
Path of the Twin Souls

Two souls. One body. Meet Clada and Ren, the inseparable twins confined to an island they never chose. Their dreams are teased by the vast unknown beyond their shores. On this isolated terrain, the rule is simple: be the predator or become the prey. The game changes when strangers trespass, hungry for what the twins possess. But as they'll soon discover, never corner a wolf on its home turf. "Apologies, I didn't understand your final words. But even if I had, no one would've heard them from my lips." Freed from their island confines, the twins enter the world of Nexa and the mysterious Animists. Here, potential is infinite, limits are self-imposed, and Clada and Ren embark on the journey of two lifetimes.

Tamashin · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter 5 - Unexpected Lesson

"Have you killed them?" Liora's words hung in the air, but Ren gave no reply. The dominant thought in both Clada's and Ren's minds was how to escape this situation.

Clada and Ren exchanged a glance, both sharply aware of their limited options. While they had prepared for chaotic confrontations, they hadn't anticipated this. The sheer capability of someone to slice through a tree from such a distance was beyond their wildest expectations.

'In all the tales my grandmother told,' Clada thought, 'there was never mention of a human with such capabilities.'

They had never claimed to know the full extent of human potential, but this display of power was beyond what they could have ever imagined.

"I believe I asked you a question," Liora said, her patience waning. She extended her hand towards Ren as if to grasp something. But before she could complete her gesture, Ren quickly drew a dagger from his wrist and hurled it at her face, then darted away with all his strength, disregarding the searing pain in his left leg and right shoulder.

Liora, momentarily surprised by the incoming dagger, continued her motion, as if meeting an invisible force, the dagger cleanly split back into two pieces.

Liora watched as Ren vanished amidst the shadowy trees, then propelled herself forward, moving at a speed that far exceeded both Ren's and even Maelor's capabilities.

The rapid footsteps echoing behind him made Ren glance back, a chilling realization washing over him. Liora had closed the distance in mere moments, and given her blistering speed, he knew escape was unlikely.

Before Ren could think of any solution, a sudden wave of weakness overcame him, rendering him feeble to the extent that he couldn't even twitch a finger. His momentum faltered, and he found himself standing still, entirely bewildered.

Liora, previously on his heels, gracefully positioned herself before him. Her evident rage had somewhat subsided. She observed Ren, whose paralysis seemed complete save for the deep confusion evident on his face.

[Why? Why in the world did you stop?] Clada's voice rang with urgency. Ren, however, could only give him a sidelong, puzzled glance. [I can't move. I don't know what she's done, but my body... it just won't respond,] Ren mentally urged his limbs into action, but remained rooted to the spot.

In the decade Clada had spent on this island alongside Ren, only once had he felt such overpowering helplessness. Yet even in that dire moment, they had been spared, largely because the beast they encountered then had shown indifference. This time, however, the circumstances were starkly different.

"Unable to run now, are you?" Liora remarked. "The fact that I can bind you with my soul suggests you can't even sense your own — or should I say, 'souls'? It's baffling how someone unaware of their own soul can speak the Echoloch. Moreover, you don't seem affiliated with any academy. Intriguing."

Bound by her soul? Can't sense souls? Aware there are two of them? Echoloch? A whirlwind of questions and puzzles swirled, but neither Clada nor Ren could muster the clarity to think about them in the midst of their predicament. Ren's face was a mixed tapestry of anger, bewilderment, and trepidation. Observing his turmoil, Liora couldn't help but chuckle.

By this time, Serin had arrived, positioning herself just behind Liora, her face showing indifference.

"Don't fret. Once I extract the information I need from you, I'll set you free... to the afterlife," Liora declared, her voice laced with mock joviality as if she'd just delivered a punchline. "And naturally, that will be after I've harvested your twin souls."

A look of shock washed over Ren's face, and his head dropped, a posture of resignation. With a tremble in his voice, he asked, "Can you at least explain why I can't muster any strength or move my body?"

Clada found Ren's question somewhat perplexing, thinking, 'What advantage would knowing that provide?' However, in situations like these, he'd learned to trust Ren's keen instincts and chose not to interject.

"Sure. It's an open secret among the acolytes. If you get to the Vinebond stage and really, really focus on training your soul, you can block someone's soul from interacting with their body," she said, a hint of pride evident in her tone. "Now, my turn, are there any other humans on this island besides you?"

"No, I was the only one on this island until you arrived. And… thank you for answering my question," Ren said, his usual sly grin returning. This left everyone perplexed, but Liora dismissed it as mere hysteria in the face of impending doom.

[What did you realize to be this assured?] Clada inquired, a hint of hope in his voice.

[Clada, I may not fully grasp her talk of souls, but what's clear is that we possess two souls — apparently. If my theory holds, she's currently binding my soul.]

[I see, it's a narrow chance, but it's all we've got.] Grasping Ren's intent, Clada braced himself.

While Ren might have been bound in certain ways, there remained one action within his grasp; letting go of the control of their shared form. Swiftly, Clada stepped in, their eye color shifted from a light grey to a deep green. Without hesitation, Clada drew the baselard sword and enhanced his body, similar to how he had beaten Jaevin. However, whereas previously Clada had only enhanced his left leg, this time he enhanced his entire body.

This was something he never tried. The strain on his muscles was more than unbearable, every fiber of his being seemed to shriek in protest. It felt as though his entire body was being torn asunder. Yet, he persevered. The deep-seated hate and killing intent he harbored for the woman before him steeled his resolve, allowing him to push past the pain.

He lunged with a speed he had never before achieved, the shortsword aimed to cleave Liora's head from her shoulders.

To Liora and Serin, from the moment the kid before them uttered his thanks to the instant he leaped at Liora's neck, it all seemed to unfold within a mere breath. She struggled to comprehend the swift turn of events, let alone respond to them.

All Liora discerned was the blade destined for her and eyes burning with the intent to end her life. Overwhelming fear was the sole emotion that gripped her.

Just as the blade grazed the delicate skin of her neck, a distinct crack echoed. One of the gems on her robes shattered, and almost simultaneously, a translucent barrier materialized over her skin.

Clada, too focused to register surprise, exerted more force onto the sword until it finally snapped.