

Chapter 360

"Because I finally got a reason to," Kronos snapped his arm and a

large cross appeared by his side. On the cross hung a blonde boy with

his right arm missing and blood spilling out his guts. He had no shirt on

and Percy could see the signs of torture riddled across his body. His

head hung low, but Percy didn't need to see it to know who it was.


"Did you really think I wouldn't find out about your little spy?"

Kronos said tracing a finger across Luke's face, "the stupid boy.

Stubborn till the end. Didn't give you all up even when I cut off his


Percy's eyes went wide in rage. The anger poured through his body.

His mind tried to bring it under control, but it was like using a bucket to

stop a flood.


Perk: 'Le Bete' activated! You gained +50 to all stats!

Percy's eyes turned yellow with rage. Kronos looked at them and

smiled, "has anyone ever said that you look like me when angry?"

"DIE!" was Percy's only response. He charged Kronos his blade held

up high as he swung at the Titan's neck. Kronos raised a fist and

blocked the blade with this bare hand.

"You are going to have to do better than that bas-"

Body Form Activated: Right leg!

Percy threw a kick with Body form and Earthquake power into Kronos's

face breaking his teeth. Percy then used his Speed Demon to

repeatedly kick the titan over and over again launching wave after

wave of attacks. The Titan's grip on Percy loosened and the demigod

jumped away.

Percy grabbed his blade and ripped it out off his hand tearing away

parts of his skin that was melted onto the handle of the blade. Percy

opened his inventory and pulled out his new weapon and charged


Kronos snapped his fingers causing his face to turn back into normal.

He then grabbed Percy's charging form be the head of the spear and

threw Percy to the side.

"You call this a weapon?" Kronos said looking at the white spear,

"pathetic." Kronos then grabbed two ends of the staff and bent it

snapping the weapon I half.

Percy's eyes grew in shock, but he didn't let his surprise stop him.

Percy got up and charged Kronos.

Body Form Activated: Full Body!

Percy launched punch after punch at the Titan. Some made impact,

most didn't. Kronos began fighting back as the two launched blow after

blow at each other. Shockwaves of energy exploded outwards as

Percy's defence was being destroyed by the millions.

Defence- 294,775,000

Defence- 293,775,000

Defence- 292,775,000

Percy was choking out blood, but none of it was fatal to him. In a cloud

of anger and confusion the demigod activated his Super Speed and

slowly his attacks became faster.

The Titan smirked, "you think just because you become a little

faster that you-"

Percy grabbed Kronos's fiat and punched the elbow bending it inwards.

Krono's arm snapped in half as his right right forearm bone was torn

out. Percy grabbed the bone and in one swift motion ripped it out of the

Titan's body before kicking the time God to the ground.

"ARGHHH!" Kronos yelled out holding his destroyed arm. Muscles,

veins and nerves previously attached to the bone were now hanging

out. Percy held the white bone in his hands as Ichor poured down.

Percy slowly approached the Titan, his grip on bone tightened. Percy

could feel the ichor mix with his own blood in his injured right palm.

Kronos tured to move the pain was too much.

Percy didn't waste any time. He jumped up and thrusted the bone

towards Kronos's head. Moments before the bone pierced the Titan's

head, Kronos vanished in a flash of light.

Percy impaled the bone into the dead dragon below. He had failed, but

the anger was still there. Percy got up and looked for another enemy to

fight, the curse of Le Bete demanded it. The demigod looked and saw

other campers gathered all around the dead dragon. He had found his

new victims.

The son of Poseidon moved with his advanced speed. The bone of

Kronos's forearm found itself in his hands once again. Percy's golden

eyes came across like streaks as he zoomed across the camp.

Campers screamed in horror as the first demigod fell. Percy stood over

the body with the fallen demigod's blood on his hands. He looked

around and before anyone could do or say anything Percy was on the


Blood flew left and right demigods fell at Percy's hands. The curse of

Le Bete activated;


You have killed while under the effects of Le Bete! You have

temporarily gained +2 to all stats!


You have killed while under the effects of Le Bete! You have

temporarily gained +2 to all stats!


You have killed while under the effects of Le Bete! You have

temporarily gained +2 to all stats!


You have killed while under the effects of Le Bete! You have

temporarily gained +2 to all stats!

Percy couldn't stop himself. There was a part of him inside that wanted

to stop, but the rules of the Game made it impossible. Percy killed his

friends, people who believed in him. They died trying to run away, but

Percy was to fast for them.

"Percy stop!" a voice cried out drawing Percy's attention. The monster

that was the son of Poseidon turned and saw Annabeth. Percy reached

the demigoddess in the blink of an eye. The bone of Kronos impaled

her through and through as she hugged Percy's neck, "please stop."

Percy removed the bone and intended to move to his next victim when

suddenly Annabeth wrapped her arm's around his body.

"Come back to us Percy," he whispered as she fell slowly to the


Percy's eyes blinked in confusion, the yellow slowly faded away giving

way fro Percy's sea green eyes. Percy's sock was clear as day as he

the bone of Kronos fell to ground. Percy immediately grabbed

Annabeth shoulders and held her close.

"Annabeth? Annabeth?!" Percy cried out in pain, "no, no, no, no!"

"It's not your fault Percy," Annabeth said with a strained smile, "I

remember the curse."

"Please stay with me! Please! I'll heal you! I know I can! We can get the


"It's too late," Annabeth said with blood flowing out of her mouth, "this

is deja vu all over again huh?"

"I'll fix this!" Percy yelled out, "I promise I'll fix this Annabeth! I'll bring

you back like last time! I'll bring you all back!"

"No, not this time," Annabeth smiled as slowly all the life bleed out of


Tears flowed freely from Percy's eyes. Guilt threatened to consume him

from the inside. Percy held the body of his friend, he killed her. He was

to blame. He lost control and in doing so let this happen. He was the

reason they were all dead.

Chapter 361

"Percy?" Nico's voice was heard from the side.

Percy looked up with tears in his eyes, "I'm sorry. I so so sorry. I wasn't

in control, I-" Percy got up to approach the boy when Clarisse stepped

in front of Nico with his weapon drawn.

"Stay away from us!" the daughter of Ares shouted.

"Clarisse it wasn't my fault! I wasn't in control! You have got to believe

me!" Percy tried to reason.

"Shut up!" Clarisse said as more and more demigods surrounded

Percy. Some drew their weapons, but their hands shock, they knew

they had no chance. The ones who knew Percy, the ones who owed

Percy their lives didn't try to make a move, they were either too scared

or didn't want to harm the demigod.

"Clarisse, you know me," Percy tried to plead, "I would never-"

Percy was cut off half-way as a sudden flash of light transported him

away from camp. The demigod found himself standing on top of a large

building. Percy blinked away the blindness and looked at the

surrounding building. He immediately realised where he was, on top of

the Empire State building.

"You have failed us Perseus," three voices spoke at once.

Percy turned and there standing with him were the three Fates.

"Why did you bring me here? I need to go back to camp! Kronos might

be back any time soon and-"

"-You shall never go back to camp," The Fates said together.


"You will never go back to camp Perseus Jackson," they said, "you

have failed us. We gave you your powers to protect the demigods and

to defeat Kronos, you have failed in that task."

"Please give me another chance!" Percy cried out, "I swear that I will

protect them! Even if they want nothing to do with me I'll protect them!"

The Fates shook their heads, "this is not up for debate. We take now

the power we gave to you," the Fates raised their hands up and

suddenly Percy felt a pull on his chest.

Your level has been reduced to 5;

Percy Jackson

Health- 250/250


Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-5 Exp- 50/1,000

Race- Demigod

STR- 5

VIT- 6

DEX- 2





"We take from you your divine lineage."

Race- Demigod

Race- Human (Clear sighted.)

Good Bye.

The notification boxes closed itself as Percy fell to his knees in pain.

Suddenly a blue glowing orb was ripped out of Percy. The ord

disappeared into thin air as Percy slowly felt weaker than he had ever

before. He felt the pain in his hand slowly increase, it was the first time

in years he felt physical pain.

"We take back the gifts you have earned through our powers," they

spoke again as suddenly Percy's jacket and armband vanished.

"Why?" Percy asked through gritted teeth, "why are you doing this?"

"You have failed us Percy Jackson," the Fates said.

"Give me another chance, please," Percy lowered his head to the

ground, "I'm begging you."

"You have failed us," the Fates simply repeated as all three suddenly

disappeared in a flash of light.

Percy looked up, his body was exhausted beyond belief. The pain he

felt in his hand was to much. The physical strain on his body due to the

super speed made his legs throb in pain. Percy tried to get up, but

promptly fell on the ground, his mind was overrun by fear, anger, loss,

guilt as he slowly fell unconscious.

The last thought on his mind was a apology to his friends for failing



Percy felt something peck his check. The human boy woke up and

moved his stiff arms scaring the pigeons away. He felt cold, without his

jacket on Percy was exposed to the elements and he felt like he was

on the edge of a fever.

Percy slowly got up, 'did that really just happen?' Percy wondered as

he slowly picked himself up.

"Status," he spoke, but nothing happened. Percy smashed his fist onto

the gravel below and a sharp pain ran up his arm.

Percy winced and slowly looked at his arm, his knuckles were

bleeding, the pain was so clear. Percy got to his feet, they were shaky,

but Percy could stand now. The former demigod walked slowly to the

door on the roof and kicked it open. He leaned on the railing and

walked down the staircase.

'How is this possible?' Percy wondered, 'am I really human now?'

Percy reached the floor just below the roof and called the elevator.

While he waited of that he tried to use his various skills. He focused on

his eyes, trying to activate 8.0 Eyesight, but nothing happened. He

tried to activate Body From, btu his arms just went limp in pain.

Percy even tried to form water out of the moisture in the air. But then

he tried to fell his mana, nothing remained except an empty void.

'They took the Gamer's power, they took my strength, my speed. Even

my mana.' Percy cursed as the elevator came up. The human entered

the lift and slowly went to the bottom.

'What am I going to do? What am I going to do?' Percy wondered as

panic started to attack him. He could feel it trying to choke him, he had

less and less access to his mind. He couldn't think, all that he could

think off was what was going to happen to him.

'I can't go to Olympus. If what I saw just before the Fates took my

powers is true then I'm just a clear sighted human again.' The lift doors

opened and Percy walked outside. He saw a crowd gathered around,

the day had begun already.

Percy walked out of the building and towards Central Park, he needed

to be somewhere safe, and the only place he knew is with his mother.

Percy's legs had gotten better, he no longer limped when walking.

Percy did a full body check. He had Riptide in his pocket in pen form.

The blade however was still broken. He had his camp necklace and his

necklace of Poseidon. He had his friction proof shoes, which aren't

really useful now. He had his bronze watch, but the led inside was

broken. Percy didn't know what happened to his inventory, the Fates

possible took it all back for themselves.

Chapter 362

It took half an hour for Percy to reach his mother's apartment and all

that time Percy spent wallowing in his own guilt. He had killed them, so

many of them. He did it with his own two hands. He lost control, but

that was the only reason he even had a chance at hurting Kronos. He

regretted what he did now, but back then it didn't seem like there was

any other way.

'I'm a mortal now…...does that mean I can never see any of my friends

ever again?' Percy didn't have anyone now. The only person he had

was his mother.

Percy eventually reached the street his mother lived on. His legs hurt a

lot, but Percy was already used to the pain. Sally's apartment however

was different today. There was a lot of people gathered around the

building, there were several cars parked near the building, it took only

a second for Percy to realise that those were cop cars.

'No…..no, even I can't have that bad a luck!' Percy told himself as he

ran. His feet pounded against the pavement as he reached his

mother's apartment. He took the stairs, he didn't want to wait for the lift.

His breath was sparse, his stamina was back to the level of an ordinary

teenage boy. His legs were paining again, but none of that mattered.

Percy only had one thing in his mind, 'please let me be wrong. Please

let me be wrong. Please let me be wrong.'

Percy reached the third floor and turned down the hallway. There

standing gaurd were two police officers in front of his mother's


'No, no this can't be happening!' Percy charged forward.

The two officers were alerted by the sudden movement, "hey you can't

come in he-"

"-Get out of my way!" Percy said launching a punch into one of the

cop's mouth throwing the man back. Before the other could react Percy

ran passed him and into the apartment only to stop dead in his tract the

moment he saw what was inside.

There was blood everywhere. The walls were covered with them. The

living room was filled with cops and forensic personnel. Percy could

see a body in the center of the room, he could peices here and there,

but the people blocked his view.

"No," Percy said through paused breath as he fell to his knees, "this

can't be happening."

"Get this kid out of here!" a police officer said as the two uniforms

outside grabbed Percy pulling him out of the apartment.

"Wait," a voice called out. Kate Beckett walked out of the living room,

her gloves were stained with blood. "He's with me."

Percy was pulled out of the apartment and into Castle's. No one was

home, Percy sat on the couch witch Beckett kneeling down in front of


"Percy….. Percy look at me," Kate spoke in soft gentle tones,

"everything is going to be alright. I promise you everything will be fine."

"Is it her," Percy asked as tears welled up in his eyes, "is that blood on

you gloves her's?"

Kate looked at her gloves and cursed. She quickly removed them and

turned to Percy, "we I want to assure you that you will be taken care

off. I promise. I will find the person who did this and-"

"What happened to her?"

Kate looked surprised, "I don't-"

"-WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MOTHER!" The policemen outside

Castle's apartment barged in with guns drawn. Kate quickly motioned

them to stand down and they slowly did.

The detective turned to Percy, "are you sure you want to-"

"-Just tell me," Percy snapped.

"She…..we can't be certain until we have done an autopsy. But it looks

like she was mauled by some kind of animal."

Percy's eyes glowed with pure anger, if he had the Le Bete perk with

him they would have turned yellow by now. "Do you know what kind?"

Kate shook her head, "no….we don't."


"Sometime last night. I heard it happen. I ran into your mother's

apartment to try and help her, but by the time I went in…...there was

nothing I could do. Her last words were, 'tell Percy I am proud of him.'"

Percy looked at Kate as tears slowly filled up his eyes. "T-thank you

detective Beckett."

Kate nodded, "Percy why don't you stay here for a while, just until we

can find you somewhere else to go."

"I have nowhere else," Percy said.

"No other family?"

Percy shook his head, "I never knew my mother's parents. And….well

there is my dad, but I don't know whether he wasn't to have anything to

do with me anymore."

Kate nodded, "then stay here. I'll take care this as fast as I can and we

will get through this together Percy."

Percy nodded blankly as Kate went outside to deal with the

investigation. The moment the door closed Percy was up. The anger in

him called out for vengeance, he wanted to scream out at Kate for not

getting there sooner. He knew that the mortal police woman would

have had no chance against a monster, but he still felt the anger.

'No…..never again. I will never lose myself to my anger ever again,'

Percy told himself as he rained in his anger. It was strange doing it

without the help of Gamer's mind, it was like scooping out water with

your hands.

There was only one person Percy could go to get the help he needed,

his dad. The Fates might have abandoned him, and the other

Olympians might hate him, but Percy had to believe his dad hadn't

given up on him. What he told the detective was true, he didn't know

whether his dad wanted anything to do with him, but he had to try.

Percy looked around the apartment and found 100 bucks tucked away

in a drawer. It was a lot of money, but for someone like Castle it would

be chump change. Percy knew he couldn't walk out the front door, the

cops would see him and detain him. So Percy went to the fire escape

and got out through that.

Once he was down the fire escape he hailed a cab and asked to be

driven to the closest beach, Silver Beach in Parkchester.

Percy spent that time wondering how he was going to talk to his dad.

He couldn't use Iris messaged anymore, he had no drachmas. He

could try to swim inside and try and find him, but something told Percy

his swimming skills aren't going to be what they used to be.

Eventually Percy reached the beach in 30 minutes. He payed the driv

40 dollars and quickly left for the shore. The 'beach' itself wasn't really

a beach. It was just a few meters of sand surrounded by building at the

shore. But it was technically a beach and Percy hopped this would


It was around 10 in the morning, the beach was empty. Percy walked to

the waters and stood there. He took a deep breath, "dad, if you can

hear me. I need your help."

Percy stood on the beach for hours. Time passed quickly for the mortal

boy. Hours came and left and Percy repeated the same thing, "I need

your help." Eventually he stopped realising he was even saying it. The

words came out, but inside Percy was recalling all that he had done.

Chapter 363

He had killed those he had sworn to protect. The only reason he

wanted to grow stronger was to protect them, and now all he cared for

were gone.

Percy knew only one thing, pain and loss. He could feel the guilt in his

heart, the uselessness of regret. He felt anger, he felt fear. The way

Clarisse looked at him, the way they all drew their blades on him, that

was his greatest nightmare.

His mind was also filled with memories of his mother. The way she

smiled, the way she cared for Percy. She was the kindest person he

knew. She was the reason Percy wanted to protect others, so that he

could be like her.

Percy fell to his knees as he looked up at the setting sun. 'Have I been

here all day?' Percy asked himself. Time didn't seem to bother him

anymore. Maybe it was because he hurt the Titan of time. A curse that

Kronos managed to inflict on him on top of everything else that was

going on.

The only thing that mattered to Percy now was his losses. He didn't

want to live anymore, he couldn't take it. He had failed his mother, he

had failed his father. He lost control and killed people he called family.

Tears rolled down his eyes, he looked up at the sea, "dad…..I need


"Grrr," Percy heard a growl behind him.

The former demigod turned slowly and there standing at the entrance

to the beach were a pair of yellow eyes that belonged to a Hellhound.

He should have felt scared. He should have felt like running away, after

all he was now human. But Percy felt neither of those things. Instead

he felt calm. He felt relieved. Standing before him was a piece of the

world that abandoned him, that left him.

He may not be a demigod, but at the least he could at least die like a


Percy stood up and faced the beast. His breath was slow, his hands

steady. "Well? What are you waiting for? I'm here, eat me!"

The Hellhound snarled and charged. It's mouth opened wide as spit

drool off the side. Percy unfocused his eyes. He was ready, 'I'm


The Hellhound was nearly on top of him. Percy knew this was the end.

There was no reason to keep fighting anymore. All of this….it didn't

matter. Percy slowly let all of his anger, his fear, his hate go. He was at


The Hellhound bite into his neck and pushed him into the water. Percy

gasped as it's fangs tore into his neck. Pain filled his entire being.

Percy could feel himself slowly die. His blood filled the sea, slowly

mixing with the water.

Percy closed his eyes, 'it is done.'

Darkness took him once again.

'Wake up.'


'Wake up.'


'Wake up and fight Percy. Fight.'

Go away


I don't want to

'Fight for yourself.'

I-I don't know if can

'Fight for who you are.'

Who am I?

'Fight not for me, or your family.'

M-my family?

'But fight because you deserve to live. No matter what you have done,

you always deserve to live. So fight…...because I believe in you.'

Percy's eyes shot open, 'mom?'

Something snapped open in Percy. The will to live grew in him, it grew

bigger and bigger. He looked down, the hellhound was still around his

neck, Percy could feel it tear into his neck.

'I don't want to die. I don't' want to die!' Percy thought off as he tried to

move. The hellhound was still on his neck, Percy had to get it off of

him. He needed a weapon.

Percy clicked his feet and the hidden bronze blades in his sneakers

popped out. Percy swung his legs up impaling the blades into the

monster's stomach and intestine.

The hellhound whined in pain as it let go of Percy's neck running to the

side to try and heal itself. Percy grabbed his neck, the blood was

flowing freely. The salt water was bring his wounds, but that was

alright, the pain meant he was alive.

'Dad, I need you!' Percy thought out, 'please! I need your help!'

"Please!" Percy yelled out. His eyes slowly became heavy, the blood

loss was getting to him. His heart was beating slower and slower.

'No….' Percy's arm dropped to the side. Even the pain from the water

was fading away, 'I want to live…...I want… to live…..'

Percy closed his eyes. 'Please dad….help me….'

Percy could feel the water around him. It stayed just below his neck.

Slowly it pulled him in closer and closer. Percy felt his body being

submerged into the sea. He slowly felt everything slip away. The salt

started to burn even more, but slowly the pain went away.

A sense of calm came over him. His body stopped feeling pain. Percy

thought it was the feeling of dying, but the sound of his heartbeat

growing stronger told him otherwise.

Percy snapped his eyes open as a smirk came on his face, 'thanks


The son of Poseidon rose out of the sea and walked onto land. His

clothes started to automatically dry themselves and his wounds

finished healing. Percy looked at the Hellhound, it growled at him. He

could see it was bleeding, but the hunger was still there in it's eyes.

Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out Riptide. He uncapped the

blade and it grew to it's half broken form.

Percy turned to the monster, "let's dance shit stain."

The monster jumped at Percy, the son of Poseidon ran forward

lowering his body. The hellhound jump over shot clearing Percy all

together. The demigod swung his blade and the half destroyed form of

Riptide tore through the Hellhound's underbelly.

Percy rolled onto the sand and look back ready to fight. But the

Hellhound was already disintegrating. Percy recapped his blade and

put it in his pocket. He stepped onto the beach and bowed, 'thank you

dad. Thank you mom.'

"Percy?" a voice called out.

Percy turned and saw Kate standing there with Castle at her side.

Percy blinked in surprise, "how did you find me?"

Chapter 364

"I questioned every taxi driver in the area," Kate said running up to him,

"what are you doing here?"

Percy looked at the beach, "the beach calms me down. I didn't…. I

didn't want to stay in there."

"Percy you can't-" Kate began to scream when Castle put up a hand

silencing her. He turned to Percy and smiled.

"Did it work?"

"Did what work?"

"Did it help you feel better?" Castle asked.

Percy nodded, "yeah."

"Percy," Castle said looking into the young child's eyes, "I don't know

the first thing about what you are going through. I know that times like

this I should be saying things like, 'I know what you are going through,'

or something like that, but I don't. I don't know anything Percy. But I do

know this, you are going to get through this. I promise. You can stay

with me and Kate for as long as you want, hell I'll even adopt you if

you're okay with it. But remember this Percy, you aren't alone."

Percy nodded, "I know… thanks."

Castle nodded and the three walked out of the beach. Percy however

wasn't going to simply walk away from this. He had a duty, before it

was a duty to others, his mom, his friends, his family. But now they

were all gone, what they wanted didn't matter. All that remained was

what Percy wanted….and Percy wanted revenge.

1 week later;

It had been a week since Percy stayed with the Castles. The week had

been filled with meeting with the NYPD, counseling sessions with a

court ordered shrink and the occasional pep talk from Kate.

Over all Percy didn't get a single second for himself. But Percy hadn't

been wasting his time. He had been planning his revenge. Percy had

gotten most of his mother's stuff on day 5. He had gotten the

apartment, which was in her name, her personal item and most

importantly the Lotus Hotel and Casino card he gave her.

The unlimited money Percy would have using that card would be

instrumental in getting Percy to wherever Kronos is hiding. That is if he

ever found out where he was hiding.

Percy found himself sitting in a cafe drinking coffee. Today was the first

time in days that Kate and Castle weren't looking over his shoulder. He

liked them, but sometimes he felt they were over caring. He was

basically a stranger to them, he didn't understand why they cared so

much for him. Percy figured it was guilt on Kate's part, but Castle was a


As Percy finished his cup a voice called out, "you have some free


The voice was familiar to Percy. The son of Poseidon looked up and

saw his half brother Triton stand before him in a mortal suit with a cane

by his side.

"Triton?" Percy asked in surprise.

The man nodded, "yes. May I take a seat?"

"Please," Percy motioned for the seat next to his own. The God sat

down and Percy began, "what are you doing here?"

"I came to help you."

"Help me? Help me with what?"

"Your revenge of course."

"Why isn't dad here?"

Triton sighed, "Olympus has fallen into chaos. Without you as the

leader of the demigods Olympus greatest asset has lost all use. The

demigods are still recovering from Kronos's attack…..and yours."

Percy put his head down in shame, "I-I….I didn't mean to."

Triton nodded, "I know. And so does father. In fact everyone in camp

believes that as well."

Percy's head snapped up so fast Triton was afraid the boy might have

accidentally gotten whiplash "they belive me?"

Triton smiled, "of course. After all you did for them, did you really

believe they would abandon you so quickly."

Percy lowered his head, "the last time I saw them they looked at me

like I was a monster. They had their weapons pointed at me, and I can't

really blame them."

"Yes, it took some time. But people began to realise that you would

have never done something like that in a million years. In fact the only

reason they haven't come to find you is because the Fate's have

forbidden any contact with by the divine world."

Percy blinked, "then how are you here?"

"The Fates command a lot, but there is one thing that can over power

their orders. A debt."

Percy nodded, "so you are using the debt you owe me for saving Mera

to speak to me."

Triton nodded, "yes. This is why father couldn't come himself. He had

already pushed the line making you his champion, if he meet you in


"-Wait what? Champion? I thought he restored my powers?"

Triton shook his head, "no. The Fates took them from you for good.

Father however has the freedom to choose anyone he wishes to be his

champion, and he chose you. Obviously this put him on the hot seat for

a while, hence why it took so long for me to come to you."

Percy nodded, his powers had been weaker than before. They were

weaker than the first time he had them. He figured it was just because

he was getting used to the power once again but now it made sense.

Percy looked up, "so how are you going to help me?"

Triton pulled out a blank piece of paper from his coat pocket and slid it

towards Percy, "this has the location of Kronos's base. Since defeating

you and destroying camp he hasn't really been hiding."

Percy picked up the paper and read it, 'Mount Othrys, now Mt


Percy nodded, "thanks."

"So what exactly is your plan?"

"Go in there and kick some ass."

"You won't live," Triton said with worry in his voice.

Percy shook his head, "no. I will. I will go in there and kill Kronos where

he stands."

"You could barely do it with all you powers. Now you are barely better

than a mortal."

"Do you have any suggestions?"

Triton sighed, "no. But at the very least do not go in alone. Go back to

camp Percy, try to talk to them."

Percy shook his head, "no. You said it yourself, the Fates were clear.

Those who help me die. You are taking a big risk just coming here."

Triton grumbled "is there no one else you could ask?"

Percy thought about it. He did have a few people, but calling them

would endanger their lives and Percy didn't want that. Percy sighed,

"you are right Triton, I am probably going to die. In fact I was ready to

die before, but I decided against it because I still hadn't gotten my

revenge. I didn't want to die then because Kronos still lived. I am going

there and I will make sure Kronos does not leave there alive. At the

very least I will give him something to remember me by."

Chapter 365

Triton scoffed, "a mortal is going to try and fight Kronos? Now this I

would like to see."

Percy smiled and got off his seat, "you just might bother. YOu just

might. Oh, and give my love to Mera."

Triton nodded and the two sons of Poseidon departed, knowing full well

this would be the last time they would see each other.

2 days later;

Percy sat in his train compartment watching the landscape pass by. A

red mountain climbers bag sat by his side and a new black leather

jacket was neatly folded next to him.

Percy had run away the day after he meet Triton. He had left a note for

Castle and Beckett to find and this time he made sure not to be spotted

by any road cameras. He went first to Boston and talked with Biggy, his

contact in Abyss. After some begging Percy managed to get the name

of someone who sold 'special weapons'. Percy had given the Lotus

Casino card in exchange for the weapon in question. It was a high

price, but he wouldn't need it after this.

The train pulled up in San Francisco and the moment Percy stepped

out he felt strange, like a person who lived in a world made out of blue

everything seeing red for the first time. He didn't know why, but he felt

like he shouldn't be here, which probably meant this was exactly where

he was supposed to be.

Percy took his big red bag and quickly hailed a cab. The cab took him

all the way to the bottom of Mt. Tamalpais but no further. Percy payed

the man and got out. He looked upon the mountain and saw something


Like Mount Olympus floated above the Empire State Building, Mount

Othrys floated above Mt. Tamalpais. There was a common base

between the two mountains, but the mortals couldn't see it. Percy

walked to the top of the mountain and quickly reached the base of

Mount Othrys.

There was no path leading up to the top of the Titan's mountain, there

was only a rock wall. Luckily, Percy came prepared. Percy took out

mountain climbing gear out of his big red bag and quickly readied

himself. He put in climbing gloves and readied the rope and picks.

Percy tried to use the pick to dig into the face of the mountain but

quickly found the mortal tool to be useless. 'So much for that idea.

Sigh, might as well go the old fashion way.'

Percy threw away all the climbing gears he got, they were useless now

and would only hold him down. Percy grabbed an edge along the

mountain's surface and used it as a hold to manually climb the


Fear, panic and doubt all began to enter Percy's mind, but with practise

Percy learned to mimic the ability of Gamers mind and squashed all

the negative emotions. It wasn't as thorough or fast as Gamer's mind,

but it kept him alive.

Percy now hanged 90 feet off the ground. His hands were starting to go

cold, his leg's were sweaty. He didn't dare look down, the only thing he

cared to see was the top.

Suddenly his grip on the rock surface slipped. Percy found himself

falling down ata breakneck speed. He felt the wind fly across his face. 'I

need to do something!' Percy thought out, panic rose but the

adrenaline kicked in before that settled in. Percy acted on instinct, he

reached inside his pocket and pulled out Riptide. He uncapped the

blade and plunged it into the side of the mountain.

Surprising the celestial bronze blade broke the rocky surface, and

slowed his fall. But Percy could feel this wasn't enough. He

immediately clicked his heels causing the blades inside his shoes to

pop out. He plunged them into the mountain face and his descent

suddenly stopped.

The force of the sudden stop all most threatened to pussh Percy off of

the mountain surface, but the son of Poseidon quickly grabbed the

mountain face with his free hand and pulled closely.

He looked up, 'I'm not going to die like this.' Percy then started to climb

up again. He went faster and faster. The blades on his foot were a big

help, he no longer had to worry about footing for his feet. Percy could

tell Riptide wasn't going to be much help in a fight, but it was the only

weapon he had, and he would use it.

It took an hour, but eventually Percy reached the top. He pulled himself

onto the cliff and rested. The climb had been tough on him, without his

near god like stamina Percy come to realise what it truly meant to be


Percy stood up, he looked at the castle in front of him and a small part

was afraid. The entire castle looked like it was carved out of one single

black marble. The castle glistened like a black diamond as the sun's

rays reflected off of it.

Percy steeled himself, he pushed his fears and doubts to the side,

anything he felt didn't matter. All that mattered was what he was going

to do, what he had to do. Percy walked into the castle, the door were

wide open, almost like he was expected.

Green greek fire's light up the interior of the castle. In the corner of

Percy's eyes he could see figures in the shadow moving. They

however didn't attack him, and he knew why.

The long corridor lead to the main hall of the castle. There, almost like

he was waiting for him, was Kronos.

A solid black marble throne stood in the center of the room with

diamonds and other precious stones embedded in it. Kronos was with

both arms flat on the armrest and sober smile on his face.

"So you have come," Kronos said rising from the seat.

"Yeah," Percy said taking off his red bag throwing towards the center of

the room, "I figured I owe you pay back for everything you did."

"Everything I did? I heard it was you who killed all those

demigods," Kronos said with a smirk.

Percy leveled his broken blade forward, "I'm not falling for the taunt

Kronos. How's the arm by the way?"

The Titan smiled, "Like you said, I'm not falling for the taunt. My

arm has healed and my power restored, but tell me, if you couldn't

defeat me at your best, what makes you think you can at your

weakest? You have a broken sword, a broken spirit and a mortal


Percy narrowed his eyes, "you're wrong about one thing, my spirit isn't

broken. You did manage to break me…. For some time I truly wanted

to die. But then I realised that if I did, I would never have my revenge

on you."

Kronos smiled, "as stubborn as your father. Or maybe your

mother? My assassins tell me she didn't scream while they tore

her apart. She was in pain, but she didn't give them the pleasure

of her screams. They even recorded the session for me to watch,

but I was so disappointed with what I saw, I like it when they


Percy charged forward as anger fueled his strength. The titan laughed

as Percy swung at his head. Kronos doged in the last moment and the

two began their dance. Percy would attack and Kronos would wait until

the last moment before dodging.

Chapter 366

Kronos moved all around the room taunting Percy, letting him get close

enough to touch before moving away at the last second. Percy was

getting tired already, the climb to the top had already drained him of his

strength. He could barely keep Riptide up.

"So this is what the champion of Olympus has been reduced to? A

mere mortal with a broken blade trying and failing to fight a battle

he barely has the energy to fight. I feel pity for you Jackson, you

are an honorable person, and I respect that. But you are also the

son of my son and for that sin I cannot forgive you."

"Eat shit," Percy said as he pushed himself forward in a sudden burst

of speed. His blade almost had Kronos at the neck, but the titan simply

moved backwards to dodge, 'NOW!'

The red bag Percy carried exploded outwards with water tendrils that

grabbed Kronos's foot. The Titan was surprised, he couldn't move in

time. The water held him in place and Percy pushed the sword deeper

cutting into the titan's neck.

Percy rolled across the ground and commanded the water to attack

Kronos and crush his neck. However the moment the water surround

the titan it started to boil.

"ENOUGH!" Kronos shouted as energy exploded outwards. The water

was vaporised instantly and Percy was pushed into the wall of the


"I humoured you boy, and that was my mistake," Kronos appeared

in front of Percy and picked him up by the hair, "a mistake I will not


Percy smiled through his swollen eye and bloody lips. He then spat into

Kronos's eyes, "bite me motherfucker."

The Titan growled as he threw Percy across the room. The son of

Poseidon hit skidded across the black stone floor.

"Get him Lord Kronos!" Percy heard the voice of Hyperion shout out.

"Kill the bastard!" another loud voice said.

Percy slowly got up and saw Kronos approach him. The Titan pressed

his foot on top of Percy's chest, "any last words?"

Percy remained silent and looked into Kronos's eyes.

"Very well, then die in silence Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon,"

the titan lifted his foot and brought it down hard on top of Percy.


Percy felt his body break into the marble below. His entire rib cage

broke and collapsed downwards. Blood leaked everywhere.

Kronos lifted his leg and brought it down again.


Percy felt his stomach being ripped apart as his insides spill outwards.

He knew Kronos was just playing with him, one blow on a mortal from

a Titan would have turned him into paste. He wanted to make Percy


Kronos lifted his foot up again and brought it over Percy's head. It

came down when Percy spoke, "wait."

The foot stopped an inch from Percy's nose. Kronos put the foot to the

side and looked down, "what?"

"Inside the bag," Percy whispered before closing his eyes.

Kronos looked at the red bag Percy brought with him. It was torn to

pieces from the water that came out of it. Kronos approached the bag

and picked it up. The inside were filled with broken water bottles and

climbing gear, but underneath all that the Titan spotted something else.

Something beeping.

Beep. Beep.

Kronos tore the bag apart and reached inside pulling out a large oval

shaped device. He looked it over and his golden eyes widened as he

recognized the symbol for radiation printed on the object's side. On the

surface of the device was a heart beat monitor with a slowly reducing

heart rate.

"What have you done!" Kronos roared turning to Percy.

Percy smiled without opening his eyes, "I have brought your death."

Percy had traded in his Lotus card for this weapon. A nuclear warhead

that was tied to his heart beat. Slowly Percy felt his life slip away. He

could hear the panicked voice of Kronos in the back of his mind. He

smiled, 'fuck you asshole.'

Kronos tried to use his powers to freeze Percy and the bomb in time.

But the moment he froze Percy the bomb stopped receiving the

heartbeat signal and exploded in Kronos's arms. The blast took out the

entirety of Mount Othrys, none of the Titans survived.


Darkness came for hims again.

Percy opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by darkness

again. 'Am I dead?'

The darkness filled his very being, Percy didn't resiste.

'If I'm dead then why am I not at DOA records?'

Suddenly a flash of light exploded shining a spotlight on Percy.

"Hello?" the young man asked, "is anyone there?"

"Greetings young one," a voice called out from the darkness.

Suddenly a bright green light exploded right in front of Percy.

Percy waited for his eyes to get used to the intensity and saw a giant

green whale. It had four flippers instead of two and it's very essence

glowed green. On it's belly was a symbol, it was a circle with a

horizontal bar on the top and bottom. The whale floated in mid air as

every inch of it's body glowed with green power.

Percy felt his power increase just by being near this creature. It was

like this thing gave him the will to do anything, his confidence as

through the roof!

"Who are you?" Percy asked in wonder.

"I am In, the entity of willpower," the giant whale spoke, "I was

created when life could first move on it's own accord. I have lived

millions of years across all of time and space, and I come to you

now for your trail."

"My trail? What do you mean?"

"The world you lived through right now was your trail. You

believed that you were simply going through a trail to forge a

weapon, but that is not true, it is so much more."

Percy blinked in realization, "then you mean… I never really came out

of that trance? Am I still in the trail? Was all that I lived through this

past week an illusion?"

Chapter 367

The green whale nodded, "yes. That was a test. The trail you

invoked through your spell was an ancient and powerful one. It

would put you up to be judged by all 9 entities of the universe. We

give you an impossible situation, a world that you cannot possibly

hope to live in, and we break you. And in that moment of despair

and torture, at your lowest point in life, we see who you really


Percy sighed in relief, "so that mean's my mom isn't dead. The camp is

still alive and…I never killed anyone."

The whale nodded, "yes mortal. That is true."

"So did I pass?"

"There is no pass or fail in this test," I explained, "all who go

through this test will die. It is not a test to see whether you pass

or fail, but to see what you are made off."

"And what am I made off?"

Suddenly a green crystal rose out of the darkness in front of Percy. It

was diamond shaped and as big as Percy was.

"Look and see your trials complete," Ion spoke as suddenly an

image came up in the crystal.

The image was of Percy dieing at the beach. The hellhound had it's

jaws around Percy's neck and was closing down on him. The Will to

live slowly died in Percy's eyes, before they suddenly exploded with will

power. The will to live.

The image then changed, it became the scene Percy was just in. He

saw himself attacking Kronos. He saw his determination in his eyes,

the sheer will to fight despite knowing that he couldn't win.

"You have shown great will Perseus Jackson," Ion spoke as

suddenly the green crystal started to collapse on itself in the form of a

long oval, "your will power will forge the shape of your weapon."

"T-Thank you."

The whale nodded, "you are worthy. I give you also this Perseus

Jackson," a flash of light and Percy saw before him a green scale, "it

is one of my scales. Use it however you please, but be warned for

it has power you cannot begin to understand."

Percy nodded and the scale vanished. The green whale then moved to

the side as the green was suddenly replaced by red.

A huge red bull spread in front of Percy. It had four horns and a long

pair of tusks. It's body was bigger than it's feet could support as it

floated in mid air.

The bull narrowed its eyes at Percy, "I am The Butcher, the

embodiment of rage. I was born after the first murder happened.

And you Perseus Jackson have the capacity for great anger."

The green crystal then changed to red. Percy looked and the image of

him fighting the dragon and Kronos appeared.

"Your anger is your greatest tool, it will empower you in battle and

give you reason to fight."

The red crystal then green bright red veins that crawled through it.

"For long you have always sought to control your rage Jackson

and have failed. For my gift to you is this," suddenly a flash of light

blinded Percy but left him feeling more powerful, "I have removed the

limitations on your curse. When in rage now you will be in control

as long as you wish to. Rage is powerful, but it is nothing without

something to target that rage with."

"Y-You cured me of Le Bete?"

The bull nodded, "yes I have."

"Thank you," Percy bowed and the bull then stepped aside along with

Ion. Then an orange flash of light and a new being appeared. It was an

orange snake with a circle on top of it's head.

The snake looked down at Percy, "I am Ophidian, the entity of greed.

I wassss born when the first being ate something that it did not


The crystal in front of Percy turned orange now as the snake

continued, "you do not have a greed for material wealth in your

heart, but greed existssss in another form."

The crystal then displayed images not from Percy's trials but from all

the times he leveled up. That smile he got when he saw the extra stat

points, the laughter he got when defeating enemies.

"My greed…..is the greed for power?"

The snake nodded "yesss. You desire above all, power. Be it for

good or bad issss inconsequential. You desssssire power, and

that is your obsession. Greed will push you towardssss your


The crystal then began to crack even more as lines of orange joined

the lines of red.

"For my gift to you, I will give you the power to enssslave

otherssss with your might," Ophidian opened it's jaws wide and sent

a blast of energy into Percy's body, "your want for power will attract

those weaker than you. They will be drawn to you like flies to a


Percy blinked at what the snake said but before he could say anything

the entity simply moved the side.

In a flash of yellow the next entity showed up turning the crystal yellow.

This entry looked like a giant cross between a flying mantis and a

dragon. It radiated free, but Percy found himself relaxes in front of the

giant bug.

"I am Parallax, the entity of fear. I was born at the dawn of sentient

life, for as long as beings have dreams, they also have

nightmares. Look into the crystal and see your trails fulfilled."

Percy looked and saw himself being surrounded by the camp

members. He saw then hold their blades up against him, and he saw

the fear in his eyes.

"You have faced your greatest fear and surpassed it," Parallax

spoke, "for that fear shall save you from death. Fear will keep you

alert, and fear will inspire you to never be weak."

The crystal grew yellow lines that intersected with the orange and the

red as Parallax continued, "I do not have a gift for you. But I do have

advice. I will answer three questions for you in the future,"

suddenly a yellow ball appeared in front of Percy and then disappears,

"use that to ask me whatever you wish."

Percy bowed, "thank you."

The yellow bug moved to the side as the darkness was now fought

back by Percy's favorite colour, blue. The crystal changed to blue now

with the orange, red and yellow lines still etched into it.

Slowly the blue light took the form of a bird. The bird looked beautiful

with wide wings and two long tails. The bird resembled a peacock but

the way it stood, prideful but at the same time compassionate.

Chapter 368

"I am Adara," the bird spoke softly, "and I am the entity of hope. I

was born when the first sentient life performed the first prayer and

I exist everywhere. Look into the crystal and see your trail


Percy looked and saw once again home at the sea being attack by a

Hellhound. Percy saw himself kick hi hidden knifes into the monster's

body before slowly sink into the ocean. Percy remembered this

moment, he prayed. He prayed and prayed to his father never giving

up hope, he knew that his father would save him, and that belief turned

out to be true.

"You hope is great Perseus, you faith in your family and fellow

man is without question. But beyond all that you inspire hope."

The image then changed. Percy saw himself fighting Hyperion for the

first time in camp. He saw himself defend the camp. He then saw

himself bring back the souls of his dead friends, he saw the demigods

look at him with hope and wonder in their eyes. The image then

changed to the time Percy saved Mera, than to the time he the 24

demigods. He saw the faces of all the children of the minor Gods and a

few other campers.

"Hope while a great emotion to have, it is even greater to give.

And you have given plenty for all. We cannot interfere with the

Fates, else I would make you my champion. I can however give

you a blessing."

A blue ball of light flew from Adara to Percy. The bird sung in joy, "from

now on you will grow stronger and stronger the more people you

inspire. For every life you give hope to, you will become stronger.

Like a wolf in a pack, you will become stronger the bigger the


Percy bowed, "thank you Adara. I do not know what to say."

The bird smiled, "no Percy Jackson. Thank you."

The bird moved to the side and an indigo light took over. The light took

the form of a giant four limbs jellyfish with suckers all over it's body. In

the center between its limbs was one purple eyes that looked at Percy.

"I am Proselyte, the entity of compassion. Where rage comes from

murder and hope from prayer, compassion is given to all. I was

formed when hope battled rage and am only found in the hearts of

good people. And you Perseus Jackson are a good person. Look

into the crystal."

Percy looked and this time it showed him at the Lotus Casino saving

the several demigods there. The image then changed to the time Percy

sailed the wrong direction needlessly wasting time on his quest to save


"You have done things that were never asked of you. If you had

never saved those demigods no one would have known. If you

had left Mera in that deep water, no one would have blamed you.

But you chose to go out of your way to save them and for that you

Perseus Jackson are a hero. Remember compassion ensures that

the next day will be a betters on."

The crystal, now purple, was covered with similar lines mixing well with

the other colours. Percy now however began to see a pattern. Each

line moved from the outside to the inside in four different directions.

Soon however they all meet at the center as all the girls started to mix

well with each other.

"For my gift to you I grant you this," a purple ball appeared in front of

Percy and then promptly disappeared, "the power of empathy. I

realise that understanding others feelings is not something

important to you right now. But after war, peace can only be

maintained by understanding one another."

Percy bowed again, "thank you."

The celepod moved to the side and darkness took over once again.

Percy waited for the next light being to show up but nothing happened.

Percy waited and just when he thought to give up, the crystal turned


A bright violet light appeared in front of Percy but it took no form. It

simple existed in the form of light as it began to talk.

"I am love. I am the emotion of love. Unlike the other's I do not

have a form to call upon as loves comes in many forms. I am

created again and again in the hearts of all life. For you Perseus I

look like this."

The violet light then transformed into a tall elfish looking woman with a

bow and arrow strapped to her back. Her body looked delicate like a

flower but Percy could feel the energy roll off of her.

"Love cannot be shown. Love cannot be taught. You love, and that

is all. My trail does not have a time limit as there is no way to

prove your love is true. Love is nothing but what you make of it."

The crystal did not show any image to Percy this time and instead

violet lines simply ran through it like before.

"I cannot give you any gifts Perseus, I have not the power to do

so. But I can give you a piece of advice," the being smiled at Percy,

"love comes in many forms and in many sources. Do not try to

stick to only one path. Look at all, and open your eyes to the

feeling of others. After all, you have plenty of love to go around."

Percy blushed at the comment but said nothing. The violet light then

moved to the side and Percy realised that all the entities now stood

behind him in order of appearances. Percy turned around and faced

them, "is this it? Is the flashbacks scene over?"

Some of the entities chuckled in amusement while Ion spoke up, "no

there are two more entities you have to meet."

Just as I said that the darkness suddenly drew. Just then the spotlight

on Percy exploded outwards burning like fire. The top began white

while the bottom became black. Percy felt his whole world turn

sideways as the black and white slowly moved from the top to the side.

Suddenly two figures appeared out of the two lights. Out of the

darkness came a zombies figure in black robes with a sytch by his

side. And out of the white light came a thin wiry figure with six angle

wings and a halo on top.

"Greeting human," the black entity spoke, "I am Necron, the

embodiment of death. I represent the death of all, even the


Chapter 369

"And I am the Entity," the figure in white spoke, "the being

responsible for all life in the universe."

"You are the first human to have passed our test," Necron spoke.

"The first to finish the task of all nine entities," the Entity spoke,

"many have tried, and only few have even succeeded in

completing the trail of even one entity."

"You have mastered death by embracing it," Necron spoke as the

crystal turned black showing Percy the image of his dead body before

the nuclear bomb exploded.

"And you have sacrificed all to preserve life," the Entity spoke as

the crystal changed to white, but the image stayed the same.

"For your accomplishment I give you this," Necron spoke as he

summoned a black ball that disappears into Percy, "the power to call

anyone dead back to life, if they were reincarnated then you will

be presented with a copy of their soul. They will appear in their

natural bodies in any form you wish for. But be warned they may

only stay for a limited time."

"And I give you this," the Entity spoke, summoning a white box, "you

will need this in the future. For now keep it safe."

Percy bowed to them both, "thank you."

The entities nodded and spoke together, "remember, there is no life

without death and no death without life."

The entities then all began speaking at once, "you, pilgrim of Greece,

have completed the tasks of the soul. You have reforged yourself

into a better you. Go now and remember what you have learnt.

And take with you our gifts and strength."

The crystal in front of Percy went blank as suddenly white and black

lines grew along it as well. The crystal then started to vibrate violently

as Percy grabbed it with both hands. He held onto it tightly and didn't'

let go.

"Now go Perseus Jackson!" the more they spoke the more violently

the crystal shock, "go fulfill your destiny!"

The crystal exploded outwards as suddenly everything went white.


"Guys!" Thalia shouted alerting the gathered demigods. They all turned

and saw Percy's prone body moving. The barrier around him slowly

disappeared as the cauldron began to glow bright white.

Suddenly a bright pillar of light exploded outwards covering Percy in it

and blasting everyone around to their backs.

"What the hell is going on?!" Michael shouted out.

"I don't know!" Annabeth shouted back.

The pillar of light slowly disappeared into nothing leaving behind the

glowing form of Percy Jackson. He glowed like white hot metal, his

eyes shined green as the rest of his body slowly turned back to normal.

On his right stood a brand new weapon.

It was a bright blue trident with white lines going along it's body. Below

the prongs was a big white circle with three lines going from it towards

the three prongs. Below the three blades were two large blades

protruding outwards with a slight upwards curve. The trident was as big

as Percy was tall and the body was covered with leather for a good



The weapon of Percy Jackson, formed from the fang of Janai'ngo

and is tempered with blood of his parents. Since finishing the

tasks of the emotional entities this weapon is forever bound to


Note: spinning the weapon will turn it from trident mode to sword

mode and vice versa. To transform into a pen simply give a mental



Can freely summon water from the tip. Cost - 100 MP per gallon.

Stronger command over the sea.

Allows for user to give large scale commands to all sentient

aquatic life.

Will always return to owner's pocket.

Durability- It will only break if Percy dies.

Attack - 100,000

Special modes: Each emotion channeled through this weapon will

give forth to a new form. Cost 500 MP per second

Rage- 4 X Attack, special ability- causes a people to go into a rage

filled frenzy.

Greed- 5 X Loot, special ability - causes automatic gathering of


Fear- -50% power, cause targets to witness what they fear the


Will- Escalation of power equal to the amount of will power

supplied. Limit- none.

Hope- 2 X Attack, gives a 50% boost to all allies

Compassion- 20% chance of enemy surrendering and turning into

an ally

Love- Summons a field of protection. Strength and size depends

on intensity of emotion.

Special conditions for Life and Death: channel all emotions;

Life- bring back the recently dead, cost - 1 day of user's own life.

Death- send a wave of death, cost - user will spend one hour in

the fields of punishment for every person he killed.

'Wave rider,' Percy thought, 'so that's your name.'

He turned to his new weapon and spun it with one hand. The trident

slowly collapsed in on itself as the three blades of the tridents turned

into water. The body of the trident shrunk down to a hand and a half

grip. The two curved blades along the side of the trident bent towards

the center, tacking on the form of a greek leaf blade with a split down

the middle that was covered with water.

Percy now held a blade similar to the structure of Riptide with the blade

resembling the nib of a fountain pen. Even it's special powers was to

turn into a pen, just like Riptide. Maybe because he used Riptide in

creating the weapon, it is so similar to it. Percy flipped the blade

around once more and the blade turned into a blue fountain pen.


Quest completed!

Create your own weapon!

1- A piece of the monster powerful enemy you have ever defeated


2- The blood of the person/persons you care about the most


3- A peice of an item that you hold dear to your heart (Completed)

4- A drop of your blood (Completed)


One new super cool weapon!

+100,000 Exp!

+ 20,000 Exp for every emotional spectrum concurred.

+ 20 points for every emotional spectrum concurred.

Total Exp gained!

280,000 Exp

Total Points gained!





You have leveled up three times!

Percy Jackson

Health- 11,550/11,550 (+1000) = 12,550

Mana- 6,500/6,500 (+1000) = 7,500 (+20% more mana, +1,500) =


The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-42 Exp- 9,260/117,000









MONEY- 488,043$/ 556D

Percy Jackson is a demigod, the son of Sally Jackson and

Poseidon. He has ADHD and Dyslexia making it difficult for him to

sit still in class, that has since changed, he is now considered a

genius in battle and is considered very academically gifted. Percy

loves his mother, and every demigod in camp and will do anything

to protect them all.

Percy closed all the boxes when suddenly more came about.

You have gained new powers!


Enslavement, Lv- MAX

You if you succeed in snaring an individual's attention and or

interest, you have a 50% chance of controlling them.

60% if said individual if half as strong as you are.

70% if they are one third as strong as you are.

80% if they are one fifth as strong as you are.

This is a skill you will need to use consciously.

Empathy, Lv- MAX

You will understand the emotions of others. This is a skill you can

only use consciously.

Necromancy, Lv- 1 (0%)

A branch of magic that involves magic surrounding the dead or

the un-dead.


Revival of the dead, Lv- MAX

Brings back the spirits of the dead in their natural bodies. Limit- 1

time per day. No limit on the number of revived, the only limit is

the ability of the user to channel the powers of death.

Note: If the soul of the person is unavailable then a copy will be

made of the soul which posses all of the original soul's

knowledge and memories.


Wolf pack- + 5% increase in all stats, attacks and skills for every

person that fights by your side.

Note: this perk is only active during combat.

A perk has been updated!

· Le Bete- gives +20 to all every time Percy gets angry. For every

person Percy kills while in this berserk rage he will gain+2 stat

points. Note: Percy will have full control while in this mode.



Scale of Ion,

A scale from the entity of willpower. The scale can be used for a

variety of spells and rituals. It is unknown what happens when

one consumes a scale.

Ball of Parallax,

Simply ask this ball anything and if it is known, Parallax will

answer you.

Amount of times it can be used- 3

Box of the Entity,

A unknown box which will never open unless the time is right.

Suddenly Percy felt knowledge and power enter him. He fell to his

knees from the rush of it all. It was almost painful, but the feeling of

having his powers back made up for it. The trials may have all been an

illusion, but Percy had still lived a week in his own personal hell.

"Percy?" Thalia asked stepping up to him, "are you okay?"

The son of Poseidon smiled, "never better." He stood up in shaking

feet, they had been kneeling on the ground for a long time. Percy

stepped off of the Fist of Zeus and landed on the ground,

"Percy be careful," Michael said approaching to help his friend.

Percy smiled and grabbed his friend in a hug, "you're alright. Thanks

the Gods you're alright."

Michael blinked, "ah….did you hurt your head or something?"

"Well he was in that trance for an hour," Annabeth said, "who knows

what happen-"

"-You're alive too!" Percy yelled out as he grabbed Annabeth into a hug

as well. He then turned to Thalia, "and you too!"

Percy launched himself at Thalia grabbing her in a big hud tacking in

the scent of pine, "Percy? Are you okay?"

Percy smiled as he broke the hug, "I'm fine….I'm just happy to be
