

When should you fall in love? At the most PERFECT TIME, of course. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Leanne del Rosario has always been told that she looks like her great-grandmother, Josefa Diaz. When Leanne found Josefa’s diary, she was transported back to the Spanish regime era of the Philippines to resolve Josefa’s regrets. Find out how she went about her situation. (Disclaimer: cover photo not mine) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Transmigration starts in TRES!

PurplePotat · Histoire
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13 Chs


"I must say, I am quite surprised. This is the first time you have taken initiative in getting close to me, Binibini Josefa." Diego said as he walked beside Leanne.

Leanne only shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal. "Well... we are engaged after all. So I figured that we should at least get to know each other."

Diego nodded in agreement. "Alright. What do you want to know?"

Leanne rubbed her chin in deep thought. "Hmmm... I heard before that you are a medical student?"

"Yes... I am almost in my last year in Medicine at Santo Tomas, so I might go to Spain for additional studies soon."

"I see..." Leanne then curiously looked at Diego. "Are you not interested in politics like your father?"

Diego shook his head and smiled apologetically. "I have no passion for governing... however, I am supportive of my father's business ventures. So in cooperation with your family, we might go into trading in the Suez Canal soon."

Leanne smiled and raised her thumbs up. "That's good!" She then noticed than Diego looked curious on what her gesture means as he scrutinized her thumb.

Leanne quickly put her hands behind her as she continued to walk. "Anyway... I wish I could also go to school..."

Diego's attention was stirred back to Leanne. "But you can...Since there is now a school for females in Manila, the Colegio de Santa Isabel."

"Really!? Maybe, I should speak with my father and go with Maria." Leanne excitedly said as she imagined her school life in this timeline.

Diego chuckled. "Well, now...It should be my turn to ask questions."

"Sure." Leanne agreed without hesitation.

Diego stopped walking and looked deeply into Leanne's eyes. "You told me before that you liked someone else and wont be marrying me. Why did you change your mind?"

Leanne also stopped when he did, but did not return Diego's gaze. When she heard his words, Leanne only lowered her head in guilt. Her eyes were full of sadness. "I just thought that... I was being selfish. I was only concerned for my own feelings, but ignorant of others."

"I don't see anything wrong with that. Sometimes... we also have to be selfish with our own feelings... because it is not everyday that someone would care for us." Diego's intense gaze was unmoved.

Leanne's head was lowered, so she was not able to see the storm brewing in Diego's eyes. His usual gentleness were no where to be found, as if he was a different person. "So... who was it?"

Leanne did not noticed the slow and dark tone behind Diego's question. She only bit her lips, seemingly hesitating before saying, "...My... childhood friend."

Diego raised an eyebrow at her words and said a bit mockingly. "An Indio? Thinking about it, the first time I saw you was when you were handing out food to the workers... Well, it was better that you gave up on him. It would be complicated between you after all, especially now that things are a little heated between the Spaniards and the Indios."

Leanne raised her head when she finally realized that Diego's tone changed as she thought. "I guess... no matter how kind you are. A Spaniard is still a Spaniard. They can't help but look down on Indios."

Leanne furrowed her eyebrows at her thoughts and tried to defend Emilio. She angrily said, "What is wrong with Indios? If father was not rich and was not able to study abroad, we would be Indios right now as well."

Diego realized that the discussion became a little heated and returned to his usual gentle persona. "Forgive me. It is just that my Father discovered some rumors that there were hidden rebel group of Indios recently... In fact, you should be careful too, since you're an Ilustrado."

"No way! they wont do anything to me." Leanne strongly denied.

"To you, maybe... but what about the Alcalde? I heard stories of how violent the Alcalde's temper is." Diego said solemnly, but Leanne could see a tiny spark of mocking inside his eyes.

"Nonsense! What is wrong with you!?!" Leanne shouted at him impatiently before running away.

Diego looked at Leanne's retreating back as he clicked his tongue. "Well... that did not go well."

Diego used to think of this marriage as a business opportunity. He did not mind treating his wife gently for some benefits. When he saw her being nice to Indios, however, Diego became a little curious of this naive woman. What is so fun about getting along with uneducated and manner-less Indios? I guess she was greatly influenced by Indios, since she acts and speaks crudely sometimes. And how dare she try to reject me for an Indio!?! Diego scowled when he remembered his embarassment and left as well.

Leanne in her anger, did not noticed that she was already far away from the plantation. She then suddenly stopped and kicked a stone on the ground. "Sh*t! You were deceived, Josefa!!! Is this why you regretted it? That two-faced man is too full of himself..."

Leanne then crouched down and became a little tired. "What do I do? How many times should I change my plans? Josefa... tell me... I can't deal with this anymore... Should I just give up on this timeline?"

Leanne returned home alone when it got dark. She was, of course, scolded by her father for leaving Diego and retuning late. Leanne received everything expressionlessly. She does not have the energy to deal with anything right now. She just want to hurry up and return to the modern times. The situation and people there aren't so complex and dramatic than in this era.

Leanne ignored her surroundings as she marched into her room and forced herself to sleep.

Salvation came quickly when she felt the warm rays of sunshine. She abruptly opened her eyes. "I'm back. My oasis!!!"

When she got up, however, the world came crushing down on her. She fell back on the bed tiredly and screamed in horror. "Noooooooooooo"

When Leanne thought that nothing could surprise her anymore, this happened! She stayed and woke up in the past timeline. "I really want to curse right now... F*ck! Sh*t! Josefa... is this your way of telling me I can't give up!?!"