professor Oak and Delia exchanged worried glances, wondering what kind of adventure their granddaughter was about to embark on.


The group moved through the dimly lit alleyway in silence, the tension palpable. Their footsteps echoed softly, as the shadows seemed to swallow them. Giovanni's voice broke the quiet, calm but firm as he spoke to Austin.

"So, what pushed you into this superhero lifestyle?"

Austin cleared his throat, feeling the weight of Looker and the other officers' gazes as they turned their attention towards him. "Well, my tale begins as any other. I was just an ordinary high school student living in New York City. I was a science whiz and a bit of a social outcast, often getting bullied at school."

His voice carried the hint of a distant memory as he continued. "One day, I went on a school field trip to a science lab, where I was bitten by a radioactive homeless man."

"Homeless man?" Giovanni's brow furrowed, clearly questioning Austin's sanity. Yellow and Lucario exchanged amused glances, struggling to suppress their laughter as Austin confidently motioned his hands in an arc.

"Radioactive homeless man," Austin corrected Giovanni, emphasizing the word. "This bite gave me incredible powers, such as a heightened sense of survival and resourcefulness, able to find food and shelter, and the most important power of all...."

He paused for dramatic effect, drawing everyone's eyes to him.

"Testicular Cancer."

Looker and the others nearly choked on their own saliva, their expressions a mixture of shock and disbelief.

Unfazed, Austin continued. "At first, I used my newfound powers for personal gain by creating a meth empire but apparently you can't justify crime just because you have cancer. But when my beloved Uncle Ben was killed by my arch nemesis, Dildo-phene, whom I had the opportunity to stop earlier but didn't, I realized the importance of using his powers responsibly. From that moment on, I vowed to protect the innocent and fight crime as ..." Austin paused and turned to Yellow.

"What was my superhero name?"


"I thought that was you."

"Oh, yeah, so you are Lightningstrike."

"I vowed to protect the innocent and fight crime as Lightningstrike by embodying my late uncle's famous words, 'Once you go Latina, you don't need Aquafina.'"

As Austin finished his tale, Yellow listened intently. She started clapping, her enthusiasm genuine. Giovanni and the others, however, were left speechless, their faces a mix of confusion, amusement, and disbelief at the absurdity of Austin's origin story.


"Lightningstrike, if you want to continue to protect the innocents, you must maintain a positive image in the media."

Austin's eyes rolled in response. "Whatever, old man. I can sense her aura from downtown. Let's go."

Looker nodded in agreement. "Understood. Let's move out."

Lucario led the way as they rushed towards the downtown area, with Austin in the lead. As they got closer, he slowed to a stop, scanning the streets. "She's close," he said in a low voice.

Following his lead, they turned down a dark alleyway where Lucario led the way. Austin pointed to a small pile of debris in the corner, and Giovanni maintained his composure," What is this? Is it worth investigating?"

Looker picked up a headband, narrowing his eyes as he inspected it. Meanwhile, Austin suggested checking the security camera mounted on the wall. "We can review the footage. Maybe she was caught on camera," he said.


Inside the dimly lit shop, the tension was palpable as Giovanni's voice remained calm yet insistent. "Hmm, a great plan, but I must ask. What made you come to this case, and why haven't we heard of you?"

Austin simply shrugged, his demeanor unfazed by Giovanni's challenge. "Well, Mr. Mafia Boss, I recently gained my superpowers from the homeless man."

"How recently?"

"Like an hour ago."

"And you made a meth empire, an arch nemesis, and your uncle got killed." Giovanni couldn't help but scoff, trying to sow the seed of distrust within the police for Austin, who remained indifferent.

"Yes." Austin's voice was filled with confidence, his eyes never leaving Giovanni's. He suddenly picked up the phone, causing Looker and the others to instinctively reach for their holsters.

"Hey, good news!" Austin exclaimed, his tone unexpectedly enthusiastic. Yellow's curiosity was piqued, and she asked, "What is it?"

"My uncle didn't get killed, he just had post-nut clarity syndrome."

Looker, Giovanni, and the others stared at Austin in disbelief, their jaws dropping in unison. It was hard to say whether they were more shocked by his revelation or the casual way he'd delivered it. Lucario shook his head, an expression of amusement on his face. "He's enjoying this way too much," he muttered to himself.

" Are you telling the truth ?" Giovanni growled as he placed his hand on Austin's shoulder trying to sense through Ditto and read Austin's signature.

" Of course I am but I'm still the one who can sense her aura, so maybe back off, Al Capone-looking motherfucker."

Looker interjected, his tone calm and measured. "Let's focus on the task at hand, gentlemen. We need to find Erika before it's too late."

They quickly made their way to a nearby security office, where they found a few police officers reviewing the footage. "Did you see anything?" Austin asked, his eyes scanning the screen.

One of the officers nodded. "Yeah, we spotted her. She was here about half an hour ago."

Austin grinned, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "That's all I needed to know. Let's move out."

They quickly made their way back to the alleyway, where they found Yellow, aka Lightningstrike, sleeping on the ground. Austin approached her, nudging her awake. "Did you purify the headband?" he asked.

Yellow rubbed her eyes, yawning. "Yeah, I did. Why?"

Austin grinned. "Good. I can properly pinpoint Erika's location now."

Giovanni's voice was composed, but his curiosity was piqued. "Quiet fascinating, but does that mean my studies into the art of aura were false."

" Yes." Austin blankly answered back.

Looker shot him a knowing look. "That's enough, Giovanni. We need to focus on finding Erika."

Austin stood in the middle of the room, a headband clutched in his hand. He closed his eyes, focusing on the energy pulsing through the object. As he swayed to an unheard beat, his movements began to mimic the fluidity of the iconic moonwalk.

His body glided across the floor with an otherworldly grace, as if he was being guided by a higher power. With each slide of his feet, the aura around him grew stronger, pulsing with electric energy that crackled in the air. He moved effortlessly, his body flowing as he channeled the energy of the headband.

For a moment, he seemed to disappear into his own world, lost in the dance as the world around him faded away. But then, with a sudden burst of energy, he completed his moonwalk with a dramatic spin, his feet landing firmly on the ground as he let out a triumphant yell.

As he stood there, the headband glowed with an intense energy, and Austin grinned, his eyes shining with excitement. "I've got her," he said, his voice ringing with confidence.

"Where?" Looker asked while Giovanni's eyes scanned the glistening aura around the headband.

Austin nodded, his eyes scanning the area. "She's at the landfill outside of Celadon City," he said, pointing towards a nearby map.

Giovanni's jaw dropped, his eyes widening in shock.

Lucario shook his head, his expression pained.

"He's enjoying this way too much," Lucario muttered to himself, casting a glance at Yellow, who was peacefully sleeping, using his arm as a pillow.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

It is said that whenever we play catch, we are playing a game older than humanity, a game that dates to when our ancestors lived in trees. Others disagree, citing the many fundamental differences between Aipom catch and our own game. For instance, Aipom catch is typically played not with the hands, but with the tail; the hands are used more often to hold onto branches although occasionally lifted to catch a low throw. Aipom catch resembles dodgeball as much as catch, as the items thrown are not Flaaffyballs, but iron balls, king's rocks, and other heavy objects which can send an Aipom plunging to the ground.

The rules of the game are as follows: Players start on opposite trees at equal heights. One Aipom throws the ball or rock at the opponent, who attempts to catch it. If they miss, the opponent is allowed to continue making throws until one is caught. Because the game is played in trees, multiple items are typically collected for use in this game, although some games require any Aipom who misses to retrieve the item and make a gentle toss back to the opponent. When a catch is made, play reverses, with the other Aipom being given the chance to throw until it is caught. The object of the game is not to make an easily caught throw but to hit the opponent with one sufficiently fast enough to knock the other Aipom out of the tree. Players are allowed to grab onto branches when falling, but may not climb back up; whatever branch they land on is their perch until knocked down lower.

The first Aipom to hit the ground loses, and the other will do a victory dance to celebrate their triumph; the fun, however, is simply playing the game.