
Plenty of Fish in the Sea

'Jack D. Handsome' didn't become a pirate for heroics or the sake of adventure. As a fine specimen of a man, even if he did say so himself, he just wants to beat people up, show off and get girls. And what better way to accomplish that than joining a certain an up-and-coming pirate crew—the Straw Hat pirates?

f0Ri5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Chapter 13

When Jack entered the room, Sanji cracked an eye open, seated upright in his bed. His hands were bandaged and his face was still a little red from the cold, but was otherwise none the worse for wear.

Scanning Jack from top to bottom, his expression was slightly annoyed.

"…not even a scratch. What a weird guy. But at least you took care of Nami-san."

Jack chuckled, glancing at Luffy. He was completely covered with blankets, snoring loudly. Only part of his face stuck out.

"You're both fine. I'm glad. There was no need to follow me, though."

Sanji snorted.

"Who knows what you'll do if someone isn't there to keep an eye on you?"

"Everyone in this crew treats me so harshly."

"You deserve it."

There was a moment's silence, Sanji taking out a cigarette and lighting it. He looked piercingly at Jack.

"You're not planning to stick around, are you?"

Jack tilted his head.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't belong in a small-time crew like this."


Not knowing how to reply, Jack was silent.

Luffy suddenly sat up, surprising both of them. Having apparently woken up at some point, he glared at Sanji.

"Hey, Sanji. What are you saying?"

"Sigh, now I'm becoming the bad guy."

Sanji glanced from Luffy to Jack.

"You know what I mean, right? With your strength, you should be a higher-up in some emperor's crew. There's no reason for you to be here."

Jack smiled thinly.

"You're saying a lot of strange things for a random cook from the East Blue. Are you sure you haven't been to the Grand Line? Otherwise, how would you even know about who's strong and weak?"

Sanji narrowed his eyes, puffing on his cigarette.

"…forget it. Just pretend I hadn't said anything."

Luffy's head swiveled from left to right, a frown on his face.

"I don't really understand what's going on, but nobody can kick Jack out but me. I'm the captain! And I'm not kicking him out."

Jack chuckled.

"I appreciate it."

Walking over to the vacant bed, he threw open the covers, climbing underneath. In this cold whether, there really was no better feeling than squirreling himself away under a pile of pillows and blankets. The only thing missing was a cup of hot coco.

Muffled by the fabric, his voice sounded in the room.

"But you guys better stay awake. Since you didn't properly deal with Wapol. He's going to show up sooner or later. You might as well sort him out as a form of payment for Dr. Kureha."

Sanji's eyebrow twitched. He looked like he wanted to ask how Jack knew about their fight with Wapol, since it happened after their separation. In the end, he just sighed.

"Come on, Luffy. We've recovered anyway. We might as well look around the place."

"Huh? No way! I'm still tired."

"I'm not giving you a choice."

"Sanji! No, wait. Ouch, stop pulling my ear! Why are you letting Jack sleep, but I have to go outside in the cold?!"

"Just because."

"That's not a good answer-… Ouchie! Not my nose too…!"


It was impossible to see the sun through a cover of snow-clouds, but from the dimming light, nightfall was approaching. Despite the late hour, the castle wasn't quieting down. The atmosphere progressively got livelier—the sounds of yelling and fighting echoing in the long stone hallways.

In the darkness, footsteps quietly padded toward a certain room. With a blanket draped over her shoulders, clad in woolen pajamas, Nami peeked through a gap between the door and frame.

"He's here…"

Slowly pushing it open, she stepped inside, drawing closer to an occupied bed. The bundled blanked rose and fell, indicating someone's sound sleep.

Nami sighed, standing next to it. She saw a sliver of Jack's face, catching a beam of light.

"Jeez. I can't believe this annoying guy was the one to carry me up here…"

Extending a hand, she was about to brush his hair out of his face when her wrist was suddenly grabbed. She barely had time to open her mouth in shock before the blanket was flung open, an arm pulling her inside.

Nami felt someone's lips move next to her ear, stirring her hair.

"You actually took the time to visit me. What a pleasant surprise~…"

"Jack, you scumbag! What do you think you're doing?!"

Jack simply chuckled, flipping her around and pinning her wrists against the bed.

"Men are wolves, Nami-chan. What did you think would happen, entering my room so late?"

She struggled against him, going so far as to shove her knee between his legs, but it was easily blocked.

"Damn you, bastard! Let me go!"

Jack brought his face close to hers, staring intently into her eyes.

"Hmm, the smell of citrus. It suits you."

Nami snorted, turning her head away.

"Get off me, or I'll scream."

"If you try, I'll shut your mouth. Guess what I'll use."

His lips curved into a smirk.

Nami gritted her teeth. In the darkness, it was impossible to tell if she was blushing or not.

"I don't like you that way, so stop it already. You're just embarrassing yourself!"

Jack tsked at her.

"Don't you know what kind of person I am? Whether you like me or not, what does that have to do with anything?"

He lowered his body until he practically lied on top of her. Nami's breasts smushed against his chest. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Wow, that's a nice feeling. Can I squeeze with my hands~…?"

"Jack, you asshole-… Hmph!"

Before Nami could start shouting for real, her arms were pressed tight against her sides. Jack completely rested his weight on her body. His lips mashed against hers, cutting off her voice.

Nami's brain temporarily ground to a halt. It was clear she hadn't expected him to actually take advantage of her. They were right under everyone's noses!

Despite his method of initiation, Jack's technique was surprisingly gentle—all lip and no tongue. After a moment, he ended the kiss, making a subdued smooching sound.

"How was it? Not too bad, right?"

Nami trembled against him, her mouth opening and closing.

"You… scum! Damn it, I'll kill you-… Ah!"

Not letting her finish, Jack pressed his lips against her cheek before returning to her mouth.

"Hmph! Pfft!"

Nami squirmed against him, going so far as to bite at his lips. In the end, Jack had no choice but to back off.

"Hey, don't bite me. If you didn't like it, you should've just said so."

"What the hell?! What do you think I've been doing-…!"

"Well, you haven't explicitly said, 'I don't like it'."

Nami growled, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. From how tightly they were pressed against each other, it was impossible to hide.

"I told you I don't like you! You're just saying anything you want!"

"What about the kiss though?"

"It was awful! Your breath stinks!"

"I know it doesn't, 'cause I brushed my teeth a while ago."

Nami turned her head away from him. She was silent for a moment.

"Don't think I didn't see you with Vivi! How would she feel if she found out?"

"I don't know how she'd feel, but my personal philosophy is 'more is always better'. Girls included."

"So you really are just a trashy womanizer."

"If you want to put it that way."


She sighed.

"You got what you wanted. So just get off me already."

"Hmm, but I'm not sure I did…"

He hooked her pajama collar with his thumb, pulling it down over her shoulder.

"You-… You can't possibly be planning to do that!"

"A man and a woman alone in a dark bedroom, intimately entwined under the covers—what else could be happening?"

"Who's intimate with you-…?!"

Suddenly, while the two of them were arguing and struggling, a door creaked behind them. Startled, they whipped their heads around to see the figure of Dr. Kureha, looming in the doorway.

"You two kids—I'm old, not deaf! Young man, if you have energy for hanky-panky, you should be outside, helping your friends!"

Not waiting for an answer, she stomped over to the bed, ripping the covers off. Carrying a lantern in one hand, she seemed mildly disappointed to find them both clothed.

"Doctor, I would never do anything with this bastard! It was him who-…!"

"Call me Doctorine."

"…uh, okay."

Nami was momentarily at a loss.

"You're still not getting up, you scoundrel?"

Taking a pair of pincers from somewhere, Dr. Kureha looked like she was ready to do some damage. Her provocation did the trick, prompting Jack to leap off the bed, his hands in the air.

"Please calm down, doctor. You're supposed to be curing people's disabilities, not inflicting them-…"

"Like I said, It's doctorine!"

She jabbed the prongs toward a certain place, causing him to retreat. It wasn't long until Jack was out the door. Before he disappeared behind the wall, he winked at Nami.

"I hope there's no hard feelings, Nami-chan-…"

"Get lost!"

Dr. Kureha shut the door in his face, locking it behind her. She turned her head, looking at Nami.

"Are you alright, girl?"

Somewhat dazed, Nami sat there, the redness slowly receding from her face.

"I'm… fine."

Truthfully, Jack had already relaxed his grip before the Dr. Kureha showed up. Nami didn't know if he just heard someone coming, or if he was planning on letting her go. She suspected it was the former, but since he helped her today, she'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

"I can deal with someone like him, but thank you in any case."

The doctor harrumphed.

"Don't be fooled by a handsome face. Those types are usually the most dangerous-…"

"He's not that good-looking, okay?! Besides… I know."

Exasperated, Nami played with her hair. She suddenly found Dr. Kureha's presence to be somewhat annoying.

Probably sensing something, the older woman grunted, crossing her arms.

"I don't make a habit of sticking my nose in other people's business, but this all happened under my roof. If you want privacy, go somewhere else…"

Before Nami could say anything, the doctor got up, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"…but not now. You still need your bedrest. Three days should do it."

"Huh? That's too long! And why in his bed-…?!"

"I changed the sheets today. Unless something happened to make them dirty…"

"Nothing happened!"

Dr. Kureha laughed, getting up. She spun a key around her finger.

"I was worried, but since you seem in good spirits girlie, I'll leave. Who knows how those brats are faring without me. You just stay here and rest."

Walking over to the door and unlocking it, she narrowed her eyes.

"And don't even think about escaping."

Not waiting for a reply, she exited the room, shutting and re-locking the door behind her.

Nami was left to sit in the darkness, wondering what just happened.

Eventually, she covered her face with her hands, letting out a muffled growl. The taste of mint still lingered on her lips.

"I swear, the next time I see him… he's so dead!"


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