
Chapter Fourteen: 2 Months

<May 16, 2006>

"Come on Magnus, just a few more reps and we can head out." I said as Magnus grunted, before continuing his set. It's been a little over 2 months and we've both grown to new heights.


Name: Nathan Parker

Race: Human (Clear Sighted)

Age: 14

Title: Monster Hunter (+5% damage to Monsters)

Tier: Mortal

Level: 58 (Xp: 2440/5800)

Health: 3650/3650 (Regen: 63.3 every minute)

Stamina: 1725/1725 (Regen: 28.75 every minute)

Mana: 1775/1775 (Regen: 29.5 every minute)

Mana Control: 100%

Str: 134

Vit: 137

Dex: 135

Int: 178

Wis: 180

Mag: 202 (303)

Luc: 140

Cha: 140

Remaining stat points: 0]

Yeah, I still feel proud of the 100%. My magical control maxed at 50 along with Meditation, which means I now have two maxed out skills. I also made great use of my magical armor and have over 100k in armor points.

Thanks to my 100% I can do fire magic better, so far I can shoot a few fire balls and cover my hand with it. Apparently I'm not immune to my fire so I got a fire resistant skill, which lowered the damage by 1% per level, with me at level 9.

I dabbled with spatial magic and learned a few things like the recall enchantment I have now added to my sword so I can't lose it. I want to teleport but i'm not proficient enough to do it safely.

To come around said weakness I made a fire teleportation skill, a mixture of both fire and space magic. It's not as good as teleport as it burns though more mana and doesn't cover as much distance but I can use it once or twice in battle to surprise my opponent.

Enough about me though, Magnus had grown nicely in the two months.


Name: Magnus Chase

Race: Demi-God

Age: 11

Title: Son of ?

Tier: Demi-God

Level: 27 (276/2700)

Health: 2850/2850 (Regen: 47.5 per minute)

Stamina: 1270/1500 (Regen: 25 per minute)

Mana: 1600/1600 (Regen: 26.6 per minute)

Magical Control: 20.5%

Str: 28 (56)

Vit: 32 (64)

Dex: 28 (56)

Int: 33 (66)

Wis: 36 (72)

Mag:54 (108)

Luc: 13 (26)

Cha: 10 (20)

Remaining Stat points: 135]

While not as fast as me, he's not a gamer so it makes since. He did get stronger faster then normal people though since he's a Demi-God, since the two times multiplier was clearly not enough for the race.

Anyway I was right about him having talent in healing, at first he could only send out a wave that healed everyone in the area. But now he can limit the area along with make water have healing properties.

[Water (Blessed): Blessed water that can heal 100 hp, sp, and mp once consumed.

Rank: Rare]

I was ecstatic at the accident and had him do it again but on a few huge packs of water, essentially giving us over 100 bottles of healing water. I theorize that once Magnus gets better at magic he can heal himself at a higher pace, making me remember dead pool's healing power, god thats broken.

But back to what we're doing today, today I'm taking Magnus to the Agency to take his first mission. I'll be watching over him for the first one but I'll let him do the others on his own while I do my own mission.

Recently the sky's been a bitch along with the ocean, and when I figured out that it was Zeus and Poseidon I chocked on my drink, I quickly checked in on Lou as I learned that something was stolen and Poseidon was blamed for it.

I had kept the thought on the back burner, wondering what was happening and if it was gonna affect Percy and them. Percy's the son of Poseidon so if Zeus figures that out Percy might be blamed as well.

I had told Lou to keep me updated on Percy to give me some comfort, I may have only known him for a few months but when we hung out I kinda just got attached to him. He's the little brother I always wanted but didn't get.

'No!' I yell at myself mentally, 'I don't need to be thinking about that right now, Magnus should be ready by now.' I thought as I stood from the couch and walked to the front door, seeing Magnus standing there waiting for me.

I smile, "Come on Maggie we got to go." He snorts at the nickname before he retaliates, "Whatever Natalie." Oh he did not, I turn to him in shock as he smirks, I smile before walking away.

"Have fun getting to the Agency, Chase." I said as he pales, "W-wait no! Wait!" He yells as I casually walk in the new opening in the wall. "I'm sorry! You win, you win!" Ah~ there it is, "Okay, come one." I love winning.


"How about this one?" Magnus asked as he pointed to the skeleton quest, ah, that should be easy enough. I nod as he smiles and marks that one, adding up to 10 quests. Since I'm only staying for the first I gave him 500 dollars for the airplane a long with a drachma Lou gave me to call her, she gave me 20 so I'm sure giving one in case of an emergency is fine.

I also made sure the one he picked either gave the exact area or is in a city. The one's he picked were luckily places I got on my minimap so I copied it onto some spare paper and marked the general area the target(s) is/are.

"Alright you ready? Because I won't be their the whole time." I reminded as he nodded, good. "Okay then, hold on." I say as he grabs my hand before I flame travel to the Labyrinth entrance I had opened, and yes I can close them with the card.

"Onward!" I said as Magnus shakes his head and follows into the maze, heading to his first mission.

<Boring D-rank later>

"Wow, that was, well, boring." Magnus said, disappointed in his first mission. "Don't worry, it's a D-rank for a reason. Once your through with them you can do more exciting missions with me."

Magnus gets determined again before I depart, "Stay safe, you remember the chant for the I'M right?" I ask as he nods, I had gave him a spray bottle to use to make rainbows to call me. I left via Labyrinth and headed back to the Agency.

I walked to the Quest table to see Laura there bored, probably because it's early morning. She see's me coming and shakes her head, pulling out the A-rank mission list. Thank you for knowing what I do.

"Morning Laura, what missions are available?" I ask as she shakes her head at me and hands the list, "You know very few people can do these right? We have only 10 other people who can do these and they're powerful Legacies." Well, I guess that I'm the odd one here aren't I?

"Well sucks to be them then, I'll take these." I said as her eyes don't widen but sighs, what have I done to her? What happened to the desk lady that was shocked at my achievements? Oh how things change.

"Possible legendary Greek monster? And a stray from Lycaon's pack? This certainly sounds like an average Tuesday for you doesn't it?" And sarcasm, I really regret-no I don't, I can't bring myself to regret this.

"Well, good luck, though you don't need it." Laura said as I saluted, "Thanks for the curtesy Ma'am, back I must part." I say as she waves me off, rude.

"Here I come, New York!"


Holy schnikes Bat-Man! Do you see these votes?! The views?! The collections?! Theirs a lot! You guys even gave me some reviews! Thanks for supporting me, I appreciate every bit of it. Now, Whatcha guys think about the Chapter? Good? Bad? Let me know via comment or review! Good bye and Good night!