
Fun at the fair

it was one week since the party and the attack by pyronica,after the attack stan recieved a head injury from hitting his head on the wall and wendy got various third degree burns and they were rushed to the hospital,while stan returned in 3 days while wendy is still on the hospital being treated as her wounds were graver. with the help from soos and mabel's stands they were able to fix the shack in almost one day while dipper helped them using his stand by coordinating them to build properly. ever since the attack candy hadn't showed up again which dipper understood,she probably wouldn't have the courage to look them at the faces after trying to kill them.

since a few days ago the twins couldn't stop thinking about what gideon said to them


"gideon what do y-"mabel started

"2 years"he said making her shut up

"i was being controlled for 2 years"he sighed

"i know i'm not welcome here,and i won't deny my actions. what i did was terrible and im truly sorry for it,i haven't been myself for 2 years and you can't know how that feels,but there is something else going on this town,i can't tell you what it is or who's behind it but you better be careful,stand users tend to attract one another and if nothing is done about it,more people like her will appear. good night and i hope you can forgive me" gideon said grabbing the tiara from candy's head before walking away

the twins were stunned how gideon,despite still being himself felt like a totally different person,he seemed so more serious,his tone more bitter and depressed


"there she is,kids. the cheapest fair money can rent, i spared every expense" stan said taking mabel out of her thought. he had a few bandges arouns his head

they heard screaming and a tram cart fell on the ground as dipper got out of it dizzily

"i think the sky tram is broken,ouch,i'll get some papers"he said limping away.

"haha,this guy. i have a job for you mabel,gpt put these around"stan said giving his niece a bunch of fake safety inspections,mabel looked at them reluctantly

"grunkle stan,is this legal"she asked,stan laughed

"when there's no cops around,anything's legal. soos,how's that dunk coming along? "stan asked soos who was welding the handle of the dunk tank

"almost ready "soos said knocking on it to prove his point

"ha,you've got it rigged from here to timbuktu! there is nothing that can knock me down"he said triumphantly

"you sure you should do this? you haven't fully recovered yet"mabel said in concern

"relax mabel,this is fine" he looked to his toolbox,soos leaned closer to mabel

"i used [RAM] to make it sure it would be unmovable,only thing that can break it is a futuristic laser arm cannon"he winked at her,mabel smiled

"thanks"she high fived him

"hey,did someone see my red screwdiver? damn thing went missing?" he asked digging through his toolbox

"maybe a magical creature took it"soos said making stan roll his eyes

"you're spending too much time with those kids. let's see where i put it"he said

while the trio was searching for the missing tool,not too far away behind some bushes and portable toilets,a mysterious man uses the missing screwdriver to fix something on his wrist

"mission is going as planned. over " he said before dropping the tool and vanishing.


stan walked near dunking tank with a megaphone,he turned it on making everyone cover their ears from the screeches

"it's 12'0 clock and the dunking tank is officially open. step right up and dunk me folks"he then started insulting some people to make them want to dunk him as he laughed at their failures

far away dipper was eating a corn dog shaped like a question mark while walking near to wendy,he then took a look at it

"how do they even shape them like this?feels unnatural"he said

"but dipper they are so..."she placed it in front of a sign that said 'delicious'

"delicious?"she said in mock doubt before both laughed,causing some mustard to fall on wendy staining her clothes

"ah damn,i'll be right back"she said walking off,shortly after mabel came holding two cotton candy sticks

"you seem to be having fun,and was that wendy? i thought she was still recovering,how is she here"she asked

"well,she appeared after i fell from the skyline"he started to tell mabel


dipper was in front of the mirror in his and mabel's room with his shirt off while using his stand to find wounds and cover them with paper so they would heal. he sighed in relief as he felt a few bones pop back into place when the sheets fused with his skin

"you look fine,better than me at least"dipper got startled quickly putting his shirt back,he turned back to see wendy standing there covered with bandages beneath her clothes,wendy looked at her happily

"wendy! you're okay"he hugge her,making her wince. he got off her remembering her state

"good to see a friendly face too dipper"she wrapped her arm around his neck

"but the medics said you would be recovering for at least 3 weeks"dipper said,wendy rubbed her head

"well,i'm not sure what happened either,one day i was completely in pain and on the other i was way better,it still hurts a bit but is nothing compared to a few days ago" she said pulling her bandages slightly

"well i'm just happy your okay,hey there will be a fair happening soon. want to hang out around it"he asked

"sure,anything to make me forget about the past few days"she said


"well is great to see wendy well again. and you two being so romantivc"she said mockingly recieving a punch from dipper

"is not like that,i just like her as a good friend"he said slightly angered by his sister's antics

there conversation as robbie came from nowhere

"hey,have any of you dorks seen wendy around? i heard she was off the hospital and i wanted to say hi"he said looking disgusted by being talking to the younger teens

"who wants to know"said mabel crossing her arms

"how did you even know she was out,you didn't go visit her in the hospital"dipper squinted at the older teen,that got robbi by surprise

"hey,i'm a good friend okay! i went there every day to check on her"he said crossing his arms,the twins looked at each other

"funny,because visiting hours are from 1 to 3 and we went there everyday and stayed from start to end every single time"mabel started

"and you didn't show up a single day,you lying robbie?"dipper finished

robbie looked at them and scoffed

"what i do doesn't matter to some dorks,i'll go find her myself"he said walking away

"i still don't like him"mabel said,she looked to dipper who was still in thought

"did you feel off a second ago?"he asked her

"feel what now?"asked wendy coming back

"nothing much just talking about...PIG"mabel said suddenly,she then runned off to somewhere

"that was something,hey look at that dipper"wendy said pointing to a plush of a weird animal

"is it a panda or a duck?"dipper asked

"i don't know but i want it"she said

"alright,one please"dipper said to the carnie

"you get one try"the carnie said

dipper looked at the targets for a few seconds,materializing his stand's hand around his own

"3,2,1 go"he threw the ball,but he put a bit too much force into it making it go above the targets ricochet and hit wendy's eye

"AH MY EYE"she said grasping it

"wendy!are you okay?"he asked taking the hand off the eye revealing a black eye

"is it too bad"she asked

"hang on,i'll grab some ice"he said walking off. after grabbing the ice and putting it on a bag he was returning when he bumped into something making him fall and drop most the ice

"what the,what hit me"he looked around,but saw nothing close by that could have hit him in any way

"i must have tripped"he said to himself standing up and walking back,after turning the corner he saw robbie with a snow cone on wendy's eye

"just ease your eyeball into the freezy cone"he said

"thanks robbie,that's pretty sweet"wendy said back,robbie smiled

"yeah,i was just at the right moment at the right time. hey,we've been hanging out quite a while,would you like to go out with me"he asked,wendy looked at him,then bandages across her arm and finally to dipper and she pushed him off

"sorry robbie,but i made a promise to hang with dipper today"she said,robbie looked at her incredulously,then with anger at dipper

"b-but we've known each other since childhood,you have only seen this dweeb for a few weeks"he said snapping

"but lately this "dweeb" has been a much better friend than you,where were you the last week,when i was dying from pain in the hospital?!"wendy snapped back,surprising robbie

"i-i uhhh,i was..."he didn't have the words

"i thought so... come on dipper"wendy said pulling the boy away leaving robbie alone

"are you okay? i heard shouting"mabel came in holding a pig on her arms

"is that a pig"wendy asked petting it making it squeal in joy

"he is cute right? i named him waddles,say hi waddles"she said

'oink oink'

"good boy"she said cuddling him

"yeah im fine,hey how about some ice cream?"wendy asked

"yeah"the twins said in unison following their older friend as robbie clenched his fist on the background and walked away.


"goodbye wendy,today was great"dipper waved

"yeah,we had so much fun,right waddles?"mabel said looking at her pig

'oink oink' he squealed

"bye guys,see ya tomorrow"wendy waved

"well,i'll go take a shower dippster"said mabel stretching and heading for the bathroom

"alright"he looked at his hands

"i'm just glad wendy is fine,i don't think i could ever look at the mirror if something grave happened."he then noticed a picture on the table

"what's this"it was a picture of a rabbit,he shrugged

"must be wendy messing around again,i'll go eat something"he said. as he left the rabbit on the ícture shifted to black for a second

the camera pans out showing the man from the start watching dipper from behind a tree,he started typing in his glove

"no anomaly detected here,i will keep searching. over" he said vanishing again.


Here is a short little chapter. so,'ill be honest,this would be a complete chapter but i realized it wouldn't be good enough so i decided to make it a short decent chapter than a long messy chapter

before i go i wanna make a little contest,to find a stand for wendy! so leave in the comments or send me a PM a idea and i'll choose a winner!