
The Boy

'The Rising...'

An Unknown Age In The Past...

"Looks like... The war is finally over..." A young beat up man who stood upon a grey and dead battle field could be seen. He was wearing mostly broken down armor that seemed to be formed from fragments of bones and seemed to be badly banged up but still managed to stay standing. In his hands he held a massive curved great sword with the number two written across the blade. Next to him a small black dog looking creature could be seen on all fours. It was a small dog that looked almost like a mini wolf with black fur, and six glowing red eyes on its head.

All around the man large black looking creatures that resembled giant bears covered in black scales could be seen, all of them having apparently been slain. The floor was made out of small grains of what appeared to be sand, but in actuality were the dusted down remains of bones. The entire area just seemed to be a wasteland of death. The sky itself seemed to be grey and dead.

"Maybe now..." The man said quietly as he slowly closed his eyes. A small drop of rain fell from the sky splashing against his face as it began to rain. "Maybe now... We can finally have peace-" The man stopped as a strange feeling went through his body making his eyes go wide.

He turned his head just in time to see a large part of the ground rip open as what appeared to be a massive black snake covered in black armor that was melded to its flesh rose from the ground. A crackling red energy spewed out of it as the creature began to expand getting bigger and bigger its stomach inflating like a balloon.

The energy got bigger as cracks began to develop along the creatures body and it let out a loud cry!

"Shit! One's still alive. Damn it's trying to self destruct-"

Before the man could finish the beast erupted into a massive explosion enveloping the land in seconds...

A blast that split the world in two...

Strange Beasts, that some would even label as Monsters... Vast wealth, and all the gold you can carry... Treasures long since buried and forgotten by the world... Evil Ghosts, and Foul Devils... Unexplored lands, filled with uncharted territory. Vast Quests and all the world's Mysteries. Those who find themselves determined enough to go through the trials of hell and discover all the secrets this world holds, and the true secrets of the Mana go by a single title...

They are called...

Arcane Knights!

Within this world nearly 45% of the Population has access to a resource known as Mana. A powerful substance found within them that allows them to bend the will of the world in various ways... For many this is nothing more than a way to make life a little bit easier, but for others... It is a gift.

Those who wish to uphold the title of an Arcane Knight set out banding together and forming Guilds, working for the King and Queen of the Country serving the world by going on various quests, and exploring vast dungeons. They are the heroes of this land... Many people celebrate the many Guilds hailing them as saviors and they are vastly popular.


This isn't the story of any of those well known, and liked Guilds...

This is the story of a new up and coming Guild...

This is the story of Phoenix Flight!

New Guild for upcoming heroes!


"Hey did you hear about the latest rumor?"

A pair of elderly men could be seen walking down a dusty trail. In the distance a small village resting next to the ocean could be seen, as well as a massive black mountain. Behind the men they dragged a large wooden wheel barrel behind them that was packed with various items and trinkets that were stacked high.

"No." One of the elder men said cocking his head to the side. "What rumors?" He asked curiously.

The other old man raised his hand up pointing towards the large black mountain in the distance. "Supposedly... A new Guild has formed a few months back..."

"So what? New Guilds are being formed all the time? Why should it matter if some new Magic Guild popped up? Our Country Avalon could use the Arcane Knights during these times. Especially with the war with Alnwick going on." The other man asked curiously. "I don't see what the big deal is if a new Guild was made? I mean that would make Twenty Guilds now wouldn't it?"

"Well that's just the thing..." The other man said giving a half smirk. "The thing that has caught so many people's eyes is the leader of this Guild as well as her Vice-Master... Apparently this Guild is filled with-"

The entire ground in front of both the men began to shake making their eyes go wide. A large brown worm the size of a large bus came spilling out of the ground. It had a wolf like head covered in rock like armor and its jaws opened up and let out a massive cry making the two men be flung back from the sheer power from the creatures roar.

"A... A Magic-Beast!" One of the men cried with wide eyes. "Why is it here! I didn't think one would be out in the middle of the day! Especially so close to a human owned village. Shit we don't have any wizards, or Arcane Knights out here to fight this thing! Why is it here!"

"I don't know but we gotta get out of here!" The other man cried out. They both turned and began to quickly make a run for it as the creature let out a loud cry once again and began to slither its way towards them opening its large jaws.

"Oh crap! We're not gonna be able to get away-"

"Looks like it's time to get back to work! Form One, Long-Calibur!" A loud voice announced as a red flash could be seen.

Both the elderly men looked up just in time to see a flash of light as someone crashed down behind them staring at the massive monster. It was a young nineteen-year-old boy, who was wielding what appeared to be a large claymore. The claymore was far larger than a normal claymore, like if you were to put two Claymores side by side. The kid had messy dark blue hair, and light water blue eyes. He had on a pair of long green and black camo pants, as well as black boots, and a white T-shirt, with a red jacket he left unzipped. The kid had a large smile on his face showing off several rows of sharp fanged teeth. None of them looked natural more like the things you would see in a sharks mouth.

"W... Who is he?" One of the elder men asked.

The boy gave a, somehow, even bigger shark tooth smile as he jumped into the air spinning around and slamming the blunt end of his sword into the head of the massive beast sending it flying back as it crashed into the ground.

"H... He's strong..." One of the men said with wide eyes. "Is he some kind of Arcane Knight? I don't see a Guild symbol on him..."

The teen dropped back down to the ground as he hit the ground and sunk into the dirt. As in he actually sunk into the dirt phasing through the ground. "Shark Hunt!" The boy announced from underneath the ground. His sword stabbed out of the ground looking almost like a shark fang, as he seemed to almost swim through the ground making it ripple and twist.

The beast shook its head as it set back up and glared down at the blade which move through the ground towards it. It opened its jaws firing out a wave of sonic towards the ground but the blade quickly sank back through the ground making it impossible to see the boy who was now completely underground.

The beast glared down as it looked around trying to find where he went.

"Take this!" Seconds later the teen fired out of the ground spinning around and slamming a foot into the head of the beast upper cutting it with his foot. The beast let out a yell of pain as the boy pointed his sword towards it. "Long-Calibur extend!" He announced thrusting the sword forward. The blade extended at a fast speed growing in length as it split the creature in half.

The old men stared at it in shock as the beast fell down now in two halves, no longer moving as it was slayed.

"It's over." The teen said still having a smile filled with fangs. He landed on the ground and threw his sword into the air as it glowed and transformed into a pretty, ruby red, electric guitar which he caught.

"A... Amazing..." Both elderly men said staring ahead at the figure who stood in the split carcase of the worm. "That kids so strong... Who is he?"

The teen slowly turned to look at both of the men making them jump back in fright when they saw his scary smile. "Well. How's it going?" He said giving a half wave as his smile grew making the men shiver.

"W... Who are you?" One of the men asked. "And why are all your teeth pointed and sharp! Are you some kind of monster or something!"

The boy cocked his head to the side for a second. "Me?" The kid asked as his smile grew even more making both men jump back. "I'm Davi Hawker, and I'm a future Arcane Knight!"