I can’t really explain this story but it does have an overpowered main character, a super huge world, and a talking abyss.
Hi I'm Mu Sic and right around me is Nothing... absolutely nothing.
Then light and a voice appeared in my head.
;)Hello user you are being transported to another world because you hit such a wickedly sick note that you shattered the space-time continuum.
"Huh, what do you mean "Another World" I like my old world take me fucking back!"
;)Sorry user but the space-time continuum can only be broken once by each being in reality.
"Oh OK, that makes a lot of sense. Whatever, so when will we get there voice in my head?"
;)As soon as you are good enough at singing to be considered the best in reality.
;)Don't worry user the voice will help you by providing you a progress bar to show how you are doing as soon as you reach max on that you may leave.
(Singer Help In Travel acquired, otherwise known as S.H.I.T)
"Voice what's with this goddamn name it doesn't even describe it"
;)I thought it was funny
"It's not, now how do I use this thing"
;)Just think "Practice" and it will start
"Ok, well what am I going to sing"
;)I don't know just pick one of the songs from your past world.
"Isn't that plagiarism though?"
;)Who cares your in the abyss.
"Alright." Practice Mu thought
Progress: 1,245-1,000,000,
"What the hell is this number!"
;)I's the number that will signify how much longer you have till you become the best
"Then why do I already have some progress"
;)Well you were a musician so it does make sense that you would have some progress.
The amounts go like this
0-250: Normal beings
250-1,000: Beings who do a lot of karaoke
1,000-2,500:Beings who are musicians
2,500-10,000: Beings who are musical in nature
10,000-50,000:Beings who need music to live
50,000- 200,000: Beings who have surpassed normality and are magically singing
200,000-999,999: Gods, and Demons who are musical
1,000,000: Only You
"Hey voice, what's with that last one?"
;)As it says it is the number only you who possesses enough potential can reach.
"Oh so am I special."
;) yeeahhh you could say that
"Shut up."
After that Mu went through a training montage worthy of a certain boxing movie for an indefinite amount of time. Until finally
"Oh God why is that always so loud" Practice Mu thought.
Progress: 1,000,000-1,000,000
;)Max reached user you may now leave the abyss knowing that you are in fact the most musical being in existence.
"YES! YES! YEA! FUCK YEA! I'M LEAVING" Mu yelled into the abyss, " Fuck you my prison no longer shall you keep me upon your dark abode."
;)Geez dramatic much *eye roll*
"Did you just write out "eye roll"."
;)That's not important what is important however is that you will be leaving in 5..4..3..2..1..0.
The abyss started converting into a myriad of color ,some of which don't even have a name.
Then *Poof* Mu is falling and falling right into a giant lake where one family is having a picnic.
"MOM! A man just fell from the sky!" Yelled a little girl who was presumably apart of the family.
"Oh that's great dear." Said the mother. All the while Mu was swimming his way out of the lake which was a real struggle due to its size but he eventually came up to the family.
"Hello I'm Mu do you know where I am?" He asked acting like he hadn't just fallen from the sky.
"Hmm," the father said while raising his eyebrow. "Why you are on the property of me Duke Ass of the famous Ass family. Now tell me what are you doing here before I call the guards."
The pompous Man named Ass asked. "OH, I'm" but before he could finish the man laughed and said," I don't care I already called the guards."
Then about 20 dignified looking people in armor walked out of the forest. "Halt! you have broken the law, return your stolen... uh I mean get off this land or pay with your blood!"