

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 130

Chapter 130 Kill The Jailer Beast, The Terrifying Sword Wolf!

"Hahaha, as expected of my grandson, but he should be trying to rescue Ace," Garp waved his hands indifferently, "He can't be successful,

Sengoku punched the table, "But he's also causing us a lot of trouble, and I think you need to take care of him. 99

"Don't tell me, do you want me to go to Impel down and give up the siege of Whitebeard?"

Garp ate senbei and took a sip of tea, looking like a leisurely play.

Sengoku couldn't stand it anymore, grabbed the snacks from Garp's hand, and ate them all by himself.

"Ah! My senbei!" Garp cried.

"Celestial Dragons disappeared, Ace was executed, there are so many things to do with this old man, don't dangle in front of me anymore, 35 Sengoku roared.

"You are jealous of me, if it really doesn't work, you should retire too, retirement will be comfortable.

Garp still looks like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, but Sengoku can't do anything about Garp like this.

Sengoku sighed deeply, "After this incident, I must retire,"

Sengoku felt that his body and mind could no longer bear the damage.

First Luffy fights Celestial Dragons, then two Celestial Dragons go missing,

Admiral Kizaru went out to look for it, and there is no result yet,

And Luffy, the straw hat boy who was supposed to be eliminated by the bear, actually appeared in Impel down at this time,

also sparked prisoner riots,

Meanwhile, Portgas·D·Ace14's execution is less than two days away,

The movement of the Whitebeard Pirates is unknown, but it is certain that the opponent's target must be Ace,

So, he not only has to find Celestial Dragons, but also find a way to deal with Whitebeard,

But now three Admirals have dropped one, leaving two.

If there are only two people, if something goes wrong in Shichibukai, the outcome of this war is likely to be overturned!

"Who the hell kidnapped Celestial Dragons, what a dead man,""

Sengoku's eyes fell on the videophone bug, the other of the two who manipulated the prisoners to escape,

Demon Hunter, Su Yi!

"According to Kizaru's information, the fruit ability of this guy named Su Yi is a rare phantom beast type, it is very likely that this phantom beast has the ability to seal other people's fruits, or what he uses to seal other people's fruit ability is not the fruit ability. , but a special substance similar to seastone and seawater.

"This man must be caught and tortured to find out what method he used."


Sengoku patted his hand on the table,

"But it's not your turn to prioritize events right now, Celestial Dragons first."

With that said, his eyes were on the top photo of Celestial Dragons.

"And then Ace.

After that, it's Ace's photo,

"It's you in the end, Demon Hunter! 35

Finally, his eyes moved to Su Yi's wanted list.

Impel down, three floors underground.

Su Yi and his party came to the third underground floor.

There are no jailers here, no beasts,

Some are just desert-like hot climates,

"Yoshi, rescue the people on this floor and give them food and water.

Buggy is commanding a group of younger brothers that he has just harvested,

They just plundered a jailer's cafeteria and forced out all the food and water in it.

Su Yi threw a bunch of keys to a prisoner and asked them to unlock the lock.

And he walked silently in one direction,

Seeing Su Yi's actions, Luffy thought he was going to the next floor.

However, when the two came to a staircase,

From the stairs, a tall figure slowly appeared,

This is a strange creature whose upper body is milk and the lower body is human,

Holding a small mace in his hand, his nose is still running, and he doesn't look very smart.

"What is this," Luffy looked puzzled, unaware of the danger's proximity.

"Guo Mo Guo Mo Nuo… a pistol!

But he still launched the attack subconsciously, stretched his arm, and punched the jailer beast fiercely.

Su Yi's eyes moved, he often saw this kind of jailer beast during the period of Impel down,

The one in front of him, named Minotaur, is a cow man, a cow fruit person, and Zoan failed to awaken.



Luffy's fist hit the opponent's body, and the jailer beast took a step back,

However, as if nothing happened, they continued to walk towards the two of them.

"This guy is not an ordinary enemy. His defense, strength, and resilience are all amazing. Even if you completely knock him down, he will stand up again after a while." Su Yi explained aside.

"Is that so," Luffy suddenly became serious after hearing Su Yi's explanation.

I saw him put his hand on his knee and press it hard, the next moment, the skin of his body began to steam, "Second gear.""

"Guo Mo Guo Mo… rocket launcher!"


This time, the cow man flew out directly, seemingly suffering terrifying injuries,

It looks like he shouldn't be able to stand up any time soon.

However, Su Yi on the side frowned,

The current Luffy, as expected, is still too naive,

After a while, the cowmen will get back on their feet.

He took a deep breath and jumped out suddenly.

He raised his right fist and slammed it down on the cow man on the ground.


With a terrifying punch visible to the naked eye, the cow man's chest collapsed directly, and large cracks appeared on the surrounding stone brick floor.

Card rub card rub kacha——

There was a sound of bones shattering in the cow man's chest, and at the same time, he spurted a stream of blood from his mouth.

"It is necessary to beat the opponent like this to ensure that he will not stand up again in a short period of time."

Su Yi looked at the shocked Luffy and explained.

Luffy came over, looked at the cow man on the ground, was about to have a seizure, and suddenly found that the other party's bones were recovering automatically and slowly.

This terrifying resilience completely extinguished the anger in his heart,

At the same time there is an eye-opening feeling.

"There is still a guy with such tenacious vitality."

"Okay, don't be in a daze, such a guy has three heads. If he can't leave here within an hour, he will stand up again."

Su Yi said with a serious look.

Watching Luffy continue to run forward, he crouched down and touched the cow man's face with his hand.


Cow fruit, get it.

He didn't dare to steal the opponent's ability in front of Luffy. If Luffy saw it, it would probably take a while.

The current Luffy is not only lacking in strength, but even his mentality has not been polished.

And this is another reason why Su Yi is reluctant to save Ace in advance,

Luffy, who has not experienced some things in 093, can never grow up, especially the growth of xinxing,

In this way, he will never become stronger.

Looking at the criminals chasing after him, Su Yi took a deep breath and suddenly caught up in Luffy's footsteps.

"Next is the fourth floor." Luffy looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi did not respond, but looked forward with a solemn expression,

Fourth floor, Blazing Hell.

Ahead, there was Magellan waiting for them.

Soon after, everyone passed a long staircase,

Su Yi and Luffy, who were running at the front, also encountered the second jailer beast.

It was a Madara horse.

Like the cow people, they are the ones who failed in Zoan's awakening.

"I'll come here."

Su Yi suddenly activated the sword wolf fruit and transformed into a human and beast form.

His speed suddenly increased sharply, and some blades grew on the knuckles of his right fist, forming a fist blade.

"Fist Blade・Breaking the Mountain!"


Su Yi punched the opponent in the face at a speed that the Madara centaur had no time to react, and pressed him to the ground.


The ground shook, the stone bricks cracked, and the Madara centaur's body instantly froze.

Instant kill!!!

Luffy passed by, jumped over, and took a deep look at the Madara centaurs lying on the ground.

Su Yi's punch left a deep impression on him.

And Su Yi, also took the Madara horse fruit ability of the Madara horse.

He stood up, moved his wrist, and rushed out again.

Ahead, a rhino and a koala stand in front of Luffy.


Su Yi let out a low growl, and pressed the two jailer beasts to the ground.