

Percy Jackson but with a twist *I'm a teenage author feel free to give some notes*

Joci_Zierke · Sports, voyage et activités
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3 Chs

Chapter Two

We started to walk closer to the Roman part of the city. when suddenly music was flooding the area. The music was softly calming; it almost sounded like a lullaby playing on a pan flute. It was a pan flute! Jyn smiled and started walking towards the music. As we got closer the stone pavement of the city turned to grass. And instead of a beautifully made building with the godly parents name engraved in stone out in front. A hut, it was a hut. There was a name outside of the mud hut but I couldn't read it from this distance.

"Jonas must be playing his pan flute again. The pan flute he has now is kind of bad. Don't tell him that he made it by hand." Jyn had informed me.

"Jonas? Who's Jonas?" I asked curious about the new name.

"Jonas son of Pan. The Greek god of the wild. And our resident music player." Jyn told me as we walked closer to where the sound was coming from. After we took a few more steps we saw a boy with a black t-shirt and jeans. Wearing a flower crown and playing the pan flute.

"What's his name again? Jonah? James?" I asked Jyn. She gave a small chuckle and reminded me his name was Jonas.

"Will you two shut up! I'm trying to play here." Jonas told us. Well told is an understatement more like he yelled. He looked to be around my age as well. I guess everyone I meet here will be about my age. Even though that seems very unlikely. He slowly played out the last couple of notes somberly and I could only guess technically well. Then he turned to us and bowed. Jyn started clapping happily. It took a while for Jonas to stand back up from his bow. Wow, was he cocky, not a quality I enjoy.

"Hello, I am Jonas, son of Pan. You must be the new demigod." he figured it out, what a genius. "Well you best be going I'm sure you have loads of people to meet. Don't let me take up all your day" He said. With a sly smile.

"Yes, Jonas is correct, we still have seven parts of the city to visit." Jyn has said energetically almost like she had seven cups of coffee. We then start moving to only what I can guess would be the next part of the city. "We're going to the Roman part of the city. There's a girl there I think you'll be good friends with. Be forewarned though she's crazy." Jyn said. With that we started walking to the Roman part of the city in comfortable silence. At the same time the silence was nerve wracking, this was not the same girl I had just met. Right?

We kept moving. It honestly felt like it took forever when we started to see the ancient Roman architecture. It was beautiful. Even though it wasn't too different from the Greek part of the city. The only major differences were that instead of the Greek names of the gods, the names were what we would consider the Roman names on the buildings. Oh and, archways were another difference. We saw a blonde girl about my age running away from what I could only assume to be a little sibling chasing her with a sword. The sword was black with red flames lining the blade. It was crafted beautifully. Was it made by Hepaestus? What's the Roman name for Hepaestus again? Vulture? Volcano? Oh I got it Vulcan!

"Wait a minute, that's my sword! Give it back you snickerdoodle." The girl said with a smirk. The girl had a shortish red top on, with the lettering Minerva. Could that be her mother? Or maybe her aunt?

Jyn then started up with a slightly nervous grin "Kate, this is Joci the new city member." Kate's smirk and eyes grew wider as she stared at the hilt where I kept my sword. My sword almost felt inferior. The sword knot was wrapped tightly around the hilt of the sword. The hilt was beautifully designed in gold. With a big as well as a bright yellow gemstone right in the middle of the hilt. The blade was mainly gray with lightning bolt art going down it. The whole thing was made out of silver and gold. If I sold it, how much would I get? It was supposedly a gift from my uncle Apollo. I never really liked his myths anyway. He's always really cocky and rude, so if I sold it I wouldn't miss it that much. I wouldn't sell it even though it would be useful to fight with. It felt too pretty to fight with. I feel like I might break it. Do you think Apollo would be upset if I broke his gift? Would he tell my mom? Wait, would she even punish me? She probably doesn't have the time to even think about punishing me. Then her smirk turned into a wide smile. I will say I am freaked out. Actually I am officially more than freaked out.

"Fight me, new girl." Kate yelled and screamed happily. I was now officially scared. Who asks someone they just met to fight them? Kate apparently. That's not something I would do or even expect, that's for sure.

"Uh, fight you. Are you sure? You want to fight me, I mean." I said fumbling on my words for the first time in a while.

What can I say? Just imagine someone that you're meeting for the first time and the first thing they say to you is 'fight me'. Kate's smile grew bigger and she started to pull her hair back into a tight knit bun with a red hair tie matching her shirt that seemed to appear out of nowhere. While Jyn was just staring nervously at me, that's not good right. Am I going to die?

"Yes!" Kate said almost like she could read my mind.