
Decisive Move

"Find anything nice?" Ducky kissed the side of Fey's face loudly, purposely buzzing her.

The skinny fire mage laughed and wiped the side of her face. "Rand was right. They sell a lot of tack in Zags." (Note: Tack is gear associated with riding horses. Saddles, bridles, etc.)

Darsi watched the interaction with interest. She knew that Rand was the person Nix hired to take care of his horses. "We should report our findings to Nix immediately. I can do it in guild chat."

Ducky shook her head. "Fey will be heading that way in a few minutes. She will brief him."

Fey nodded in agreement. "I picked up a few things for the ranch. I'll be ready to go as soon as you give me the details."