
Pleasure Series#1: Love you

Disero was too bored. He was forced to go to the school for the orientation. Having this school was his idea but he doesn't like to go to those boring orientation. All of those workers there can handle it. But of course, he got no choices but to go. "Kirke, drive." He said with his cold blank expression. "Disero, I'm not your fucking assistant. You moron." He replied and showed his middle finger. They both hopped in the car and Disero' phone beeped. A group requesting a video call, he answered it. "Goodluck to that boring fucking orientation, Disero!" A loud noise almost echoed inside the car. Disero showed his middle finger and those men were just chuckling. They were Disero' friends. Their group called the PLEASURE SQUAD. They finally arrived at the front of the school. Boredom was almost eating him alive but a human being caught his attention. The man was standing while his bag was on the top of his head, Disero shrugged and chuckled because of the man's cuteness. The uniform of this school really suits the man. Disero's eyes couldn't take of on him. He opened the window and another man went to the student. "Dhaxzy Convel!" A loud man shouted. All of their eyes settled on him while the man's face that Disero admire became red. Because of shyness. He shook his head and smiled secretly. "Oi? Stop staring, that student will melt if he was an ice cream. Idiot." Disero glared at him and doesn't say anything. •What would happen if this guy— Saicki Disero fell inlove with his commoner? What will he do if he accidentally burst those brutal and harsh words even tho he doesn't mean it?• Now, let's meet him together with his squad. A/N: This is my first story. English is not my first language so bear with me. I hope you enjoy this story. Happy reading!

Mysteryo · LGBT+
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4 Chs

Chapter IV

Saicki's POV

My secretary called me that someone was doing an obnoxious thing. I guess it was one of my dad's friend's daughter again, if not who the fuck have the guts to do horrendous thing in my company. As I was walking towards the entrance of my company, I saw a girl doing scandalous in front of my beloved building. My vessel pops to the sight of her doing this. I am heartless towards any gender. Seeing this girl doing nasty scenes makes my head pops. I cleared my throat but it does not help me to calm my self down to now kick her ass out of my property. I could literally sue this childish girl. 

"Let me go! I am the future wife of the Chief Executive officer here!" My nerve got mad when I heard her saying that. I am not planning to marry anyone, if there is someone I want to marry, it will be that man I met in that university, Dhaxzy Convel. 

I walked towards them. My staff widened their eyes when they noticed my presence. I did not let them to say a word. I put my hands on my back while I was clenching my fists to prevent harming his stupid girl. I inhale and exhale, letting a deep and heavy breath. I composed myself before clearing my throat.

" Let her go." I tried to command that calmly. This girl named Tiffany, just thinking her name makes me gag.

She turned around and saw me. She pull down the dress that ruined since my staff were forbidding her to go in. I was the one who commanded them to not let anyone go to my company without any appointments. I do not wanna waste my time over this childish scenes. And this girl, Tiffany, is not what I want to be with. I already rejected her for lots of times yet she kept on pushing herself to me. I pity her.

" Good." She said and run towards me. " Babe, tell them that I am right." She was hugging me but I just ended up loosening his hug. 

I looked at her eyes that making a puppy face. I did not feel any admiring towards those eyes. It makes me pity her even more, it makes me disgust her. I suddenly imagine Dhaxzy doing that kind of face. It makes my face feel warm but ended up erasing it on my mind. I will assure to my self that I will see him doing it. I went back to the girl who was still hugging me and broke the hug. I let out a heavy breath and intently looking in her eyes.

"You aren't. Now, get lost." I demanded. My voice was cold.  She looks offended but I do not care. After she make some scenes here tsk. 

"Hell no! Saicki!" She plead. Her eyes watered. I'm still not wanting to be his so caled future husband. Her family only wanted my last name. 

I tried to calm my self down. I closed my eyes and realizes that this is the reason why I left Dhaxzy, the man that I wanted to be with for the rest of this day. It makes me feel anger, this is so nonsense. Dhaxzy is more than important than this girl.

"You'll go or I'll drag you out of this company?" I said and didn't bother to look at her. " Now!" I shouted out of frustration when she hugged me tightly.

She went away and all done. She just caused me a headache. I massaged my forehead and smiled while I remembered Dhaxzy massaging my forehead awhile ago. Tsk. That human being. I smiled and when I went back to the reality all of my workers were staring at me. 

"W-what?" I stuttered. They all look like could not believe on what they are seeing right now.

"Sir, you're red." They all nodded. I touched my face and feel the warmth of it. I am surely that my face is red. What have Dhaxzy done to me?

"Go back to work!" I shouted and all of them obeyed me. I kept on cursing my self for letting them to see this side of me.

I went inside and went straight forward to my office. I slammed the door closed, it was no loud sound at all. When I finally sat on my swivel chair, I caressed my face once again and I can still feel the warmth on my face. I'm really hitting on that Dhaxzy man.  I shook my head and get my phone out of my pocket and called Kirke. It was already 3:57 in the afternoon, three minutes to go before Dhaxzy's dismissal. 

"Kirke, follow Dhaxzy and don't you ever fucking try to fucking touch him or else I'll kick your ass back to your country!" I said and ended the call. I know that it would be disrespectful but it was Kirke. He does not need my respect, well, he knew that it was my way to show respect towards him. 

My phone beeped and received a message from Kirke. I chuckled when I read his message. 

From: Idiot 

Fuck you!

I chuckled and turned my phone off. I still have a lot of papers to sign and I have an upcoming meetings. I literally forgot about those when I saw Dhaxzy. I started to sigh those papers that waiting for me since yesterday.  

In the middle of signing the papers, Dhaxzy's face appeared on my mind. I couldn't forget how cute he was when he was smiling, chuckling and giggling genuinely. I never thought that he will genuinely giggle in front of me and it was his first time since his parents died. I could feel the heaven is on my side.

This is my first time to be like this. I won't let him go, never. If I need to marry him, I will. I won't hurt him, I will love him no matter what. It's a promise to myself. He deserves everything in this world, especially the unconditionally love. I smiled at my self when I realized how cringe I am. I never been like this to any girl that my parents set me up with. Those blind dates that always makes me lazy, tired and disgust with the thought of having my own family with them. But now, if it is Dhaxzy, I would gladly make a family right now, he just need to love me.

I do not want to rush things. I decided to make a move in not an obvious way. I also noticed that Dhaxzy is kinda dense with this feeling. I observed him earlier, he does not even fot what Kirke said. His face while asking who it was makes me flutter. His simple gestures already have a massive effect on me. 

-Don't fucking hurt Dhaxzy Convel, Saicki Disero- I wrote it on my notes and of course on my heart.  I was smiling when I heard someone was calling my name.

"Sir Disero! Sir? Hey sir!" My secretary yelled. Tsk, what a distraction. I sighed before composing myself.

" What!?" I yelled back. She was in front of me, I could see the tension forming on her face.

"Sir, you're 5 minutes late for your meeting." I automatically stood up and face her. I wrinkles my forehead and points at her.

" Why didn't you said that to me earlier!?" I asked while my tone still shouting.

" Sir, I almost lost my voice just to wake you up but you look daydreaming and you keep calling Dhaxzy." She said and it made me realized what I have done. I sighed and toned down my voice.

"Nevermind. " I said and walked out. I never say sorry, that is life.

Fuck. This is the very fucking first time that I'll be late on my own meeting. I never daydreamed but because of Dhaxzy I experienced. What a total idiot? But I couldn't help myself but think to him. I want to be with him, I miss him already. 

I arrived at the meeting place and sat at my swivel chair. All of their eyes settled on me, I fixed myself and cleared my throat. Before I spoke, Dhaxzy's sweet voice rings in my ears making me feel on cloud nine.

"Sorry for being late. Shall we start?" I politely apologize and all of them looked shock.

"What?" I asked. Why does everyone being shocked on everything I will do? Are they being stupid or just me being not me?

"Nothing, it's just rare that you're smiling." Mr. Eñigo said. And all of the nodded and agreed. 

"Are you in love, Mr. Disero?" I felt my ears became red.

"None of your business, Misters." I said and they shut their mouth. "Proceed to the presentation." They nodded and proceed to prepare all the stuffs they needed. A participant went in front of us and present their presentation.

"Good afternoon everyone, I am Nichole and this is my presentation-" I cut her off.

" We all know that, proceed to your topic. Ain't interested in your name. And this is a presentation not a simple reporting in class. Continue." I said and she suddenly felt nervous.

" L-Let's start." She started, it makes her nervous. My calm voice can make anyone nervous, I am already aware about that. 

"Of course, that's why I asked you to continue. Come on!" I shrieked. When I saw my fists close, Dhaxzy appears on my mind. "Sorry, continue." I said with a smile on my face. I guess that smile makes her feel safe at least a bit.

"So, we all know that almost all of customers always looking for those yaoi manga, books or anything related to yaoi-" I cut her off again.

" What's yaoi?" I asked. The word makes me interested even though I am still not aware on what was that.

"Ahm, yaoi is a relationship between man and man." She explained. I remembered him. Imagining Dhaxzy marrying me, that would be more than anything.

" I think we need to give what they want. To make this short, I want to suggest to have a yaoi reading materials or anything related to yaoi to be one of our products. It can help us to attract those people, especially those teenagers, who love that kind of genre." I nodded, she got what I want. She is straight to the point to what objectives she wants.

"My uncle have a publishing company and he could write yaoi stories. He also had a story about boys love, kindly open your folders and you'll see." I opened the folder and saw the synopsis of it. 

I could tell that this story was amazing and the book cover reminds me of him. Those big eyes with a long lashes and brown eye color. His pinky and kissable lips. Fuck what's happening to me? Am I that in love to him? I secretly smiled and shook my head.

"This synopsis is really good." One of the stakeholders and those other holders agreed to her idea and they were all waiting for my answer.

"Can we make some movie using this for more profits?" I asked. " The 50 percent of the income will be in your account. Let's keep it fair." I stated while my back is leaning on my chair.

" Yes, Sir." She replied. She looks proud and confident.

" Films company is mine as well, this and that company of mine were almost the same. So I would like to make some yaoi film for that company." She nodded. " I would like to offer to you Uncle that pass me a report on how his publishing company doing. He could also send some samples to me." I added. Her eyes sparkle. She bowed her head and thanked me again and again. 

" Okay, then I agree to your presentation." I said and stood up. I straightened my suit to be more formal. "Get yourselves together." 

" Ready the contract, send me a picture of your uncle publishing company, some of the interior and exterior. Ready those things we need for this presentation. We will have a meeting again after it's done." I paused. " And for you, Ms. Participant, go to my office tomorrow for you to sign the contract. You can also bring that Uncle of yours for his signature. " I said and went out of the room. 

" I have important meetings to go. That's it for today." I said before coming out from the conference room. They will have their own meeting, I do not need to hear those, I already have visual about the reportings that they will talk about. They do not need me there.

One meeting down, two to go. I sighed, I badly want to see my Dhaxzy. Also, I want to be in my office. I was walking on the hallway when my phone suddenly beeped and I received a message from Kirke. My eyes widened as I read his dispatch. 

"We're coming." We are? Who the heck we are? The fucking squad?

A/N: If you want to continue reading this book, please proceed to g o o d n o v e l for you to read the whole story. Thank you and please support the book!