

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Iron Body!

"It seems that the guys who are in the way are gone." Eagle Ear said, looking at Luffy who flew away.

"Hey! Do you know what you're doing! Vice Admiral! You let Straw Hat Crew go!" Tashigi shouted aside.

"Cut, those who are in the way, leave me! 99

Eagle ears do not eat this set,

"What Marine, what pirate? What justice? What evil? I have my own creed of doing things, just watch the weak guy, let you see and see, the real battle of the strong!

Having said that, he has already walked step by step towards – Su Yi.

"Boy, are you a demon hunter? I heard that you can hunt Demon fruit power, so that they can't use their abilities, you must be very proud?"5

Su Yi looked at the other party, not understanding what the other party wanted to say.

"As for me, I haven't eaten Devil Fruit, so your abilities are useless to me."

"I see, this is your plan? Let an incompetent person deal with me? 33 Su Yi pulled out the blue bird with a smile on his face.

"Hmph! Don't be complacent, look at me! Tempest Kick!" Ying Er snorted softly,

The next moment, he kicked at a rapid speed,


An attack similar to a slash flew out, but unlike the slash, the Tempest Kick was an attack from the feet.

"Yi Dao Liu Xuanwu!"

Su Yi erected the blue bird, stuck it on the ground, and used it as a shield.


When Tempest Kick touched the blue bird, he suddenly felt a huge force,

Afterwards, he even took a knife and stepped back a dozen meters.

"Damn it, there is actually such an attack method."

Su Yi looked surprised, he was beaten on purpose just to test the power of Tempest Kick.

Now, he has learned the power, but in his heart he admires the other party a little.

"It's not over yet, look at the trick, Tempest Kick·Storm!"

Ying Er put his hands on the ground, and his legs turned like an electric fan.

Puff puff–

At the same time, a large number of Tempest Kicks flew over like bullets,


Su Yi immediately launched the light Lion Fruit, and he jumped up very lightly, dodging most of the Tempest Kicks.

"Haha, you've been tricked…"

Seeing that Su Yi dodged the Tempest Kick storm that he spent a lot of physical strength, Eagle Ear laughed instead of anger.

He suddenly turned his body, and the whole person made a very exaggerated turning movement, and at the same time kicked fiercely.

"You are in the air, and this next kick must be impossible to avoid, right?

"Tempest Kick・Breakthrough!

A slash that was three times bigger than the normal Tempest Kick flew out, and at the current speed, it would definitely hit Su Yi in the process of falling.


Su Yi suddenly shouted,

In fact, he used the light Lion Fruit to reduce his body to only one kilogram.

And the footsteps he stepped down suddenly made his whole body float upward for a certain height.

The huge Tempest Kick slash was naturally dodged by him.

This series of operations, in the eyes of outsiders, is like Su Yi jumping up in the air.


At this moment, both the Marines and the Eagle Ear Vice Admiral were stunned, watching the scene in front of them in disbelief.

You must know that Moonwalk is one of the Marine Six Styles, and it is a stunt that only Marine has a training method.

But now it has appeared on a pirate!

"If that's the case, then I'll fight with you.

Eagle Ear Vice Admiral was not discouraged, but ran towards Su Yi.

At the rear, both Smoker and Tashigi were all horrified.

It was the first time they had seen a battle of this level. Whether it was the strength of the two sides or the tactics of the two sides, they both refreshed their understanding of the battle.

And they finally realized how weak they are now in front of Vice Admiral, and they are too far behind!

"Boy, come and fight with me!"

Eagle Ear Vice Admiral shouted and killed Su Yi. Seeing that the distance was almost there, he suddenly stretched out a finger,

"Finger Pistol!


In an instant, his finger gained a speed similar to that of a bullet, and quickly shot towards Su Yi.


Su Yi resisted with the blade of the blue bird.

Light Lion Fruit, 10,000 kilograms!

He suddenly activated the fruit ability, the whole person suddenly became 100,000 kilograms, and all of a sudden, Eagle Ear Vice Admiral felt a strong pressure coming from his fingertips.

"Nani, this guy is so heavy.

Eagle Ear Vice Admiral felt a sharp pain in his fingertips, and he fell into the ground and had to retract his fingers.


Su Yi slashed the blue bird to the opponent, completely using brute force.



On the verge of being chopped, Vice Admiral suddenly unleashed another Marine stunt,

One foot quickly stepped on the ground, and the whole person disappeared in place.


The ground cracked, and a lot of earth and rocks flew. It didn't seem like a knife, it was more like a mace smashed on the ground!

"Boy, you are very confident in your attack power, since that's the case…"

Eagle Ear Vice Admiral felt that his physical strength was exhausted, but neither Tempest Kick nor Finger Pistol could harm him.

So, he simply stopped dodging, but stomped on his horse,

"Iron Body!"

His entire body seemed to stop.

Only the mouth can speak, "Hehe, this is a stunt that can make the body as hard as steel, how about it? Try to see if it can move me.

Su Yi smiled, "That's what you said.

Saying that, he picked up the knife and killed it.

The Marine soldiers in the rear all looked relaxed when they saw this.

"Look, another fooled pirate."

"Ah, Eagle Ear Vice Admiral's Iron Body is his strongest skill. Although it is also an Iron Body, it is many times stronger than a normal Iron Body! Even if you hit him with real steel, only the pieces will be broken. It will be just steel.99

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・

"In the past, pirates would foolishly think that they could break through Vice Admiral's defenses, and they kept attacking, eventually exhausting their stamina.


Just as he approached Ying Er, the blue bird in Su Yi's hand suddenly covered with a layer of black.

Immediately, he slashed at each other with a knife!

"Yi Dao Liu·Blue Bird!!!"


Like a bird chirping.

The long knife in Su Yi's hand swept past Vice Admiral's body in an instant.

At this moment, time seemed to stop.

Smoker, Tashigi, and Marines,

His eyes were staring at Vice Admiral's body without blinking.


The next second, a blood flower splashed.


Su Yi put the knife in the sheath, and carried it behind him very dashingly.


"Well, you're a pretty good guy, at least you're very forthright and principled. I like it very much, so I won't kill you. 35

Su Yi clapped his hands and jumped straight up, his body jumping on the roof of the building, and in just a few breaths, he disappeared from the sight of the Marines.


When Su Yi walked away, Ying Er's body fell to the ground, and a pool of blood seeped from the ground.

"Mr Vice Admiral!

"Master Eagle Ear!"

"Are you alright!

Ying Er gritted his teeth, blood oozing from his mouth, "Okay, so strong, this man has Haki, you are not his opponents, don't chase after him!"

"Haki?" Smoker's pupils shrank,

During this period of time when he lost his fruit ability, he calmed down and learned a lot of knowledge.

One of them is about Haki.

He was told that even Logia is not invincible,

As long as you learn Haki, you can kill even those with the ability of Logia!

And now, the other party has already mastered Haki.

"Speaking of which, when I was in Logue town, this man seemed to be able to attack me when I turned into smoke. Could it be that in East Blue, this man is already the Master Haki?"

Alabasta Royal Palace.

"The rebellion is finally over," Vivi helped her father, the king of Alabasta, to sit on the throne.

"Yeah, thanks to your pirate friends, by the way, what are they doing now?"

"They are eating," Vivi smiled a little embarrassedly when he thought of how Zoro and the others were eating.

"Not good! King, Princess Vivi!'

Suddenly, a soldier rushed in.

"What's the matter? Say something slowly,

"Outside, there are a lot of people outside, they claim to be people from the Baroque work club, and they are about to besiege the royal city!

"Nani?!" Van.