
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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485 Chs

Chapter no.359 Superheroes in Celadon City

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[ Celadon City - Hotel ]

The room was silent as all the Pokémon and trainers looked at Wartortle in shock. Yellow was the first to break the silence, her voice filled with determination. "I agree with the plan. Let's do this!"

Green was struggling to contain her laughter, her body shaking with silent giggles. Lucario, Pikachu, and many others, on the other hand, were laughing their asses off, the sight of Wartortle's proposal too funny to contain. Wartortle had proposed that they dress up as superheroes and lead the police to the Team Rocket organ business using Erika as a target.

Austin, however, had a different reaction even though the plan was well thought out. He still felt like killing the Water type, who had already drawn the hero costumes and come up with the names for some reason.

Just then, Erika, who was still tripping on LSD, suddenly made a sound that scared Musharna and Chansey. The two Pokémon jumped in surprise, their eyes wide with fear.

"Is she okay?" Yellow asked, her voice filled with concern as Green poked Erika.

"Yes, but she's not in a good state," Green replied.

"No, she's not," Austin agreed.

"She's rich, right?" Green asked, smirking at Austin.

Austin narrowed his eyes and nodded. "Don't try to steal anything that could be linked back to us."

"Awe, do I look like I would do something like that?" Green responded innocently, batting her eyes.

"Yes," Austin retorted without hesitation.


Meanwhile, Lucario was baited into approaching Erika with the promise of the chocolate present in her purse, his paw extended towards her. However, before he could reach her, she suddenly threw up all over him. Lucario's eyes nearly bulged out of his head as he recoiled in disgust, the stench of the vomit overpowering.

Just then, he heard laughter behind him and turned to see Ninjask and Wartortle giggling uncontrollably. Lucario's glare was intense as he took in the sight of the two Pokémon laughing at him.

Wartortle, sensing the danger, quickly retracted into his shell while Ninjask tried to fly away. However, Lucario was too quick for him and caught him mid-flight.

"Any other words?" Lucario growled, his grip on Ninjask tight.

Ninjask squeaked out in fear, "Your tyrannical rule will fall !"

"Well, as a tyrant, I decree that you get punched in the face," Lucario replied with a smirk. Before Ninjask could respond, Lucario punched him, then tossed him like a basketball into a nearby trash can. Pikachu and the other Pokémon clapped and cheered as Ninjask landed with a thud.

Lucario turned to Wartortle, who was still hiding in his shell.

Pikachu poked Lucario as the aura Pokemon turned towards the electric rat who handed him one of Austin's consoles that he had bought for Wartortle and Ninjask.

" What am I supposed to do with this rectangular contraption?"

" Pika Pi."

" You could have just said that."

" Pika Pi, Pi, Achu"

" Why would I need a reference to jump on Wartortle?"

" Pika."

" Pikachu, I am not that old."

" Pi."

" Yes, technically I am 500+ but...."

" Chu."

" Keep talking rat, and you be the next to jump on."

Pikachu took his paws and made a motion of zipping his mouth shut.

" Good," Lucario said as he jumped on Wartortle like a certain turtle-stomping plumber.


The sound reverberated through the room, causing more laughter among the Pokémon.

Meanwhile, Austin, Yellow, and Green were huddled together, deep in discussion about the plan that Wartortle had presented. Yellow was the first to speak up, her eyes shining with excitement.

"I think this plan is perfect," she exclaimed. "It's going to be a wild ride! Just think about it: the costumes, the drama, the epic takedown of Team Rocket! What could be more thrilling?"

Austin, on the other hand, was not so thrilled. He pinched his nose and turned to Green, a look of disbelief on his face.l

"Do you want to take my place?" he asked a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Green laughed, "Nah, I'd rather die than get caught up in that horrid fashion."

" Hey, they are cool." Yellow countered.

" They are lame." Austin and Green said at the same time causing Yellow to grumble.

" What do you guys know about cool ?"

Austin raised an eyebrow, "10,000?"

Green countered, "100,000."

"Absolutely not," Austin replied, his tone final.

Green shrugged, "Then good luck, Mr. Superhero."

As the trio continued discussing the plan, they began to imagine how the whole operation would play out. Yellow couldn't contain her excitement, practically bouncing on her toes. "Imagine the look on Giovanni's face when we bust their operation! Priceless!"

Yellow further added, "And just think of all the Pokémon we'll save in the process."

Austin sighed, finally giving in to their enthusiasm. "Fine, I'll go along with the plan, but if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming Wartortle."

Yellow clapped her hands, "Deal! Now, let's get ready for the greatest superhero debut ever!"

Yellow paused and turned to Austin with a blush on her face. "So, are you going to take my measurements?" she asked with a hint of shyness.

Austin and Green exchanged glances, both sweating a little from the unexpected request. Sensing their intense gazes, Yellow nervously chuckled and tried to divert their attention.

"Look, a living, breathing fossil!" she exclaimed, pointing at the sky.

Austin glanced at Lucario, who was busy trying to clean his fur from the ketchup that Pikachu's dirty, ketchup-covered paws had left behind. He shook his head, unamused by Yellow's attempt at distraction. "Really, her too?"

He turned back to Yellow, who was now pretending to be asleep. Her exaggerated snoring couldn't hide the blush that was still present on her face.

"Yellow, you do know that we're going to use Dittos for the costumes, right?" Austin asked, raising an eyebrow.

Yellow nodded, her eyes still closed, as Green stifled a giggle.


[ Celadon City - Gym ]

The night sky over Celadon City was illuminated by the flickering lights of police cars and the harsh glare of flashlights from reporters as they gathered around the broken Celadon City Gym. The atmosphere was tense, buzzing with curiosity and anticipation.

Lionel Giovanni, the notorious leader of Team Rocket, was trying to defuse the situation with the reporters as they bombarded him with questions and tried to get an exclusive interview. His face remained stoic and composed, betraying no emotion.

Suddenly, Giovanni sensed something; a group of powerful, massive auras that were difficult to identify, as if they were hidden behind some curtains. He furrowed his brow, trying to pinpoint the source of these mysterious energies.

"Mr. Giovanni, do you have any comment on the new bill that has been passed banning interspecies marriages between humans and Pokemon in Hoenn?" a persistent reporter asked, shoving a microphone in his face.

Giovanni ignored the reporter as he turned to face the top of the building, his senses still focused on the elusive auras.

Inside the crowd of reporters, Leaf Green shouted, "What is that?" as she pointed towards the building's rooftop, drawing everyone's attention away from Giovanni and towards the spectacle above.

On the rooftop of the Celadon City Gym, a Lucario stood tall, accompanied by two individuals dressed in striking superhero attire. The female was dressed in a skintight suit that was a combination of white and yellow, adorned with lightning bolts on her arms and legs. Her long, flowing hair was styled in a bun and held in place with a headband that also bore a lightning bolt symbol. The male was dressed in a blue and red suit that was reminiscent of a thunderbolt. His muscular physique was accentuated by the tight-fitting suit, and his cape billowed in the wind behind him, giving him an imposing presence.

The female nudged the male, who let out a resigned sigh before the duo performed their superhero introduction, their voices booming with confidence and determination.

"Greetings, citizens of Celadon City!" the male proclaimed. "We are the protectors of the innocent, the defenders of truth and justice, the guardians of this great city! I am Thunderstrike, and this is my partner, Lightningbolt!"

The crowd was stunned as they listened to the superhero introduction of Thunderstrike and Lightningbolt. The male continued, "We've come here tonight to bring an end to the evil that plagues our city and restore peace to Celadon City!"

However, as the duo were high up on the rooftop, their words were lost on the crowds below. The spectators could only see their animated gestures, but their voices were barely audible over the cacophony of the scene.

Green facepalmed, realizing the flaw in their grand entrance. "Idiots, I live with idiots," she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief at the oversight.

The people whispered amongst themselves, trying to make sense of what was happening. Some cupped their hands over their ears, trying to hear better, while others shook their heads, unable to make out a single word. The scene was comical as the crowds tried to decipher what the duo on the rooftop were saying. One person jokingly whispered to their friend, "I think they're reciting a weather forecast up there." Another added, "Or maybe they're practicing for a stage performance." The laughter and chuckles rippled through the crowd, making the situation lighthearted even in the midst of the chaos.

" Oie, I think the crowd is making fun of you two dumbasses," Lucario said as he gazed upon Yellow and Austin.

" Should we do another dance ?" Yellow innocently asked while Austin who closes to throwing himself off the building out of embarrassment.

Lucario sighed and kicked Thunderstrike off the rooftop, sending him plummeting toward the ground. The crowd gasped in horror as they watched the man fall towards the pavement below. However, as Thunderstrike reached the ground, he landed on a car in a superhero-style show of strength, revealing himself to everyone. The car crumpled under his weight, but Thunderstrike emerged unscathed, eliciting awe, fear, and shock from the crowd.

Lightning Bolt stood on the rooftop, looking down at the scene below.

" Do a speech ?!" Yellow exclaimed but Austin just sighed and proclaimed, "I know where Erika is! We'll save her and bring an end to Team Rocket's evil once and for all!"

Looker, stepped forward and asked, "Where is she? No, the better question is how do you know ?"

Thunderbolt snapped his fingers, and Lucario jumped down from the rooftop, landing on the ground beside Thunderstrike.

" Ever heard of the Aura Pokémon, Lucario "


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Jumpluff has long been referred to as the 89th constellation, or the sixth visible planet, for against the canvas of the night, a Jumpluff riding high on the wind can be easily mistaken for three stars drifting across the sky. The comparison is an apt one. True, Jumpluff does not move with the rotation of the Earth, but nor are they blown aimlessly like Hoppip; they migrate, spreading their spores far and wide until, like the sailors of the Age of Discovery, they use the seasonal winds to bring them home.

Jumpluff, because they resemble stars, have become a Pokemon rich in tradition and superstition. For instance, there are many countries even today where people do not wish on shooting stars, but cover their nose and mouth and scan the ground for seeds. Furthermore, it is said that night comes when three stars appear in the sky, and in ancient times this was used to mark when one day ended and the next began. This number is deliberately chosen; one or two could be a mistake, but a cloudy night would mean a never-ending day. Three is the number precisely because Jumpluff has three cotton puffs, and when the sky darkens enough that a Jumpluff can be mistaken for stars, night has fallen even if no true stars have appeared. And it is said that when a festival night passes and only three stars appear, the person who spotted them will find a baby Hoppip the next day.