
overlord - wish granter

Akabaru - one of the 41 supreme beings of the great tome of nazarick As one of the supreme beings he helped create some of the inhabitant of the tomb. He mostly working with bleu planet to create the 6th floor sky but was the creator of one of the five worst. (Its the life of one of the 41 if he had chosen a different race in the game, leading him to miss out on a promotion that would have taken all his time away, letting him be there in the final moments of the server shut down.) (i try updating in the future, still thinking if i am about to drop it where it is now.) (i do not own Overlord, pictures and content except that of my own)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs


Shalltear started to breath heavier, as she imagined the scene.

"Understood, should I wear anything special. .or."


Akabaru stood before the mountain range with Shalltear and Aura at his side. Beside the three there was also Blake the bear cub that had grown into a majestic looking animal, Blake hadn't fully grown up yet but he looked the part.

As Akabaru was admiring the mountains Aura looked on with questioning eyes.

"Lord Akabaru how are we going to find the dwarfen cities?"

Akabaru seemed to thing for a while before answering

"We get a guide of course."

"I don't seem to understand lord Akabaru but who will guide us?"

"A Genie of course."

Akabaru summoned a genie in to being via a cast of [Grant a wish] to guide them to the dwarfen cities, it was possible because the first cooldown had reset, granting the ability to wish one more time.

"Now genie if you would.."

The summoned genie was one not as powerful as Akabaru but he would guide them, he could have also wished for the location of the dwarfen city but Akabaru was feeling adventurous and wanted a guide.

The only reason that he could be here was because he gave up his adventurer persona, he argued with Ainz that his death would make It more believable and that he didn't particularly like that kind of lifestyle.

Apparently Akabaru was convincing because Ainz had agreed to the proposition, thereby living the adventurer Fear dead and his companion with the newly formed group of three Darkness, the Swords of darkness were the name originated from was now permanently housed in Carne village, and the alchemist boy was preparing to do the same.

Akabaru didn't really know how it happened but the result was one he had no complains about.

"There is a cave up ahead."

Aura who was in the front with the summoned genie announced

"Does it lead to a city?"

"I can't be sure but there is wind coming out of it suggesting it to be bigger that just a cave."

Aura brought her expertise to the fold reinforcing the notion of the genie guiding them to the right place.

Akabaru entered the cave and looked around, the cave led deeper but there was no sign of activity, looking around he saw Blake hesitant in entering the cave.

"A right, bears don't have night vision…"

Akabaru reached into his inventory and grabbed a necklace of night vision. He would have given a ring bit that wouldn't fit the bears paws.

Akabaru placed the necklace around Blakes neck and moved further into the cave with Blake now following without and problem and Shalltear still watching the flank.


Finally, after a bit of a walk the Genie disappeared indicating that he had grated the wish and that they had arrived to the dwarfen city, except it was empty, more specificity devoid of life.

"What do you think happened here?"

"I don't know lord Akabaru but from the looks of things it seems at though the people that lived here left in a hurry."

"Why do you say that?"

"If you look in the building you can see most of the still being in there indicating that most wasn't taken when they left, indicating a hurried escape or that they have better things elsewhere."

Akabaru looked at the inside of the building.

"The first one makes sense but the second seems unlikely, but what would they need to flee from… Shalltear what do you think?"

"I don't know Akabaru-sama."

"Make a guess."

"Yes Akabaru-sama... if I were to guess than I would say that they would probably flee from a overwhelming force."

Akabaru nodded but continued asking

"And what would you say is this overwhelming force?"

"It would ether be a powerful opponent like monster or an army greater then them… both could be equally likely."

"But that's were you are mistaken. The monster could be a possibility but how would an army be fed, you certainly don't expect them to eat stone now do you?"

"You are right Akabaru-sama, a monster would be more likely than an army."

"Great you understand.. now explore, we have a day until I want to leave."

The day that they would spent resting would be to get the cooldown of [Grant a wish] to zero and use it again to find the capital and if this was the capital than they would find the palace today.


Ainz was promoted to Orichalcum along with Nabe and their new companion Riri. He had reported the happening of the fight ang given Akabaru's letter to the guild leader along with proof of the death of the vampire.

It made Ainz sad that Akabaru decided to not return to the adventurers life as he lost a sense of competition, but in the end it didn't really matter, Akabaru would work somewhere else that made him happier and Ainz would continue making money to fund all the projects that needed it.

The only things Ainz needed to do now were get back to the swords of darkness and see complete the escort quest by getting paid..


Akabaru let out a sigh, he had been wandering around in the abandoned underground city for a while and he had arrived to the only thing of interested, the library.

But even the most interesting place there was boring, Akabaru couldn't read the books as it was written in a language he didn't understand but he could collect them and wish himself to learn the language.

So with that plan in his mind he pout all the books in his inventory, amassing a collection worth nothing until he reads them.

Shalltear was ordered to check the surrounding and take Blake with her, ever since Akabaru ordered her to be a 'pet' she had been acting strange, in a way that suggested she didn't mind the punishment and that she might like it. Even if it was a mock punishment liking it wouldn't solve her guilty conscious…

'Perhaps Peroroncino made her impossible to punish in a way that required punishment.'

Akabaru pout that out of his mind, if Shalltear still wanted to be punished than he would need to think of something else but he would deal with it when it came up.

"Lord Akabaru, I found a tunnel that is heading north, it seems to have been a major road in the past."

"Great work Aura, has Shalltear reported yet?"

"She has not… Shall I call her to come back?"

"No, its fine.. have you made any rules that she had to follow or do you have decided to first access her behaviour?"

"Lord, while I have made some rules non are specifically made for her, and if I might add… shouldn't you do this punishment personally my lord?"

"While punishing her in this way was my idea Shalltear seems to not really see it as punishment if it came from me, so you will carry it out in my name to ensure that it happens correctly."

Aura seemed to realise the truth in Shalltears punishment

"I understand, lord Akabaru."


Shalltear was scouting out the edge of the city with Blake on her side wandering around and exploring. Aura had made it her responsibility to protect the bear and secure the surroundings.

Shalltear grumbled a little about this not being her idea of a pet while she was waiting for Blake to move along so she could progress her scouting.

As she did Shalltear could smell the sent of blood, it wasn't human blood because the smell had to much iron in it.

Shalltear decided to scope it out and report after, if she could get the information than she would have done a good job, and from looking at Akabaru-sama's punishment what could his reward be….

As she sneaked trough the cave leading to the smell of blood she heard the commotion that was still ongoing. Peeking around the corner with her night vision she spotted three creatures all sharing a common appearance of a bipedal mole.

They all shared the same shade of fur and were around the same hight as her. One of the three was already dead and the other two seemed to be fighting for a ruby or something along those lines.

"I found it! It is rightfully mine!"

The creature screamed as he scratched his kinsman.

"Only the strong get a say don't be naïve!"

The bigger creature cut the arm of the first one.

"You bastard!"

Shalltear looked at the two fighting and wondered of it would be ok to snack on some blood, sha hadn't had the opportunity to drink anything without asking and was getting thirsty while watching the fight.

"A little bit of blood will be ok, right?" she muttered while staring at the blood pooling on the floor.


Akabaru watched as Blake got back to the centre of the city where they had agreed to meet to move to the next town after calling him with a whistle, but the disappointing thing was that Shalltear was not with him.

"Aura, you did instruct Shalltear to monitor the edge of the city while guiding Blake right?"

"Yes, lord Akabaru. I did."

Aura was looking kind of confused at what could have happened.

"The foolishness of Shalltear sometime…"

Akabaru sighed and looked at Blake as he asked in a puppy loving voice

"Where did Shalltear go? Can you guide us?"

Blake gruffed as he started walking back from where he came, guiding Akabaru and Aura to Shalltear


Akabaru moved through the cave as he heard screams up ahead of a strange creature, it wasn't quite human sounding just a little beastly with a scared and somewhat squeaky voice.

Akabaru turned the corner and saw Shalltear holding a Mole like creature by the neck.

"Shalltear, what are you doing?!"


Shalltear turned around and looked at the three of you while appearing shocked. She had some blood dripping from her mouth as she stood frozen in horror.

"Didn't Aura tell you not to wander off and to report anything that happens?"

"Yes but…"

"So why can't you follow orders?"

"I am sorry Lord Akabaru!"

Shalltear bows while dropping the mole creature on the ground.

"Now Aura what is this creature, does it look like something you know?"

The creature coughed and tried to escape with a ruby in his hands

"Ohh? This is perfect Blake! Go get him!"

The white bear previously just standing around ran after the mole to capture it… maybe it would die but Blake needed to learn


The worst of ero, Suraimu Shokusku, the NPC that Akabaru had created was feeling lonely, he wished there was somebody the could hold him, for a little while at least

Suraimu Shokusku or commonly referred to as SuSho was a Roper, meaning that he was an ambush predator and he sat on the fourth floor waiting he was bored, his creator hadn't come visit him, as a matter of fact no one had.

The floor guardian that would preform a check-up was asleep and not even sentient. In stead he was contacted by Albedo about making a network of information gathered by all the residence of Nazarick…. Except he was a ambush predator.

SuSho was really disappointed in himself because he couldn't be of any assistance to his creator but nevertheless he wasn't called upon, maybe he should send a message but he didn't want to disturb his creator.

He sighed as he got out of his pond and sat on some rocks, thinking of visiting some others of the five worst but some of them where not the best when it came to conversation, Kyouhukou was nice but he was always busy with governing his 'kingdom' and the others weren't as nice…

"A well I will wait.."