
overlord - wish granter

Akabaru - one of the 41 supreme beings of the great tome of nazarick As one of the supreme beings he helped create some of the inhabitant of the tomb. He mostly working with bleu planet to create the 6th floor sky but was the creator of one of the five worst. (Its the life of one of the 41 if he had chosen a different race in the game, leading him to miss out on a promotion that would have taken all his time away, letting him be there in the final moments of the server shut down.) (i try updating in the future, still thinking if i am about to drop it where it is now.) (i do not own Overlord, pictures and content except that of my own)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


Shalltear had died, they had even verified that fact by checking the name list in the throne room.

While Akabaru was sad that he had killed Shalltear, he and Ainz both knew that there was no other way.

Akabaru was tired, the mental exhaustion of the battle had driven him to vesical exhaustion which was rare for a genie to have. He was waiting on the resurrection of Shalltear, the only problem was that he and Ainz didn't know if killing and reviving her would remove her mind-controlled state.

"Then, the next step will be to resurrect Shalltear. Albedo, pay attention to Shalltear's name. If she remains mind-controlled as before..."

"Ainz-sama, though I may overstep myself, I propose that you should allow us to deal with it ourselves."

Cocytus and Aura immediately agreed with Demiurge's words, while Mare despondently agreed as well. Only Albedo remained unmoved.


Demiurge's passionate words interrupted Ainz's mumbling.

"We are fully aware that your orders are to be respected above all else. We will grind ourselves to dust in order to obey them. However, as your loyal servants, we cannot allow our lords to be placed into danger once more."

Demiurge's gaze shifted from Ainz to Albedo.

"If Shalltear betrays you once more, then we shall eliminate her as your Guardians. We pray that you will watch us do so."

Akabaru understood their intentions, they could not view their lords be hurt again.

"I understand. Guardians, if Shalltear betrays us once more, you may deal with her as you see fit."

The Guardians nodded to acknowledge Ainz's statement.

Akabaru was wondering if this would take any longer, as Ainz seemed to gaze away to the flags hanging on the side of the throne room.

"Protect me, Guardians. It begins now!"

Ainz grabbed the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown that floated in the air beside him, and turned it toward a corner of the Throne Room.

There was a mountain of gold coins there, about five hundred million of them. That was the sum needed to recall Shalltear to life.

Normally, he would have needed to use the keyboard to perform the necessary operations, but he now knew that it was no longer necessary.

The mountain of gold changed shape, from a solid to a liquid.

Akabaru watched the molten gold form a river and flow into the same place, forming a humanoid shape that finally resolved itself into the form of a golden puppet, and its golden glow slowly weakened.

Soon, the golden glow had vanished completely, leaving white, waxy skin and platinum blonde hair. There was no doubt that the person before him was Shalltear Bloodfallen.


Ainz shouted to Albedo

"Please be at ease. It seems the mind control has been terminated."

Akabaru heaved a sigh of relieve, looking at Shalltear unmoving body a unusual thought entered his mind.

'What happened to her chest?'

Her chest that was usually of great size turned so flat that it hardly seemed to belong to a girl.

Shalltear's body was carelessly displayed, only covered after Ainz pout a black cape over her. The halt in his actions confused Akabaru a little, that was because the undead did not feal lust, or rather they should not.

Ainz stood before the unmoving Shalltear, as Akabaru approached his side.

As Akabaru arrived before her, Shalltear's crimson eyes opened, as though sensing the presence of someone nearby. She blinked sleepily and looked around, finally resting her gaze on her two lords."

"Akabaru-sama, Ainz-sama?"

She sounded like she was groggy from having just woken up.

"Shalltear it is good to see you awake. We have a question that only you could answer."

"Yes, I say yes."

Shalltear still somewhat confused by her scenario accepted the offer question that Akabaru intended to ask without hearing the question itself.

"mhh, she seems to be not quite awake."

Ainz said as he stood beside Akabaru

"you're right, as am I… I am sure the you and the guardians can handle her."

Akabaru Teleported going towards his room, trying to get some rest.

"Undead with their, I am not able to get tired bullshit….


Akabaru rested for the a couple of days eventually getting out of bed and receiving a report from one of the maids, apparently Ainz's had gone back to the Swords of darkness after everything was settled, he would arrive back to E-Rantel this afternoon and report to the guild with the proof of victory.

Akabaru felt discontent with The Kingdom, he hadn't been there long but from what he had seen and what he had heard were depressing, the rulers were corrupt and incompetent so he asked Ainz to give a letter containing his hunt for a evil that the vampire had released going towards the mountains to the north..

From other sources Akabaru had heard that there lived people in the mountain range to the north, Akabaru and bleu planet had designed the fifth floor, because of their love of nature, that was so sparce outside of the game, mountain climbing was something that Akabaru never got to experience and as the wandering warrior that he was, he simply had to explore it.

He could take Yuri with him again, but she wasn't much of an explorer. He certainly had to bring Aura just because of her scouting ability, thinking about bringing other NPC's with him, but non really fit, he would discuss it with Ainz after he was done with that necromancer.


Shalltear was feeling down, after Akabaru had left she was questioned by Ainz about what she remembered - she remembered nothing about the attack – and if she felled off, both turned empty until she noticed that her pads were gone, and that she had exposed herself to her love but his response was to go to sleep, the failure.

She remembered the guardians asking her to be punished but…

Albedo was the first to speak, and then the other Guardians followed suit.

"Ainz-sama, please reprimand Shalltear sternly."

"That's right! Please give this dummy a good scolding!"


"You'll remember Ainz-sama's words of wisdom, won't you?"

"Al-Although, maybe it would be better not to be too strict... er, erm…"

"—Ha, hahaha."

Ainz had laughed and reassured her that it was not her fault.

At that time she didn't know what she had done but after Demiurge explained it to her she was terrified of her actions, and even with the reassurance that Ainz had brought her she felt she needed to be punished.

Shalltear was currently drinking away her guilt, Ainz had left right after reassuring her saying that he had other business to attend to and that there was a problem that needed solving, and Akabaru was still sleeping. He Had been for the last few days, and she couldn't help but feel more awful.

Not only had she attacked her lords, one was still recovering from his fatigue and the other didn't see that she was feeling sorrow.


Akabaru was walking on the nineth floor, looking for aa nice shop that had great food, he didn't want to go to the cafeteria because the last time he was send back with a maid bringing his food. As he passed the bar where sous-chef was working, he worked once a week so it wasn't strange to see him open on this day but someone was in there that he didn't expect.

Akabaru opened the doors and walked in.

"Shalltear, what might you be doing here?"


Shalltear turned around after hearing Akabaru's voice, seeing that him she quickly bowed.

"Akabaru-sama, I am so sorry!"

"Sorry for what Shalltear."

Akabaru was just about to order a drink, he knew that drinking in the morning was bat for your health, but he was stronger than before, and alcohol tasted better when served by sous-chef.

"For what I did to you!"

"You did something in my sleep?"

Shalltear looked more embarrassed

"No I am saying to please punish me for attacking you - Akabaru-sama and Ainz-sama."

"Ainz didn't see you as the guilty party and so do I so why would I punish you?"

"Because I feel guilty for betraying the Guild with my actions!"

Akabaru stayed silent thinking about how to react, she clearly found fault with herself so a assignment would do the trick, masking it as a punishment would help even more.

"I understand Shalltear, would you fetch Aura for me, if I hear any complaints than the punishment will be harder."

Akabaru decided to give her the assignment of retrieving Aura, he knew the two of them liked to argue so giving her the command that her punishment would get worse if it did would be a good beginning.

"Understood Akabaru-sama!"

Shalltear left after saying that teleporting via a portal to Aura's approximate location.

"Now sous-chef what do you recommend?"


Shalltear stepped out of her portal arriving to a construction site of sorts, spotting the closed demon in charge she heads there to ask were Aura is.

The demon responded that she would be at the main building that was being constructed, as she headed there she spotted her objective.

Shalltear approached Aura, who was enjoying her meal as it was already lunchtime, but Shalltear hesitated to talk.

"What are you standing around for Shalltear."

"Aura, I need you to come with me."

"Why would I do that, don't you see that I am busy completing the work Given to me by our lord in oppose to you."

"But Aura, you misunderstand I am on the orders of a supreme being. Akabaru-sama ordered me to bring you to him."

"Why didn't you say that immediately."

"Because Akabaru-sama ordered me not to interrupt your work."

"Am I working now Shalltear?"

"Could you just go through the gate?"


Aura stepped through the portal as Shalltear went in immediately after.


Seeing the gate open once again Akabaru apologise to sous-chef.

"I am sorry for the ruckus Sous-chef, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all my lord."

As Aura came through the portal Akabaru asked her the first question.

"How far are you along on your current project?"

"We are almost finished lord Akabaru, most of the things still under construction is the interior."

"That's great, Shalltear can you give us a moment?"

Shalltear nodded as she walked out of the bar for a second, Akabaru suspected that she could probably still hear them but that wouldn't matter.

"Aura would you be comfortable shouldering Shalltear for a while, as I am planning to go to the mountains and need a guide but for punishment shalltear will come along but be demoted to the same level as Blake."

"Are you sure lord Akabaru?"

"Yes.. you will be responsible for Blake and Shalltear while we search the mountains for the dwarven race that lives there."

"You mean Shalltear, as a pet or just on the same rank as one?"

"Yes, technically the same, you will be the trainer while I watch over her progress.. so do you agree?"

"If you command my lord, when will we leave?"

Akabaru pondered for a moment

"Well we will leave when Shalltear is ready and you are convinced that your job will be complete."

"I will handle it my lord."

Aura bowed ready to leave and finish her job

"Before you go how is Blake?"

"He is doing great he has grown quick and has even unlocked a rare class, making him a thunder bear."

"Can't wait to see him."

Aura took the gate back to the forest leaving you in the bar and Shalltear still outside. Akabaru beaconed her in as he began to speak.

"Did you understand all of that Shalltear?"

"I am sorry Akabaru-sama but I don't know what my role will be."

Akabaru let out a sigh

"You will be at the command of both Aura and me, you are only allowed to take action on command or you will be punished by Aura, she will be your trainer for the stay in the dwarfen mountains."

Shalltear started to breath heavier, as she imagined the scene.

"Understood, should I wear anything special. .or."