
Peaceful Life

In the alternate universe where the alternate earth has two sides, the mortal side (Gaia) and the supernatural side (Alaya), countless creatures exist in this world that hasn't been known to the natives yet the peace still exists for some reason... A creature takes interest in this peaceful world so it decides to plunge into the stratosphere while turning into a speck of dust. This is a Hololive Fanfic - they are a group of vtubers on youtube I don't own the characters I didn't think I'm addicted to Fanfics and Touhou too I don't own that Don't expect too much!!! this is the first fanfic that I write

ILikeYuri · Anime et bandes dessinées
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54 Chs

Chapter 39

Life in the shrine is relatively peaceful until

[Marisa: Reimu!!! let's duel!]

[Reimu: *startled* Marisa! it's early in the morning!]

[Marisa: Don't be like that, the fastest person doesn't waste time]

a digital particle appears and shows Ai appearing

[Ai: ohh... Reimu its very rar—]

Ai saw Marisa

[Ai: ...]

[Marisa: ...]

[Reimu: zzzzzzz...]

the atmosphere becomes tense and the shrine maiden uses the tension as a sleeping force

And Ina suddenly appears

[Ina: Reimu I finished the tour—]

Ina saw another person in the room

[Ina: ...]

[Ai: Why not let's talk to the table first]

the other two agreed silently


[Ai: here is the tea]

[Ina: *sips* so tell me esteemed guest what is your business in this shrine]

[Marisa: it's the other way, what is your business here]

[Ai: You might misunderstand us, we two are Reimu Hakurei lovers]

[Marisa: lovers?]

[Marisa: that's impossible even though I  only known her for a few days doesn't mean I don't know her personality, clearly showing that you take advantage of her and she can't do anything about it!]

[Ai: That's...]

[Ina: *chuckles*]

[Marisa: and you, even though you look innocent ill bet that you choose a cheesy proposal that makes a person like Reimu will be moved]

[Marisa: like kneeling and giving a ring]

[Ina: *taken mental damage*]

[Marisa: I have decided... I will be with Reimu to slap your corruption attempts to her]

The Magician left and goes towards Reimu's room

[Ai: ...]

[Ina: ...]


[Marisa: (Still, it feels uncomfortable... I don't know why)]

The Magician shakes the shrine maiden and the shrine maiden awakens once again

[Reimu: Good morning I guess...]

[Marisa: You should wash your face first and let's eat...]

[Reimu: okay]


[Reimu: oh... Ai and Ina good morning]

[Ai|Ina: Good morning]

The Magician continues to the kitchen and makes some food

[Ai: Hey, Reimu... who is she?]

[Reimu: Her name is Marisa Kirisame, she is the person that is always around me when I'm here]

[Ina: What is your relationship to her?]

[Reimu: I guess its a friend or best friend probably]

[Reimu: (Why does the atmosphere feel so awkward!)]

[Reimu: (Is relationships this complicated?)]

[Reimu: Ai did something happen?]

[Ai: nothing at all... it's just that the request is getting many]

[Reimu: Sorry for letting you do all the work]

[Ai: it's fine it's just that it's kind of troubling]

[Reimu: is that so...]

[Reimu: How about you Ina?]

[Ina: I've finished the tournament, and I and my group is the winner]

[Reimu: Congratulations... I'm sorry I can't watch it]

[Ina: no it's fine (it's a private matter after all)]

[Marisa: I'm finished cooking]

[Reimu: let me help you...]


The four people sitting at one table but the atmosphere is very tense except for the shrine maiden who is eating silently

[Ai: I appreciate the sentiment but can you not sit so close to Reimu]

[Marisa: Are you that possessive? that you're going jealous just because I'm close to her?]

[Reimu: I don't understand what happened but can you please be nice to each other?]

[Reimu: I don't have that many people I considered close, so it's very uncomfortable if someone cut their connection to me because they don't get along with each other]

[Reimu: So, can we just talk about it]

The three people just looked at Reimu and sigh

[Marisa: *sigh* fine... I'm very sorry, for starting a bit too strong, My name is Marisa Kirisame an ordinary Magician hope we can get along]

[Ai: I guess it's my fault for being hostile at seeing you... I'm sorry, My name is Ai or A. I the assistant of Hakurei Reimu, I hope to get along with you too]

[Ina: My name is Ninomae Ina'nis, you can just call me Ina for short...  I hope we can start over and know each other well...]

[Reimu: Now we can eat... peacefully]

The tense atmosphere has changed into a pleasant one

they talked about some things and they get along pretty quickly

[Ai: I didn't think that the situation will behave this outcome]

[Ina: Me too... I'm pretty sure that Reimu and Her is probably childhood friend their chemistry is quite good]

[Ai: there's a high chance... after all Reimu lost most of her memories]

The two people look at the scene in front of them seeing the Magician is bickering with the shrine maiden


Ai leaves because of the request

and Ina leaves because she wants to help Ai

[Marisa: I didn't think you already have a lover]

[Reimu: I didn't think to have one... but I guess it just happens]

[Marisa: it's a good thing that you choose the right people and they didn't just deceive you]

[Reimu: I'm not easy to be deceived]

[Marisa: right... Well we should fight]

[Reimu: it's always coming back to that huh...]


Marisa can be seen face planted on the ground having scorched marks on her clothes

[Reimu: I win]

the Magician stands up and dusts herself

[Marisa: I didn't think that those red glowing amulets are explosives, unlike the regular red amulets?]

[Reimu: *I guess*]

[Marisa: how many kinds of amulets do you have?]

[Reimu: I have white amulets that can be stationary into the air until I changed their colours, I have a Blue amulet that can damage the soul, glowing blue is a homing amulet, red are the amulets that can damage the physical body, glowing red is the explosive one, violet is the homing explosive one, and the orange is an amulet that explodes and damages the soul]

[Marisa: so you're telling me that when we first met when I got hit by a thousand blue amulet my soul will be destroyed?]

[Reimu: not at all at most it gives you phantom pain because I adjust the power output of the amulets]

[Marisa: Now I feel bad because every spell of mine is always 100%]

[Reimu: don't be Because I doubt you could hit me with your attack]

[Marisa: Huh?! you wanna go?!]

[Reimu: try me]

Again Reimu wins the match


+in Touhou canon Marisa can win 40% of the battles against the shrine maiden +