
Persona 3 to 5: Warped Moon (AU timeline)

A tale in which a Persona beginner was chucked into 13-year-old Yuki's body and about how he (unwillingly) transforms himself into a Joker-ripoff. And in which Akechi is a...girl? He hates this world. Everything is not what it seems... (Gender-bent phantom thieves, start in Persona 3's event time, different timeline, AU)

KarmaIsOP · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

I'm gonna kill whoever invented Rule 63


[By the way, our boi's arcana is still the Moon. Yeah, nothing to do with P3 that's for sure. Heh.

PS. Our boi was too distraught to actually check his own reflection in the mirror. Rookie mistake, I know.]





After a long talk and some 'counseling' for the lack of better terms from my dear principal -I absolutely knew that the principal's only concern was about how he could preserve the school's image and deflect his responsibilities aka protecting his students' well-being- I found myself spending time in the library.

There was no iPhone in this age yet, so I was forced to rely on the school library's shabby computer for research. What research, you ask?

Obviously, about the history of this world. And you know what I found?

First, the bad news:

I clicked one of the numerous links that decorated the web page from a medical news database.

[Apathy Syndrome Intensifies at Iwatodai]

Yeah. Persona 3 is still here baby.

The good news?

Takeharu Kirijyou was still alive.

Mitsuru Kirijyou's father was still alive. Which meant that Persona 3's event was still in progress. And that also meant that Door-kun, or rather, Door-chan was still alive, depending on the gender of the Persona 3 MC in this universe.

"...Ha. Ha. Ha."

Fuck. FUCK!

My fingers dug into the keyboard so hard that a few cracked under my pressure. Huh.

I breathed in and breathed out, squeezing my eyes shut as I did so, and counted to ten. Calm is the key. The serenity of the mind.

Reopening my eyes, I pondered on what I could do. Reach out to the Kirijyou Corp? Nah, too obvious. Maybe act suspiciously in their territory?

Suddenly, something clicked in my mind.

Hmm...my cover story about getting assaulted by a smelly pedophile...transfers due to trauma...a Gekkoukan transfer student who has the power of Persona that awakened after the encounter...there were no witnesses and cameras whatsoever in the poor district where I met the girl...

Well, that depends on whether or not I could enter the Dark Hour in the first place. The extradimensional 25th hour that appears right after midnight...

Oh, did I clarify that this was my very first day in this world? Yeah, the reason for my foul mood. Thank goodness I didn't experience a meltdown or a mental breakdown. That would've been ugly for Mishima's parents...I really should stop calling 'myself' Mishima.

Yuuki it is, then.

I clicked the PC's power button and shut it down. My plan was set. Stay up till midnight and see if I'm a Persona User. Act distraught if so, and persuade my parents in this world to transfer me to Gekkoukan Junior High. Then, as the poor 'near-rape victim' I am, I'll stay up late at night near the student dorms...and 'accidentally' fall under the Kirijou group's radar.

A large sigh welled up from the depths of my chest. Me and my fucking bleeding heart...

The school bell rang. It was time to go home for today, I guess. Now, how to deal with my worried parents...and one certain girl.






Strange...I'm hearing something. Oh, well, must be a figment of my imagination.


Yeah, definitely need some sleep before midnight.


I sighed and rubbed my temples.

How the hell that girl manages to shout through the blaring music of my clip-on headphones is anyone's guess. Hmm...why is there Mass Destruction and Burn My Dread in my mp3's soundtrack? And god this long hair that's covering my right eye is annoying. Gonna cut it short first thing tomorrow morning.

Did Mishima from P5 have blue hair...?


I pulled off my headphones and turned towards the girl that was waiting for me by the side of the road. She had changed into clean albeit simple clothing since then and looked every part the perfect little student she wasn't.

"What?", I asked shortly.

She seemed taken aback by my blunt attitude, but soon smiled like a Cheshire cat and waved the thin leather book held between her fingers.

"Remember this?", she said smugly. I raised a single eyebrow and gave her a deadpan stare.

"Oh, woe is me. Please don't ravage me, dear lady. I'll do anything you ask~wuu-wuu~", I replied in my best monotone British accent. A British accent in Japanese does sound awful.

A thick vein protruded from her forehead. Oh boy, she is a ball of sunshine and delight.

"You...! Ahem. I know who you are, and where you live.", she declared with one hand on her hip and the other pointing at me. I felt an odd desire to shout "OBJECTION!".

Anyways. Rolling my eyes, I shrugged.

"Sure. Wanna stay the night at my place?"

That seemed to drive her brain into overload.

From my estimations, she might have been thinking around the lines of using my personal information as leverage to get to know me more. Either way, she was definitely gonna be a pain in the ass if I tried to dissuade her from following me, so I better just keep her close for now.

You know, the century-old saying about keeping your frenemies close?

I nearly managed to walk past her before she finally snapped back to reality. Her hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. Boy, she had the grip. She's a keeper alright.

"What are you saying!? Are you stupid!? How can you ask a stranger to-to-to-"

Aaaaaaand she broke again. Where was the maintenance book when I needed it? I'm sure they had a one-year return Insurance policy...

"I'm not a broken electronic damnit!"

Back to normal. I kept walking. I was exhausted enough for one day and didn't want to talk more than necessary. She'll just have to roll with the plan I came up with her. Her perfect features would give a good first impression to my parents, that's for sure.

"Hey, explain!"

Now, back to my dear Lotus Juice rapping by my eardrums...

I pressed play.





"Yuuki! Are you alright!? We're so sorry we couldn't rush to school earlier! Do you need anything!?"

Yeah. I expected this, but my parents were sure freaked out to hear that I was assaulted (NOT). The girl who caused this was standing by my side with her best smile, but I could see her veins popping out from her temples.

Hey, better a (non-existent) smelly 30-year-old unemployed pedophile to take the blame than you, am I right?

Somehow, she seemed to sense what I was thinking and sent a most impressive death glare for a 13-year-old girl...come to think of it, I still don't know her name. Oh, well.

"I'm ok, mom, dad. All thanks to my new BFF here. She saved me by distracting the old man and scared him off with a scream."

"Whose your BFF-!?", the girl tried to complain, but my trusty old mother broke her composure with her prized skill: Machine Gun Wive's Talk.



Mission accomplished. Both take my parents ' attention off my back as a decoy and overwhelm her so that she couldn't act freely. Two birds with one stone (girl), as they say.

"Oh, just look at her all blushing! Isn't she just adorable, darling?", my mother gushed as she elbowed my father between his ribs. ...That gotta hurt.

"Oooof! Ahem, yes, indeed she is! Just the sight of my introvert son bringing a pretty girl back home is enough to light up my heart!"

...Well, my parents seem a little too pleased, but anyway.

Just as I was about to slink away to my lair/room, I heard a sentence that blew my mind.

"My name is Gorou Akechi...and I'm dating your son!"

...Come again?

She's dating who? Whose son? My son? Oh, me?

My neck snapped back so fast, I swore I heard several bones pop as my eyes met hers.

And oh boy if that sight wasn't disturbing enough to make a man faint.

Her dark crimson eyes seemed to glow like a demon summoned from the abyssal depths of hell.

Her empty pupils held a bone-chilling sense of menace and unbridled fury, and coupled with great embarrassment, they practically screamed: 'If I'm going down, I'm dragging you down with me'.




What was her fucking name?


Gorou freaking Akechi!?



...No. NO. NO.


Karma is a bitch, my dear Yuuki. And yes, some foreshadowing. If you know the name for P3 MC in the movies, then you already know where the plot is going.

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