
100 Saint Domains, Laws of Nature Fragments

Éditeur: Atlas Studios

The arena was teeming with people moving to and fro. Strangely enough, in spite of that, it seemed very quiet inside the arena.

There was no hubbub, no noise, no cheering or screaming, or anyone shouting themselves hoarse…

In a move uncharacteristic of their usual behavior, the spectators sat upright and still. Even when they exchanged an occasional word with one another, they whispered among themselves and kept their discussions down.

The 100,000 spectator fee had kept a large number of lesser nobles and petit-bourgeois from entering the arena. Thus, the ones that could enter and watch the matches were basically all well-educated middle- to higher-class nobles.

Of course, what really made all the spectators in the arena that quiet was ultimately still the Fire Dragon King's presence gracing the venue, as well as the royalty and officials' arrivals.