
Pinocchio's Curse

They say that lies fuel the fire of hatred. They say if you never tell a lie then you will never have to remember what you said. Well I say a lie's only worth as much as the truth you withheld. A girl in search of her long lost little brother and a habitual liar who wants to rid himself of a curse placed upon him by a witch. Join them as they travel across the continent in search of things they have yet to discover. New friends , enemies and a infamy that will attract more fame than fortune. How does this journey start? Give it a read I promise it'll be something unique.

Zak_Smith_ · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
10 Chs

Fruit Salad

Drip. Blood trickled from my forehead onto the red leather seats. I chuckled inwardly. ' Classy.'

Seeing as I hadn't lost consciousness or removed my gun from his headrest his large body heaved out a sigh.

" Okay. I hope you're listening Doll cause I ain't one to repeat myself. "

He silently looked through his rearview mirror and made another turn. This time it was rather smooth.

" We call this street 5th Avenue longest one on in the Bay Area. But its also white land. Meaning that nobody can own it and most acts of violence committed here means that you've either got a death wish or you're more leaded than the King himself. "

The street went on endlessly. Shops selling authentic Italian and Japanese cuisine lined the streets. Tailors , clubs , shoe stores. If you could name it it was here.

" Dont look too long just cause I said nobody can own it doesn't mean you can't try. All of this area and everything on the bay side is under the protection of the Hatter and you don't want his goons finding you here in that get up. "

I looked down at my clothes and wondered if I was standing out. I was going to quickly change into something less conspicuous after I found a place to stay. "Who is this Hatter?"

He clicked his tongue. " Is more of a what typa guy. But I'll give you a little history lesson. It'll cost ya though. Money aint cheap. And knowledge is money in this world. "

Still staring at him. I clicked open one of my bags and gave him a friendly display of at least 100 dollars cash that was there.

*Whistle* " I still never caught your name. "

"Lucy. You can just call me lucy. "

" Okay Lucy. Names' Adam. Do you mind pulling your muzzle off of my head rest? I'm not trynna meet the almighty any time soon."

I reluctantly lowered my pistol and stuffed it into my jacket.

" Alright see. Im a business man. Now lets talk business."

I rolled my eyes at him and listened to his every word. His vehicle began to slowdown as he made a right into an strange spot.

" Here is the hatters home turf. Spooners Street. As you can see the shops are 'empty'. But don't be fooled business is always booming around here. Don't know if you've heard the news but alcohol has been banned from all bars and restaurants and until a few weeks ago was legal to drink. "

He silently turned off his car and let the sounds of the engine subside on the nearly empty street. The muffled sounds of scatting , Jazz and orchestra seeped through the tarmac.

" Whats that?"

" Its a speakeasy. What we westerns have been calling underground joints like this. Everyone calls it the big Speaky. A place where all classes mingle under the influence"

He then turned his engine back on as he looked around. He sniffed the air a few times then breathed a sigh of fresh air.

I failed to notice his reaction as I stared at the stores. They were regular bars. Hotels and doctors offices along with a small bank and coffee shop. But they all only had one or two people in them at any time.

I looked at the coffee shop it sign read.

" Cup at Joe's "

'There's a strangeness to the puns of this city' I did my best to memorise the routes and paths he took as he exited the street.

" if you could guess its larger than most residential districts above ground. And one of the few safe havens for drinking in this city. Its one big underground casino with multiple floors. And its also the centre of the criminal underworld here. You want someone dead , information, drugs , alcohol ,prostitutes. Just head down to Big Speakies " He said aloud as if he was making a big advertisement.

" But isn't that a bit too obvious. A single empty street in this bustling city of people."

" It don't matter sweetheart. Nobody's touching the hatter." He quietly tipped his hat below his brows.

I lamented on his words unable to understand. I could only assume that he had the police involved in his crimes so they were unable to do anything.

" So how do you get into the big speakie?"

" Ohho one thing about the underworld darling. You don't find it. It finds you." He gave a brief pause hoping to sound dramatic as he waved his free hand in the air seeing my dissatisfaction.

" Okay I hear ya. Plenty of entrances. Smugglers tunnels line the drainage systems. What used to be columbian highways turned into circuits for high rollers and lowlifes alike. "

I nodded my head but still didn't believe I was getting enough out of him. It felt as though he purposely spoke in half sentences.

" This is all good but you haven't even told me what he looks like or who this Mad Hatter guy is"

He slowly pulled off to the side of the street and stopped the car. The rolls of his stomach swayed and bobbed as the car came to a stop.

He turned around and leaned close.

" Listen carefully buttercup. Don't go calling out names like that or asking for information like that so casually. Just know You'll know most of the big shots when ya see em. Its too easy for guys like them to have your pretty little head rolling down a drain by evening. They have eyes and ears everywhere. Just cause you think nobody's listening doesn't mean there aint no one there."

This was a first and I had the feeling it wouldn't be the last time my naivety got me into a bad situation. Things I did back in Florencia wont be taken with such a kind shoulder. I nodded at his advice.

" Where are we now?" My stomach had began to growl. I pulled out my watch to see that it was almost noon.

He turned around and shut of the engine. He continued to sniffle for a bit before easing his weight out of the driver's seat. The cab shook slightly as he walked towards my door. It clicked open and he spoke in a hushed tone. Which was further masked by the clopping of hooves , roaring of engines and the presence of passersby .

" Were in another king's turf. This one's pretty easygoing. Were going to the restaurant just down the block. Cant miss it."

Walking down the blocks. I attracted a few too many stares. He was right. Now that I wasn't surrounded by foreigners at the docks I stuck out like a sore thumb.

" Whistle. Look what washed ashore.."

" Oh my. Look at the stitching of that dress so elegant"

" She looks rather young to be wearing such provocative dress."

" Hey gorgeous come give baba some sugar "

" Were here!"

The design of this two story building was rather unusual. It was a florescent pink and blue. With a number of sitting areas both outside the store and inside. The facade was mainly glass across the front with different stylisations and patterns surrounding each individual panes. A metallic canopy extended from the roof of the building which provided a bit of extra shade and blocked the sunlight from beaming into the store. The door was a rather simple glass door with a small hand bell attached.Above the doorway was a neon sign that read. " Suzie Q's? "

" Mhm! best burger and fries in town. "

I nodded weakly and headed inside. The doorbells had a slight chime as it opened.

" Good afternoon. Welcome to my restaurant. What can I help you with?"

A slightly dainty voice shouted from behind the counter but was nowhere to be seen.

" Suzie baby ya missed me?"

" Oh its just you. " a long sigh was heard from behind the counter.

" Adam honey as long as your pockets are as fat as you. You're always welcome."

While they continued on their banter for some time I looked around the store. My low heels made a slight click as I walked on the checkered ceramic. The style of restaurant was nothing I was used to. There were "booths" with two leather seating areas facing each other that lined the left side of the wall and to my right was a bar with stools made of metal and had small cushions attached which were also wrapped in a red leather.

I took a seat at one of the barstools next to Adam who looked at me and shouted to the disembodied voice. " hahah. Gimme the usual Suz…Oh oh right and Its not just me I got a new customer for you"

" Oh a new customer? " To my surprise a blonde woman popped out from below the counter. She looks me up and down before reaching out her hand to greet me.

" Nice to meet you darling. My name is suzie Q but a refined lovely lady as yourself can just call me Suzie. "

Her hair was done in a girlish bob and her bright blue eyes screamed at me anytime I would look at them. Her teeth were a pearly white and she had an inviting grin. She wore a cute baby blue floral dress along with a floral apron which matched well the dress.

" Nice to make your acquaintance Suzie. You can just call me Lucy."

I took her hand shook it and my eyes suddenly drifted towards her nails. "Rose-tint"

She quickly retracted her hand and fluffed her dress. " Well I see you haven't been drugged by my tub of lard over there. So what can I get ya today?"

Ignoring her comment Adam sipped a cup of coffee and stared ahead.

I looked up at the chalkboard above her and looked at the items

- - -

Menu of the Day!

baked pork chops - $2.99

Slice o' Apple pie - $1.50

meatloaf - $2.00

roast chicken - Breast - $1.00 - Wings - $0.10 per 2 wings. Drums - $1.50

Suzie's Special Sandwich - $1.00

Muffins - $1.00

Fruit salad - $4.00

Cake - $0.50 per slice

Apple pie - $0.50 per slice

- - -

" I'll have your special without cheese and a slice of apple pie. "

She wrote my order on a note pad and stuck it on a clothes line and spun it around into the kitchen.

" Ill be just a moment."