
Aledo Remis

Wind and the rest of the group moved away from the jail, pushing the two guards with them. The first few groups of guards attempted to stop Nix, but after they were dealt with harshly, they kept their distance.

Bali watched the white flames engulf the building she had been held in, after being ordered to stand down, she watched while he torched the building and tossed the guards around like a handful of dried leaves. The two buildings on either side of the jail were stone structures; however, Nix walked in and melted them into shapeless blobs. Long white strands of flames flowed around him, tearing through stone walls while destroying everything in his path.

/Alpha: Wind: Want me to call the guild here? The army is approaching; this could get interesting.

/Alpha: Nix: No worries.

/Allied Command: Commander Nix: All forces, prepare for battle.