[Ping! Hello Nathan, I am the system. To continue tutorial please think/say main menu.] "Huh" And that is how my life went from garbage, to shit.
I need to know, do you want a Harem for this story?
If you pick Or you're a meh, whatever. I'll be counting them tomorrow and updating this chapter to show the votes. Just wanted to ask as it can change almost everything I have planned if I don't figure it out soon. Have a great summer if you Graduated, if not then just one more week.
See ya!
Dear mother of god I was not spared. When I had posted this I expected maybe 50 comments at most, and got over 260 Paragraph comments, and thats not including chapter comments!
My time for writing just got demolished with how many comments there was, I have a social life you know?! Ha~ Tomorrow I should have the answer to this debate, chao.