
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Chasing Xu Que

[Stonexia returned after satisfying her wife to check the situation, however he was surprised to see that tree was still shaking. He himself is very good in such acts but seems that he can't compare with this Shi Yan, maybe its due to Shi Yan's special cultivation.]

The hollowed tree couldn't tolerate the tremendous power generated from the acts of a man and woman, and blasted open to reveal Shi Yan and Mei Ji still immersed in their acts shamelessly in open. A passing by group, Hussein's team was baffled to see this. They recognized them as wanted man and Mei Ji from Phantom Clan immediately. They were from Ancient Monster Clan. Hussein was angry at this as he was secretly in love with this woman earlier, who is enjoying herself in hands of another man. Hussein turned into a beast (metamorphosis to become more stronger), and attacked Shi Yan, but Mei Ji has already covered Shi Yan and herself with thick ice armor to hide their acts from outsiders. Finally after some time these the lust of these two character came to end and Shi Yan ordered Mei Ji to kill them as if he is her master. Mei Ji covered her body with clothes and then without any problem carried out the order obediently. She came towards the subordinates of Hussein and enchanted them through her seductive arts and ordered them to attack Hussein.

Currently Mei Ji was stronger after her lewd acts with Shi Yan due to his strange cultivation type. Her wounds of past had been healed too. Her soul strength is better now as well. Her blood, flesh, bones, and the soul altar had all strengthened unknowingly. It seemed like a mysterious power had washed her entire body and refined every bit of her. The battle commenced between Hussein and his subordinates, although victor was Hussein but he was tired by consuming lots of energy in dealing with his own subordinates. He was feeling proud and bragged to Mei Ji about his strength and also mocked her as he knew that Mei Ji is injured currently from one of his cousin, so it should be easy for him to take her down in her current state. But he was unaware that it's all healed now through Shi Yan. Mei Ji made her move and was surprised to see that she has acquired 'Dark Energy' which was most difficult to acquire prerequisite to become Territory Ancestor Realm Expert. She spent countless years in search for secrets to find this energy. She was already a peak Immortal being from long time. Earlier she became enemy with Shi Yan for chase of this dark energy only as Shi Yan was having this energy. Now she can't believe that she has acquired this energy out of nowhere.

Hussein attacked her while she was in stupor, by launching a massive ape from his head. Mei Ji came out of her stupor and froze that ape into ice glacier. Hussein was surprised to see the strength of Mei Ji which is improved now countless times. Mei Ji herself was surprised too. She took action and the giant ape exploded, and then killed Hussein. Shi Yan sent his black hole to suck in countless wisps of energy from all corpses. Mei Ji started digging holes to bury corpses so as they don't leave any evidence behind. She went to Shi Yan and happily told him about her acquiring Dark energy. Shi Yan said that she should thank Gan Fu and Batum as Shi Yan transferred their energies towards Mei Ji as he himself already have that dark energy. She asked about Shi Yan's profits but Shi Yan didn't showed any improvements due to lack of some comprehensions towards certain laws or upanishads. But once he comprehend them he will immediately enter Second Sky of Immortal Realm. However he didn't told her that most of the refined energy is taken by the Absolute Beginning Original Symbol inside his Life Ball. He could feel that even if someone shattered his body and exploded his skeleton, as long as he used the ultimate power called the Surging Vitality, he could gather the life inside that Absolute Beginning Original Symbol to recover his body. He then could have an undying body that was as strong as a dragon. After that they indulged in some romantic activities.

Phantom Clan's base was having a new guest 'Ferrell', another territory ancestor realm expert from Monster Clan who came for Spirit Information Amethyst to find the location of Shi Yan and Mei Ji after he was informed about the Hussein's death. He has not came here with kind intentions and currently there is no powerhouse near to the base who can protect it. They informed Mei Ji about arrival of Ferrell and the possibility that he is here for their amethyst to locate them, so she should not trust any info received from her pendant from the base from now on. Then they shut down the amethyst. Ferrell was attacking base of Phantom Clan like crazy and destroying all barriers or self defense formations of base and killed many Phantom clan members during this too. Soon everybody was slaughtered not a single soul was left but he was too late, he found the amethyst shut down. He was enraged and destroyed whole island which was base of Phantom Clan.

Mei Ji had means to know that her clan members had died so tears were rolling from her eyes. Although Shi Yan was not emotional but he was sad as he lost his eyes now, as they were earlier being informed about actions of five clans from Phantom Clan's base, but now they are on their own. Later Shi Yan asked about the attacking party. Then Mei Ji informed him that he is one of the three territory ancestor realm expert in Sea of Annihilation named as Ferrell.

Emperor Sea Shark, Ferrell, and Ricardo are all experts at the Territory Ancestor Realm. Most of the time, they stay and cultivate on the seabed. They will only go to the sea surface to collect or exchange when they need some special material.

The reason for his coming out was to take revenge for Hussein and Yerburgh deaths. Now he knew that even territory ancestor realms will be coming for them so they decided to disguise themselves.

Tu Shi Qi, Ya Yun and Dragon Lizard were searching aimlessly. Recently they have got information about murders of sea clan members so they came here to take a look. Then they were informed about deaths of powerful beings like Gan Fu, so they doubted that it can't be Shi yan as they know his strength is only First Sky of Immortal Realm and Gan Fu was peak level Immortal realm. They made theory that Shi Yan and Mei Ji aren't alone, they must have more members. And there were other powerful experts too that died, so they suspected that one of the murderer should be near to Territory Ancestor Realm. Soon they were informed about Hussein's death and Dragon Lizard through his keen senses located the graves of Hussein and his party and dug them out. And Mei Ji's cold frost aura was still there on Hussein's body, making it clear that he died at hands of Mei Ji. They even estimated that murder took place three days ago so Shi Yan and Mei Ji shouldn't be far. They released the news to others as well.

After disguising, "I am Adams and you are Masha. We're from the Heavenly Eye Clan. I'm your senior…" Shi Yan was explaining to Mei Ji inside an emerald light cage. Shi Yan was worried that sorrow and grief of Mei Ji from death of her clan members will expose their identities so he warned her about that too. After half a day they encountered one party who was collecting blacksmithing material for their Potion and Tool League.

While in Agate Star Area (One of the galaxy in Desolate Universe), he happened to have the Canon of the Potion and Tool Pavilion (the strongest commercial organization in Agate Star Area), which he had handed to Fu Wei (an old acquaintance) later. When he got it, he had checked and found similar symbols in the Canon. The symbols on these people clothes were the same as the ones he had seen in the Canon . It surprised Shi Yan discreetly. Potion and Tool Pavilion and Potion and Tool League; was there a relationship between them? Shi Yan wondered and asked Mei Ji about this league. She replied that this league was formed by the human alchemists and blacksmiths to refine medicines and tools. They trade with all other seven clans. They were moving after greeting the league members who failed to recognize their disguise.

But suddenly a pendant from one of the top members of this league broke which was holding a piece of Power Upanishad Symbol Tower. And it has reacted as it is somewhere near to the complete Power Upanishad Symbol Tower. They suspected the Heavenly Eye Clan couple that had left just now after greeting them. But they were afraid to take rash actions as they knew strength of Mei Ji who was at peak Immortal realm. But they started following the couples. Shi Yan noticed that Potion and Tool League members are following them. But soon they left after confirming that piece of tower is reacting powerfully on getting closer to the man of Heavenly Eye clan which was Shi Yan in disguise.

But somehow that piece in hands of member of league went towards Shi Yan's tower and merged in it and Shi Yan noticed this. Now both parties know each other secrets. Mei Ji took action immediately and created a mountain of ice but Shi Yan used Fantasy Boundary Stone to seal a space so that their powerful aura won't attract unnecessary troubles from others and everybody from Potion and Tool League were captured. Then Shi Yan hid boundary stone in his sleeves as someone was approaching them. They didn't linger and left immediately. After they left some troops arrived, they noticed that a warrior with ice upanishad has taken action here but there is no sign of battle afterwards.

Shi Yan crushed the boundary stone and everybody was killed then he used his black hole to absorb soul altars and essence qi of all deceased. He also noticed that after strange piece of tower merged with his complete tower some unclear Absolute Beginning symbols had also come to his brain. He felt that this tower is somewhat like his devouring upanishad, as it can suck in incomplete pieces of other towers to strengthen itself more. Now he started checking memories from soul altars and found various blacksmith and alchemy techniques from their minds. He also get to know that the Canon in Agate Star Sea area has come from this place only and that canon had the records of refining an Absolute Beginning divine weapon… and that Canon was in Fu Wei's hands. She was the current Pavilion Master of the Potion and Tool Pavilion with outstanding refining attainment… Shi Yan was excited to see this and wondered if it was predestined? He had decided to talk to Fu Wei about this once he got back to Desolate Territory.

Some distance away, group of Tu Shi Qi was searching aimlessly. Ya Yun who gave Shi Yan those fantasy boundary stones noticed its aura after explosion under hands of Shi Yan, and was delighted and informed Tu Shi Qi about this. But Dragon Lizard warned to be on guard as earlier Gan Fu like strong expert was dead by the team of Shi Yan. They started moving slowly and carefully towards Shi Yan.

Mei Ji asked Shi Yan to help in refining newly acquired essence qi from Potion and Tool league members too. But he refused saying that none of them was strong or had any dark energy. Mei Ji was sad as Shi Yan didn't understood her hidden romantic signals. But suddenly a greeting from an acquaintance alerted them and it was none other than Dragon Lizard. As he is still on good terms with Shi Yan he greeted Shi Yan first from Tu Shi Qi's group. However Mei Ji was discolored on seeing Dragon Lizard as he was a peak expert of Immortal realm too just like her. Moreover he was direct line descendant of Absolute Beginning Creatures, so Mei Ji is not sure if she can handle him. Then Tu Shi Qi and Ya Yun greeted following Forefather Dragon Lizard. But Shi Yan didn't have much time he removed his and Mei Ji's disguise and simply told them to come to point, "Are you here for Tower?" They replied that its not just tower, but also knowing about the killer of Ling Mei as they have to give explanation to Forefather Han Tian of their sect. Mei Ji was about to admit her crime but Shi Yan stopped her and took her blame on him that he killed Ling Mei, as she tried to kill him for Tower. But Dragon Lizard tried to give way out to Shi Yan by claiming that its not possible as Ling Mei was on third sky of Immortal Realm however Shi Yan is just first sky. Then Tu Shi Qi also doubted and asked whether if they have more members in their group? Shi Yan told that other members of his group aren't here and told them again not to babble and come straight to the point. They offered him Nonnative Officer post in Mysterious Sky Clan and safety from other five clans. But Shi Yan asked what if he refuse? Then Dragon Lizard spoke first that he has to switch sides and join the Tu Shi Qi's side instead. Then Tu Shi Qi spoke, that he won't kill them and only capture them to hand over to five clans in case if Shi Yan refuse to cooperate. Shi Yan challenged them immediately to come and capture him and transformed into his monster like form which has its origination from Demon Clan from Grace Mainland, homeland of Shi Yan in Desolate Territory Universe. Dragon Lizard praised this quick growth and new strength of Shi Yan, as when the last time he met with Shi Yan he was a weakling instead. Tu Shi Qi and even Mei Ji were shocked to see the changes in Shi Yan. As Mei Ji thought that she got all benefits from the black hole's energy qi and didn't knew that Shi Yan has evolved too. But currently Shi Yan's life energy magnetic field could compare to the experts who were about to enter the Territory Ancestor Realm. But Mei Ji stopped him and took action first and launched her attack towards the Tu Shi Qi's group. At first the group was feeling pity for Mei Ji as they knew that she had been badly wounded in past, but as soon as her powerful aura erupted they were flabbergasted. Current Mei ji is capable of subduing Tu Shi Qi and his wife Ya Yun on her own. Whoosh!!!! Icicles of Mei Ji stabbed the trio. Forefather Dragon Lizard melted them from his body as a phantom of giant beast came out from Dragon Lizard's body. Dragon Lizard's real body is not here so he's weaker currently. Mei Ji froze the phantom of beast with her ice upanishad into glacier. Shi yan raised his finger and five meteor like arrows strike towards frozen phantom and it was destroyed immediately. Dragon Lizard screamed with the pain of backlash. Shi Yan told Mei Ji, "Let's go", thus halting her from further attacking, as this will attract commotion and more powerhouses will be attracted and then two of them won't be able to survive. As White Bone Clan is searching for Life Power Upanishad experts to heal the two dormant territory ancestor realm experts from their clan, and Tu Shi Qi noticed the abundant Life Power in Shi Yan, so their group decided to inform White Bone Clan instead of others which still have territorial ancestor realm experts.

At the base of the White Bone Clan in the Sea of Annihilation.

Recently, a Skull Island had come and anchored here. A child of the White Bone Clan had landed on this bone island. He spoke the oldest language of the White Bone Clan. His appearance had shaken the entire White Bone Clan as he brought with him his parents, the two dormant, Territory Ancestor Realm experts. Due to this reason White Bone Clan is in high spirits and provided him with the warmest possible welcome and kept the coffins in Bone Burial Pond. They tried their best to wake up these two territory ancestor realm experts but they didn't woke up. But they have understood that they require lots of vitality for their healing.

The Bone Burial Pond in the center of the bone island was covered with jades. The little skeleton was sitting by the pond and watching the two coffins, his eyes upset. An old man arrived and recognized the parents of this child as his precursors. He himself was midget size even smaller than the kid in front of him. The old man stayed on the bone island and taught the little skeleton a lot of common knowledge, secrets and marvels of power Upanishads, and Dark Energy. This old man was one of the Territory Ancestor Realm experts of the White Bone Clan. He was also a famous expert in this vast sea of stars. Under guidance of this old man kid's body was refined in a special secret bone pond to make him strong. Old man claimed that this kid is the luckiest star of their clan.

Tu Shi Qi's report finally reached the ears of this Old man that Shi Yan is holding Life Original Symbol from Power Upanishad Symbol Tower.

"Shi Yan?" The little skeleton was cultivating in the pond. His eyes brightened, "He's the one I told you about. He got me back here and he told me that he would help me wake up my parents!" Old man thought this event to be predestined and immediately asked for directions from Tu Shi Qi's group.

This little kid was actually cousin of this old man. Old Man's name was Hiro. After this kid was born, Hiro's uncle and aunt went dormant. They haven't even named this kid yet. But there's no hurry when they wake up first thing shall be naming ceremony of this kid. After telling kid about his whereabouts he dived in Sea of Annihilation to locate Shi Yan.

Emperor Sea Shark, Neptune, and Ferrell have come already. Today, Hiro decided to come too. Forefather Dragon Lizard looked excited as he can learn Dark Energy secrets to reach Territory Ancestor Realm himself after watching battles of other Territory Ancestor Realms.

Sea Clan't Emperor Sea Shark was moving in his palace by making it invisible under seabed to locate the Shi Yan as well. Suddenly they noticed that sea clan members died in certain spot. The palace started moving in that direction.

Deep inside a sea area Shi Yan is burying five dead sea clan members who he encountered recently. Mei Ji was getting closer to Territory Ancestor Realm and today she tried converting her Incipient Extent into Territory which will become her foundation for Territory Ancestor Realm. After parting from Dragon Lizard they have killed several warriors from various clans. Shi Yan sucked all of their essence qi and shared with Mei Ji thus raising her cultivation like rocket. Being happy they again immersed in romantic acts with each other, then continued their journey. After moving for long time they didn't encountered any other warrior from any clan. It felt like calm before the storm to them. They raised their vigilance. Several days later they encountered some jelly fishes, and Shi Yan suspected them to be acting as eyes of some strong experts. Noticing this Shi Yan hurried but they bumped into an invisible barrier and slowly a grand palace emerged which was housing sea clan warriors. An old man was standing on highest tower of palace which Mei Ji recognized as Emperor Sea Shark. Emperor Sea Shark had agreed with Neptune that if he found Shi Yan and Mei Ji, he would tell Neptune first. However, Emperor Sea Shark had his own plans. He asked for Tower and Symbol and promised to leave them alone after that. Emperor gave them 15 minutes to think.

Shi Yan asked about this man from Mei Ji and she told that he is another Territory Ancestor realm expert from Sea Clan and also friend of Neptune who's hunting them, but still it seems their friendship is not good enough or Emperor Sea Shark won't be talking with them and giving them options for survival. Mei Ji also told that she may provide challenge for Emperor Sea Shark but ultimately will lose. However Shi Yan who has swallowed lots of soul altars and essence qi, wanted to try fighting against this territory ancestor realm to check out his own limits. Another reason for this rash decision is that Absolute Beginning Symbol is merged in his co-soul and removing it equals suicide, and he doesn't know any Absolute Beginning Creatures techniques to separate even tower from himself. So Mei Ji told Emperor to give them a chance through sparring. If they lose they will agree to the terms of Emperor. Emperor Sea Shark showed disdain towards this decision of the duo and send a sea clan member named Datuk, Second Sky of Immortal Realm, to teach Shi Yan some manners, as it will be overkill if he personally fought. Mei Ji also warned Shi Yan that he shouldn't kill his opponent so as they don't fall on bad side of Emperor Sea Shark. Actually Shi Yan wanted to fight so as to use his space powers to make their escape from this place. However he was not sure if his space power will work under the sea water due to huge pressure of water here. Datuk greeted Shi Yan politely before their battle. Shi Yan also did same. And as soon as battle started he used his Space Power Upanishad which generated space sabers and was cutting everything in the sea. Emperor Sea Shark was amazed and he launched his own attack against the space sabers to save Datuk. This made serious backlash on Shi Yan and he spurted out mouthful of blood. His attack earlier was able to open space slit but Emperor's attack dispersed everything and resealed the space slit. Emperor ordered Datuk to back off and introduced another sea clan member for this battle, Hu Jiao who was at Third Sky of Immortal Realm who cultivated Wood Power Upanishad and he was able to suppress Shi Yan in beginning of their battle after converting himself into a tree. Mei Ji was getting tensed with seeing the suppressed state of Shi Yan. Other elders of sea clan tried to convince to kill this future danger, but Emperor Sea Shark seems to have sensed some old connection with this boy.

A skull sized ball was approaching around this battle area, which were eyes of Ferrell (just like jellyfish were eyes of Emperor Sea Shark). The hundred meters vines from Hu Jiao who was currently in his tree form were lashing on Shi Yan and cracking his skin. He was filled with cuts and gashes but surprisingly not bleeding. Mei Ji was surprised and can't look Shi Yan in such pain so she suggested that they should surrender instead. Sea clan members were admiring the tough will of this young man. At this moment Shi Yan used his blood sword but he thrust it into his own abdomen. Then he pulled sword out and all eyes on sword got activated as if sword is now fully powered up with energy. He said to Mei Ji that they have some chance of succeeding in their escape.

Earlier Shi Yan was only using defensive moves and never used any offense that's why Hu Jiao always appeared to be having upper hand. Actually Shi Yan was just testing his body's toughness. He ignored the battle and instead planned to tear apart space itself through his powered up sword, and escape from this place as they are no match for Territory Ancestor Realm expert even if Hu Jiao is taken down. He started using his offensive Death seal to wither the leaves and vines of Hu Jiao and situtaion is overturned now and Shi Yan is suppressing Hu Jiao instead. Sea clan members were discolored with sudden outbreak of Shi Yan. Suddenly he used his blood sword to along with Space Upanishad, and alerted Emperor Sea Shark. But this time Ferrell has arrived on the scene too and he claimed that he won't let Shi Yan escape. Ferrell started bragging about his destroying Phantom Clan's Base. He also pointed that as Mei Ji and Shi Yan killed many people from different races, so the Phantom Clan won't be able to help them anymore.

Mei Ji was enraged at sight of Ferrell, she wanted to take her revenge for his innocent clan members that were slaughtered by this Ferrell. After some more bragging, Ferrell, agreed with Emperor Sea Shark that he will kill Mei Ji and Shi Yan both and later when other territory ancestors arrive they will decide about the distribution of tower and symbol.

Shi Yan was now really worried as only with Emperor he has only 30 percent chance of escaping but now with coming of another powerhouse he has lost all chances. Now he is doomed..

But suddently something strange happened. Emperor Sea Shark has other plans, he attacked Ferrell instead saying Shi Yan to join hands. Sea clan didn't know the reason but they responded to the call of Emperor and were ready to help Shi Yan. He told Shi Yan and Mei Ji to run immediately.


In Strongest vs. Scheming Cosmos, Lin Fan has finally arrived in East Continent chasing after Xu Que. He has found that even in this continent he is as famous as hell for his notoriety. Xu Que is wanted as 'Lightning Rogue'. He was pissed off at this and started using his lightning spells too to piss off other cultivators. He continued this plan of his for many days to become as famous as Xu Que while finding whereabouts of Xu Que.

Lin Fan is also aware about the Jiang Hongyang News that whole East Continent is trying to kill her. He got pissed off that a lonely woman is being hunted by so many powerful people just because of a stupid cursed fate as he didn't believe in such kind of fate too just like Stonexia or even Xu Que as all of them had some connection with modern Almightoronia Earth. It's a good way to gain popularity to save a damsel in distress, he thought. So he started searching for Jiang Hongyang too, and he also got to know about her heavenly tribulation so he went towards Celestial Burial Valley after eavesdropping on Holy Sons of big families and then following them as they were going towards that direction too.

Along the way he was throwing lightning bolts on cultivators to attract more and more enemies and gained a name 'Lightning Rogue 2'.

And finally he reached there too when others 100 people were chasing Xu Que and his group. Although they were disguised but he had same target as those 100 people as they were chasing him claiming him as 'Lightning Rogue'. Knowing that he himself is 'Lightning Rogue 2' he was even more enraged so he wanted to mess with his part 1 to claim number 1 spot himself. He also got mixed up in that group and started hitting lightning bolts on their party. Xu Que was enraged with this he started cursing. Lin Fan was also not less he retorted same way back with abuses. Xu Que used his Buttface to start spitting competition with Lin Fan and both shameless guys kept spitting on each other and dodged every shot of saliva and rest of those chasing cultivators were bathing in that spits... Now crowd already considered both of them as their enemy no. 1 after Jiang Hongyan.

Chapters till 1455 covered for GoS....

mailmeharry2008creators' thoughts