
The Ocean Storm And Pirates.

"How? How did such an artifact end up in that dungeon? how was John the one who was able to find it? Could it be fate? After all, he's the only human who would be able to use it. Any other person would have died in John's situation after using that much mana…" 

Zestari then looked at the ceiling before a smile was formed on her face. 'Perhaps, we do stand a chance of survival. Although it's small…'


In the middle of a vast ocean, a ship could be seen sailing approaching a storm. The sailors didn't like the looks of it.

"The hell…? We have to deal with another one?" Asked the captain as he clicked his tongue.

He looked over at the passengers on board. There were around fifteen. The ship was rather big so there wouldn't be any problems accommodating for them. 

The problem would be handling this storm. 

One of the sailors quickly ran up towards the captain who was deep in thought.