
please reset the booktitle Junior_Dre 20231218092329 41

Domineering love

Junior_Dre · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 5; Watching them act quietly

While, Wang xinrui was still pondering, madam Shi spoke gently, "Madam Song, do not worry, I won't let Tingwan suffer."

Wang xinrui wiped her tears and said, "Madam Shi, I know you also have your difficulties, but being a stepmother is not easy. If I don't care of wan wan in the Shi family, how many people will criticize me for being cruel and milicious behind my back?!"

Madam Shi was taken aback and said, "This..."

Wang xinrui continued, "Wan wan's mother passed away early, and she has been without a mother since she was a child. if I don't love her, Who else will? Miss Shi, I must take Wan wan with me."

Madam Shi naturally didn't want Song Tingwan leave, after all, she was there only hope. just as she was about to speak, she heard Wang xinrui, "Speaking of birthdates, wei wei and wan wan was born on the same day, only a month apart, it shouldn't matter much. if you insist on finding someone to celebrate the young's master happiness, let wei wei stay."

Song caiwei instantly understood her mother's intention and exclaimed in shock, "Mom?! you are doing this for my sister..."

She burst into tears, and Wang xinrui hugged her also crying, "Caiwei, mom has no choice. your sister has had a hard life and suffered enough. This time, please help your sister..."

The servants around them were all moved, they have seen many stepmothers mistreat there stepdaughters, but they have never seen a stepmother send away her own daughter to exchange for her stepdaughter.

Wang xinrui truly love Song Tingwan.

Song Tingwan's face remained expressionless as she watched the mother and daughter act.

It was obvious that they converted the position of the wife of the wealthy young master of the Shi family, but they insisted on portraying her as the villain. it was a trick that the mother and the daughter often use, and Song Tingwan was already tired of it.

Shi laofuren said, "Are you really willing to give it up?"

"I naturally don't want to give it up..." Wang xinrui wiped away her tears. "But I can't let Tingwan suffer anymore..."

Shi laofuren pondered for a moment and asked, "has A yuan woken up?"

The servant immediately replied, "He just woke up..."

Shi laofuren said, "let him come over."

The servent left to carry out yeh order. Shi laofuren said, "I can't make the decision on this matter, it depends on whether, A yuan can accept your daughter."

Wang xinrui thought to herself, What's there not to accept? After all, her daughter was much stronger than this useless Song Tingwan. if it waren't for the Shi family's power, She wouldn't want to leave her daughter here.

After waiting for a while, a person walked in through the door.

The man was wearing a stylish black shirt and matching pants that accentuated his broad shoulders and long legs.He came in with a faint duskiness, and in that light, Song Tingwan saw his face.

His long eyebrows and eyelashes were like stars, his nose was straight, and his thin lips were a pale color. The line of his jaw was very delicate, and disappeared into his shirt collar, leaving a lasting impression.

This was Shi Ciyuan, but it also seemed like he wasn't Shi Ciyuan. The man who walked in had a noble and aloof temperament, but he looked completely normal and didn't have any of the ferocity that Song Tingwan has seen before.

When Song caiwei saw Shi Ciyuan, she was stunned.

She had heard a lot about Shi Ciyuan and taught she would meet a crazy person, who looked completely different, but she didn't expect him to be so stunning!

If she had some complaints about her mother's decision just now, now she could only sigh at her mother's wisdom. Being with such a man, she could hold both beauty and power in her hands, why not do it!

Shi Ciyuan walked in, but no one looked at him, he just coldly called out, "Grandmother!" His voice was low and cold, and didn't sound like someone to mess with.

Song caiwei heard her heart beating rapidly, suppressed her excitement, and quickly put on a shy look.

The old lady Shi said, "A yuan, you woked up just in time. Do you remember what happened last night?"

"I don't remember, Shi Ciyuan said indifferently.

The old lady Shi said, "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, you just need to know that you liked this girl very much.

Shi Ciyuan frowned.

He had vague memories of what happened during his madness, and someone had told him about this as soon as he woke up. it was said that Er furen Ju Shaqing had found a woman who could calm him down.

This was supposed to be a good thing, but the person Ju Shaqing found couldn't be anything good.

The old lady Shi smiled, and pull Song caiwei over, saying, "it's this girl."

Shi Ciyuan lowered his gaze and looked at the woman in front of him with a red face. She was beautiful and shy, looking like a delicate little bird.

Song caiwei gathered her courage, and said softly, "Shi Shao..."

Suddenly, Shi Ciyuan grabbed the back of her neck and leaned in, with his nose almost brushing against the skin of her neck.

Song caiwei's heart pounded, and she didn't know where to put her hands and feet,She didn't expect Shi Ciyuan to be so direct, to do this to her in front of so many people.

But this also indirectly proved that Song Tingwan was not the special one!

Seeing this, Wang xinrui was also pleased and secretly taught that she had made the right bet!

Shi laofuren was a little surprised and glanced at Song Tingwan without leaving a trace, As long as Shi Ciyuan accepted her, Laofuren didn't care if the one who stayed was Song Tingwan or Song caiwei, so she didn't speak up.

Just when everyone taught that Song caiwei was going to become the big wife of the Shi family, she suddenly screamed and was pushed away by Shi Ciyuan.

Shi Ciyuan sneered and sarcastically said, "Who do you think you are? Are you worthy to be the big wife of the Shi family.

The servant immediately handed Shi Ciyuan a wet tissue to wipe his hands.

The man wiped his hand that had just touched Song caiwei with a cold disgusted expression, and said coldly, "the person last night was not you."

Song caiwei forced herself to say, "Shi Shao, I was the one who was with you last night..."

Shi Ciyuan said coldly, "I just can't remember clearly, I'm not stupid. The woman last night smelled good, and you stink. How could it be you?"

...❣️❣️❣️,.....if you have been enjoying my storey, this is the right time you should vote for me, and subscribe to my book😉, as I will be releasing more chapters, and a new story..you can chat in the comment section, the type of story you have always wished to read, and I might write about it just for you😘...