
please reset the booktitle Junior_Dre 20231218092329 41

Domineering love

Junior_Dre · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 6; She smells fragrant

Song caiwei couldn't believe what she just heard, she looked at herself in disbelief, she has sprayed perfume on herself, how could she smell bad.

it was the first time in her life that she had been treated like this, especially in front of so many people, She almost wanted to cry.

Wang xinrui quickly said, "Mr. Shi, it was really wei wei who accompanied you last night. you must have remembered it wrong."

Shi Ciyuan didn't even look at Wang xinrui. He had no interest in the person sent by Ju Shaqing. He turned around and was about to leave when he suddenly saw Song Tingwan, who had been standing by as a background.

For some reason he went up to Song Tingwan and pinched her chin, forcing her to lift up her head.

Her face covered in make up, looked quite comical.

Shi Ciyuan should have a avoided her.

But inexplicably, he leaned down and deeply sneefed at Song Tingwan's neck.

A faint, soothing floral fragrance emanated from her, like gentle water that could smooth out all anxiety and restlessness.

Goosebumps rose on Song Tingwan's neck, She was scared.

She taught Shi Ciyuan was terrifying when he was crazy, but now that she saw him in his normal state, she felt that he was even more frightening, compared to the man who hugged her and said she smelled good, he was much cuter.

The man's deep and captivating voice sounded in ear, "very certain, it's you."

Song Tingwan eyelashes trembled and she looked at Shi Ciyuan with her wet eyes, she seemed surprised that he could recognize her like this.

Song caiwei was still strangling in her last moments and managed to force a smile. "Shi Shao..., she is my sister. "She just came today, how could it be her?"

Shi Ciyuan impatiently looked at her.

"Noisy, Shut up."

Song Tingwan was frightened and quickly closed up her mouth.

Shi Ciyuan had originally not wanted to pay attention to the person sent by Ju Shaqing, but look at the small face with lips as red as cherry and teeth as white as snow in front of him, he suddenly changed his mind, and asked, "what's your name?"

..."Song Tingwan."

"What are the two characters?" The man lazily asked.

Song Tingwan whispered, yanzi bungui chunchi wan, yinting yanhu xinhuahan."

The distance between the two was very close, close enough for Song Tingwan to count the man eyelashes. Suddenly, the man moved away, and his voice was very cold. "Grandmother, I want her."

Earing Shi laofuren was first stunned, then smiled and said, "Good, Good!"

After Shi Ciyuan finished speaking, he left.

Shi laofuren held Song Tingwan's hand, and smiled, "Tingwan, it seems you are destined to be my daughter-in-law ."

Song Tingwan also smiled along. if it warent for turning the tables, she would never have wanted to provoke someone like Shi Ciyuan, She even hoped Shi Ciyuan would keep Song caiwei instead.

On the other hand, Song caiwei, and Wang xinrui were not happy at all.

Especially, Song caiwei, the more she thinks about it, the more she couldn't understand. Where was she inferior to Song Tingwan? Shi Ciyuan didn't want her, he even said she stinks!

"It's all Song Tingwan's fault! She must have instigated him! Otherwise, why would Shi Ciyuan treat her so mercilessly whey they first met?.

Song caiwei was so angry that she wanted to confront Song Tingwan directly, but fortunately, Wang xinrui pulled her back, and whispered, "wei wei, think about morning star, we can't afford to fall out with her now!"

Song caiwei froze.

yes, there was still morning star.

Morning star was the legacy left to Song Tingwan by her deceased mother. An zhusu, it used to be a prominent talent agency in the entertainment industry, but it had gradually declined recent years due to mismanagement, However, it was still much better than small companies, Song caiwei was currently trying to break into the entertainment industry, and didn't want to be constrained by other companies, so she wanted to take over morning star from Song Tingwan.

But this useless Song Tingwan had been sturbornly holding on to it all this time! if they fell out now, the chances of getting morning star would be slimmer.

Thinking of this, Song caiwei forced a smile, and said, "Sister, you are actually lucky. I wanted to help you, but it seems that the young master only recognizes you. Sorry about that."

Song Tingwan looked at Song caiwei's faked smile and said calmly, "Thank you for your kindness. if you and Auntie don't have anything else, you can go back first."

Song caiwei gritted her teeth and wish she could slap Song Tingwan twice. How dare she act so high and mighty towards the future Mrs. Shi!

But in reality, she couldn't do anything, and could only leave with her mother.

As soon as they left the house, Song caiwei exclaimed angrily, "Mom, I want Song Tingwan dead! I must have her dead, she made me lose face like this, I want her life!"

Wang xinrui quickly comforted her precious daughter saying, "Wei wei, don't worry, even if she stays in the Shi family, what's the point? She is not legitimate and that Shi Ciyuan is a lunatic. Who knows when he will tear her apart? "she won't be so arrogant for long, Our top Priority now is to quickly take down the morning star, So that your future path will be more smoother!"

Song caiwei tried to calm herself down and said, "Mom, I'll go talk to Zefeng brother when I get back. Song Tingwan is just a fool, and the morning star will only end up in her hands, Zefeng brother will definitely help me.

Su Zefeng was Song Tingwan's fiancee chosen by her family. Song Tingwan quite like him, but unfortunately, he had know interest in this spoiled girl and was disgusted by her.

Wang xinrui taught for a moment, and said, "That's a good idea, Song Tingwan listened to Zefeng so much, maybe she will be loosen by her grip!"

Song caiwei said viciously, "Once I get the morning star, Song Tingwan death won't be far away!"

Song Tingwan had no idea that Song caiwei and Wang xinrui were already planning to take her assets. She was taken back to the small courtyard, where she had stayed before.