

Chapter 370:

Percy sat crossed legged in the middle of the Amphitheatre. He had

one hand on his lap and one on Wave rider which stood straight by his

side. The sky was red indicating that Percy was inside his ID world. He

took a deep breath in, and slowly let it out.

Percy opened his eyes and placed Wave rider across his lap. 'Okay,

let's see how you work.'

Percy slowly let anger take over. It was difficult to start, you couldn't

just decided to get angry, it had to come out on it's own. So Percy

created his own motivation. He recalled all the times he was angry. The

time Mera got attacked, the time in the illusional world when Kronos

killed Thalia. That time Hades took his mother. That time he found out

Luke was a traitor.

Anger slowly poured out of him in earnest. Percy knew this wasn't his

limit to how angry he could get, this was barely the surface. But it

enough to activate the special mode on his weapon.


Special mode activated! Emotion: Anger

4 X attack, Rage blast- beam of light that causes affected

individuals to go into a rage filled frenzy

The white in Percy's blue trident turned blood red as an aura of rage

covered the weapon and Percy.


Perk: 'Le Bete' activated! You gained +20 to all stats!

Percy's eyes slowly began to change. While before the Le Bete curse

was uncontrollable and gave +50 extra stats, the new improved perk

gave only +20 stats, but allowed Percy to remain in control. As such to

reflect on this change, instead of Percy's eyes turning yellow, they

turned bright red.

Percy got off the ground and began twirling the weapon around.

Percy's skills in spear handling would be useful in fighting with a

trident, the principle of attack was basically the same for both.

Percy trailed his weapons over and over before harshly swinging the

trident in a wide arc sending a blast of wind so powerful it damaged the

rocks in front of Percy.

'Guess that's what a weapon with 400,000 attack points can do,' Percy

realised as he slowly let the weapon depower by releasing his anger.

The red in the trident turned back to white and his eye turned back to

their normal sea green.

'Let's try… will power.'

Percy placed the trident before him and focused on the blades. His

brain no longer tried to divert his attention, when in battle his focus was

like that of a hawk's. Percy slowly removed all other emotions, they

would just get in the way. He then thought, 'activate.'

Percy's will was strong enough to activate the special mode in his

trident causing the white lines to turn green;


Special mode activated! Emotion: Willpower

Power supplied due to willpower- X 2

'I didn't concentrate enough,' Percy realised as he let go of his

concentration returning his weapon back to normal. He then focused

again. This time didn't think of anything else except activating his

weapon's power, and once again;


Special mode activated! Emotion: Willpower

Power supplied due to willpower- X 4

Percy realised the mode and he panted. He was tired, the amount

concentration needed for only a 4 times power boost was ridiculous.

Even with Gamer's mind Percy couldn't muster enough willpower. But

maybe that was because this was training. Percy had always been the

type to grow stronger under pressure, maybe that was what he needed

to become stronger with willpower.

Percy sighed and twirled his trident transforming it into a sword and

then into a fountain pen. He capped the pen and put it into his pocket.

It was time to test out his other skills.

Percy opened his skill list and saw them all. He couldn't help but

whistle. He had a lot of different skills, but was never master of any one

in particular. Maybe he should change that soon. Percy saved that

thought for later and instead looked at the skill he obtained from


Necromancy, Lv- 1 (0%)

A branch of magic that involves magic surrounding the dead or

the un-dead.


Revival of the dead, Lv- MAX

Brings back the spirits of the dead in their natural bodies. Limit- 1

time per day. No limit on the number of revived, the only limit is

the ability of the user to channel the powers of death.

Note: If the soul of the person is unavailable then a copy will be

made of the soul which posses all of the original soul's

knowledge and memories.

It was honestly a skill Percy never saw himself having. It always

seemed kind of…..a Hades thing to do by reviving the dead. But now

he had it, and he might as well make use of it.

'No…..who should I bring back from the dead?' Percy knew he

basically had a wide variety of people to chose from. He could call

Julius Caesar, Shakespeare, Churchill, Cleopatra or even Walt Disney!

All of human history was at his all so the question came, who to pick?

'Hm….well why not the original Perseus?' Percy wondered, 'he and I

do have a lot in common. And we do both have the same name. It

should be a blast.' Percy nodded as he made his choice. He closed his

eyes and slowly activated his revival spell. Percy felt a drain on his

body, it felt like his stamina was being sucked out through a straw. He

felt drained, but luckily the power sapping stopped before it did to much


Slowly a figure in white appeared before Percy. The person was blurry,

he could barely make out the edges, but slowly the image of the

person focused itself. Standing before Percy now was an older man

wearing a white robe and a purple cape. He blinked and looked around

before settling his eyes on Percy.

[Ah….who are you?] the man asked.

Percy smiled, [hello, I am Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon.]

The figure nodded, [I am Perseus, son of Zeus. May I ask why I was

summoned here? And how has a son of Poseidon summoned me?

Usually it is the children of Hades who posses such a power.]

Percy nodded, [usually, yes. I am what you would call a special case. I

apologize for calling you Perseus, I was testing my abilities and who

better to try and call than my name's sake?]

Perseus rose an eyebrow, [ah, I see. You were named after me where

you? Ironic that a son of Poseidon bears the name of a son of Zeus.]

Percy smiled and nodded, [indeed. My mother knew the life of a

demigod is filled with tragedy and in all of Greek history you were the

only one who achieved a long and fruitful life. Hence she wish to give

me your name in the hope that I would obtain some of your luck.]

Chapter 371

The greek hero smiled, [I am glad my name can be in the form of such

optimism. Usually it is because of my deads of other things, and while

it is flattering one does get tired of hearing every other person in

Greece name their child after you.]

Percy laughed, [I figured. Well thank you for showing up when you did,

sorry if I disturbed your after life.]

[Not at all,] the man shook his head, [after all the 24/7 orgies tended to

get boring and repetitive after a while.]

Percy blanched at that but quickly sent the old Perseus on his way. 'A

24/7 orgy huh?' Percy wondered as he started to wonder what that

would be like. Immediately his imagination produced an image of

himself sitting in on a large bed. He was stark naked as slowly the bed

began filling up with people.

Thalia was first as Percy imagined her thick juicy thighs and perky

breasts crawl towards him. Then came the sight of Annabeth as she

pressed herself up against his arms while looking at him with those

sharp blue eyes of hers.

Percy's blush grew bigger as slowly his pants started to tighten. 'No!'

Percy snappe dout of it slamming his Gamer's mind on the image. 'No,

no, no! Nope! They are your friends man! What's wrong with you?! You

can't think about your friends like that!'

Jackson sighed, 'I really need a girlfriend.'

Percy sat down on the ground and opened up his skill list again to look

for things to do to distract him. Just then he noticed the large amount of

points he had. It was a great bonus he got from the trials, and they

were just sitting there. All 279 of them.

Percy pulled up his status;








He wondered what he should invest in. Right now Percy had a pretty

comfortable fighting style. He used a variety of spells in battle or other

situations but he mostly focused on fast and powerful attacks. Speed

was he speciality, so maybe he should improve on that first.

So Percy poured 14 points into VIT raising it to 100;



You have achieved 100 points in VIT! You have gained a new perk!

Please chose two new perks!

Speed thinking- allows user to think 10 times faster than the

normal human.

Flying Thunder God- Allows a short burst of speed that is similar

to teleportation. Limit- range of 10 meters.

Minor Godly stamina- Your present stamina level is tripled.

Iron body defence- allows user's body to become as tough as iron

on command ensuring a level of armour to be created over the

skin. It is a tough as iron.

Percy was in a pinch now. He wanted every single one of those perks.

The speed thinking would be unbelievably useful in fights. He could

think quickly now, but that was only when the rest of his body was also

moving fast. He never quite got the trick of increasing his brain's speed

independent of the rest of his body. He may have gotten it once or

twice, but that was barely for as second.

The flying thunder god perk seemed like the next logical step for Percy

to take. After all most of the time Percy used his speed to fight people

close to him, not those afar. And even so, 10 meters would easily get

the job done.

Then there was the extra stamina boost. With all the running he would

possibly do in the future it seemed like something he would definitely


And the Iron body defence was basically his answer for not wearing

armour. If he could use his perk tree the right way he should be able to

increase the toughness from iron to who knows what. He could even

end up with skin as tough as diamonds!

Percy sighed, this was a difficult decision to make. But in the end it

came down to what he needed, not what he wanted. He needed to be

faster and he needed to be able to run longer. The Iron body defence

was great, heck it was more that great, but he didn't need it now. And

while the speed thinking thing was great and all, it really wasn't his

style. Plus he always had his natural battle instincts to fall back on.

So Percy made his choice and pressed the Flying Thunder God perk

and Minor Godly stamina.


Congratulations! You have obtained two new perks!: Flying

Thunder God & Minor Godly Stamina.

Percy closed the box and pulled up his perk list. Now that his VIT had

increased by 20 levels that meant he could now buy four new addons

for his Speed demon perk.

Each add on increased his max speed by 100 Km, and each cost an

single point. Hence Speed Demon got a new upgrade;

· Speed demon- Allows user to travel at unbelievable speeds at

the cost of 200 HP per minute. Can be improved on with training,

at present speed is: 932 Miles/hour (1,500 KM/hr)

Percy then opened up his newly acquired Flying Thunder God perk and

found that he could buy 20 new add ons. He bought them all. Each add

on increased his range of 'teleportation' by 10 meters.

· Flying Thunder God- Allows a short burst of speed that is similar

to teleportation. Limit- range of 210 meters.

Wit this Percy knew he should be the fastest man alive. His max speed

was above mach 1, if that didn't make him the fastest then he didn't

know what would.

Percy then opened the second new skill he got but found that this one

didn't have a perk tree. It seemed that the minor godly stamina was

something you couldn't improve upon.

Percy shrugged, it didn't really matter. He then looked through his

many perks again and his eyes fell on Chimera's blood.

Chimera's blood- Allows user to temporarily take on one trait from

the last monster he killed. The user can use this trait for however

long he wishes.

Percy opened the perk tree and found a few new add one. The first one

he could buy resulted in the number of traits the perk could store be

increased to two. Which did seem like a nice trait to have. So Percy

spent 5 points and unlocked that.

Chapter 372

Percy then opened up his Le Bete perk, now that he no longer lost

control while using that form it was a good idea to invest in it. He

opened the perk tree and saw only one add on available. It costed 5

points but would add and increase of 4 additional stat points for every

person killed while in the Le Bete mode.

So Percy payed the 5 points and upgraded what seemed like his trump

card when in battles that called for him fighting an army.

· Le Bete- gives +20 to all every time Percy gets angry. For every

person Percy kills while in this berserk rage he will gain+6 stat

points. Note: Percy will have full control while in this mode.


Percy still had 231 points to use and not many perks to use it on. He

knew that he shouldn't try and waste them on pers he didn't need, but

having so many of them and not using it…..it just felt like a crime.

So Percy decided to spent 45 points on STR increasing it to 100;



You have achieved 100 points in STR!You have gained a new


Multistage Strengths- This perk allows you to reduce your own

strength by half per layer of seals you have on place. When the

seal is broken you gain twice your normal strength for half the

time the strength was sealed away.

Note: you may put a seal on your seal. This will result in strength

stored up on your bottom most seal to double its release strength

since it is already in a seal.

Example: If you have three seals, the energy released from the

first seal will increase your strength by 2, the second by 4, the

third by 6 and so on.

Percy smiled, this was so going to useful. 'Let's see what this thing is,'

he decided.

When he first activated it, a chain like tatoo appeared over his right

forearm with the number 1 above it. Percy felt his strength reduced by

half leaving his stat at;

STR-50(+20)= 70

It seemed that only his base strength was affected by this, not the

bonus he received from his necklace of Poseidon.

When Percy removed the seal his strength had doubled;

Seal Release: Layer 1, Time: 20 seconds


Percy then reapplied the first seal he had, but then added another one.

The second one was also a tattoo of a chain, but this one appeared on

his left forearm and had the number 2 above it. This reduced his

strength to a mere quarter of what he had;

STR- 25(+20)=45

And when Percy released the second seal it resulted in his strength

returning to 50, but he got a bonus of 2 turning his added strength into

100. And when Percy released his first seal that strength was multiplied

by 4 resulting in;

Seal Release: Layer 2, Time: 20 seconds


It seemed that each seal had a level. The first seal gave a bonus of 2

when released. The second layer gave a bonus of 4 when fully

released. When Percy slipped a third seal his strength had reduced

even more;

STR-12.5 (+20)= 32.5

And when Percy released the third seal his strength doubled turning

into 25. When the second seal was released it increased four times

that to 100 and when the last seal was removed it increased by 6


Seal Release: Layer 3, Time: 20 seconds


In the end Percy decided to add a total of six seals on him at all times.

This reduced his strength to 1.5;

STR- 1.5(+20)=21.5

While this did leave him weak, Percy was not completely defenceless.

The bonus he received form the necklace of Poseidon still kept him on

the level of the average demigod. Plus this type of restriction would be

extremely useful for him during peace times, which was right now.

The only problem he now had was the three tattoos he had on both

arms. While they were small and kind of awesome, they were easy to

spot. Percy may be brave and all, but he did not want his mother to see

them, the woman would scream at him for hours on end.

Luckily his black jacket covered his arms nicely, though it was starting

to get a little to small for him, thanks to his recent growth spurt.

He then turned to Body From and found that he now had 10 new

buying options. Percy spent 6 points to increase the strength of Body

Form to 10 times more. And 4 points on reducing the cool down time to

⅛ of the time used.

· Body Form- Allows user to focus all their strength in one part of

their body. The focused area will gain X10 power for a desired

time period. Cool down will last 1/8 as long and total strength will

be reduced by half till then.

Percy then put 50 points into a stat he rarely paid attention to, LUC;



You have achieved 100 points in LUC! You have gained a new


Wish- Make one wish a week. 40% chance of success, less the

more ridiculous the wish is.

Percy was beyond surprised at the perk he had gotten. In all honestly

Percy didn't really know what to do with the perk. He didn't really have

any wish to make per say. Percy shrugged, it was a thought for another


Percy then turned to Int and poured 17 points into it raising it to 100



You have achieved 100 points in INT! You have gained a new perk!

Mana Drain- Allows for user to absorb mana from the

surroundings. Constant stream of 100 MP per second. (Present

natural mana recovery rate is 67 MP per second. Total mana

recovery = 167 MP per second.)

Percy then closed his status and finally took a deep breath. That was

enough upgrades for now. He still had 119 points but his arsenal had

already grown by a lot, and it was time to go back to the basics to train

himself to use these new powers.

So far he has been only using what he was used to, a combination of

Speed demon, Body Form and Earthquake vibrations. But now with

more skills to work with he needs to reform his battle style.

Chapter 373

Percy broke out of his ID and found himself back in the real world. It

was still night time here, his watch said it was 3 in the morning. Percy

didn't really go back to bed after the trials….he didn't want to.

The week he spent outside of camp in that illusionary world alone

made him miss camp. It sounded silly, but Percy wanted to make sure

this was really and he wasn't just dreaming this. That world he was

in…..it felt so real. He was afraid that is he went to bed, he might wake

up back at the Castle's place with his mother dead and him mortal.

Sigh, he was glad to be back in the real world. His mom was alive, but

the thought that she would have been in danger because of him….that

still scared him. Percy sighed, 'guess that was why I left Leo with her.

But that stupid dog wasn't strong enough….wait…..I feel like I'm

forgetting someone….'

Percy's eyes snapped open in realization as he opened his inventory

and quickly found Leo there. Percy reached in and pulled the dog out

all the while thinking, 'I really have poor memory when it comes to


The dog looked at Percy and barked, "asshole! Where the hell am I?!

And where are my beautiful caregivers?!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "caregivers? You mean my mom and Kate?

They are back in New York."

"Then where am I?!" Leo barked as he tried to shake loose, but Percy's

grip was too strong.

"You are at camp Half-Blood, with me."

"What the hell is camp half-blood?!"

Percy sighed, "this is going to be a long story." Percy sat down and put

Leo in front of him.

"Physc!"The dog immediately tried to run away.

Percy sighed, 'how did I know he was going to do that?' Percy then

spread open his arms and activated his telekinesis easily lifting the

light puppy off of the ground and into the air.

"What?! How are you doing this?! Put me down filthy male!" Leo tried

to paddle away with his small paws but it only served to amuse Percy.

"Listen Leo, I'm sorry," the dog stopped struggling and looked at Percy

as the demigod continued, "I know I shouldn't have done what I did.

But I couldn't exactly take you with me."

The puppy forced, "you were my master stupid human. We were

supposed to be together. That's why they saved me after all."

Percy put the dog down as Leo walked towards Percy and sat down,

"who are they?"

"The Fates," the dog said, "my mother and father died saving my life.

I…...I lived, but barely. The Fates came and made a deal with me, they

said that I could live on, but I would be bound to you. They promised

me you would take care of me, they said I would have a home again.

At first when I saw you I didn't like you because I didn't want a master.

But when you left me…."

Percy said, he reached out and gently scratched the back of Leo's ear,

"I'm sorry boy, I really am. I can't change what happened in the past,

but I can change the future. So if you still want, I'll be your master


The dog nodded, "yes...that sounds nice."

Percy smiled, "great, it's a deal."


You have obtained a companion!

Do you accept?


Percy pressed yes and suddenly Leo's status page popped up;





Race- HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)

Exp- 0/100








A dog which is a mixture of a hellhound and a normal mundane

wolf. It is strong and quick and very lucky. It is also know to be

very hyperactive

Likes: Bacon, women and long walks

Dislikes: men, vaccum cleaners

He likes Percy

He feels happy getting his master back



Percy blinked at the new additions to Leo's list, the Exp bar and skill list

were new additions. But before Percy could look into it further Leo

spoke up, "wait….you understand me!?"

Percy blinked in confusion, "ah…. Yeah."

"Since when?!"

"Since yesterday."


"Wait...you mean to tell me you basically had a full blown conversation

with me, and you didn't notice I was responding back?"

"Well you humans do it all the time! You keep talking to us asking

things like, 'who's a good boy?' or 'do you want to play fetch?' I got

absorb in the moment!"

Percy laughed, "I'm surprised you didn't notice!"

Leo huffed, "well I was busy rubbing my face into your mother's milk


Percy narrowed his eyes, he activated his telekinesis powers and lifted

Leo up.

"BARK!" "Let me go!"

Percy twisted him upside down and dropped him on his head. The

puppy whined as he slowly stood upright shaking his head, "talk about

my mom like that and I'll drop you even higher next time."

Leo grumbled but lowered his ears in submission, "yes boss."

Percy smiled, "well, I suppose we might as well begin first with

introduction. Hey Leo, my name is Percy, Percy Jackson, son of

Poseidon," Percy extended his hand.

Leo sniffed the hand offered and licked it giving out a happy bark in

response, "you can call me Leo!"

Percy smiled as he scratched Leo's head. "Okay Leo, tell me, what do

you want to do?"

Leo looked surprised, "well….I have never really seen the forest in a

long time." Leo got up and turned to the First in the distance, "can we

go there?"

Percy nodded, "sure, why not?"

The pair of master and pet then left the Amphitheater and began

walking across camp. Leo looked around everywhere with excitement

in his eyes. He smelt the bushes, sniffed the trails.

Percy laughed as Leo charged forward into the forest. Percy followed

suit and watched the dog roll around in the mud and grass simply

enjoying the scent of the place.

"I'm guessing you like Forests?" Percy asked as he scratched the dog's


"I was born in a Forest. Your mother's home was nice, but the wild is

my home."

Percy smiled, "I know a goddess that you would love," he remembered

Artemis, 'I wonder how she's doing.' Percy looked up and smiled at the

full moon, 'beautiful.'

Leo went further into the Forest until he came across the stream that

ran through the forest and began playing in the water.

Percy laughed as Leo splashed him with water. Percy reached down

and sent a wave of water at the dog who fell on his bottom from the


The two spent time walking around the Forest, Leo looked like he was

having fun, and Percy was happy for him.

Chapter 374

Soon the two sat down under a tree by the stream. Leo put his head on

Percy's lap as the demigod scratched the dog's ear. The poor thing

was tired already.

"Leo," Percy began, "what exactly do you want to do?"

Leo looked up, "what do you mean?"

"I mean….well what do you want to do with your life?"

The dog looked confused before speaking, "I would like to live it. What

else can one do with life?"

Percy smiled, "never mind then." Percy began scratching Leo's ears

again allowing the dog to relax. 'Guess I shouldn't expect a dog to

understand life, heck I barely understand it.'

Percy then remembered something that Leo said to him before, "hey

Leo, remember what you said back in Kate's place?"

The dog barked, "you mean how I said you abandoned me? Don't

worry I forgive you boss."

Percy rolled his eyes, "thanks Leo. But no, I mean the other thing. You

mentioned something me training you?"

Leo nodded, "yeah, part of my deal with the Fates was that the only

way I could ever grow up was if you trained me. They mentioned

something about leveling up, or some other human term."

Percy blinked, 'wait… can Leo level up? He isn't just an ordinary pet,

technically he is my companion and he does have his own Exp

bar….so maybe he can. And if the Fates told him that was the only way

it could happen then it must be true.'

Percy stopped scratching Leo and spoke, "hey Leo, do you want to get


Leo perked up the moment he heard that, "yes!"

Percy smiled, "you sure? It will be difficult."

Leo nodded again, "I am sure."

Percy smiled, "right then, get up. It's time to train." 'Maybe now I can

also train my new powers along the way.'

Percy bent over and touched Leo's back with one hand and

immediately pulled them both into an ID. The sky turned red and Leo

started to look around in panic.

"Where are we? I can smell….. Dead flesh everywhere," Leo said

taking a sniff of the air.

Percy nodded as he reached into his pocket and felt two pens in there,

Riptide and Waverider. Percy decided to use Waverider for now, after

all he basically got no practical use with said weapon. "I took us into a

training area filled with enemies. They aren't that strong, for me. But

they should be more than a challenge for you Leo."

Leo snarled showing off his sharp teeth, "don't underestimate me


Percy smiled as he took out Waveride and spunt it twice turning the

weapon into its trident form. "Alright remember you are going to be

facing zombies, basically dead and rotting humans. Aim for their neck

and we should be good. If not I'll step in."

"I don't need your help," Leo huffed.

Percy smiled, "call it an insurance policy."

Leo looked confused, "what is an insurance policy?"

Percy sighed, "never mind. Just….let's just go."

The dog and demigod then turned and walked into the forest. They

barely went ten steps before a zombie jumped out of the forest and

started to attack them. "Attack Leo," Percy said as he opened his skill

list looking for something new to use against the zombie.

The dog barked and pounced on the zombie. Leo bite into the zombies

leg and pulled with all his might dropping the zombie onto the ground.

The dog then jumped up and began tearing into the zombies neck

ripping out flesh until only bone remained.

Suddenly the zombie's hand came up and punched Leo on the side

sending the dog tumbling over. The zombie then got up and

approached the downed pup. Leo was struggling to breath, the punch

had broken a rib;

Leo, HP: 20/50

The zombie however wasn't at all effected by having his throat split


Zombie, HP: 250/300

The zombie looked at the downed form of Leo and snarled. Leo looked

up in pain and growled in anger. The zombie then pounced forward, but

before it could do anything else Waverider found itself piercing the

zombie's body causing the monster to explode into dust.

"Not bad Leo," Percy said bending over his beaten dog, "you managed

to harm him."

"I'm in so much pain," Leo whinned, instantly making Percy feel sad.

"I'll have you healed up in a second," PErcy said as he placed a hand

over Leo's body channeling his healing skill. 450 MP went into Leo, but

the dog's wounds quickly repaired themselves. Percy then drew a

blood rune on Leo's forehead and put in 30 HP and 200 MPA into

reviveing all lost health. It was a long process, but when Percy was

done Leo was good as new.

"Wow master! I feel great! You the best master ever!" Leo barked in

happiness wagging his tail.

Percy smiled, "thanks buddy. Okay, let's see how much strongers you

got," Percy pulled up Leo's stats;

Leo, Exp- 25/100

The total exp a normal zombie gives is 50. If Leo got only 25 then than

means the experience points was split in half, 25 for him, 25 for Percy.

Percy sighed. In all honestly he knew what was wrong with Leo, the

dog had been domesticated for too long. He had been a pet for over a

year and had to fight his base instincts of a fighter. He was a wolf, not a

dog, but the way he acted Percy couldn't call him anything but.

'Hmm, in that case...'

"Hey Leo, let's try something new okay?"

The dog barked, "okay!"

"Alright, so the next monster you see, simply scratch him with your

claws and then run away, I'll take care of the rest."

The dog nodded, "got it master," and soon the pair was off. The found

another zombie quickly and Leo jumped into the attack. He scratched

the zombie's leg with his claws and then moved away before the

zombie could catch him.

Percy then moved forward and stretched his left hand forward

channeling his telekinesis. Percy didn't know the weight of the zombie,

his present limit at the moment was only 50 pounds.

Percy tried to lift the whole zombie, his mind was clearly visualising

what he wanted to do. He could see the zombie slowly raise but then it

immediately fell back down to the ground. It was to heavy. Percy

sighed and simply swiped Waverider cutting the zombie in half.

Chapter 375

"That was amazing master!" Leo barked, "I feel stronger already!"

Percy smiled and scratched the dog's head. It was true, Leo now had

50 exp points, a few more zombie and Percy would have Leo up to

shape in no time.

The continued forward and soon encountered another zombie. Leo but

this one and knocked him to the ground, Percy then tried his

telekinesis again. This time though he managed to lift the zombie's

head alone, but soon when the entire weight of the zombie came into

place, his skill failed him.

Percy killed the zombie then went on to the next. They did the same

routine as the times before, but after the zombie died this happened,


Your skill has leveled up!

Telekinesis, Lv- 2 (0%)

The physic ability to move objects with your mind.

Range- 30 feet

Max weight- 60 Pounds

Cost -20MP


Your companion: Leo, leveled up!



HP: 100/100


Race- HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)

Exp- 0/200








Percy smiled, "hey check it out boy, you leveled up!"

"Bark!," "I know master! I feel stronger!"

Leo didn't just feel stronger, he also grew up by an inche. Percy was

impressed, 'so his growth is directly linked to his level.'

"Okay Leo let's use your points. What do you want to improve?"

Leo turned his head sideways, "points? What is points?"

"It's kind of like these things that will make you instantly more powerful.

You can become faster, stronger, smarter, all kinds of thing."

"Will it make me bigger?"

Percy shook his head, "no, that will only happen when you level up."

"How do I level up?"

"You have to fight more monster."

Leo nodded, "I want to fight more monsters master."

Percy nodded and turned to Leo's points. He knew he should be saving

them, but right now Leo was useless to him being so weak. Percy put 2

in Str, 2 in Vit and 1 in Int;



HP: 100/100


Race- HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)

Exp- 0/200








Percy and Leo then set out looking for more zombies. They quickly

found one and this time Leo tried to fight it all by himself. He managed

to tear the neck of the zombie apart, but still got hurt in the process.

Percy stepped in and defeated the zombie with ease before healing

Leo again.

The two then went into a set pattern. Leo would try to attack the

zombie, fail and get hurt. Percy would then deal with the zombie, ether

with his weapon or by using his shadow control to tear the monster


This went on for a total of 8 monster before Leo leveled up again.



HP: 150/150


Race- HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)

Exp- 0/400








This time Percy invested 3 points in Leo's Str and 2 in Vit, might as well

make the dog into a mean fast killing machine.

Percy and Leo spent three hours inside the ID killing normal zombies.

In that time Percy had leveled up his telekinesis again as well as his

healing skill;

Telekinesis, Lv- 4 (0%)

The physic ability to move objects with your mind.

Range- 35 feet

Max weight- 70 Pounds

Cost -20MP

Healing, Lv- 3 (10%)

Allows the user to heal any disease or ailments threatening

himself or others.

Limit- 1 aliment per use.

Cost- 400 MP

Leo had also gained four more levels in that time;



HP: 450/450


Race- HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)

Exp- 0/1,200








Percy had invested mostly in Leo's speed and strength, but he also

focused on accuracy as he had noticed the faster Leo got, the less

likely he was to actually hit a target. That was because his speed had

once surpassed his accuracy, but Percy quickly fixed that. He also

made sure that Leo's Int was high, after all Leo could use magic, there

was no telling what type of spell the dog could use in the future, might

as well invest in it now.

And with the increase in level Leo grew up as well. He now stood at

Percy's knee level, he was as big as a normal dog, but the son of

Poseidon knew this was just the beginning. Leo had unlimited

potential, just like him.

'Maybe I can make a wolf out of you yet.'

Percy knew he could have very well made Leo level up even faster by

fighting a Legion zombie, but he wanted to take it slow. He wanted to

spend some time bonding with the dog, maybe he would have Leo fight

one later. But right now Percy wanted to be sure by the time they were

done Leo and him grew much closer.

Eventually though Leo began to grow tired from all the fighting. Percy

pulled them both out of the ID: Zombie, and realised it was already 6 in

the morning. Percy put away Waverider and picked up the dog. He

Carried him back to the Poseidon cabin where he found John awake

and alert.

"Morning John," Percy said as he laid down Leo on his bed. The dog

immediately curled up and the sheets and Percy could hear the dog


"Morning Percy, is that a dog?" John asked looking at Leo.

Percy nodded, "yup. It was a gift from a friend but I left him with my

mom for safe keeping. I brought him back with me when I went to visit

her, figured we should spend some time together."

"Did you two stay up all night?"

Percy nodded,"yeah." John then said his goodbyes and left for the

Mess Hall promising to see Percy for training. Percy then took a bath

and quickly changed into a new set of clothes throwing his usual jacket

over the get up.

Leo was still asleep at the time so Percy just let the dog be leaving the

door slightly ajar just in case the dog wanted to run out and play.

Percy then went to the Arena, along the way he spammed his ID

creating and escaping skills.

Chapter 376

Percy then spent the day training everyone in the usual routine. After a

quick lunch he gathered Nico, Bianca and Thalia and took them into

the Forest.

"Why did you call us Percy?" Thalia asked as the walked towards the

Fist of Zeus.

"Yeah, Percy, the other one, and I were planning on helping Travis

prank Conner," Nico complained while his sister remained silent.

"I called you three here to train you all," Percy explained as they

reached the popular rock formation. "Take a seat," Percy said sitting

down next to the rocks.

The other children all did and Percy began, "okay I'll be honest. We

four are in a fucked up situation, I assume you two know about the

prophecy?" Percy turned to Bianca and Nico.

"Yes, Annabeth informed us," Bianca said.

Percy nodded, Nico looked down at the ground in worry, Percy realised

the boy understood why the prophec wa so important.

"Okay, then I'll get straight to the point. From now on I'm giving you all

extra training with me. I'll teach you anything I can, and I'll make sure

you have at least a chance of beating Kronos."

"Okay I get why you called me," Thalia spoke up, "but why the undead


"Because I'm not taking any chances," Percy explained, "right now you

are the child of the prophecy, and after that is me. Suppose something

happens to us we need Bianca and Nico ready."

"Great," Nico said, "the fate of the world in our hands. No pressure."

Percy smiled, "relax kid, you are right now fourth in line for the

prophecy. I am only doing this as a precaution."

Nico nodded and Percy turned to them all, "okay first things first, mana.

Anyone know what that is?"

"The thing that videogames use?" Thalia guessed.

Percy nodded, "right. That's what I call magic, and that's I want you all

to try and use today."

Bianca blinked, "magic? We have magic? But that's….never mind, I am

demigod living 60 years in the future. I don't think I have the right to say

impossible anymore."

Percy smiled and Thalia spoke up, "we don't have magic per say. We

can just control the elements, right?"

Percy shook his head, "no, that's totally wrong. Our magic, as

demigods, is naturally aligned to one thing or another. For a son of

Hermes his mana is linked to stealth meaning he has certain

advantages in that area. For a son of Ares his magic would involve

fighting. But the best example would be us," Percy snapped his fingers

and formed water trident.

"So you're saying that your mana is linked to water, hence you control

water," Bianca observed.

Percy nodded, "right in one. Thalia's speciality is thunder, as we saw

her use it on the Damned Knight. And you two, if I'm not mistaken,

should be great at shadow manipulation."

Nico smiled, "so are you going to teach us how to control shadows?!"

Percy smiled and nodded, "yup."

"Wait, how can you do that?" Thalia asked, "wouldn't it be impossible to

teach someone else something you don't' know?"

Percy's smile grew even bigger, "who said I don't know how to control

shadows?" Percy then summoned the shadows formed below him and

made them into tendrils.

"Amazing," Bianca said as she touched the shadows, "they fell


"How are you doing that?!" Thalia said freaking out, "you're a son of

Poseidon, not a son of Hades! This shouldn't be possible!"

Percy let the tendril go, "yeah, it should. But kind of got the hang of it

on accident,"

Lie Succeeded!

"But either way this is what happens when you learn to control your

mana and not just you demigod powers. Think of it like this, our power

is naturally attuned to our core elements. If we can separate our mana

from out elemental control, we should be able to use them in other

ways, maybe even manipulating other elements."

Thalia, Bianca and Nico were now focused. It looked like nothing could

distract them.

"What do we have to do?" Thalia asked.

"First, close your eyes," Percy instructed as everyone did just that,

"and now try to pull your mana out of you. From experience I can tell

you it won't be easy at first, I could barely control a sphere of water. But

I eventually got the hang of it."

"How do we look for it?" Bianca asked.

"It should be from inside you," Percy explained, "for me, I feel like my

mana is stored somewhere between my heart and my stomach.

Bianca, Nico, I want you to imagine a ball of darkness inside your body.

And I want you to pull it out. Use your emotions, use everything you

have. Become angry, become demanding. The secret is knowing

where it is. When you find that out, you can call out your mana."

The two children of Hades nodded and started to focus on finding and

controlling their mana. Percy then turned to Thalia, "Thalia, you can

use your mana to form lighting, but you can't separate the two.

Remember how you feel every time you summon lightning, remember,

and try to feel out your mana as it comes out of you."

Thalia nodded and all three began her meditation. Percy closed his

eyes and used mana scene to try and see whether they were able to

use their mana. Bianca was near her core, Percy could feel the

whispers of her mana touchign her mind. Nico didn't make any

progress, but his mana was there clear as day, it almost seemed like it

was waiting for Nico to touch it.

Thalia however was the most improved as she had accesed her mana

and was now slowly pulling it outwards. It obeyed her every command,

but then suddenly it exploded outwards.

Percy snapped his eyes open and moved grabbing Bianca and Nico.

He ran into the forest just as a massive lightning bolt exploded out of


The children of Hades looked on in shock as Percy put them down and

approached the crater Thalia formed.

As the smoke cleared Percy saw Thalia sitting on the ground with the

land around her destroyed. She looked unharmed, except for a little

mud on her clothes. Thalia was sweating profusely, a clear sign of

mana exhaustion.

Chapter 377

Percy whistled, "damn Thalia, that was quite a show. Although I didn't

mean use all of the mana you have."

"I-It got away from me," Thalia said as sweat rolled off her face.

Percy nodded, "I'm guessing you tried to use anger to control it?"

Thalia nodded, "yeah. I used my anger to pull it out...but it got away

from me at the last moment."

Percy nodded, "right. Well it's okay, simple mistake, Nico, Bianca come

and sit down," the two children of Hades looked afraid, "oh come on, I'll

make sure nothing happens to your two. Promise."

They nodded and reluctantly did. Percy then turen to Thalia, "anger is

good when pulling mana out and using it wildly. But that's not what we

want. We want to separate the mana from the lighting, and for that you

need will power. Pure concentration."

Thalia nodded, "got it."

They began again and after half an hour, and one more lighting strike

courtesy of Thalia, Bianca managed to control her mana. It came out of

her so suddenly that Percy almost missed it. The mana explode out

and immediately it took control of the shadows forming a protective

cage around Bianca.

Percy smiled, "very good Bianca. You got the hang of it faster than I

did," Bianca blushed at the praise and continued to work on controlling

the shadows. After that Nico managed to pull out his mana by, what

Percy assumes, was pure will power. It seems seeing his sister do it

made Nico want it even more.

After an hour of mana lessons the children of Hades left. Percy gave

them a few tips on shadow control and promised to have another class

in two days time. This left Percy alone with Thaali, who was still

struggling to remove her mana from her lightning powers.

Percy sat with Thalia as the demigoddess scrunched her face in

concentration. He honestly didn't mind, separating your mana from

your natural powers was a huge task, the only reason Percy could do it

was because of the powers of the Game.

Thalia threw her hands up in defeat, "I can't do this! Fucking Hades this

is difficult!"

Percy smiled, "relax Thalia, it's normal for you to take time to do this. It

isn't an easy skill."

Thalia groaned, "when did you do it?"

PErcy scratched his head, "ah, let's not compare you to me."

"When. Did. You. Do. It?"

Percy sighed, "it came naturally to me. I could always tell the difference

between mana and my natural powers. It's because of my scenting


Lie Successful!

"Great, just great," Thalia sighed and lowered her head, "just another

reason you should be the prophecy kid instead of me."

"Come on Thalia don't say that. Remember what I said, power isn't


"Yeah well you can say that, but what difference does it make? If I can't

get stronger….what good am I?"

Thalia looked depressed beyond belief. Percy got up and pressed a

hand on her shoulder, "remember what I said? I will always be there to

help you sparky. I mean it."

The daughter of Zeus shook her head, "yeah sure. But you can't

always be there Percy, I need to stand up for myself."

Percy smiled, "then let me help you."


Percy sat down right in front of her and took Thalia's hand into his own,

"okay this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to guide you through this.

I'll use my mana scening abilities to help you separate the two. And I

promise, I won't leave you until we got this down."

Thalia looked saddened, "you really think this would work?"

Percy smiled, "trust me."

Thalia sighed, "Gods your happiness is infectious," she shook her head

and became focused, "okay. Let's do this."

Percy nodded, "right. Close your eyes and imagine your core." Thalia

did so and Percy could feel her mana core being accessed, "now pull

the mana out, but remember, don't use anger, anger takes the control

out of your hands."

"Then what do I use?"

"Use will power," Percy said, "that's how Nico did it. He wanted to catch

up to his sister and that drive pushed him forward."

Thalia nodded and started to concentrate again. She closed her eyes

and began to focus again. Percy felt her connect with her mana core

again and pull the mana out. It was going smoothly, Thalia was pulling

out the mana slowly, and she was in control. But just then it suddenly

slipped out of her control and exploded outwards.

"Percy look out!" Thalia shouted as a blast of lightning exploded out of

her body smashing into Percy's chest sending him flying across the air.

Defence- 296,171,000

Percy groaned as he picked himself up. His chest tingled with the after

effects of the lightning attack and a big hole was burnt into his shirt.

Percy looked at the defence lost and saw that Thalia's attack had done

5,000 HP damage.

'Damn, note to self, do not piss off Thalia,' Percy then got up just as the

daughter of Zeus arrived with a panicked look on her face.

"Oh my Gods Percy I am so sorry. Are you alright?1 Do I have to bring

someone? Please tell me you're okay?!"

Percy smiled, "I'm fine Thalia," he then looked down, "wish I could say

that about my shirt."

Thalia blinked as she touched his chest, "you took a direct lightning

strike to the chest...and you lived? What the hell are you?"

Percy smiled, "powerful. Now please stop touching me long enough so

that I can change."

Thalia blushed and immediately removed her hand. Percy took of his

jacket and burst shirt and opened his inventory.

"It's called Marble skin," Percy explained as he threw the burt shirt

away taking out a new one, "that spell is the reason I'm alive. It's also

what I want to teach you once you got the hang of your mana."

Thalia nodded blankly as she looked to the side with a blush on her

face. She quickly snuck a peak at Percy's body as the demigod put on

his new shirt, 'damn….. I want that.'

"So, why did you lose control?" Percy asked turning to Thalia only to

find her staring at his abdomen with a glazed look, "ah, Thalia?"

The daughter of Zeus blinked and looked at Percy, "ah… what was the


Chapter 378

"I asked, why did you lose control? You were doing very well," he then

put his jacket on as the two sat down.

"I...well I did like you said. I used willpower. But when I pulled it

outwards...I kind of lost my concentration."

Percy nodded, "right, well we have to work on that," Percy then

extended his arms causing Thalia to look at them in surprise, "what?"

"You want to do this again?" she asked unbelievingly, "I literally just

zapped you with lightning, and you want to go again?"

Percy shrugged, "I barely felt it. And yeah, I do want to go again.

Remember my promise, we are only going to leave when you access

your mana. So yeah, I'm with you all the way sparky."

Thalia smiled as she held his hands, "thanks. And don't call me


Percy chuckled, "right. Now close your mind, and focus." Thalia did so

and slowly Percy could feel her mana being pulled out. It was being

jerked up and down, it felt like Thalia was raging a war inside herself.

Percy could smell the scent of ozone fill the air, 'I think she's going to

blow again.' Percy was just about to tell her to stop when suddenly

Thalia squeezed his hands tightly. Percy could feel the doubt rolling off

her, so instead of telling her to stop, he pressed back.

Suddenly the war in her mind stopped, Percy felt her mana being

pulled out smoothly. There wasn't a trace of lightning as Thalia brought

out her mana and expelled it outwards.

Thalia opened her eyes, "did I do it?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. You did it."

"Thank the Gods," Thalia's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she

fainted. Her body fell forward onto Percy as the demigod caught her.

'Damn, it must have taken more out of her than I thought,' Percy

realised. He decided then not to disturb her, after all she did deserve it.

One hour later;

Percy rested next to the Fist of Zeus with Thalia's head on his lap and

a book on hand. This one was different from all the others, this one

was Argo's personal journal. So far Percy couldn't make head or tails of

it. Argo had written the book in several different languages. Percy could

understand the parts written Ancient Greek, but that was it. Everything

else was unrecognizable.

'Maybe I should give this to Annabeth to translate,' Percy decided as

he put the away, just then Thalia started to stir.

The daughter of Zeus got up and rubbed her eyes, "how long was I


"An hour," Percy replied getting up before helping Thalia as well.

"An hour? Why didn't you just put me in my cabin?!" Thalia asked


Percy shrugged, "you can't enter another cabin without the permission

of one of the cabin's members."

Thalia sighed, "I see. Sorry about this, for future use, I hereby give you

permission to enter my cabin."

Percy smiled, "thanks."

Thalia then blinked, "wait...did you have me on your lap the entire


Percy nodded, "yeah, couldn't have you sleep on the ground could I?"

Thalai blushed in embarrassment, "r-right. So...I ah, I did it."

"Right, let's test it out," Percy said. Thalia nodded and began to feel for

her mana. She latched onto it and pulled it out. Percy could feel her

mana pout out of her body and mix with the air around her. Percy

smiled, "I think you just got a new power."

Thalia blinked, "what do you mean?"

"Try controlling the air around us," Percy said.

Thalia looked confused but did as he said. She poured mana outwards

and then tried to control the wind. Suddenly big blast of wind knocked

both of them off their feet. Thalia fell on top of Percy who groaned at

the surprising gust of wind.

"Well, that was surprising. You definitely are stronger than Timmy at

this," Percy said as he looked up to see Thalia just a few inches above

him. Their faces were so close Percy could feel her breath on his skin.

She smelled like pine trees, her hair fell down tickling Percy's face. He

couldn't help but stare into those electric blue eyes and soon found

himself lost in them.

The moment lasted for a minute before Percy snapped out of it,

"ah….so you can control the wind."

Thalia nodded, "right." she got off him and helped Percy up, "so, how

did I do that?"

Percy patted the dirt of his jacket, "well mana you see works with

everything. Think of it like glue, you apply it on some substance, you

can control it. Now that isn't always the case, you can't just simply stick

your mana at everything and expect it to work. For instance if I put

mana into my arms and focus on creating earthquakes, I can create

literal earthquakes. You on the other hand are the daughter of Zeus,

meaning you can control lighting, and as we see now, wind."

Thalia nodded taking all this information in. "So, this is it? This is why

you wanted me to unlock my mana? To unlock more of my godly


Percy shrugged, "partly yes, partly no. I didn't actually know that you

could control the wind, I never really thought of it. But it is a welcome

bonus. But I did want you to unlock it so that I could teach you the

different spells I know."

"You mean like that Rock skin spell of yours?"

Percy nodded, "precisely," he then opened his inventory and pulled out

a scroll and gave it to Thalia, "I have written down the entire spell in

this scroll. It have clear instructions and tips on how to do it. I would try

and help you, but I think it would be better if you tried to learn it on your

own. After all you still need to get the hang of controlling your mana,

and that's something I can't teach you."

Thalia nodded and took the scroll putting it inside her jacket pocket,

"thanks for this. And sorry about...you know knocking you over."

"Really? I thought you would be more sorry about hitting me with


Thalia grumbled, "you are the one who wanted to sit next to me and

hold hands."

Percy laughed, "fair enough. Oh, and I am curious, how did you

manage to control your mana in the end?"

Thalia blushed, "that's none of your business."

Percy shrugged, "okay….want to get dinner?" Thalia nodded and the

two began walking out of the Forest.

"You did great today," Percy began, "its going to take Nico and Bianca

longer to get it, after all they just discovered how to use their godly

powers. Hopefully by then I can teach you a lot more."

Thalia nodded, "right…..hey Percy can I ask you a personal question?"

Percy nodded, "shoot."

"How is…. How is your relationship with your dad?" Thalia asked, "I

man do you guys talk?"

Percy wondered for a while, "well, only when we need to. I talked to

him two days ago, and before that I talked to him while on my quest.

So...I think we get along pretty okay. But that's mostly because we are

so alike. He knows not to interfere too much and I know he may not

always have time for me."

Thalia sighed, "yeah, that's what I was afraid off."

"What happened? Zeus giving you trouble?" Percy asked with a smile.

"No….yes. He's… he tried to reach out to me a couple of days ago.

Wanted to set things right. God damn bastard."

Chapter 379

Percy chuckled, "I'm surprised he let you get away with that. Last time I

insulted him the sky rumbled with thunder for hours."

"Yeah well I'm his daughter, I can call him whatever I want."

"Right, so Zeus wanted to talk. What happened?"

"I didn't want to talk to him. Bastard ruined my mom's life, than mine.

And he thinks all he has to do in walk in give a few tickets and

suddenly expect everything to be alright again."

"Thalia…. Having a God for a dad is tough. Sometimes you want to

kick his ass, but you know you can't because….well he's a God. But

they do have their own way of showing that they care, at least of their

own kids. You see I noticed that the Gods love their kids, they hate

everyone else, but they love their kids. So.. no, you don't have to

forgive him. I don't expect you too, no one does. But you gotta

understand that he's different than us. The Gods don't' see emotions

the same way human do. Some, Like Hermes and Artemis, are level

headed. But other...well mostly the Elder Gods are kind of crazy. Heck

my dad is bipolar as fuck, Hades is paranoid and holds a grudge, and

your dad is man whore."

The sky roared out with thunder as Percy pointed up, "he also

apparently get's his feelings hurt really easily."

Thalia chuckled, "yeah I guess you're right. Sigh, I kinda regret not

going with him now."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "going with him? Going where?"

"Oh right. Remember I told you he gave me tickets?" Percy nodded,

"well they were for this band I like, Green Day. And he wanted to spend

that time together. I told him to screw himself, but I kind of kept the


"I don't' see what's wrong," Percy said, "just go by yourself, or take

someone with you."

"I would, but they are for tonight," Thalia said pulling out two blue

passed out of her back pocket and handing them to Percy.

Percy looked at the tickets in surprise, "the concert starts in half an

hour. And these are platinum! They would get you back stage! Plus this

gets you into the after party!"

Thalia sighed, "yeah, I know. I was excited too, but then I realised I hid

to go with Zeus and well…. You know."

"Well we can't just waste them!" Percy said, "these things look super

exclusive! Like the kind only movie stars get!"

Thalia rolled her eyes, "yeah, I know. But it's not like we can just go

there. Like you said the concert is in half an hour."

"Yeah, but the concert is in New York. We can easily make it."

"Percy it takes longer than half an hour to reach New York."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "woman I once ran across the country to Las

Vegas in half an hour. Believe me, I can be in New York in minutes."

Thalia's eyes widened in surprise, "you mean I can still make it."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "you mean we can make it. Right?"

Thalia looked surprised, "you want to come with?"

Percy nodded, "yup. It's either that or you go with Zeus. So which is it?"

Thalia thought about it for a few seconds, "what about food?"

"I have a drouffe stored up, we won't go hungry any time soon."

Thalia nodded, "alright, let's do it."

"Great, hold on," Percy opened his inventory and put the tickets inside.

He then grabbed Thalia and lifted her bridal style.

"What are you doing!?" Thalia asked with a blush growing on her face.

"I'm putting you in my inventory. What? You thought I was going to

carry all the way to New York? Oh, and you might want to close your

eyes, it helps with the transition."

Thalia immediately closed her eyes and Percy put her inside. He then

took out his goggles and put them on activating his helmet.

The son of Poseidon then took off at a comfortable speed and ran

towards the exit passing the barrier in a gust of wind. Percy reached

the highway and zoomed past vehicles before quickly spotting New

York in the horizon.

Percy reached the city and quickly ran towards Midtown. The concert

was held at Madison Square Garden, and obviously it was crowded as

hell. The moment Percy arrived he saw that the entire hall was

surrounded by people. Most were trying to get in, somewhere trying to

buy tickets of others, and a few were caught sneaking in.

Percy walked to an alley way and quickly opened his inventory pulling

Thalia out and setting her down.

"Woah," Thalia said looking around, "everything's so different now."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "you have been here before?"

Thalia nodded, "yeah. With my mom…..everything was less...bright


Percy nodded, "well yeah, I suppose if there is one truth in the world it

is that time moves on without you, regardless of who you are."

Thalia nodded and then turned to Madison square Garden, "how much

time do we have?"

Percy looked at his watch, "ten minutes."

"How are we getting in?" Thali asked looking at the people, "there are

so many people."

Percy pulled out the two platinum passes from his inventory, "booyah."

Thalia smiled as took one ticket as the two demigods quickly walked

towards the hall. There were huge lines in front of them, people were

still trying to get it. But Percy noticed a side entrance with the title,

'exclusive passes only,' written on top.

"There," Percy pointed as he dragged Thalia towards the entrance.

Standing in front of the entrance was a large black man in a tight fitting

black t-shirt. He had a ear piece on his side and he looked down as

Percy and Thalia approached, "what do you two want?"

"What do you think we want?" Thalia asked sarcastically, "we obviously

want in."

"Tickets," the large man, whose name Percy read as William. The two

demigods handed over their passes and the gaurd scrutinised them.

He nodded and gave them back before stepping to the side opening

the door for the two, "have a good time kids."