
Playing with Mr. Billionaire

Chealse Adeline was forced not to return to Indonesia after graduating from college in Berlin, Germany. In order to pay off her parents' debt, she immediately looked for work in the city. One night drunk and frustrated by a job vacancy, Cheal is almost kidnapped by a strange man and Alden Dexter finds out. Alden immediately took Chealse away from the club and scolded him. "If you can't get drunk, you shouldn't drink!" "Do not talk too much! Quickly give me a job so I can pay off the debt!” Hearing Chealse's words, Alden decided to take the girl to his house. As morning approached, Chealse finally realized and was surprised to find his body no longer wearing the clothes she wore last night. "Where am I?" Suddenly Alden appeared from behind the door smiling triumphantly. "You said you needed a job? Right? Then this is your job!”

DevaDelia_22 · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Part 5 | Alden Dexter

Chealse gaped, her eyes perfectly rounded with furrowed brows. "What? What did you say?"

Chealse spontaneously stood up and she almost lost her balance but quickly grabbed onto the edge of the bed. "What job do you mean? What does it mean?"

The man took another deep breath. Maybe he was tired enough since last night taking care of Chealse who was always causing trouble. He stood in front of Chealse and touched the top of the girl's head.

Chealse was about to dodge but failed when the man grabbed his head. "Shut up."

Chealse rolled her eyes upwards. "What do you want?"

The man withdrew his hand again. "You've been emotional since last night, it turns out that you are stubborn."

"What?" Chealse felt very annoyed because his question was considered a joke by the man.

Without paying attention to Chealse again, the man immediately closed the bedroom door and sat on one of the sofas facing the window. He sank the drink in his hand and placed the empty cup on the table.

"Sit here."

Chealse finally gave in and just obeyed. She walked slowly barefoot and immediately sat down in front of the man. The girl looked at the man in front of her briefly then looked down while playing with her fingers.

"What's your name?"

Chealse dared to lift her head and take a closer look at the man in front of her. A man with black hair, two block models, narrow eyes and whiter skin than herself. Very representative of East Asian people.

"Chealse Adeline."

"Are you from Indonesia?" he asked again.

Chealse's eyes widened when the man in front of her suddenly spoke Indonesian. "Y-you speak Indonesian?"

"Answer my question," the man said quickly.

Chealse immediately bit her lip and nodded slowly. The man nodded and leaned back, folding his arms across his chest. "I'm Alden, Alden Dexter."

Chealse was about to open her mouth but the man named Alden immediately took control. "Now you can ask whatever you want to know."

Chealse moistened her lips then looked at Alden. "First of all, I want to apologize for being rude to you just after waking up. I was really shocked and traumatized."

Chealse fiddled with her pale nails and sighed. "I also thank you for being willing to help me."

Alden spontaneously raised an eyebrow. "How can you be sure that I really helped you?"

"Because we are both Indonesians," answered Chealse confidently.

Alden spontaneously laughed then looked the other way when Chealse suddenly looked at her. "You're so innocent! How can you be sure that I'm Indonesian just because I can speak Indonesian in Germany?"

Chealse shrugged. "Who knows. I'm just sure, you know? I'm too tired to think."

Alden looked back at Chealse. "My parents, um… I mean my mom is from Indonesia and my dad is from Seoul. So, I know more or less about Indonesia."

"Seo-Seoul? South Korea?" repeated Chealse.

Alden nodded. "Now what do you want to ask?"

Chealse looked down, the girl trying to remember everything that happened last night. However, all she could remember was the face of the old man in the white shirt. Chealse looked at Alden. "Aren't you the one at the Maxxim Club? You're the guy at the bar, who saw me being dragged into the karaoke room?"

Alden smirked. "Apparently you remember too…."

"Right right? So you saved me from that old man?" Chealse leaned forward, looking very enthusiastic about the conjecture he had made.

Alden frowned. "Old man? I don't know. All I know is you threw up in front of Maxxim and a bald man is about to kidnap you."

"W-what?" Chealse couldn't believe what she was hearing. The girl blinked quickly as she shook her head slowly. "What happened to me last night?"

Alden sighed again then scratched the tip of his nose. "Look, can you tell me how you got here? I mean, in Germany? And tell me, who brought you to the Maxxim Club and what incident do you remember?"

Chealse finally complied. She told me everything from the beginning. About her college, about her parents' debts that forced her to stay in Germany to find work. Meeting with Patricia and ending up at the Maxxim Club.

"You were tricked, they sold you." Alden interrupted Chealse's story and left the girl speechless.

"It seems so… and now I have nothing. I mean, Patricia took my cell phone, I can't reach my parents. And… my stuff!" Chealse spontaneously held her head. "My things are in Patricia's apartment!"

Alden chuckled. "Useless items, you will get new ones later. Don't go back to that place—"

"My degree is there! In that suitcase, Alden! What do you think?!" Chealse shouted. The girl stood up and bit her lip. "I have to get there right away! Take my suitcase before Patricia escapes!"

Alden looked at the restless Chealse then looked out the window. "You mean to Berlin?"

Chealse turned quickly, looking at Alden. "To Berlin? You mean this isn't Berlin?"

Alden just shook his head and still relaxed. Chealse glared then approached Alden. "Where is this?"

Alden moistened his lips then returned Chealse's gaze. "Wolfsburgh."

Chealse's eyes widened even more. "Wolfsburg? Why to Wolfsburg?"

"Why?" Alden raised his eyebrows. "Because my house is in Wolfsburg!"

"Argh!" Chealse screamed and suddenly her vision darkened, her body fell, along with Alden's scream that spontaneously caught her body.


"She is still in the trauma phase. Remembering some painful events will make her head hurt and her breath short. If it's not severe, maybe she's just weak. But if it's severe, she could pass out like she is now."

Chealse overheard the faint conversation between the two people. One male and one female, both speaking German. Chealse felt her body no longer as nervous and trembling as before. However, her eyes still felt heavy to open.

"Don't let her drink any more alcohol. Her liver function was almost damaged from drinking alcohol in a short time and in large quantities."

"Fine, I understand. Thank you."

There was no more talking, Chealse only heard the sound of the door closing and the sound of humans getting further and further away. Chealse took a deep breath and swallowed saliva to moisten her throat.

Hoarse, Chealse needs water. She tried to open her eyes and finally succeeded too. The girl looked up at the ceiling above her. "Am I in Wolfsburg?"

"Are you awake, Miss?"

Chealse turned to her right and found a familiar woman, the same woman who cleaned up his vomit earlier in the morning.

Chealse nodded, for some reason her brain suddenly struggled just to say that she wanted to drink in German. Finally she managed to sit down and the woman in the maid uniform came to her aid.

"You should still rest, Miss."

Chealse smiled and leaned back against the pillow behind her. Chealse looked at the woman in front of her and then hse realized that the woman's name was Yasmin, as read from the name tag she wore on the left side of her chest.

Chealse glanced to her left, on the nightstand there was a glass of water. Yasmin, who realized Chealse's attitude, immediately took the water and handed it to Chealse.

"You can ask me to fetch it, Miss. Whatever, not just this plain water."

Chealse nodded again and then sank the water in the glass in one gulp. Her throat felt really dry. After the water was completely finished, Chealse handed Yasmin an empty glass.

"Vielen Dank."

Yasmin nodded. Chealse suddenly remembered something. "I have one question for you."

"What is it, Miss?"

Chealse bit her lip. "Do you know, who changed my clothes last night?"

After hearing Chealse's question, Yasmin spontaneously chuckled. "I replaced it, Miss. Mr. Alden himself asked me to change Miss's clothes to Mr. Alden's white shirt. Before the doctor came, I was also asked to change Miss's clothes with new clothes."

Chealse blinked for a moment then looked down, and sure enough. She was no longer wearing an oversized white shirt and had changed into white rabbit print pajamas. Unknowingly, Chealse's smile grew on its own.

"Earlier Master also said that this is the last time I change clothes for Miss."

Chealse spontaneously looked at Yasmin. "Why?"

Yasmin smiled again. "Because Mr. Alden is getting married, Miss. So, Mr. Alden can already change the clothes for Miss himself."

Chealse's eyes widen. "W-what? M—married?"