
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasy
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56 Chs


In Strongest vs. Scheming Cosmos, After a long fight when both sides used all powers and skills, it ended up in a stalemate. Even systems of both parties have detected each other as their origin from the same generation (unlike Stonexia's which is ancestor of all systems), and now both Xu Que and Lin Fan knows about existence of system of each other. Lin Fan earlier didn't knew that disguised person is Xu Que but now he is sure that this person is Xu Que for sure, but still what can he do, other party is actually more powerful than him as he has skills like Buddha's Fiery Lotus which can cause severe wounds even on Void Training Realm experts let alone an Infant Transformation Stage expert like him. But still with the help of his unparalleled sword intent and superb skills like Doomsday Fist, he was able to put up a strong front too in front of Xu Que. But as fight was dragging he was on losing end as his system can't recover his stamina, however Xu Que can just spend Act Tough Points to replenish his energy and even cure his wounds. That's why Lin Fan decided to become strong first before messing with Xu Que as his system is much more advantageous as compared to strongest system which has only some legendary brick and heaven and earth smelt as aces. But Xu Que on other side was also surprised to see strength of this Lin Fan and his skills which are comparable to his own, and he has also noticed that if he can't heal through his system then both of the parties are equal. Both of them decided to ceasefire after praising each others strength and claiming that now none of them is no. 1 or no. 2 but they are both equals. Nearby cultivators sighed in relief too as mostly they were the suffering ones from the stray energy shots of this battle. And they themselves could neither hurt Lin Fan nor Xu Que. Lin Fan went away to train himself for a second round with Xu Que and dropped his mission for rescuing Jiang Hongyan as he knew that Xu Que surely is capable of doing that himself and moreover she is harem member of Xu Que too.

Dong Genji didn't wanted to stop others from destroying cultivation of Jiang Hongyan because once it is destroyed her cursed fate will be destroyed too and she will become ordinary woman. Now that everyone else was determined to take her life, if Dong Genji managed to save her life, there was a great chance he could finally win her heart. After this announcement everybody hesitated from killing Jiang Hongyan. Even three families don't want to make Carefree Building their enemy. Moreover if they manage to crush the cultivation of Jiang Hongyan then there motive will be accomplished too, and they can further gain powerful ally, Carefree Building.

Xu Que's party arrived near the entrance of Celestial Burial Valley. And they saw Jiang Hongyan meditating at the entrance itself. Hundreds of people were gathering in front of it. A young man was admiring her as if she is his own woman. Jiang Hongyan was unaware about this as she was meditating. Earlier Liu Jingning has witnessed Lin Fan's fight with Xu Que so she has started underestimating strength of Xu Que, because she is unaware that Lin Fan and Xu Que were both having systems. She warned that the man admiring Jiang Hongyan is Xu Que's equal and is named as Dong Genji. She claimed that even she herself can't beat Dong Genji. But Xu Que instead started making jokes of his name (it must be something funny in chinese i guess). Liu Jingning warned that even Old man of Heaven's Secret Pavilion claimed that Dong Genji was an Immortal Cultivator in his last life and that he's going to become the foundation of the Cultivation World! Xu Que as usual ignored this woman and went ahead to make some preparations for Jiang Hongyan's tribulations. Buttface suddenly got frightened while staring at the entrance; he was trying to recall something and failed to do so. Then he stopped thinking and hurried to catch up with Xu Que.

Dong Genji noticed arrival of this group, and greeted Liu Jingning with a lewd smile. Xu Que noticed that smile and cursed on his face, "You hypocritical dirty man!" Dong Genji asked for identity of Xu Que and he replied "My name is Wang Sicong, I come from the Exploding Heavens Faction."

But the next moment he said "Brother Dong, I see you standing here. Are you protecting my Hongyan? If you are, I really appreciate your doing so!" Xu Que said.

Hearing this, both Dong Genji and Liu Jingning were stunned. But Dong Genji calmly replied him in some Chinese abusive name. Hearing this all nearby cultivators started praising Dong Genji's domination over this new brat. Buttface tried to flame Xu Que that Dong Genji just abused him verbally so he should be angry. Not only this Buttface called Dong Genji by a verbal chinese name too after speaking with Xu Que hearing which Liu Jingning started laughing. But surprisingly Xu Que retorted Buttface and hearing this both Buttface and Liu Jingning were shocked. But soon he apologized to Dong Genji and addressed him with even more vulgar Chinese name. Liu Jingning tried her best not to laugh. But rest of the cultivators burst into laughter after this as they haven't excellent control over their emotions like Jingning. Soon Xu Que made another vulgar joke which intellectually crushed Dong Genji. Dong Genji was angry and his aura erupted to suppress Xu Que, but soon another aura washed away Dong Genji's aura and it was of Jiang Hongyan who has just opened her eyes. Dong Genji forgot his humiliation and went to greet Hongyan but Xu Que was faster than him and greeted her first. Jiang Hongyan replied politely and was not surprised as if she knew that he will come for her. Liu Jingning explained herself to Hongyan that she tried her best to stop this guy but he found her with a mysterious technique of throwing his shoes in air. Hongyan was surprised to hear this too. Dong Genji also believed it as bull crap not believing the story of shoe throwing to find a woman. Earlier he didn't mind Xu Que saying her "my woman" but now attitude of Jiang Hongyan towards him is really gentle and nice, which was unbelievable as countless people including himself admired her but she never responded to anybody in past.

Dong Genji was about to strike conversation to show his care towards Jiang Hongyang but Xu Que interrupted with a grin. "Eh, Brother Dong, we still have some family affairs to discuss. How about you go and I will chat with you over dinner some other day!"

Jiang Hongyan also didn't reacted to Xu Que's declaration of family affairs, which clearly shows that there is something between these two. After saying farewell Dong Genji left as he was currently no match for Jiang Hongyan but after her cultivation gets destroyed then he planned to attack and make her his toy forcibly. And also he will surely take his revenge from Xu Que for his humiliation of today. After Dong Genji left the scene, Hongyan warned Xu Que that he has offended a fearsome foe and should remain careful in future. She further suggested to leave her alone for tribulation and wait at south continent for her. But for Xu Que he was nothing so he didn't cared much. Liu Jingning also smiled wryly as she didn't have heart to tell that Xu Que has already offended whole East Continent which includes Jiang family too.

Xu Que purchased a Spirit Visage and a Banshee's Veil from the System, which were both pieces of equipment to enhance magic resistance for tribulations of Hongyan. Hongyan underestimated the equipment and was about to return them but Xu Que forced them upon Hongyan and he also started setting up spells for her protection during tribulations which will be coming tomorrow as per Hongyan's estimates. He'd developed a well-thought-out plan to kill all cultivators in surroundings. This time he will not only upgrade his cultivation stage, but also act tough by making those guys spit blood!

Hongyan obediently wore that armor and kept the accessory in her pocket. Liu Jingning was also surprised how obedient Hongyan was towards Xu Que. Earlier she never allowed anybody to approach towards her so closely. Is she in love with Xu Que too? Actually Hongyan has earlier seen Xu Que wearing this armor when he went through his heavenly tribulation and knew that this armor is really effective. Meanwhile Xu Que was inspecting topology of the Celestial Burial Valley to setup magic arrays to trap all cultivators here. He has bought advanced level incantations by spending lots of Act Tough Points which can aid him in battling Void Training Stage Cultivators. He is bankrupt now with only 6000 ATPs. However he wanted to buy one a magic array costing 4000 ATPs. But he still bought that. As upcoming massacre will give him chance to become stronger, he can act tough and earn more points easily he didn't mind spending all his fortune now. Once this array is setup with mysterious stone in his possession he can easily activate 'Myriad Flame incinerates Ghost' spell. With Mystical fire the energy of spell will be three times stronger. Buttface was shocked that there's is such powerful spell. Xu Que ignored Buttface and started setting up flags for array. Other cultivators were able to see that he is setting up some array but as powerful arrays can be setup generally by big families so nobody thought his array as something noteworthy. Many people mocked him too saying a young man at beginning Infant Transformation Stage helping an Infant Transformation Peak stage is a joke. Even Liu Jingning and Jiang Hongyan were chatting about the abilities of this young man. Liu Jingning was still underestimating Xu Que as his opponents will include over 100 powerhouses of Void Training Stage. Hongyan suggested Jingning to leave with Xu Que so that he doesn't offend entire continent by his rash actions. Liu Jingning revealed her now that he has already offended whole continent. Not only this he earned a title of 'Lightning Rogue' in this continent too. Earlier Jiang Hongyan was surprised but later realized that all these problems are due to her haunted misfortune. But Liu Jingning told her not to worry as this guy is loving his misfortune somehow. Suddenly a sound echoed - RUMBLE -------

Liu Jingning felt it to be spell from some Expert. They thought that families have already started attacking. All cultivators inside the spell were shocked to see expert spell which was only available with three big families, but now is setup by a young man. Now they started blaming him as insane for wasting resources. Some experts from Carefree building and even Dong Genji were regretting that if they had known earlier that this young man is having an expert spell then they would have robbed him earlier. Dong Genji asked from his other members about Heavens Exploding Faction or Wang Sicong (name that Xu Que is currently using), but they never heard about either. Others also were wondering about background of this boy. Suddenly one person among crowd reminded everybody that during Stone Convention someone by name of 'Chow Yun-fat' (another fake name of Xu Que) caused trouble there, and he was also from this Heavens Exploding Faction. He created a stinky black tofu which can raise 10 percent soul strength and also sold a device that can see through cutting stones.

(So boring not too many events for Stonexia here. He decided to switch cosmos....)


Until now Emperor Sea Shark never offended seven sects and also restrained his members from causing any trouble for them. But today he has attacked a territory ancestor realm expert of Monster Clan. This was also the reason that he acted so arrogantly on his arrival. Ferrell is now thinking that Emperor Sea Shark wants tower for himself only and doesn't want to share it. He asked Emperor about his intentions. Mei Ji thought that maybe Emperor Sea Shark wanted to strike his good side with her Phantom Clan but Emperor Sea Shark pointed towards Shi Yan, that he is doing this for him.

But Shi Yan was also surprised and said that its his first time meeting with Emperor Sea Shark. Emperor told that it's his first time meeting Shi Yan too, but he knows Shi Yan's teacher. Shi Yan was startled but when Emperor told that his upanishads are similar to that teacher then he immediately understood that Emperor Sea Shark is referring to Bloodthirsty. Emperor owed Bloodthirsty so that's why now saving Shi Yan to pay his debt. Mei Ji was excited knowing this and suggested Shi Yan to kill Ferrell instead to reduce one enemy out of five clans instead of running. Of course main reason was her revenge too for this suggestion. But Emperor Sea Shark suggested against it and that's Shi Yan pulled arm of Mei Ji and took her away and started moving towards Desolate Territory Entrance.

Emperor Sea Shark decided to suppress Ferrell for three days with the help of all sea clan members to give Shi Yan enough time for his escape. After that, he suggested sea clan members to scatter and live in their secret areas on this Sea of Annihilation's seabed. He reminded them not to go to the sea surface. Sea clansmen questioned him the reason for all this.

Emperor told them that Ferrell and the Ancient Monster Clan have a close relationship. Neptune from the Soul Clan won't spare him if he let them leave now. The members of the other three clans will come to interrogate Emperor Sea Shark too. He won't be able to live in peace. He will leave the Sea of Annihilation for a while. When he's strong enough then he will return, promised Emperor Sea Shark to his clan members.

After three days he told clan members to leave. Hu Jiao and Datuk were given the task to protect and drive his undersea palace too. Finally just Emperor and an old man named as Shen Ren were left. Emperor suggested him to leave too. At this moment, Emperor Sea Shark didn't attack Ferrell more. But still, Ferrell was trapped in many layers of water. He was using his lightning power to attack the water layers and get rid of it.

Shi Yan and Mei Ji arrived at a place with lots of broken rocks on seabed which were probably billions of years old. Mei Ji explained those rocks originated from a battle above sea of annihilation and they are actually broken stars during that battle. Even at this critical moment of their escape, Shi Yan stopped there to have look in this ruins of rocks. He used his soul consciousness to notice a broken star with feeble magical aura of some soul energy. He sent a wisp of star energy from his star upanishad into that rock. Boom!!!!! broken star became dazzling after receiving star energy. Mei Ji noticed this and hurried towards Shi Yan and the direction of light. It was an upanishad itself which was cultivated to its ultimate level and thus it had its own consciousness. Two days had passed. Shi Yan was bewildered as he stood in between the broken pieces of stars and tried to understand his power Upanishad. He was failing continuously. But Mei Ji didn't disturbed him. But these two days were enough for many things to happen.

Ferrell finally came out of many layers of water to face Emperor and started blaming him for escape of Shi Yan. It was just an excuse that Ferrell wanted to take revenge for Yerburgh and Hussein. He just wanted to seize the change to showcase his talents by robbing the Power Upanishad Symbol Tower to prove his ruling status in the Sea of Annihilation. But Emperor Sea Shark was ready for this fight, and turned his eyes red as he has learned upanishads from Bloodthirsty too. Old man Shen Ren decided to stay here as he knows that Emperor will become several times more powerful in his rampage state but will lose control of himself too. At this moment, Ferrell knew that Emperor Sea Shark wasn't weak and can't be easily bullied. He was a beast in his slumber on the seabed. And today, he finally awakened!

Ferrell used his territory move, 'Thunder Nether Territory', and a world of thunder and lightning covered Ferrell and collided with Emperor Sea Shark's Water Territory. The water currents and the lightning balls shattered altogether. The shock waves stirred up the sea area and created many massive whirlpools. Those whirlpools were tens of thousands of meters. Shortly after, they swallowed so many islands on the Sea of Annihilation's surface. Many warriors cultivating around the area died. Many survivors were talking about the ongoing and battle and wondered when was the last time two territory ancestor realm fought??? Weaker ones were scared and ran to save their lives, and strong cultivators were excited to learn something about dark energy by watching this level of a

fight. They can achieve breakthrough to territory ancestor realm too if they can comprehend something about dark energy from this ongoing battle. Members of seven clan who were dispirited by not being able to locate Shi Yan got excited as they thought that ongoing battle must be due to Shi Yan. They thought that Territory Ancestor Realms can fight only for the greed of Power Upanishad Symbol Tower. Neptune noticed this battle and started moving towards that area. Tu Shi Qi's group who were waiting for Hiro noticed the aura of battle too and messaged to Hiro to meet at the location of this battle instead. Qi Mo from devouring clan also noticed this aura and ordered his members to move towards sea bed. All the strong warriors were using their best moves for their defenses as well just for the glimpse of this battle. Dragon Lizard was most closer to Territory Ancestor Realm and he was among the crowd too and was very excited to learn something from this battle about dark energy. Until now, many people had thought that Ferrell was the strongest among the three Territory Ancestors in the Sea of Annihilation. They ranked Ricardo second and Emperor Sea Shark as the weakest. However, the battle today had turned everything upside down.

Back in field of broken stars, Mei Ji also noticed the battle aura and can guess easily what is happening there. And someone has arrived here noticing Shi Yan's and Mei Ji's presence. Shi Yan also opened his eyes due to comprehending the ultimate upanishad from broken stars. Also it was due to disturbance created by this newcomer. He was an Ancient Monster Clan's member. Shi Yan has comprehended all his upanishads somehow after comprehending soul energy from broken star which increased his power multiple times and he easily killed that Ancient Monster Clan member. Black hole came out to absorb essence qi and soul altar of this second sky realm unfortunate cultivator. Shi Yan was told Mei Ji to keep look over him as he will be trying to breakthrough to Second Sky of Immortal Realm.

Ming Hao and God Lord were able to sense the tremendous aura generated from the battle of territory ancestor realm experts. Audrey got frightened thinking that it may be because of Shi Yan. God Lord and Ming Hao said they also want to see the battle as they have been stuck at third sky of immortal realm from very long and this battle may help themselves to evolve further and break through to Territory Ancestor realms themselves. Also nobody know about them as everybody is chasing only Shi Yan and Mei Ji, so there's no risk for their group. Moreover they can lend a hand to Shi Yan if he is in trouble from these Territory Ancestor Realm Experts. Also God Lord was confident that if he can step into territory ancestor realm then nobody in whole Sea Domain of Nihility will be able to challenge his authority. He started moving first even before others agreed to his opinions in greed of gaining quick power. Ming Hao followed him after having a talk with Audrey and leaving a mark on her to locate her later. He told Audrey to keep moving towards Desolate Territory as her realm is too low even to watch this level of battle. But Audrey was worried for Shi Yan so she also followed Ming Hao rather than going to desolate territory. As Ming Hong was ancestor of Audrey he has no choice but to follow Audrey only even though he wanted her to return to desolate territory as soon as possible.

On seabed sea was rumbling with the powers of two titans. Everybody was praising Emperor Sea Shark as Ferrell was in bad situation. But suddenly a black cluster of souls had swaggered through the crowd and hurled the onlookers at the Immortal Realm away, creating a chaotic scene. As they were about to scold or curse, they saw Neptune sit on the cluster of souls. Immediately, they shut their mouths and retreated.

Chapters till 1459 covered for GoS. //////////////Also "Happy Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Birthday and Happy Lohri"... Both are festivals that are being celebrated today....

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