
Playing with Mr. Billionaire

Chealse Adeline was forced not to return to Indonesia after graduating from college in Berlin, Germany. In order to pay off her parents' debt, she immediately looked for work in the city. One night drunk and frustrated by a job vacancy, Cheal is almost kidnapped by a strange man and Alden Dexter finds out. Alden immediately took Chealse away from the club and scolded him. "If you can't get drunk, you shouldn't drink!" "Do not talk too much! Quickly give me a job so I can pay off the debt!” Hearing Chealse's words, Alden decided to take the girl to his house. As morning approached, Chealse finally realized and was surprised to find his body no longer wearing the clothes she wore last night. "Where am I?" Suddenly Alden appeared from behind the door smiling triumphantly. "You said you needed a job? Right? Then this is your job!”

DevaDelia_22 · Urbain
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6 Chs

Part 4 | In a Drunk

Countless how many beers have been forced into Chealse's body, it's clear that now the girl has lost consciousness but her ears can hear clearly even though her eyes are closed.

"Now do you feel it?" The man whispered right in Chealse's ear.

Chealse laughed crookedly then shoved the man's shoulder. "Feeling what? Nauseous? Of course. Get ready your clothes will be dirty with my vomit."

Instead of being disgusted, the man laughed. "I like something like this." With enthusiasm, the man unbuttoned his shirt one by one. Chealse still closed her eyes as she continued to laugh. Every now and then she would babble incoherently and then smack the air.

After the man was ready to bare his chest, Chealse tried to open her eyes. Her facial expression suddenly changed. "You are so bad, Old Man. How old are you?"

The man who had been eager to finish off Chealse suddenly fell silent. "Watch your words, cheap girl. Haven't I fed you seven beers enough?"

Chealse laughed. "What are you going to do with that old body of yours? Hold me? You're wrong, you just woke a sleeping lion."

"You despicable girl! Just seven beers drunk!" The man didn't want to bother with responding to Chealse's strange words. The man was about to touch Chealse's feet, when suddenly the girl kicked the man's chest with all her might.

"Get lost!" Chealse spontaneously jumped over the man while laughing.

The man who had fallen on the floor hissed and tried to grab Chealse's leg. "Shut up!"

Chealse began to stand up and maintain balance. She quickly grabbed the man's coat that was lying on the back of the sofa and held it to her chest.

The man was already standing in front of Chealse with a face full of anger. "You've exhausted me enough, Cheap Girl! Come here you-"

Bugs! Again Chealse kicked the man's lower abdomen until he fell to the ground. Chealse laughed again as she fumbled for the pockets inside his coat. "My lust is at its peak! The lust to destroy you has peaked!"

Chealse raised her right hand that had obtained the lock up high. Thens he threw the coat in her hand right into the old man's face. With half consciousness, Chealse tried to find the keyhole.

"Y-you won't survive!" The man was ready to pounce on Chealse by grabbing the girl's slender waist but again Chealse's left hand swiftly took action. She immediately caught the man's eye and laughed again. "You Stupid Man!"

"Argh!" The man spontaneously walked away while screeching in pain.

Now Chealse began to be seized with fear. Before long, the door was locked and she was out of the room as fast as she could. Drunk and nauseous, she tried to find a gap between hundreds of people who were embracing in the loud banging of the disco music.

For some reason the smell of alcohol in the room became stronger than before, Chealse couldn't hold back the urge from her stomach. Her head hurt and was spinning. Her hands stretched out in front of her, groping for air or whatever she could.

Until suddenly someone pushed her body right out of the building and immediately she vomited her stomach contents. "Whoops! Whoops!"

Some of the people who were there immediately screamed and made loud noises. They cursed, looking at Chealse with disgust and pitiful looks. Chealse's body went limp, she had completely lost her strength and her breath was suddenly short. She tried to squat but in vain. The girl could only fall on the pavement right next to the place where she had vomited.

"Argh! I want to go home!" Chealse shouted to herself.

Suddenly her cold body due to the night wind suddenly warmed up. Something wrapped around her. Chealse struggled to lift her head to see what was happening.

"I'll take you home."

Chealse couldn't see who was speaking. Her vision was dazzling because of the reflection of the lights from the front of the Club building. Chealse tried to open her mouth when suddenly someone was ready to lift Chealse's body.

Chealse had a really hard time speaking, and couldn't do anything. Until suddenly her body shook and fell to the pavement. "Oh!" Chealse screamed in pain.

Dimly her ears heard a blunt blow and a few small moans from people fighting. Chealse turned her head to the left and she saw two men dueling. One of them had a bald head and wore a black tight t-shirt.

Chealse raised her hand, trying to prevent it but it seemed the two men no longer cared. Right on the heaviest blow, the bald-headed man fell to the ground. The man in a black shirt and his arms folded up to his elbows stomped on his back.

"Hey!" Chealse shouted. "You dammit!"

The man working in black approached Chealse and stood right above him. "You're so bad."

"You! You killed him!" Chealse was still sleeping on the pavement pointing at the man standing above her. The man didn't say anything, just crossed his arms over his chest as he looked closely at Chealse.

"You killed the person who was going to take me home!" Chealse shouted again.

The man chuckled as she looked away. "If you can't get drunk, then don't drink!"

Chealse suddenly fell silent. Her memories flashed fast. "Drink? Who's drinking? You don't talk too much! Quickly give me a job so I can pay off my debt, you killer!"

The man snorted in annoyance and grabbed Chealse's body. He carried the girl bridal style, making several people who witnessed the lightning incident gape. "He's not dead, Foolish Girl! He will wake up tomorrow morning, at the police station!"

Chealse was silent. Her breathing was regular and her long hair hung down. The man closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Fortunately I'm not late."

The man walked slowly towards a luxury car parked on the side of the road while pressing his cellphone screen. Before long, he put the flat object to his ear and waited for someone to answer his call.

"Prepare the room, I brought someone tonight."


Chealse suddenly felt a nudge sensation from inside his stomach. But when the urge reached its limit, she opened her eyes. She blinked rapidly many times. "I want to throw up."

Chealse immediately turned to her left and vomited her stomach contents. There was nothing, just a yellow liquid and her mouth turned bitter. Chealse closed her eyes and went back to sleep. "I will clean it up later…."

Chealse tried to catch her breath and remember the last thing she had experienced, until at last she saw the old man's face in her reflection and she opened his eyes again. "Where am I?!"

Chealse looked quickly to the right and left, all seemed strange. A very spacious room, shades of white and pastel gray dominate. A wide window that stretched the length of the room, was covered by gray curtains. "This is not Patricia's house…."

Chealse moved her feet. Spontaneously she opened the blanket covering her body and her eyes widened for a moment. "When did I wear this dress?!"

"Tsk! She's throwing up again."

Chealse heard a strange voice a few meters away from her. The girl turned to the left and again her eyes widened when she found a man, in a white shirt with a cup in his right hand leaning against the door.

"Who are you?!" Chealse shouted, but the man remained silent. Before long, a woman entered the room carrying a cleaning tool. The woman cleaned up Chealse's vomit swiftly and quickly and without a trace.

Chealse felt embarrassed and tried to restrain the woman. "Leave it alone, I'll clean it up later."

"It's all right, Miss."

The woman had finished with her task and then left the room again. Chealse was still shrouded in confusion, he looked at the man in the doorway with a sharp gaze. "Who are you! And… why am I wearing this outfit!" Chealse opened her blanket so that her body was exposed clearly.

The man still didn't change her gaze. Casually, he took a sip of the liquid from the cup and then wet his lips. Chealse felt a little embarrassed that his bluffing didn't help at all.

The man walked up to Chealse while smiling triumphantly.

"Didn't you say you needed a job? Then this is your job, from now on!"