

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: The System Is Upgraded Again, And The Ability Is Given!

Luffy, this guy has become stronger again,

Su Yi looked at Luffy who was smiling and was a little shocked.

Although the training plan he planned for Luffy and others had just begun, and Luffy had only been earnestly playing with Sea Kings for a few days,

But his strength, speed, and reflection speed have all been significantly improved,

Or, he is actually stronger, but the leisurely life on the boat has made him dull, and the exercise of the last few days has brought him back to the peak.

"Well, no matter what the situation is, this guy is a complete monster."

Su Yi sighed in his heart,

He can only improve his strength through hard training, but for Luffy, he can become stronger by laughing and laughing, which is simply enviable, jealous, and hateful.

At this moment, a systematic voice suddenly sounded in Su Yi's ears.

"Ding! Congratulations to Host for successfully collecting 10 Devil Fruit abilities, and the system is being upgraded for the second time!"

Oh, did you actually collect it all?

Su Yi was overjoyed, waiting for the system to be upgraded again.

"Congratulations to the successful upgrade of the Host system for the second time, and the 'Best of Thieves' has obtained the second ability: endowment."

"Hint: You can give the ability you steal to others, but each person can only grant one ability at the same time, and when the stolen target dies, the ability will disappear together."

Can only be given one kind of ability? Well, that's not bad, after all, you have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to walk one step at a time.

After Su Yi watched the system update, Robin also agreed to Luffy, "Well, anyway, I have nowhere to go now, but I can consider getting on your boat, but now I have more important things to do. .

"It's a historical text," Su Yi interjected.

Robin glanced at Su Yi in surprise, "How do you know?"

Su Yi took out a wanted order from his arms, the wanted order was Robin when he was a child, but the amount of the wanted order has reached an astonishing 79 million Bailey!

"Nico Robin, known as the son of the devil, is the only survivor of a certain incident, and he is also wanted by the World government. It is said that you have the ability to interpret the text of history, so you are targeted by the World government that wants to cover up the real history. 99

"Is that so," Luffy looked at Robin.

For the first time, there was no such calm expression on Robin's face.

"Well, but you don't have to worry, I am also very interested in real history," Su Yi waved his hand indifferently,

Robin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled, revealing a charming smile.

"Hey, now that Crocodile has been defeated by me, what should I do next? 35 Luffy looked at Crocodile on the ground and said with some distress.

"I'll go inside, can the captain wait for me here?" Su Yi suddenly walked towards the pyramid in the distance.

"Ah, yes, I have nothing to do anyway."

Su Yi walked to the Pyramid Casino with an indifferent expression. The people here had fallen into complete chaos. Su Yi crossed the rabble and came to Crocodile's room. After some searching, he finally found what he wanted.

Then he came out, took a gun from his pocket and fired a bullet at the ceiling.

"All, give me peace!

For a time, the sound of gunfire made the casino quiet.

"I am the big pirate with a reward of 100 million baileys, and now I announce that you have been robbed by me, hand over all your valuables, or I will throw you all into the water to feed the crocodiles!"

Su Yi took out his wanted notice, and this was the first time he used it to bluff people.

But the effect was unexpectedly good, these pampered guys really obediently handed over their finances.

"How can it be repaired, my money is hard earned, how can I give it to a guy like you! 99

A fat rich man suddenly took out a gun and aimed it at Su Yi.

"Oh… so," Su Yi suddenly picked up a gold coin and flicked his finger at the man.


Meanwhile, the man opened fire.

However, the gold coin collided with the bullet, and the bullet was instantly deflected, while the gold coin continued to fly and hit the rich man in the face, knocking him into a faint.

"Anyone else think about it? I don't mind killing a few more.

Su Yi continued to threaten.

Now, finally, no one dared to challenge Su Yi's authority.

Eventually, he left the casino with a large bag.

"Yo Xi, let's go Luffy."

Su Yi activated the ability of Munch-Munch Fruit and directly swallowed all the gold coins and treasures into his stomach.

Then, his body began to swell, and a large amount of gold and gems grew on his body.

"Golden Su Yi Form! (beej)"

"Damn!!!" Luffy's eyes lit up when he saw Su Yi in this form.

Even Robin opened his mouth slightly, then covered his mouth and chuckled.

"Come on, Captain, go to Zoro and the others.

Su Yi activated the ability of Light Lion Fruit to make his body light again, even though his size has grown bigger, but in fact, it is not difficult for him to walk.

"Stop! Pirates!"

Suddenly, a group of Marines rushed out and surrounded the three of them.

Da da da...

There was a sound of footsteps, and a voice that Su Yi felt familiar appeared.

"Long time no see, Straw Hat Crew, Demon Hunter… Su Yi!"

Smoker, still smoking two cigars, with Tashigi by his side, looked a bit older than the last time we met.

"Looks like you've beaten Crocodile, but that's it for you, unless you return my powers, Demon Hunter, Su Yi! 99

Brush brush.

Whether it was Marine, Luffy and Robin, they all turned their attention to Su Yi at this time.

Su Yi chuckled lightly, it seemed that his ability could not be concealed anymore,

"Well, it seems that you are not stupid, but if you want me to return your ability, unless you can beat me."

"Cut! Get on me!" Smoker ordered, and Marine was about to kill him.

"Please bean sacks!

Suddenly, a hoarse voice sounded, stopping the Marine soldiers from moving.

"Colonel Smoker, didn't I say I'm the boss here? It's a bit unreasonable for you guy to give orders for your own selfish desires?"

"Yes… it's Vice Admiral!"

Marine soldiers parted a path, a shirtless Marine Vice Admiral, wearing Marine's cape as an apron around his waist, slowly paced from the back of the crowd.

"The opponent can win Crocodile, but it's not something that guys of your level can handle. No matter how many people you get on, it's just a waste of death. Let me meet you, Demon Hunter!"

"Marine Vice Admiral? What is that?" Luffy looked at Marine across from him strangely.

A few drops of cold sweat dripped down Robin's forehead, "Marine Vice Admiral is the backbone of Marine, second only to Marine Admiral! It is the strange fruit ability user, which is troublesome.

"Hey, Captain, Robin-san, you two go first, I'll leave it here." Su Yi took out a phone bug from his arms and handed it to Robin.

"Robin-san, I've given you a task to inform all the agents of the Baroque Work Club, as well as those scoundrels such as the hundreds of millions of elders, to go to the royal city.

"Nani?! What are you going to do?" Robin lost his temper again,

"This power, if all added up, is more than enough to kill the Marines in front of you!"

"Hey, this requires trust between partners. You just joined and you are still not used to it. In short, just do it, Captain, take Robin away!"

"Oxi! Guo Mo Guo Mo Nuo… rocket launcher!"

Luffy is someone who can trust Su Yi, since Su Yi said he wants to deal with these Marines, then he will definitely be able to.

So, under the noses of the Marines, he carried Robin and flew out.