

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 129

Chapter 129 Luffy Arrives, Prisoners Riot

The complexity of the terrain inside Impel down is beyond Su Yi's imagination,

Although he didn't need to visit such a complex underground labyrinth-like fortress at all, since he came to the world of pirates, and basically he won't have, and doesn't want to have a second chance to enter here, so naturally he has to be good. Take a tour.

Four days passed in this way.

Boa Hancock finally came to Impel down,

On this day, Su Yi could clearly sense that the guards' enthusiasm for work was rising.

"Really, these guys."

Su Yi mixed in with the jailers who greeted Boa Hancock, and finally met this legendary woman,

Fair-skinned, fair-skinned, and dressed with personality, giving people a very distinctive feeling, when Su Yi saw the other party's first glance, he was shocked.

If it is said that the other party's appearance is so beautiful, then the beauties that he has seen on the Blue Star in his previous life will naturally be the first to disapprove.

Therefore, Su Yi speculates that one of the main reasons why Boa Hancock is so attractive is because of the sweet fruit that the other party eats.

This is Devil Fruit's ability.

Only people with strong willpower can not be attracted by the beauty of each other.

Of course, with the exception of stunners like Luffy.

The only thing Su Yi can do is to move his eyes and not look at each other with naked eyes.

And his sense of sight also noticed Luffy hiding in Hancock's clothes.

Gee, I'm a little envious.

However, Su Yi will not be interested in Hancock, even if he does get him, he might turn into a stone statue one day in the future.

For such a dangerous guy, it is better to stay away.

When Hancock entered the prison,

Su Yi followed all the way, and changed into various appearances during the period, but always followed several people.

Finally, Hancock entered the room to be examined.

"I really want to go in and have a look, ah, I accidentally said what was in my heart." Hannyabal shook his body aside, looking like he wanted to enter the room but didn't dare.

When Hancock came out of the room,

Su Yi also saw Luffy.

He stayed where he was, waiting for everyone to enter the elevator.

He came to the dead corner of the surveillance phone bug and returned to his original appearance.

Then, swaggeringly appeared in front of Luffy.

"Su Yi, why are you here!"

When Luffy saw Su Yi, a surprised and happy expression appeared on his face.

"I knew you would come here to save Ace, so I sneaked here in advance." Su Yi said.

Luffy didn't even think about how Su Yi could sneak into Impel down, and how he sneaked into it, just happy to have a helper by his side.

"Okay, then let's go save Ace together.

Luffy suddenly became more aggressive.

However, Su Yi stopped Luffy and said, "According to my observations in the past few days, I am already familiar with the terrain here. If you rush in rashly, you will only fall into various traps. You follow me here for the jailers. channel."

Saying so, he ran forward.

Seeing this, Luffy followed Su Yi without hesitation.

The two avoided the surveillance of the surveillance phone bugs and swaggered around in the world's largest prison.

After arriving at the prison block on the first floor, Su Yi deliberately passed by the clown Buggy's cell.

When he saw the two figures of Luffy and Su Yi, Buggy, who was about to escape from prison, couldn't bear his temper and ran out.

"Yo, Buggy, you are here." Luffy greeted habitually, as if not surprised to see Buggy here.

But Buggy was very shocked, "You two are not wearing prison uniforms, do you mean that you broke in from outside?"

Immediately, he denied his own thoughts, "How is it possible, you must have been caught and run out, how could someone be willing to take the initiative to come in.

Then, he suddenly showed an ambitious smile, "How about it, if we want to escape from prison together, I can consider joining forces with you.

Su Yi took out a bunch of keys from his arms and shook it in front of Buggy, "We're not here to escape, but to rob a prison. If you want to get out, you can use this key to release the prisoners on this floor and make Chaos, so maybe you can fish in troubled waters and get out." 5

Seeing this, Buggy didn't doubt where Su Yi's key came from. Now he, Isshin, wants to escape.

Immediately, the cells on the first floor were quickly opened, and the criminals were released.

"Come on, Captain, this is only the first floor. 99

Su Yi ran first, followed by Luffy.

At this moment, Buggy suddenly noticed an armband on Luffy's arm,

Recognized instantly, it was a clue to Captain John's treasure.

"Please bean sacks, everyone, don't go outside first, you should not forget the horror of this prison, there are horrible Magellan, a large number of jailers, and horrible jailer beasts! 35

Saying that, he pointed in the direction where Su Yi and Luffy left, "Let's go down first and release more companions, don't worry about danger, these two guys are very strong!

After some agitation declarations, the prisoners on the first floor suddenly rioted and followed Buggy to the second floor.

At this time, the monitoring room on the first floor.

The guards discovered the abnormality, but when they saw that Buggy had a set of keys, and used this key to release all the prisoners.

They were still a little calm, and immediately spit the coffee out of their mouths…

"No, the prisoners are rioting, let Warden Magellan know."

At this time, Magellan, still in the toilet, didn't know the news at all.

As a person with poisonous fruit ability, he has to pay a terrifying price while gaining powerful power.

Therefore, the jailers made a round of notification and finally found that the only person who could be contacted now was Hannyabal.

"What? The prisoners on the first floor escaped and ran downstairs?

When Hannyabal got the news, he was instantly happy.

"Great, this is good news, I can blame all the responsibility for this matter on Magellan's head, so that the position of the warden is mine, ah, I accidentally said what I said in my heart.

Su Yi and others all the way down,

With Su Yi leading the way, they quickly reached the second floor,

And a group of beasts appeared in front of them.

There are lions with human faces, giant praying mantises, small hippos, Sasori who like to link together to make a centipede, and a gigantic lion with wings.

"Guo Mo Guo Mo… the giant whirling gun! 99

Luffy slammed a heavy punch, sending a group of beasts flying.

Su Yi threw out the key to the second floor and gave it to the rioting criminals.

"Oh, little ones, come out, you're free!" Buggy floated in the air, stirring people's enthusiasm,

The prisoners who came out suddenly cheered.

"Listen, little ones, our purpose is to release all the criminals, especially the powerful guys below, and then completely smash this prison down!

At this time, Buggy had become complacent, forgetting the horror of Magellan and the various dangers in this prison. Seeing so many prisoners defending themselves, something called ambition rose up in his heart. .

Su Yi and Luffy had already disappeared, and a group of criminals chased after them.

In the monitoring room on the second floor, the jailers finally saw clearly the mastermind of the escape.

The only two people not wearing prison uniforms at this time – the straw hat boy Monkey D. Luffy, and his crew demon hunter Su Yi, are suspected to be the main instigators of the escape. The way the two entered the prison is unknown, and the purpose of the two Unknown, but guess that they want to release all the prisoners here and bring great disaster to the world.

At the same time, the news quickly reached Marine headquarters, Marine Marshal Sengoku's desk through the phone bug.

"Nani?! It's this kid again, Garp, why does your family always cause this kind of thing!"

Looking at Garp sitting on his own sofa in the office, eating senbei and drinking tea, Garp couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in his heart.