
Pirate: I’ve Loaded the Game Interface

海贼:我加载了游戏面板 ||| 八挂海 Carrying a system interface, descending into the world of One Piece. If it weren’t for the system reminding that the game’s public beta would begin in three years, Adrian would have thought this was just another standalone transmigration story! In the Sea Round calendar year 1498, Pirate King Gol D. Roger bid farewell to this world, ushering in the Great Age of Pirate, along with the legendary Fourth Calamity... Hey, wait a minute, why don’t these players know anything about the plot?

Sigmarc · Anime et bandes dessinées
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217 Chs

Chapter 208: Gang Players

After explaining the current situation briefly to Lady Penelope.

Little Robin, who had been running an errand, came back panting, her face flushed and sweating.

"Phew~ I'm back!"

Lady Penelope, feeling a bit sorry for her, walked over, took out a handkerchief, and wiped the sweat off Robin's forehead, gently scolding, "Little Robin, why didn't you take it slow?"

Robin stuck out her tongue a bit embarrassedly and then threw Adrian a look of triumph.

Adrian also smiled and winked at her.

Under Little Robin's expectant gaze, Adrian enjoyed a simple breakfast at Lady Penelope's place before saying goodbye and leaving.

Entering a ghostly state, Adrian's form suddenly rose, quickly flying over the canopy of the Tree of Knowledge and heading towards the distance.

Returning to the West Blue, there was more to do than just visiting Ohara!

Half a day later.

Adrian appeared over a town-like island, his figure suddenly descending to the dock.

This was Otefi Island.

It was also the headquarters of the "Razor Gang," which had emerged in the West Blue in the past two years!

Of course.

Adrian hadn't come to Otefi Island to inspect the Razor Gang or the development of the Shelby Company.

More importantly, he was here for the group of players who had joined the Razor Gang!

That's right!

In the year since the public beta officially started.

Players in the West Blue had long figured out the essence of the "game."

To them, this was an extremely open and free game.

Flying in the sky, diving in the sea, treasure hunting in ruins, naval battles, island defenses—all decided by the players themselves.

As long as they had the strength, they could go anywhere in this vast sea!

But the game system was cunning in this respect!

The mysterious game company had received countless complaints, which could generally be summarized in one sentence:

"Unlock the level cap!"

That's right, with the system locking the player's level cap.

No matter how much experience players accumulated, their maximum level couldn't exceed 20, limiting their strength to operating within the Four Seas.

Though many lucky ones had followed pirate crews to the Grand Line.

But players at level 20 on a pirate ship could only serve as cannon fodder.

And once the pirate ship was destroyed, those who had ventured to the Grand Line with it would either be lost at sea, unable to find a resurrection point, forced to delete their account and start over; or be captured by mysterious forces, with rumors of terrifying scientists dissecting them for research.

But players who didn't take risks couldn't be called the "Fourth Disaster"!

Despite the terrifying prospects, many players continued to head towards the Grand Line.

Of course, more rational players chose to rely on a local major power.

Currently, the choices available to players were limited.

Originally, many players wanted to join the Navy and the World Government, thinking they could thrive under their protection.

But the "South Blue Child Incident" a year ago dissuaded many from enlisting.

Additionally, a mysterious figure with the ID [ChatterboxSea] kept posting highly blackmail material against the World Government, Navy Headquarters, and the Celestial Dragons on the game forum.

Many players, filled with anger, chose to set sail and become pirates.


This might be a game, but it wasn't to be taken lightly!

Do I have to tolerate the nonsense from the Celestial Dragons even in a game?!

If you're so capable, come cut me down through the internet!

Aside from going directly to sea, many players made other choices, especially in the West Blue.

In the West Blue.

Besides Navy Headquarters and independent kingdoms, the most notable presence was the [Mafia].

In suits, black vests, with guns and cigars.

Among the many gangs in the West Blue, the newly risen [Razor Gang] was very conspicuous and highly popular among players.

Not only did the gang's uniform look really cool, and its conduct of not involving women or children appeal to players.

But the main reason was the rumor that this newly risen gang had a connection with the "Big Trouble."

It's said that the Razor Gang's leader "Tommy Shelby" had a powerful explosive ability granted by the Big Trouble!

How could this not excite the players?

Since completing his Four Seas navigation plan, the Big Trouble had not appeared before the players!

The few pieces of news were through front-page headlines in newspapers.

Everyone was already curious about the Big Trouble's power.

They were almost certain he was a top figure in this sea!

A giant, thick, top-tier figure!

How could they not try to latch onto this opportunity?

With a mindset of giving it a try, many players joined the Razor Gang.

Their addition, these unique "undying drifters," also boosted the gang's strength.

The Razor Gang's growing strength made it almost dominate the gangs in the West Blue, increasing its attraction to players.

In this virtuous cycle, the Razor Gang had become a behemoth no less than the former Capone Gang.

Back to the point.

Adrian came to Otefi Island intending to recruit these "immortal" players to survive Ohara's disaster!

The first stratagem in Sun Tzu's Thirty-Six Stratagems—Deceive the heavens to cross the sea!

To others, players who didn't reveal themselves were indistinguishable from ordinary civilians.

Replacing [Ohara residents] with [players] was Adrian's plan!

As soon as he landed at the dock, a quick scan revealed many players with conspicuous white IDs above their heads.

"It seems the Razor Gang's appeal to West Blue players is still strong… Glad I advertised for them on the game forum."

Since there were currently no players on the Grand Line, Adrian's daily actions and power level were too far apart from the players, making it difficult to interact with them.

At this time, having a [vest] was necessary!

In the virtual network, no one knows whether the person on the other side of the internet is a high-quality male or a high-quality oil man.

To maintain his appeal among the players, Adrian naturally used his long-cherished forum vest: ChatterboxSea!

In his spare time, he posted on the forum, spreading news and revealing secrets about the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.

The post titled [World News Front Page! The Latest Intel on the Big Trouble!] was also posted by Adrian himself!

Now the ID [ChatterboxSea] had reached the status of a [God of Game Information] among most players!

After a quick scan of the player situation, Adrian was about to find Tommy Shelby to understand the current player situation in the Razor Gang when a unique hawking call caught his attention.

"Toilet paper! Toilet paper!"

"Soft, clean, and doesn't dirty your hands!"

"Additionally, selling high-efficiency lethal weapons in bulk, mainly targeting single-celled organisms, with damage units measured in billions!"

{WTF is this advertisement?}