
Peaceful Life

In the alternate universe where the alternate earth has two sides, the mortal side (Gaia) and the supernatural side (Alaya), countless creatures exist in this world that hasn't been known to the natives yet the peace still exists for some reason... A creature takes interest in this peaceful world so it decides to plunge into the stratosphere while turning into a speck of dust. This is a Hololive Fanfic - they are a group of vtubers on youtube I don't own the characters I didn't think I'm addicted to Fanfics and Touhou too I don't own that Don't expect too much!!! this is the first fanfic that I write

ILikeYuri · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 38

▪︎they ask you how you are, and you just have to say you're fine when you're not fine, but you just can't get into it, because they would never understand.▪︎

An ordinary day at the hakurei shrine in Alaya

The shrine maiden is laying on the ground munching some snacks while watching the frogs on the distant swamps...

when the door at the back has opened showing a Blonde girl

[Reimu: First question why? and the second question how?]

[Marisa: I'm here to duel, and I followed you back here]

[Reimu: duel again?]

[Marisa: Yes!]

[Reimu: Grab my hand]

[Marisa: Huh? okay]

they suddenly teleported to the sand continent

[Marisa: you know teleportation?]

[Reimu: Nope but I can teleport to different shrines]

[Marisa: there's no shrine here though]

[Reimu: look there]

Marisa follows the hand of the shrine maiden and she saw an offering box and a makeshift house protecting the offering box

[Marisa: that isn't a Shrine!]

[Reimu: But I considered it one]

[Marisa: *speechless* Let's just fight!]

Marisa Summons blue six orbs that rotate around her

[Marisa: Now you will be defeated by me]


Marisa can be seen unconscious again but there is a bump in her head

The shrine maiden is drinking coconut juice having her gohei leaning on the side of her chair


[Marisa: that's cheating!!!!]

[Reimu: Why?]

[Marisa: you hit me hard on the head!]

[Reimu: That's the most efficient course of action]

[Marisa: it's a magic battle!!! so we must use magic!]

[Reimu: *sigh* fine]

[Marisa: Don't act like I'm the unreasonable one here!]

in the end, they both eat something and drink coconut juice


[Marisa: can we take a quest together?]

[Reimu: I'm fine with it]

[Marisa: then let's go]

Marisa grabs Reimu and they fly towards the horizon


Marisa goes inside of the guild while Reimu is just standing outside

[Marisa: we got a quest it's an alpha rock drake]

[Marisa: Let's go now]

The duo flies towards the earth continent


The duo is on the mountain base walking around

[Marisa: We should find some traces of them here]

[Marisa: shh~ quite, I heard someone fighting]

The shrine maiden that hasn't spoken in the few hours look at the Blonde Magician like she saw an idiot

[Marisa: it looks like two girls fighting an Earth drake]

[Reimu: more like one girl is trying to fight it]

[?: C'mon Elira is that the best shot you can do?]

[Elira: Shut Up Selen you know I'm completely in my human form and I can't use many of my abilities!!!]

A blue-haired girl is using a sword to hit the Earth dragon but it causes no damage while the violet haired girl is jeering while laughing at the blue-haired girl

[Marisa: we should watch them for a little more]

[Reimu: fine...]

The earth drake tries to maul the blue-haired girl but the blue-haired girl rolls away

[Selen: wow Elira Pendora can't beat an EarthDrake, the elders lie about how strong she is what a horror....]

[Elira: Shut Up!!! how about you do it!]

[Selen: but if I do it then you lose we made a bet that the losers should listen to the winner]

[Elira: fine! I'll give up (you aren't an unreasonable dragon after all)]

[Selen: *smiles deviously*]

[Elira: (Why do I feel I'm regretting it)]

the purple-haired girl gets up and she suddenly appears in front of the drake her left hand grows violet flames and she punches it to the drake

the drake skull caves in and blood appear on its skin leaving the Corpse mangled beyond recognition

[Selen: Now that you agree you can't take it back]

[Elira: fine...]

[Selen: I and Millie made a bet that if you win the fight I get a favour from her but if you lose or get helped she will give a date with you]

[Elira: Millie... you mean the]

[Selen: Yep the witch of calamity and the one who took your first time]

[Elira: Don't phrase it like that!!!! it's just a kiss!]

[Elira: and also why do you sell me!!!]

[Selen: I'm not selling you I have full faith in you but you disappointed me]

[Elira: if you are disappointed then act like you are disappointed and not doing your best to hold your laugh!!!!]

The purple-haired girl laughs like a convertible engine

[Marisa: I see so They are Selen Tatsuki and Elira Pendora they are sisters by bond]

[Marisa: Let's go and find the rock drake so we can finish it early]

The Magician saw the shrine maiden eating a roasted corn

[Reimu: you want some?]

[Marisa: ....]


[Marisa: I saw the alpha drake... do you have a binding technique?]

[Reimu: yes]

two wall barriers suddenly appear beside the drake sandwiching the drake not letting it move a bit

[Reimu: Though I can't move Because if I do something else the binds will dissapear]

[Marisa: it's okay! leave it to me]

The blonde Magician shoots yellow magic misses to the enemy until the drake is very dead

[Reimu: I guess it's a job well done for us]

[Marisa: *nods* you are reliable... (except you eat a lot)]

[Reimu: Let's go claim our reward]

The duo flies towards the Adventurers guild


[Marisa: here it is 30 palladium]

[Marisa: the quest reward is 60 palladium so we share half of it]

[Reimu: I see... thanks]

[Marisa: the day is still high we should explore around for a bit...]

[Reimu: I want to go back to the shrine]

[Marisa: it's not a question, it's a fact, I'm going to take you with me]

The Magician grabs the shrine maiden hand and walks around the streets

[Marisa: (She feels very similar to Kuro, but Kuro is already dead)]

They go around the town Reimu mainly bought some snacks while Marisa is bargaining for prices for the antiques...

they talked together and have a peaceful time together

the sun is going down

[Reimu: I guess it's my time to go home]

[Marisa: I see...]

[Reimu: *walks away* See you later I guess...]

[Marisa: *smiles* I will make sure!]


[Reimu: it's a great day after all and I need to sleep]

the shrine maiden sleeps peacefully once again


▪︎Because of Ai and Ina do the shrine Request many people know the existence of Hakurei shrine because they attract lots of attention▪︎

▪︎unlike Reimu that has an innate ability to not draw attention▪︎