
Pirate: I’ve Loaded the Game Interface

patreon.com/SigmArc novelupdates.com/group/sigmarc/ Carrying a system interface, descending into the world of One Piece. If it weren’t for the system reminding that the game’s public beta would begin in three years, Adrian would have thought this was just another standalone transmigration story! In the Sea Round calendar year 1498, Pirate King Gol D. Roger bid farewell to this world, ushering in the Great Age of Pirate, along with the legendary Fourth Calamity... Hey, wait a minute, why don’t these players know anything about the plot?

Sigmarc · Anime et bandes dessinées
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324 Chs

Chapter 107: Refusal and Suggestion

Sliver, the doctor, lifted his head and spoke sincerely, "No matter what, you two are my life saver."

Dr. Kureha interrupted impatiently, "Alright, Sliver, don't use these girly soft words anymore. Let's focus on how you're going to leave Drum Island!"

Sliver's expression shifted, and he said in a subdued voice, "Dr. Kureha, don't call me Sliver anymore… Sliver died in that battle before…"

Dr. Kureha realized the weight of Sliver's words. "I see. Well, it's not a bad idea. You can change your name and continue living on Drum Island without anyone knowing."

Sliver shook his head. "No, Dr. Kureha. I've made up my mind to leave Drum Island."

Avoiding Dr. Kureha's gaze, Sliver whispered, "Only then will I no longer be 'Sliver'."

Despite the awkwardness, both Adrian and Dr. Kureha understood Sliver's struggle. His traumatic experiences had left deep scars, leading him to reject his past identity.

This is also described in medical books as PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Dr. Kureha considered for a moment. "Alright, since you've abandoned the name Sliver, what shall I call you now?"

Sliver hesitated before answering, "Just… call me Moy."

Dr. Sliver—no, now it was Moy.

Moy paused, then repeated his new name. "Moy."

"Moy?" Dr. Kureha muttered the new name a few times, then said, "Well, Moy, what's your plan for leaving Drum Island?"

Hearing this, Moy turned to Adrian with a pleading look in his eyes. He spoke hopefully, "My benefactor, although I realize my request may be a bit offensive, I wonder if I could follow you?"

Since you're aware it's offensive, there's no need to say it out loud! Adrian thought to himself. However, as a relatively rare superhuman Devil Fruit user, he continued to study Moy carefully.

"Although my fighting ability is not very strong, I can still do some basic logistical work." Moy tried to sell himself. "In addition, I can also be responsible for medical tasks. Although my ability is not outstanding, I will continue to study medicine!"

Under the watchful gaze of Moy and Dr. Kureha, Adrian whispered two words: "No!"

Moy's disappointment was immediate.

Dr. Kureha couldn't help but inquire, "Why, Adrian?"

Adrian responded without hesitation: "Too weak!"

Moy's head drooped even lower, almost as if he were directly apologizing in the orz posture.


"Moy, after all, possesses a Devil Fruit ability," Dr. Kureha urged. "He's a perfect combination of doctor and bandages!"

"Dr. Kureha, you needn't interfere," Adrian interrupted, "since you're already aware of my identity and experiences. You should know that I have always sailed alone on the sea.

"Being a lone wanderer is an underappreciated profession," Dr. Kureha persisted. "Even the once-renowned Red Lefield, who stood on par with Roger and Whitebeard, was defeated by the Marines and sent to Impel Down, correct?"

"In this sea, large pirate crews reign supreme!"

Adrian shrugged, "I believe a man who can stand alone should be more popular."

Dr. Kureha shook her head, conceding that further persuasion was futile.

Speaking a few words for Moy's was already a face-saving gesture, considering his good reputation among the residents of Gyasta Town.

Suddenly, Adrian changed the topic.

"However, even though I don't require such a weak companion," he continued, "I can offer Moy here a job opportunity."

Moy responded, "Please speak, benefactor."

Adrian carefully chose his words:

"I maintain close ties with the [Razor Gang] in the West Blue. It's an ordinary gang situated in the outer sea. During peaceful times, it enjoys a positive reputation among the residents of nearby islands and has never engaged in oppressive behavior."

"In my opinion," Adrian continued, "if Dr. Moy finds himself without a place to go, he could spend some time observing the Razor Gang on Otefi Island."

Indeed, while Adrian didn't need a follower, the Razor Gang's growth relied on the backing of formidable forces. Even if a Devil Fruit user isn't combat-oriented, their abilities still surpass those of an average gang member.

To put it another way.

If Dr. Moy really went to Otefi Island and joined the Razor Gang, it would be a not-so-small reminder to Tommy.

Although Adrian trusted Tommy to handle all Razor Party affairs, acknowledging Tommy's excellent work in expanding the Razor Party and Shelby Company, he adhered to the adage: "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best."

Loyalty aside, certain preventive measures remained prudent.

By integrating Dr. Moy into the Razor Party, we not only establish a balance of power but also prepare for any unforeseen circumstances.

"The Razor Party in the West Blue?" Dr. Moy nodded. "Since it's your suggestion, benefactor, I will certainly consider it carefully."

Seeing that Moy finally had a clear direction, Dr. Kureha breathed a sigh of relief.

She disappeared into the kitchen, bustling about for a while. Then she emerged, carrying two large bowls of soup—one for Adrian and one for Moy.

After expressing gratitude to Dr. Kureha, Adrian took a sip of the hot soup. It glided down his throat like jelly, infusing his body with a gentle warmth that eased his fatigue.

"Hmm? What's this?" Adrian's surprise was evident as he activated his Life Return, sensing subtle changes within.

With each mouthful of medicinal soup, warmth spread through his body, and even his mental state improved significantly.

"This is my specially crafted medicinal soup!" Dr. Kureha sat casually, crossing her legs. "Adrian, my boy, are you impressed?"

Adrian placed the empty bowl down, smiling. "For a doctor who has lived over a century and possesses such culinary skills, it's hardly surprising."

Meanwhile, Moy silently drank the medicinal soup, recognizing its beneficial effects. As a fellow doctor, he appreciated its potency.

"Living over a century…" Dr. Kureha leaned in. "Adrian, would you like to know the secret to my eternal youth?"


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