
Pleasure Series#1: Love you

Disero was too bored. He was forced to go to the school for the orientation. Having this school was his idea but he doesn't like to go to those boring orientation. All of those workers there can handle it. But of course, he got no choices but to go. "Kirke, drive." He said with his cold blank expression. "Disero, I'm not your fucking assistant. You moron." He replied and showed his middle finger. They both hopped in the car and Disero' phone beeped. A group requesting a video call, he answered it. "Goodluck to that boring fucking orientation, Disero!" A loud noise almost echoed inside the car. Disero showed his middle finger and those men were just chuckling. They were Disero' friends. Their group called the PLEASURE SQUAD. They finally arrived at the front of the school. Boredom was almost eating him alive but a human being caught his attention. The man was standing while his bag was on the top of his head, Disero shrugged and chuckled because of the man's cuteness. The uniform of this school really suits the man. Disero's eyes couldn't take of on him. He opened the window and another man went to the student. "Dhaxzy Convel!" A loud man shouted. All of their eyes settled on him while the man's face that Disero admire became red. Because of shyness. He shook his head and smiled secretly. "Oi? Stop staring, that student will melt if he was an ice cream. Idiot." Disero glared at him and doesn't say anything. •What would happen if this guy— Saicki Disero fell inlove with his commoner? What will he do if he accidentally burst those brutal and harsh words even tho he doesn't mean it?• Now, let's meet him together with his squad. A/N: This is my first story. English is not my first language so bear with me. I hope you enjoy this story. Happy reading!

Mysteryo · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter III

Dhaxzy's POV

I received a messaged from my Auntie saying that something will might happened if I won't be at home before seven in the evening. I planned to sneak out, trying to not be obvious but this owner of this school just so annoying. 

"Mr. Dhaxzy, where do you think you're going?" His voice was cold enough for me to tremble.

I looked aroung and saw those group of bullies laughed at me. I stood straight but not in a long moment, I received a crumbled papers from my fellow students. 

"What an attention seeker!" Their loud laugh was consuming my head. My knees wanted to give up, this embarrassing moments added to my previous ones. 

I felt a hand held mine and it was Mier. He accompanied me out of the studio. My tears escaped, I do not know what I did to deserve this kind of humiliation. What did I do to that man? He may be rich but why does he need to mention my name? I could not be mad at him, I'm a scholar under this university. 

"Shh don't cry, Xzy." We were at our usual place where I can cry out loud,  the garden.

I was the one who found this place first but I couldn't hide any secret from Mier so I said it. This place could make me feel relax and calm. This place reminds me of my parents, the park that we always going in to bond like a happy and contented family. I suddenly burst into cry, I could not hold my tears back anymore. 

The pain that I always feel inside the household added in this pain that I feel inside this school. I kept on questioning my existence, how could I be alive? I smiled so bitter when I saw Mier's face. It was full of worries but I could not assure him that I am fine. Not now. I may be strong, a great pretender but now, I want to be weak at once.

"W-why? M-Mier, H-how bad am I?" I was sobbing. My eyes can't stop from crying. The humiliation that they made me feel earlier, the sadness that always bringing me back to the darkness that I always wanted to be away, and the anxiety that I do want to not feel, this cruel life gave all those things to me. 

"Xzy, you're not bad. They are. I'm still here okay? I won't never do that to you, I'm always at your side Xzy. Stop crying, you're making me cry as well." I forced myself to stop crying. I shouldn't cry over that. I should not cry over those stupid nonsense stuffs. I tried to clam myself down, convincing myself that they do not deserve any single tears of mine. 

I thought I used to it but I wasn't. It is still hurting me, I do not want attention, I don't want them to bully me. I dislike to be the center of attention, I want to be invisible. I don't need any of them to make my life better, I just need my nephew, Mier and those people who loves me. 

"Yeah. Sorry, I soaked your handkerchief." I giggled and threw it to him. I believe that there is something waiting for me. 

I realized that why would I looked to those negative sides. There are lots of bad sides but I am forcing myself to look at those good sides for me to keep on fighting. Instead of thinking those bullies, I am now decided that I will think of Mier and Gried. They will be one of my inspiration to still fight and go on. 

"Hahaha as long as you are happy." He patted my head. " Starting from now, please stop crying." I nodded. He became my brother and also my best friend. Never in my life that I wished for someone like him to be with me. 

Now I know why did we become best friend. He is pulling me out of the darkness, if I really do want to get out from there, I will contribute to Mier's effort for me to finally get away from that darkest place. 

" Thanks, Mier. You're the best friend!" I happily shouted– not genuinly but I am really lucky to have him by my side.

" Dhaxzy!" I heard a familiar voice, they turned around and sighed.

I was about to stand up but two men showed in front of us. It was Mr. Disero and Mr. Kirke. It shocks Dhaxzy at first, he thought that no one could find them since this garden is kinda hard to find. And if they found this, they will not notice that there is someone in here. 

"Sorry about what I did earlier." I forced my self to smile, like what I have thought earlier I have no rights to be mad at the one who let me study here.

" I have no rights to be mad at the owner of this University and I can tell that you're higher than me so no need to say sorry. I am the one who need to say sorry. Sorry, Mr. Disero." I said and bowed down my head as a sign of my respect. I never felt anger towards anyone, I just can not. 

"Mier, come on." I smiled- a fake one as usual. " Excuse me, we still have a class." I excused ourselves, I do not want to see their face this time. I just can't let them see these eyes, crying in front of them. I still can not pretend as of the moment. 

I was about to go away from them but Mr. Disero pulled my hand and I landed on his chest. He snaked his arms around me. He was hugging me tightly. Mier was shocked, even me. But Mr. Kirke wasn't, he was smiling and dying instead. Can I think that this Mr. Kirke is indeed crazy?

I tried to loosen his hug and good thing he did. Is this my imagination or it is for real, Mr. Disero's eyes were wet. He looks like he is about to cry. My eyes widened, I wiped his teary eyes using my bare hands.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it, I didn't know that they are bullying you." He looks sincere. I nodded as I accept his apology.

" I told you there's no need for you to say sorry." I tried to smile. For me, there is no need to say sorry. I am not making him to feel guilty.

"NO! I know I hurt you. So, I'll treat you. Okay?" I'm confused. He kept on insisting. "And of course, I won't accept a NO. Come on." He held my hands and walked away from them. I have nothing to do since he obviously stronger than me, I let him tk decently drag me. 

"Wait! What about us!?" Kirke shouted, his friend. Mier and Kirke's face look like defeated. 

" Wait up! That's my friend. Give him back or you can have him but treat me too." Saying that I'm his friend made me happy but the last part of his sentence made me dislike him.  

"Mier would dumb me just for food. How brutal he is." I shook my head and pulled my hand. I rolled my eyes on my friend before I turned around to face Mr. Disero. "I can walk." He scratch his nape.

I nodded at him and followed him. We arrived at the cafeteria and sat at the chair beside of the plant and the window. I can clearly watch those students who are playing soccer on the huge soccer field. I felt excited when the man that have a number 11 scored. 

"What do you want to eat?" He asked me. It beats me to wake up that I am with someone.

"I'm not hungry, you should ask Mier." I honestly said while my eyes were still on those players.

" You always saying his name." I gazed on him and saw his fists closed, his forehead creased and he looks grumpy. I reached his forehead and massage it for him.

"Don't be grumpy, doesn't suits you. And this fists..." I touched his fists and opened it up. " Don't close it 'cause you can scare other. Okay?" I said while slightly smiling in front of him. I assured him that he does not need to close his fist over my best friend's name.

"Why?" I asked when I felt he was stunned. I kept on massaging his temple.

" N-Nothing." He looks away and I didn't care. Is he shy? I let him do what he want, actually he's doing nothing but to stare at me.

"Ah okay." I said and looked at him, in his eyes.

He was about to ask something but Mier and his friend sat beside us. I looked at them and they both have sweats over their face. Mier was panting and trying to catch his breath, so do Kirke. The tiredness cause of running is visible on their face.

"You didn't even bother to wait for us." Kirke sulked but he was the first one to get and open the menu book. 

" You're not important, anyway. " Mr. Disero said. I looked at him and stare, my mouth was opened because of the sudden roasting.

" Oh! Roasted Kirke!" Mier responded. I jokily punched Mier's shoulder. He looked at me and gestures that he's doing something wrong. He should not say it. "Calm down my friend. This guy right here is now a friend of mine." 

"Ow, that's hurt Mr. Kirke." I chuckled and they were just looking at him. "And to give an assurance,yes me and Mier is now friends." 

"Um. Why?" I asked. My forehead wrinkles. They are all looking so creepy, but Mier face is so epic. 

"Did you just genuinely giggled?" Mier asked and I nodded. I do not know what is the big deal with me genuinely chuckling over them. 

"I'm hurt Xzy! You never giggled like that to my jokes. How could you!?" Mier acted like he's in pain. I faceplam and shook my head. I can't– I just can't with this friend of mine. 

"Your jokes are all lame. Even an infant won't find it funny." I said and they all laughed at what I have said. Well, it is the truth. "Who would laugh at a joke saying 'are you a clown? 'Cause you're just a clown'?" I asked.

" It looks like someone is stunned because of the smile for his love of his life." Mr. Kirke was teasing Mr. Disero. I was curious to know who it was but ended up not to ask since it was none of my business. 

" By the way, I am Tatsuke Kirke and this man right here is Saicki Disero. Call me Tatsu and call him Saicki." I nodded and I have no idea why a lot of foods served on our table.

"Let's dig in." Mier said and started to eat. My eyes widened as I sight this Mier being so glutton, once again. 

" Sorry, he's a glutton." I shook my head slightly slapped Mier's shoulder to say slow down.

"It is one of the seven deadly sin- Gluttony." Tatsu said while eating his food.

"You know about that? You know it is cool. I want a book about that but I couldn't find it and if I could, I can't afford to buy that book." I felt sad a bit but it was okay. I already learned a lot about those deadly sins.

"Want me to buy you some books about those?" Saicki invade to our conversation. I became shy.

"No. I would love bears than that book 'cause I already learned a lot about those." I thumbs up trying to get rid of ny shyness.

" Okay. You love bears?" I nodded. I just love them since they are all so fluffy, cute, and lastly, I think they can give the best hugs. 

I was about to say something when Mier answered his question for me. Well, he is always doing this as if I have no voice to speak for my self.

"Yeah, he's obsessed with those chubby, fluffy and cute bears." He said. " Plus, if you want to be on his side just give him those bears he want. That's a hint." Mier chuckled. Okay, he just exposed that side of me.

" Don't talk if your mouth is full." I started to open my sandwich. " Don't talk to me for a while." I said to them and their eyes widen except Mier.

"Why?" Saicki asked but I didn't want to talk. I ignored them.

"Notice us. Are you mad?" He asked again.

" Hey, you don't like the sandwich? Sorry, please notice me." His eyes were pleading but I don't want to speak.

Saicki was about to plead again but Mier just stop him.

"He's not mad. That's normal." Mier shared.

" No. He is. You see? He doesn't even look at me." Mier giggled and wiped the side of his lips using the table napkin beside him.

"He had the so-called table manner. He won't talk to everyone when he's eating, he only sees his food not us." Saicki looks like he's relieved.

" What's with you being overreacted." Kirke chuckled.

" Okay done! Thanks for the food." I said and innocently looked at them. 

Saicki' phone beeped. He answer it and all of us shut our mouth up.

"Yeah yeah. Coming." He said "Eat those foods that I ordered for you. Get some fats." He messed with my hair before he bid his goodbye.

He was the first time to mess with my hair, the last person who did that was my father. In that short span of time, I remembered how gently and caring my dad was. In just that simple gesture makes me feel the gentleness that I ways craving for. I looked up and I genuinely smiled at him, with all of my heart.

He left Kirke with us. He said he wants Kirke to be my bodyguard today. I didn't accept but it looks like Mier and Kirke want to bond together so I didn't mind. 

"So, what are you going to do now?" Kirke asked while he was chewing the friend chicken. His mouth is full of oil. I shook my head. I think I'll be their bodyguard, not hem guarding me.

"Hmm, the dean said that you are one of stockholders in this school right?" I glimpsed on Mier and saw those sparkles in his eyes. I already knew what is he going to say. 

"Yeah, the most handsome man." Mier scoffed and laughed at Kirke. 

"Wow. The audacity." I facepalm.  If they just can read my mind, they will stop from saying these things. 

"Whatever, so why did you ask?" Kirke asked while he was cleaning his plate. By means of cleaning, he was licking his plate like a dog. Is he really a billionaire?

"Oh. About that, I'm kinda lazy to go to class. Can you excuse us?" Mier stated. I slapped his arm and gave him a glare. "What?"

"Don't what me." I rolled my eyes and turned at Mr. Kirke's side. "Sorry for my stupid childish friend, Mr. Kirke." I formally apologized.

" No worries. That's fine. Also, I told you to cut the formality, just Tatsu will do." He stated. He looks so gentleman.

" Okay, Tatsu." I shyly responded. 

He chuckles and looked at Mier. I thought he will nag at Mier but he said what I ain't expected him to say. "Okay!  I'll tell the dean!" He said and stood up. 

I facepalm and saw them wrapping their arms around each other's shoulder. " Saicki, why did you left these two to me?"