
the past

u know what falling in love with someone is a very beautiful part of life_____LOVE in its self is very beautiful !!!!

that time starts , ,,,,,, that raising heart beats ,,,, the promises, what! promises from that I remember did some know the meaning of promises when they promise many big things....I don't think soo!!

and I also fall in love with him (X) yaa this is what I think in my mind!!

but did I really.....???

noo how can uhh decide it is love or affection or attraction or even sympathy or just a habit....!!

even some times we don't know what we have in our heart for someone .....haaa ! yaa , but we gave the name that it's is love and uh what giving the name ....ya that's really hurt.....

sometimes we are affected by the surroundings , that wrong frzz circle or wrong situation which makes us realize or even sometimes don't give the chance for realization_____